...for the children of the earth

Saturday 22 September 2012

Hi everyone!
What a balancing act we’ve been doing!
And will continue to do for some weeks as the Sun moves into Libra on 23rd September. The Libran Sun promises a welcome support while we move through this time of turbulence which is likely to be simmering through to the Aries Full Moon on 30th September - which will carry a punch!
What’s been happening: The bubbling cauldron of discontent
Well, it’s been quite obvious that the Uranus/Pluto square has really been triggering the outburst of simmering tensions in the public arena, most evident in the Islamic demonstrations of anger around the world. These issues have not been resolved and are likely to remain on the boil for some time to come.
In Australia, the gay marriage debate came to a head as Mercury in Libra (marriage/partnerships) opposed Uranus in Aries squaring Pluto. The establishment is being challenged in many ways, but it all comes back to individual values vs societal norms.
Personal tensions: time-bombs ticking! These tensions reaching a ‘blow out’ have also had their influence on the personal level in relationships of all kinds, as long term irritations and frustrations come to the point of resolution. For some, it has been a period of chaos which seems to have come out of nowhere.
What’s ahead:
Personal and karmic balancing and resolution in relationships:   
Intensification until 8th October...justice will be served!
We’re in the final weeks of Saturn in Libra where it has been for the past 3 years. These final weeks there’s an intensification of energy in these areas as issues of imbalance seek resolution.
If it feels like the relationships are bringing up long standing issues, trust that this is the perfect time for resolution. Just remember that the Uranus/Pluto square/challenge is bringing up ‘junk’ from the deepest part of the psyche and from the earth itself. We really are being called to ‘own’ our ‘stuff’, whether manifesting on the personal level and/or in resolution of our karmic commitment.
The clash...Individual vs status quo: Its all about freedom and oppression with a personal drive for new ways of being which can fulfil individual desires challenging the status quo, the deeply embedded core values of ‘the system’, the establishment, the structure that has been in place up to now.
The structure? - can be one which has been operating within a relationship, partnership, the family, the culture, the society, the religion, the government, industry etc. etc. In fact, anything that has been accepted as established as a ‘fixed’ tradition, beyond question, is now being questioned...if it needs to be changed for the better.
One on one relationships can be reformulated, reconstructed, deconstructed, come to a new ideal and way of operating. Keep talking and negotiating new ways of being, relating whilst Mercury is in Libra until 6th. Peace can reign again in our hearts, minds and lives if we make the most of these energies and defuse the time bomb that has been ticking away inside.
23rd September: Sun moves into Libra 12.49 am AEST
...the goal is peace, harmony, divine grace
...and partnership!
Libran time can be a blessed release from the cares of the world as we feel called to make peace through attaining equilibrium, balance and agreement with ourselves as well as in all one on one relationships.
Libra wants peace at all costs and will do everything to negotiate, sort out any problems which may be creating disharmony. However, ironically, this may demand creating disruption of the status quo in order for issues to be flushed out of hiding. Libra will do anything to restore balance...that’s it’s ‘job’. Libran energy is peacemaking through negotiation, heart-to-heart talking.
Libra is ruled by Venus and that’s all heart, gentle feminine energy that seeks harmony, peace and the vision of the beautiful and artistic. 
I chose the swans as a perfect symbol for this Libran time. They reflect harmony, balance, grace and finding the beauty of true self. Remember the story of ‘The Ugly Duckling’?
They also mate for life and this reflects very much the Libran energy which rules all one-on-one committed and long-term relationships, whether friendship, business or marriage. As a pair, they are fiercely territorial which relates to what I said above...disrupting the apparent peace to bring real peace.

We’re likely to welcome the Libran Sun which will help us to mop up after the fallout of last week’s Uranus/Pluto challenge. Mercury is still in Libra, helping us with the dialogue of peace. We’re more likely feel prepared to negotiate with ourselves and others.

Full Moon in Aries on 30th: Explosive, electric, clearing and awakening! Seeing red, feeling red, clearing base chakra energy!
Try to clear up as much as possible before the Full Moon energies start impacting on us from the 27th September. 
The Full Moon in Aries on 30th will carry a powerful punch with the Full Moon sitting with Uranus, both in Aries and still squaring Pluto. Unresolved emotional energies are likely to be explosive, sudden and electric. It’s not all bad as the Full Moon energy promises to bring a major clearing of blockages and with that an accompanying aha! experience.

There is no special significance attached to this next section being in a different font, colour and in capitals.  It seems to have a mind of its own and I haven't learnt how to control this...yet!

23rd September, The Equinox: The movement of the Sun into Libra marks the Equinox (Spring in Southern hemisphere/Autumn in Northern) and a significant turning point of the year, marking the midpoint between the June and December solstices.

It marks the day when there is equal balance between day and night.



What’s the energetic significance of the Equinox: Make a wish, set an intention, ask for assistance! Invoke peace and harmony!

The equinoxes, like the solstices, are traditionally regarded as magical days of the year, signifying a whole new energy coming in to act upon us for the next quarter. It’s regarded as a time, like the solstice, when the veil between the worlds is thinner. It’s a great time to light a candle, make a wish, make a commitment and call in the cosmic forces to support you on your journey.

It marks the beginning of the last quarter of 2012, taking us to that ‘date with destiny’, the solstice, on 21st December, 2012. The next quarter promises change and possible chaos for many as the energies are accelerating us into our deepest desires!


The Brotherhood of Man: ‘United we stand, divided we fall and if our backs should ever be against the wall, we’ll be together, together...you and I’


Get into the flow of the Libran energy to be ready for the Full Moon! United we stand!
For all the Australian fans of ‘The Swans’ AFL team, including my family: I chose the Swans symbol some time ago, not realising that the AFL Grand Final will be played on the Full Moon in Aries. I don’t follow the football. I just love the synchronicity of this life!
For all these supporters/family, including my mum and dad, now passed on, ‘Go the Swans’!
Upcoming Dates:
30th September: Full Moon in Aries
4th October: Venus into Virgo
5th October: Saturn into Scorpio
6th October: Mercury into Scorpio
8th October: Mars moves into Sagittarius until 17th November
That’s it folks!
Make the most of this week because next week promises to be ongoing planetary changes following on from the Full Moon. Hang on to your hats...or rather, take refuge from any storms raging whether within or without. 
Remember the old 60’s slogan ‘Make love, not war!’

Love and blessings as always

from the chair, staying protected under my little brolly!

It’s all about love

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