...for the children of the earth

Thursday 24 November 2011

New Moon in Sagittarius 25th November 2011

Hi everyone!
How are you all travelling following the 11.11.11 download of light energy.  This is ongoing.  You may or may not be feeling the influence of this light...depends on where you are and your focus at this time.  Since 11.11.11 I've felt a real fluctuation in energies...up and down...as unresolved energies come up for resolution followed by an upliftment until the next wave comes through.  It's all personal.  I guess the main thing is that the cleansing is happening whether or not you know about it.
Mars in Virgo...angry warriors of the sword become spiritual warriors! 
Anger, resentment and frustration have come up for healing!
However, you are more than likely feeling the affects of the energy of Mars (the body)  in Virgo (healing earth energy) in a positive flowing energy with Pluto (deep cleansing) in Capricorn (earth energy) and Jupiter (expansion) in Taurus (more earth energy).   This is what we call a Grand Earth Trine and represents an opening up of these energies with each other. We tend to think that a trine will always feel fantastic.  However, it can open the doors on unresolved energies and in earth signs and with Mars involved, these unresolved energies may well surface within ourselves and our body as well as in the general earth energies...manifesting in 'what's happening out there' on the global scene.   We just have to watch the changes or attitudes of the masculine energies of the 'old order' ...captains of industry, powerful empires, heads of government, power brokers of all kinds (men and women alike).  With Saturn in Libra, there for the long haul until the end of next year, negotiation, compromise and balance are  called for. 
We're being called to transform the behaviours of past times...King Arthur's knights working with the higher ideals in the energy of oneness and unity...laying down the swords of retribution and destruction.  They had the ideals of goodness, honour and chivalry but directed their energies to the destruction of Islam. 
23rd November:    Sun moves into Sagittarius...oh happy day!  It's the good times!   A lightening up of the intensity of Scorpio time.
Sagittarius energy is such a welcome relief after Scorpio time which is watery, deep, intense, emotional and demanding.  The Sun follows Venus and Mercury already established and working together in this optimistic expansive energy.  We're likely to feel an easing up, a holiday like atmosphere.  Take time to enjoy and celebrate life.  It's going to be easier to look on the bright side of life, to feel optimistic about the future.  Dream and dream big. 
We won't really feel the fullness of this energy until after the New Moon comes in as we're currently in the dark of the moon (the three days before the New Moon) when we release what is old, access 'the void',  empty out.  Coming to the end of the Scorpio solar month on 23rd and the Scorpio lunar month on Friday, we may well feel the 'death' throes of these past weeks of transformation.  Trust the heaviness to lift as we say goodbye to another chapter in our book.
Sagittarius's astrological symbol is an arrow and part of a bow symbolising truth and aspiration, so let's take focus and shoot for the stars!  Sagittarius is the energy where we are called to transform the lower, base instincts into the higher mind.  The Sagittarian symbol is the centaur, half man, half horse...both sides need incorporation for us to be whole. 
24th November:    Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius until 14th December...pigeon post applies to all communication.
We all know the energies of this transit...delay, misunderstanding, miscommunication, misinformation, breakdowns in talks, transport, technology, commercial concerns etc
With Mercury in Sagittarius (rules foreign places and foreign travel) the focus could well be on overseas travel delays, satellite breakdowns affecting communication of all kinds.
It will be interesting to see what happens with Qantas during this period.  Check out Yasmin Boland's take on Alan Joyce's battle at http://www.yasminboland.com/2011/10/alan-joyce-pluto/
There's no point in railing against the impact of Mercury retrograde time...grin and bear it...it's just the way things are!
Preventative measures:   
double check all arrangements, appointments, bookings, what people are saying.
have all equipment in working order, like mobile phones/batteries and take with you when you travel;  also cars serviced etc
be aware of times and allowing extra time for travel, confusion with times
25th November:    New Moon partial solar eclipse in Sagittarius at 5.09 pm AEST, 3 degrees Sagittarius
...freedom calls to us...are you ready? 

