...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 25 October 2011

New Moon in Scorpio 27th October 2011

Hi everyone!
How goes it all???  Need I ask?  The changes have flowed on over the past two weeks especially with Mercury and Venus both travelling together in Scorpio, the sign of deep change, death and rebirth.  Now, the Sun has just moved into Scorpio lending further weight to and emphasis upon deep change. 
Are you ready to rise like the Phoenix from the ashes?  This is what's on offer...all we have to do is say YES!!!
The planetary forces are lined up with each other supporting our determination to shift into a new way of living.  There is so much happening on a planetary scale, too much to include here.  However, I hope you get the drift and the major themes emerging. 
24th October:    Sun moved into Scorpio 5.30 am AEDT...life, death, rebirth...these are the themes for the next solar month. 
The brightest planetary body in our solar system shines its light into the darkness of our Scorpio hearts.  We all carry in some form this Scorpionic energy, some of us more than others.  Scorpio month is a time for us to enlighten ourselves in more ways than one, shedding the old skins, the old conditioning, the old belief systems, the emotional 'clag' of past unresolved issues.  Scorpio holds more than one emblem as its motif...the Scorpion who can sting, itself included, the Eagle as the evolved energy whose gaze is clear and direct (ever looked into the eyes of a strong Scorpio?...intense and relentless) and the Phoenix who has the capacity to regenerate and renew...what so many of us have been doing...until it rises from the ashes of its past existence. 
27th October:    New Moon in Scorpio at 3 degrees 03, 6.55 am AEDT ...the challenge for us to lift ourselves out of the depths and fly high...
At the New Moon, the Sun and Moon align on the same degree in the same sign.  However, the New Moon signifies the beginning of the lunar month and where we'll be focussing our attention...Scorpionic themes of deep change, letting go, resurrection and rebirth as well as the themes of big money (like stockmarket/investment) and intimacy with particular relevance for sexual intimacy. 
Warriors...time to put down the swords and spears...there is nothing to fear...just reconnection to love.
At this New Moon this last theme becomes more significant in terms of relationship with Mars (the masculine warrior energies)  in Leo challenging Venus (the feminine energies)  in Scorpio.  Saturn in Libra is positively aspecting Mars which brings a real sense of the opportunity for a rebalancing of our masculine/feminine energies whether within us and/or within intimate relationships (Venus in Scorpio).  The deep passion of Mars in Leo (all fire) is being tempered by the watery depths and mystique of the deep, intense feminine energies of Scorpio. 
Mercury (the communicator) is close to Venus in Scorpio supporting her in the communication of transformational feminine forces for change...surrendering to the flow of divine will.   The masculine warrior energy will be smitten and transported to a deeper level of understanding of love with the intensity of true intimacy...if we are willing. 
'the love of power beomes the power of love'.
Supporting all this masculine/feminine renewal will be Juno, the marriage/soul mate asteroid who will be close to the New Moon and the Sun in Scorpio.  With all this Scorpionic energy urging us to 'let go and let God', the inner marriage of our masculine/feminine has a real chance of coming into divine marriage.  You know that feeling 'will I/won't I', do I act or do I wait etc etc...just maybe this can be laid to rest.  There is no point in struggling with these change energies.  They are strong and compelling and mostly friendly.  The Venus/Mars square could throw us into some polarity consiousness until we put down the 'weapons of destruction'.   Juno is supported in her work of bringing us together by Chiron (the wounded healer) in Pisces...so we have an opportunity for collective healing of our emotions. (Pisces)
There is no time like the present....With Saturn involved there is a real sense that the rebalancing will be karmic involving past/present/future.  Saturn is the Lord of Karma and as Chronos, the Roman deity of time,  lends great energy for setting the record straight whether in this or other realities.  The universe is working with us.  Those of us working with 'past' lives/other realities, this is our time to bring outstanding issues into surrender to forgiveness of ourselves, others, the world.  The doors are open.
Keep letting go...Time to lay the ghosts of the past to rest.  Our willingness, determination, dedication and conviction can carry us forward at this time.  Great strength and courage is available to us through this Scorpio energy which supports facing the fears, completion, attention to all outstanding issues.  Nothing escapes the eagle. 
The ruler of Scorpio is Pluto (Lord of the Underworld) which is currently in Capricorn and at this New Moon is postively supported and expanded upon by Jupiter in Taurus.  This is the kind of energy which can bring forth the manifestation of our hopes and dreams....you know what I mean...heaven on earth...as above so below. 
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is:    A youth carries a lighted candle in a devotional ritual
This symbol reinforces the theme of commitment, dedication and  faith in your divine self and its connection to divinity.  Surrender to the higher authority within you and feel the love and acceptance filling your heart and mind. 
28th October:    the end of the Mayan Calendar...a shift in consciousness according to Dr Carl Calleman 
There's lots of speculation about how this new consciousness may manifest...if Calleman's correct in his calculations.  I can only liken the possible changes with the millenium shift.
However, we have evolved so much more since that time, so time will tell. 
The masses of the world are gradually waking up to demand equity.  The 'Occupy' movement will not go away as long as Uranus (the rebel) contintues to square/challenge Pluto (establishment, governments, systems, money systems, power brokers) and this will continue for the next 4 years.  Meanwhile, so many of us are working with internal equity...peace in the family home, in the heart, psyche and spirit.
Upcoming dates:
2nd November:        Venus moves into Sagittarius
3rd November:         Mercury moves into Sagittarius
11th November:       Full Moon in Taurus
                                      Mars moves into Virgo
Also:    11.11.11...a big stargate...new energies pouring into the planet...big spiritual focus!
My very best wishes to everyone in this amazing time of release, renewal and hopefully resurrection!
Love and blessings as always to my fellow travellers
 from the 'Scorpio' chair
...'me and my shadow'...is it time for a martini yet?
Remember, it's all about love

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