...for the children of the earth

Sunday 15 July 2012

New Moon in Cancer 19th July 2012

Hi everyone! Do you want to play a game???
The theme for the coming month is ‘Coming Home’...to yourself...to life!!!
Golden Oldies:
John Denver: ‘Country roads take me home to the place I belong’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN86d0CdgHQ
Simon and Garfunkel: ‘Homeward Bound
‘Homeward Bound,
I wish I was,
Homeward Bound,
Home where my thoughts escaping,
Home where my music’s playing,
Home where my love lies waiting
Silently for me’
What’s been happening?...Coming and going like the Cheshire Cat!
Lots of endings, dying off of ‘the old’ energies as we reacclimatise after the eclipses of May/June. Yes, they brought endings and the promise of beginnings. We’ve been coming and going like the proverbial Cheshire cat! Where do we begin and end??? What’s going and what’s coming???
The physical recalibration has been continuing and the masculine energy is continuing to be a healing focus until the end of July. Hopefully it hasn’t been as challenging for you since Mars moved into Libra on 3rd July. See attached article ‘On Purpose’ for more info on the recalibration.

13th July: Uranus retrograde in Aries
from 8 back to 4 degrees until mid December...
awakening to a new perspective...freedom!
Uranus has only just gone retrograde until December this year...a good stretch of time when Uranus wakes us up to new perspectives, a more evolved vision! New solutions to old problems are highly likely...if we listen.
Uranus is radical, rebellious energy and is here to help us break out of the confines of our limited thinking and fixed obsessional one-tracked living!
Uranus calls us to find our unique selves, what is particularly peculiar to us, what sets us apart from the masses. This is the jewel in our own personal crown, the jewel which is our guiding light to finding success, fulfilment and abundance on all levels of existence. Uranus in Aries is giving us the courage to dare to be different, to walk to the beat of our own drum. Are you ready???
Tune in to your very own ‘field of dreams’:
Retrograde energy is calling us to wake up,
 look at ourselves and listen to the higher mind of Uranus!
Our ‘field of possibilities’ floats ‘out there’ in the universe awaiting our attention. Each balloon of an idea is ours to take hold of when the time is right. We don’t have to fulfil all these possibilities, or to act on them all at once. These next few months, whilst Uranus is retrograde, we’re being invited to tune in to our heart’s desire as manifesting in our divine mind.
Just reach up and grab hold of ‘the balloon of possibility’ which beckons, which is the most insistent...and bring it down to earth. One possibility will lead to another!
Be spontaneous! Dare to feel excitement and exhilaration: Aries energy wants us to take action with resolution, vigour and speed! However, in the retrograde period, especially the next 3 weeks of Mercury retrograde, it is best to channel the fiery urgency into passionate commitment and to expand and grow the idea. It will take off when the time is right...maybe even immediately.
 Be prepared for the unexpected, sudden changes and disruptions to the status quo...both personally and globally!
The Uranus/Pluto square which is an ongoing disruptive influence, on and off till 2015, is breaking down barriers of resistance to change for the better. Established ways of living and established systems of business and government are being broken down so that more equitable systems of management can be initiated. It’s a long term process.
15th July: Mercury retrograde in Leo
until 8th August 12.16 pm 
Time seems to slow down...
patience, calm, go with the flow! Let’s play!
It may seem as though just as we’ve started to get things moving we get a Mercury retrograde period which slows us down a little...however, this is likely to be a good time to review, reconsider, contemplate the current course of action.
You’re likely to find this Mercury retrograde period more auspicious than irritating as it’s getting us in touch with the child energy, creativity and romance. With Mercury extending its time in Leo until early September, we have the time and energy to devote to creative pursuits.
An ideal time for reviewing, completing, polishing creative projects: With Mercury retrograde in Leo, this could be an auspicious time for digging out creative projects which have been on the back burner, in the filing cabinet, put aside to be completed later.
Mercury in Leo...writing/communicating with child-centred themes will benefit: Creativity is the order of the day. In particular, projects involving communication of all kinds, children’s writing and/or child centred creative projects.
Romance: Also, the likelihood of past romantic interests to be revisited, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually. Plenty to talk about with romantic interests. Possibility of work on romantic writing...review writing pieces/stories in the romantic style.
Influence on communication, travel, technology, plans, arrangements, commerce:
...pigeon post applies!...Keep calm, remain aware...double check all arrangements, vehicles, machinery, technology, conversations etc etc etc!
Communication – miscommunications, arrangements, meetings
Mechanical – possible breakdowns
Technological hitches, breakdowns
Travel – delays, confusion, traffic jams
Commerce – delays, hitches
If there were ever a Mercury retrograde period to look forward to, this is it as Mercury will be very well aspected throughout most of the retrograde period
Retrograde Mercury in Leo will be particularly helped by Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries which is great news for Mercury-ruled Geminis and Virgos who have been battered for 8th months by Mars prolonged transit through Virgo. Minds (Mercury) will be innovative (Uranus) and creative (Leo). People will think (Mercury) courageously (Mars). Ideas will be fresh, with Gemini and Virgo leading the way.
All the regular cautions apply. Don’t sign papers if possible, etc. Do go back and touch up any written work, chat with your neighbors (Mercury) or their children (Leo). Experiment (Uranus) creatively (Leo), especially in the realm of writing and communication. Mars is involved here so those who exert themselves will make the most of the period.
The first two weeks of the retrograde period are best. Jupiter and Venus are also in Mercury-ruled Gemini so all the thinkers out there – rejoice!
19th July: New Moon in Cancer 26 degrees 55 Cancer 2.24 pm AEST
...at home and at ease! 
Birthing our emotional selves into a new energy!