Now the New Moon follows the Sun into Sagittarius.  The New Moon sets the lunar energy focus for the next month and because the moon is about our inner subconconscious mind, intuition and emotions we'll be accessing some of those inner Sagittarian qualities of wisdom and the search for truth. 

However, at the New Moon the Sun is aligned on the same degree so the Sun is working in tandem with the Moon which means the freedom loving Sagittarian Sun will be calling us out to PLAY! Not only that...we have the support of Mercury and Venus (until the next day) in Sagittarius too...it really is party time with all this line up.
Now all this sounds wonderful and there's no reason why it can't be unless you go into 'fight' mode as this New Moon is under challenge from Mars in Virgo opposing Chiron (the wounded healer) in Pisces which is also challenging the New Moon.  The challenge is...can we make steps into freedom, truth and wisdom. leaving behind the emotional, psychic and physically manifested wounds of the past????  The lineup and support in Sagittarius is strong enough to pull us through if we're ready.
From Kelley Rosano at www.lightworkers.com:
Chiron, the wounded healer, also depicted as Centaur, is squaring–challenging–the Solar Eclipse. Mars in Virgo squares the Sun and Moon, forming a mutable T-Square, empowering us to move away from ego-centered fighting and competition. We are to move into heart-centered living and replace criticism and judgment with compassion. We want to keep the focus on the big picture. We are the 99%. We hold the light. We are the power. We are creating the New Earth. We are in this vast transformation together. We are not separate from each other—illusion. We Are One. We are all divine sparks of Source. We are cells in the body of Gaia creating reality.
The eclipse:    Eclipses are about change...a solar eclipse brings in change in our outer world, our physical existence.  Once again, the fiery energy, enthusiasm and optimism of Sagitarius calls us on our path to freedom...what does that mean to you?  The New Moon brings the inner freedom which will flow into our outer world.  From this eclipse to the Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 11th December, we are travelling in a dimension where time barriers melt away and where the only constant is change.  Set your intentions for the New Moon and allow your own personal 'tardis' to take you on the journey!  Eclipses are in play for up to the next 6 months.  Sometimes, changes come in a month later so allow things to work out in their own good time.  With Sagittarius energy we're going from a portable TV to a movie screen!!!  What a picture!
Visibility of the eclipse:
On Nov. 25th the Moon will pass in front of the sun, slightly off-center, producing a partial solar eclipse visible from Antarctica, Tasmania, and parts of South Africa and New Zealand. Maximum coverage occurs about 100 miles off the coast of Antarctica where the sun will appear to be a slender 9% crescent. www.spaceweather.com
26th November:    Venus moves into Capricorn..until 14th December...the expression of love and beauty becomes very grounded and practical.
Capricorn is also about commitment, structure and system so relationships could well be focussed on clearing the decks for deepening the commitment.  However, with Venus coming to a meeting with Pluto (cleanser, transformer) within the week, there's likely to be the opportunity to access buried (Pluto) emotions which can bring about a deep heart healing. This applies to all, whether single or in partnership.  With Mercury retrograde, remember to LISTEN...to yourself and any significant others. 
Capricorn wants RESPECT and HONOUR.  Be aware of mixed messages. 
Broken hearts can be healed this week, especially with Mars and Jupiter helping Pluto.
Upcoming Dates:
10th December:    Uranus in Aquarius 'stations'direct/at a standstill and preparing to move forward
11th December:    Full Moon in Gemini...a full lunar eclipse
14th December:    Mercury moves forward
Well folks, that's it from me!  Hoping it all goes well for you and you are moving forward to your goals and aspirations, hopes and dreams.
This New Moon is really calling us to be the joyful pilgrims on a whole new adventure...let's step out!!!
As always, love and blessings to my fellow pilgrims.
from the chair...nearly out of the shadows!
Is it time for a cocktail yet???...maybe tomorrow!
It's all about love

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