...for the children of the earth

Sunday 29 July 2012

Hi everyone!
Welcome to the Lion’s Gate portal!
I felt the need to send out this information, although I know that many of you are already aware of this alignment. 
This year, the alignment carries extra weight as we wind down our ‘old’ lives, slowly dying off to the energies of this lifetime, experiencing the shifts and turns of the ongoing recalibration of our cellular structure, trusting that a process is underway which is bringing us to the new energy which will carry us forward into our new soul’s mission.
Tired? I know that many of us are experiencing endings, flatness, ongoing tiredness no matter how much sleep we’ve had.
No, it’s not sitting up watching the Olympics
The old passions, goals, stimulations cannot hold us as we reach for something more aligned with our hearts and minds. We don’t know what...yet! If you do know, well and good. Not all of us are going through these change processes.
You may have been experiencing the healing energies of chills, sweats.
We’re still in Mercury retrograde period, so take time to rest, contemplate, meditate, to be alone (if possible) and to really chill out. All we have to do is DIE...peacefully.
The Lion’s Gate Portal: Keep open heart’s and minds and allow the old to just ebb away...
We are now inside the solar month of Leo. The 23rd of July(AEST) marked the entry of the Sun into Leo until late August. We are now inside an earth portal known by the ancient Egyptians as the Lion’s gate.
The 25th/26th July this past week marked the end of 2012...by this ancient Egyptian calendar aligned with Sirius. According to Celia Fenn, who has been writing about this for years, we are completing our soul’s work this lifetime.
I certainly feel this ‘dying to the old’ energy is happening astrologically as we shift consciousness and recalibrate physically, moving towards the portal at the end of 2012, between 12.12.12 and 21.12.12.
The 8.8.2012 is regarded as a significant date within the month, the opening of the ‘lion’s gate’, a portal of energy available for the shifting of consciousness. This year, it’s also the date when Mercury moves direct at 1 degree Leo!!! A fresh start for our heart energy!
The Dog Days of August
The Lion's Gate is also known as "The Dog Days of August". It is said to be an activation portal, because of the energy generated by our Sun's alignment with the the Star Sirius, this has been regarded throughout ancient times.

The following is an article I found which pertains to the positioning of the sun and it's alignment with the Sirius star systems, during July 23rd to August 24th.
There are many other articles. If you (the reader) felt compelled enough - I'm sure you can do some googling on it yourself.

(1.) "The Lion's Gate is the most powerful stargate that activates Earth's energy field. It was known to the ancient Egyptians, and they celebrated their New Year on about the 26th of July. This celebration was marked in the skies by the "heliacal rising" of Sirius. This is the time when Sirius rises in conjunction with the early morning sun. It is visible as a bright star as the sun rises. It was an alignment of the sun and Sirius that was understood to be the herald for new life and abundance in Egypt..."

"This event is also concurrent with the movement of the Sun into the Fifth House of the Zodiac, Leo, the Solar sign of Creativity and Passion. This is why it is called the Lion's Gate. Leo, or the constellation of the Lion, guarded the entrance to the Sirius Stargate."
For further information, there is a 40 minute video clip from Celia Fenn in Latvia at: http://www.starchildglobal.com/
The star Sirius: This is the fixed star Sirius, the brightest star in our sky. It is known as the blue star because of it’s appearance and the ‘dog’ star because of it’s placement in the constellation ‘canis major’.
Lots of information on the net.
Of course, Wikipedia gives an outline of Sirius’ significance to some of our ancient societies and spiritual practices: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius
Sirius is also known colloquially as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major (Greater Dog).[12] The heliacal rising of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile in Ancient Egypt and the "dog days" of summer for the ancient Greeks, while to the Polynesians it marked winter and was an important star for navigation around the Pacific Ocean.

The colour blue: I thought that the Opening of the Olympic Games was interesting in the lighting...electric blue/turquoise(communication, peace, divine will). Then, lots of pink, shades of pink fireworks (unconditional love) Also, the golden, fiery yellow shades we associate with fire and Leo energy(heart’s desire, passion). Colour brings energy into our beings. Check out aura soma some time. http://www.aura-soma.net/index.asp?Q=peace_to_all_beings_may_they_be_well_and_happy_and_free_from_fear_peace_to_all_beings_may_they_be_well_and_happy_and_free_from_fear&BT=1&PT=1&BG=00&PID=33&SID=2&ST=1&LID=1
The Aquarius Full Moon comes in on 2nd so will be mailing out within a day or two...all being well.
As always, love and blessings to all,
from the chair
...letting go, swinging in space..
It’s all about love

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