...for the children of the earth

Sunday 3 December 2023

2nd December 2023: Mercury enters Capricorn,5th December Venus enters Scorpio, 7th December: Neptune direct

Hi everyone!

Our Sagittarian horses are taking their time in the light of freedom.  There’s no rush as they replenish their bodies with the nutrients of Mother Earth and breathe in the air of new life which is now beginning to manifest.


Sagittarius breathes the light of freedom into humanity...3 stories of ‘freedom’

These past couple of weeks I’ve been aware of 3 stories in the world which reflect this freedom energy.  The first release of hostages from Hamas and Palestinian prisoners from Israel began just a few hours after Mars moved into Sagittarius.  The Sun was already showing the way. It’s not over yet, but it’s a ray of hope.


In Australia, after years of civil court action, the high court signified that immigrants held in detention should be released.  The release of these long term ’prisoners’ began last week too.  The fact that they have to be monitored with ankle bracelets seems a retrograde step (indigenous people in ankle chains?) which I trust will be rectified. It's not over yet, but it's a start. 


India:  Out of the tunnel of darkness into the light

Then we see 41 construction workers who have been trapped underground for two weeks in the Himalayas are freed with no loss of life and great jubilation thanks to the ingenuity and commitment of the rescuers and to the workers who remained hopeful of rescue.  A very Scorpio to Sagittarius story!



One and possibly two CMEs hit Earth's magnetic field on Dec. 1st, sparking a strong G3-class geomagnetic storm.  Auroras northern and southern hemisphere

The Aurora Australis sparkled across Australian skies last night and early this morning.

The light show was seen widely across Victoria, Tasmania, southern Western Australia, parts of South Australia and even in far western New South Wales.
It's rare to see an aurora in central inland parts, so those in New South Wales were in for a treat.✨


2nd December:  Mercury enters Capricorn 1:31 am AEDT

...the call of success! 

Rest & ruminate!

Until 23rd December: Moves into Sagittarius RX

Freeing the mind spirit:  To the mountain top of inspiration!

Capricorn’s earthy focus brings our attention to material manifestation in our world. Our minds are being aligned to reach for the pinnacle of earthly success and endeavours through harnessing of the mental powers.


So why are we resting on the mountain?

We’ve got a window of opportunity to apply our mental focus on our physical situation, unresolved issues of security, financial support for ourselves and our physical bodies. As we’ve got a Mercury retrograde period coming on 13th, we’ll have the time and space to tweak ideas and solutions until 2nd January.


In the creative, exploration process...with our brains trust!

Mercury is all ideas and possibilities, solutions and remedies which are begging exploration by our minds which need to work with our hearts, hopes and dreams. Venus moving into Scorpio on 4th will help with emergence of deep heartfelt desires.


The Sagittarian Sun and Mars are saying ‘go for it’! 
Our fire spirit is running hot but there needs to be room to move and adapt, to change our minds and to run free with the ideas and try not to pin down anything too much just yet.  It's time out with fruitful exploration of new potentials.


13th December:  Mercury retrograde at 8 degrees 29 Capricorn

2nd January Mercury direct at 22 degrees Sagittarius

15th January 2024: Mercury re-enters Capricorn


5th December:  Venus enters Scorpio 5:51 am AEDT

...into the cave of the heart!

Until 30th December

Heart opening and transformation:  Dive in to rediscover the power of deep love!

Venus moving into Scorpio will tap into our deepest heart’s desires and bring them into the light so we can marry with the mental exploration of physical problem solving and solutions. In Astrology, Venus rules love and money and Mercury rules communication and commerce. We need them to work together.


Open heart surgery:

Scorpio’s healing power of spiritual surgery is working with our hearts until the end of December through the festive celebrations and family gatherings across spiritual, religious and cultural belief systems.  The cultural power of this period is a powerful impetus for reconnection to our family, heritage and ancestry.


The power of intimate connection:  Opening hearts to joy...of partners, friends, family

However, Scorpio brings  the strong urge for deep intimacy in connecting with others.  Yes, it rules sexuality but the desire for intimacy covers all kinds of relationships demanding deep and meaningful relatedness.


For many, sexual connections are the closest they can  get to intimacy. Higher consciousness raises all our connections to a depth of love which encompasses all relationships.



7th December:  Neptune direct at 24 degrees 53 Pisces 12:22 am AEDT

...anchors away!

Out of the past:  Into new territory!

We’ve been travelling the Pisces memory banks for the past 6 months since 30th June reclaiming, recovering and uplifting the emotional energies of the past.  The desire for claiming spiritual mastery through re-experiencing what was buried, neglected, sidelined or ignored has been pushing us these past months. 


New visions, powerful mystical connections and emotional evolution!

The mystical energies of Neptune in his own sign of Pisces is with us long term from April 2011 to 2026 bringing broad changes across many years and generations.  The attitudes and values held in our emotional beings and in the collective are brought to the surface across humanity over and over again until we accept and integrate the divine emotional energies.


Growth of mystical communication:  Opening all new vistas and worlds!

From the unconscious of the ‘artist’ to the unconscious of the audience!

Pisces is the sign of the mystic offering communication channels via the artistic, music, art, dance and lyrical forms of literature such as poetry.  In many ways we are already utilising these visual, auditory and kinaesthetic expressions in a more dominant form across cultures.


What new artistic expressions will emerge from this time? 

Be open and receptive to the voice, visions and expressions of the soul inspiring new directions and learning in the artistic sphere.

Artists lead the way in forging new perspectives and uplifting visions.


Golden Oldies:

‘Sitting on top of the World’ The Carpenters lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUMAmI5YcBQ Mercury and Venus together


‘Only love can break a heart’ Gene Pitney with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgvHce-Cbe4 for Venus in Scorpio


‘Vincent’ Don McLean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxHnRfhDmrk with lyrics for Neptune turning direct in Pisces




Upcoming Dates:

13th December:  Mercury retrograde at 8 degrees 29 Capricorn at 6:09 pm AEDT

13th December:  New Moon in Sagittarius 10.32 am AEDT 20 degrees 40 Sagittarius

That’s all folks! 


Hugs all around!  Love and blessings


More messages of holding and building the energies for a little longer as we approach the end of 2023, our 7 year of deep spiritual work on the self in alignment with soul energy and commitment.


We’re on our way to the New Moon in Sagittarius as we continue integrating all the insights we received at the Full Moon and adjusting our energy field after the emotional releases that arose at Full Moon time.


We are still traveling in the lunar power of the Scorpio energy until we reach the New Moon in Sagittarius. The ‘death and dying’ of unresolved aspects within continues supported by the solar urges of Sagittarius to break out spiritually and rise up to the heights of divine truth and wisdom.


The call to freedom urges us on as the Sagittarian Sun lights up our learning and understanding of our own divine powers and capacity for creation with vision, optimism, exploration, discovery and expansion.


In Sagittarius, there is no limit...all are welcome!  So make the most of this fiery buoyancy as we continue to re-group within and without.  No aspect is lost when we are seekers of inclusion and oneness. Sagittarius is a seeker of truth, divine justice and knowledge of the self and humanity.


Love and blessings to us all as we harness our horses and take a walk along the shoreline with a trusty companion...our divine self.




from the chair...loving my horse


It's all about love
Divine Reunion  

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