             Come home to you!
The moon is all about emotions, particularly significant at this New Moon as the Moon rules Cancer. New Moons are always about a fresh start for the next month and for the next year in terms of the Cancerian energy. Yes, in terms of the lunar month, we are still working with the nurturing ‘mothering’ energy being called to get in touch with those energies...people, places, experiences...which nurture us, which nourish us and bring us to live fully in our own lives.
Questions arising at this New Moon are concerned with a sense of belonging: Do you belong in your life???
Are you at home with yourself? your life? family? physical home? general sense of wellbeing?
What energies do you need to encourage, contact, incorporate which will bring a deep, abiding joy and sense of wellbeing? These are energies which ENERGISE you!
Which energies need to be released over the coming month/year? These are the energies which deplete us, drag us down, drain us of life force.
The more we contact the energising forces, the easier it is to let go of the depleting energies. So the emphasis now is on bringing in the new energies and new ideas!
New Moon squaring/challenging Saturn in Libra: the impetus to bring harmony and balance into home and partnerships!
Come home to yourself!
This New Moon is really going to call us home to ourselves and to bring harmony, peace, love and balance back to our lives. 
Saturn is insistent and in Libra, is demanding karmic justice and balance be restored to ourselves and to the planet. Saturn completes its 2 plus years in Libra in early October. The push for justice(Libra) in relationships of all kinds, both personally and globally, has been demanding and intense as Saturn brings us to accept personal responsibility and to take our authority in the world.
This next few months will see the planetary forces offering us ways and means for us to step up to the plate and take new directions which will fulfil ourselves and our planetary evolution. Note how many ‘injustices’ in the world are being put right and will continue to do so. For example, Lindy Chamberlain, Schapelle Corby. Watch out for Julian Assange resolution!
The page ‘Uranus Retrograde’ has a paragraph on Saturn moving into Scorpio. I will be writing more on this as the time gets closer.
At the New Moon: Mars triggering the Uranus/Pluto square...issues of personal and universal power and energy are brought to the fore! WAKE UP TO YOU!
Expect to feel the fire in the belly as new insights and possibilities are ignited, exploding the illusions and myths of the past and catapulting us into the dimension called ‘our authentic, passionate selves’!
There will be an urge and impetus to take immediate action. If it’s about creative projects, good. Insights could well involve partnerships and resolving imbalances in partnerships of all kinds...marriage, friendship, business. This could well relate to your place of employment, relationship to employer and the nature of your work. With Mercury retrograde in Leo, the inner child is calling us to PLAY. This is a positive energy calling us out of the forest of darkness. Just take your time with taking drastic action. Any possibilities/opportunities are not going away!
The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 27* Cancer is: A violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes. This symbol refers to a confrontation between our social norms and Nature. This kind of intense energy can destroy superficial, materialistic world-views which are out of alignment with Nature. And it reminds us that as we face the karmic crisis of a depleted environment and a soul-less society, we have to change our values - or rather, begin to live by those values we say we believe in. Our expensive houses and comfortable way of life will do us no good unless we work with Nature, and our own human nature, not against her.
22nd July: Sun moves into Leo at 8.01 pm AEST... Time to lighten up! Time to play! Our ‘child’ calls ‘Come out, come out, wherever you are!’
The Sun rules Leo, so at this time of year, the Sun’s energy is enhanced and enlivened. It’s all about creativity, children, romance. Leo time is such a change from Cancerian energy of the last month where we’ve been saturated in the emotions, the emotional energy of the mothering/self-mothering energy, issues of emotional security, the home and the childhood memories. Cancer challenges us to go deep whereas Leo calls us to fire up the playful, joyful inner child.
This Leo time will work beautifully with Mercury (communication) retrograding through Leo as anything to do with lighthearted communication, communication with, for or about children, is enhanced. Also, romantic communication/connections can be positively reviewed, ‘rewritten’(from the past) re-communicated.
Even with Mercury retrograde, Leo puts a positive spin on everything!
On a personal level, it’s time to SHINE the light on yourself and uncover your deepest and most cherished desires...what brings you JOY!
See yourself as that child saying ‘this is ME!’
Songs for Leo time: ‘May the Long Time Sun’, Snatam Kaur...
Also, for the inner child: ‘The Sun shines on everyone’, Snatam Kaur... about 8 to 9 minutes, but great pics of children!
New Pages to the right:
‘Uranus Retrograde’- astrologer Salvador Russo..lengthy but captures the essence of upcoming changes
‘On Purpose’ – Lauren Gorgo...reinforces much of what has been written above, aligning with the astrological forces of next few months!
Upcoming Dates:
2nd August: Full Moon in Aquarius 1.27 PM AEST at 17 degrees Aquarius
7th August: Venus moves into Cancer until 7th September
8th August: Mercury moves direct in Leo
That’s it for the time being everyone!
Slow down a a little, take your time with everything, reconsider, review and regroup...take a breather! And PLAY!!!
Love and blessings to all
from the chair
It’s all about love


  1. Learn more of what really happened to Schapelle Corby the day she flew from Brisbane to Bali at http://www.expendable.tv

  2. Thanks Diane
    An interesting site. The lynch mob/scapegoat pathology is still very much embedded in our world. However, I am optimistic that the ongoing revelations of facts and truth by growing numbers of journalists and truth seekers, will continue to awaken the masses to misinformation. Of course, education is the key...and I mean education without propaganda. It's not easy for people to discern truth from opinion without the development of critical thinking skills. The current 'makeover' of the mass media will, I imagine, lead to many more small, independent media outlets on the net. It's just the beginning.
