...for the children of the earth

Saturday 12 November 2011

Full Moon in Taurus 11th November 2011

Hi everyone!  When you wish upon a star...this time make a wish on this abundant full moon in Taurus!
Well, here we are coming up to the big stargate of 11.11.11.  I'm hoping that the influx of light energy won't be too painful.  For those of you doing the body work, you know what I mean.  Light 'hurts' when you bring it into the darker recesses of the body.  If you're a somatic (feels in the body) or empath (sensitivity to emotions) then you know what I mean. 
10th November:    Neptune turns direct in Aquarius...let's find out how we've elevated out of the denser energies.
Neptune has been retrograding since early June helping with reviewing and clearing spiritually, calling us into higher conciousness.  Aquarius calls us to lift our vision to the bigger picture of what's best for humanity.  Neptune calls for us to be fluid, connected to our spiritual selves and to the collective unconscious.  Early next year Neptune will be moving back into Pisces and joining once again with Chiron.  Let's hope it doesn't bring on more water disasters....floods, tsunamis as earlier this year when they came together. 
11th November:    Full Moon in Taurus at 7.16 am, 19 degrees Taurus opposite the Scorpio Sun...letting go/holding on
This is a fascinating Full Moon.  As always, Full Moons have the Sun in their opposite sign and therefore demand a balancing between the two forces, the inner and the outer.
Scorpio energy is all about letting go, transforming, dying, being reborn.  Scorpio also rules intimacy/sexuality and big money(Pluto energy). 
On the other hand, Taurus is very earthy, deeply embedded in the material world and attached to this material world.  Taurus doesn't want to let go.  It strongly identifies itself with this material world.
However, if we see the Sun (our worldly existence) in Scorpio, we're being called to let go of some aspect of this existence and our identification with it whereas the Moon in Taurus is calling us to get in touch with our emotions, our unconscious our untapped gifts and talents in relation to the worldly  Taurus side of us. 
Taurus is 'goddess' energy...fertile, abundant, earthy, rich in all the earthly treasures that flow from the connection to Mother Earth, to the divine energies of love and the sensuality of the earthly realm.  With this Full Moon we have a chance to call on our rich inner resources whether gifts, talents, self-worth, capacity to earn money and transform it into some new expression of ourselves in the world. 
Taurus asks us to acknowledge  and bring forth our capacities in the world by tapping into our unconscious inner realms.  You never know what you'll discover with this Full Moon providing you let go of the old 'outdated' parts of yourself. 
Yes, we can put out our wishes for abundance on all levels as we let go of the past.  The 'pot of gold', whatever that means for you is there and waiting for us all when we're ready to believe! The Taurus Full Moon is a perfect energy for calling on Mother Earth to uplift you.

From:    http://www.wisdom-of-astrology.com/:    The Sabian symbol for the Taurus Moon at 19* is: A new continent rising out of the ocean – the surge of new potentiality after the crisis.  What more beautiful image could we ask for than new land being created out of the Collective Unconscious (the ocean).  Perhaps this is the true West that all mystics have sought – the paradise on Earth we all long for and which we have the resources and capacity to create if we just leave the patriarchal, dominator, military-industrial complex paradigm behind.

11th November:  11.11.11 stargate...the opportunity for many of us across the world to focus together and bring in the positive energies of peace, love, abundance, equity, compassion, joy...the positive forces for change in our world...the new door opens!
So, we may well ask 'What is a stargate?'
A Star Gate is an information highway, a powerful stream of Light that carries Knowledge and Wisdom from Source to our lower four body system. Star Gates are like combination locks that when accessed deliver the keys and codes from Oneness that we require for our evolutionary journey. Like all combination locks, a Star Gate is accessed through numbers. The entire universe is made of numbers. Numbers are the fabric of our existence, and when these numbers align, and we become conscious of it, then the Star Gate opens and we can receive all that it has to offer.
We don't know how this stargate influx of light will impact on each of us.  Depends where we are in the growth of our consciousness.  The fact that people around the world will be tuning in on this day to pray for/ask for/manifest a change for the better for their own lives and for the world is big.  We all know the expression 'we create our reality'.  Well, we're doing it through intent and practice and awareness of living the dream from moment to moment. 
From all the messages, channelings I've read, the message is common.  This influx of light is about UNITY ...and LOVE
The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon (above) fits in beautifully. 
Messages Page:  Latest short message from Lauren Gorgo 'Transference: the reBirth' re 11.11.11 - the gist of it - ground the light energies through the Earth Star
11th November:     Chiron turns direct at 0 degrees Pisces...time to find out the effectiveness of our healing over the past 5 months
Chiron has been travelling retrograde since early June, a time of review and clearing up loose ends with respect to healing 'the wounds' and hurts, not just for ourselves but for the wider collective consciousness and humanity. (Pisces energy and Aquarian ideals).  Our personal healing has been strongly 'plugged in' to the emotional and mental processes of the wider healing of our local, national and global communities.  Increasing access to social media channels of interaction has drawn us deeper into the exchange of ideas and greater knowledge of what's really happening 'out there' and what is hurting/harming, concerning those far beyond our usual reach. 
12th November:    Mars moves into Virgo...for the next 8 months! ...usually about 6 weeks. 
                                                                 Balance action and stillness! 
What a great energy to come in with the full moon energy!  Virgo is the sign of the healer...just what our inner wounded male warrior (Mars) needs.  Now Mars is incredibly energising and in Virgo we'll be inclined to want to go 'full bore' in getting our lives in order.  Remember to take it easy as it's a real test of how well we've healed that 'do or die' energy of Mars which has exhausted so many of us.  However, I'm sure many of us will be putting our lives into 'order', maybe a new kind of order over these coming months.  Mars gives fire, enthusiasm, courage and risk taking.  It's difficult to hold this energy back from racing into things with confidence and on impulse.  So remember to take a deep breath before you plunge into something new (Mars energy) and pace yourself so you can complete the project/commitment.  Sometimes, Mars burns out and runs out of steam.   
Mars moving into Virgo will be lining up in a challenge with Chiron in Pisces as they come into opposition.  This creates an even bigger healing energy, across the collective unconscious.  We have a chance to heal and close the wounds of our masculine energies.  Fire, anger, fighting, irritation and frustration are all energies which will be addressed by this combination. The main impact will be a week or two after this time (12th).  However, you may have experienced its affect over the past few days.  Fighting just does not work anymore.  It's all about surrender. 
Well folks, that's about it for now.  Sorry this is a little late getting out to you.  Need to pace myself.
Upcoming Dates:
22nd November:    Sun into Sagittarius
24th November:     Mercury in Sagittarius turns retrograde for 3 weeks
25th November:     New Moon in Sagittarius and partial Solar eclipse
26th november:      Venus moves into Capricorn
All good wishes to you my fellow travellers for this Full Moon and 11.11.11.  Who knows what lies ahead for us all...that pot of gold is waiting!  Miracles for all...it's time!
Love and blessings
 from the Scorpio chair!
It's all about love

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