...for the children of the earth

Friday 28 September 2012

Full Moon in Aries 30th September 2012

Hi everyone!
What a busy week ahead with all this planetary activity! I’ve kept this update to the Full Moon as it’s big energy.
With the Full Moon, we have the contrasting energies of the peaceful Libran Sun opposing the volcanic emotional energy of the Aries Full Moon! The build up over this week promises to be intense as other planetary forces come in to play their part.
However, 4 days after the Full Moon we have a series of planetary changes from 4th to 8th October, so I’ll send another planetary update after the Full Moon. Small bite sized pieces of information are often more digestible when processing major change.
What’s been happening: Hearts being restored after open heart surgery...closure/completion/resolution of relationship issues
Chances are there’s been a focus on one-on-one relationships since the Sun moved into Libra on 23rd, compounded by a square/challenge from Mars in Scorpio to Venus in Leo this week. The masculine/feminine energies have been brought to the fore with lots of rebalancing, reconnecting and restructuring, rebuilding of new foundations.
Past relationship energies brought to peace: It doesn’t matter if you’re not in a committed intimate relationship, as this sorting, re-evaluating process is happening on the esoteric and astral planes of other realities/past lives/frozen memories, as resistance is being swept away by the above energies combined with Saturn’s final few weeks in Libra. 
In the past month, you may have experienced clearance in dreams of past partners and/or anyone with whom you have/have had a one-on-one relationship. This could be business partners, family members, close friendships as well as partners. Don’t be surprised if you unexpectedly meet, contact/are contacted by someone significant from the past. Reconnections or peaceful completions are possible.
Limitations/restrictions on relationships being released: We’re on a date with destiny as we move towards the culmination of the three year passage of Saturn through Libra. Committed relationships have been confined, restricted, more than likely out of reach for many as we brought our masculine/feminine energies into balance.
Our masculine warrior selves are coming to peace, returning to strength: In particular, this year we’ve spent months with our Mars/masculine energies constrained by the healing power of Virgo, restrained by the retrograde energies, karmically balancing the history of our lives on this planet, the history of this planet. Mars has been in rehabilitation and is being released from this spiritual re-training program Saturn’s move is the key to this. How far we come will emerge with Saturn in Scorpio.
Do or die...freedom calls!: Time to get off the cross of restriction! So, we’re in the final throes, the last couple of weeks, of this restructuring, rebuilding, refinement of the balancing process. The proof of our process will likely manifest when Saturn moves into Scorpio on 8th October. This offers a last ditch effort to shift a huge amount of resistance and baggage about the relationship issues.
Physical challenges: We’ve had some alleviation from all the solar activity and disturbance to the magnetic field. But remember we are in a long term cycle of increasing solar activity. 
If you’re feeling ‘off’ it’s worth checking on www.solarweather.com or http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/
Letting go: With the upcoming Full Moon which is already impacting on us (for 3 days before and afterwards), our emotional bodies are being stirred up and releasing long-held memories from our physical bodies. There’s the possibility of heat/inflammation rising up as Aries is all heat and fire. Safe release of emotions in whatever works for you. Yes, water...in it and/or drinking it. But we know there’s no one way for all, except light, breath, sound, earthing all the fire!
Planetary energies are rising up from the earth herself and seeking resolution. We’re the ones assisting this resolution and channelling the energies out of our chakras, our mental, emotional, physical and astral bodies. Keep coming back to hold the love, forgiveness and compassion and release the heart constrictions.
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me
30th September: Full Moon in Aries 1.17 PM AEST at 7 degrees 22 Aries, Sun opposite in Libra 8 degrees
...dramatic change as suppressed desires rise to the surface in a spectacular explosion...a huge release of tension!
Passions and suppressed desires come to the fore at this full moon. Prepare to be surprised, released and in the long term, hopefully delighted as this big energy takes us into new territory. We’ve been walking into this space of freedom for some time but this weekend provides a huge leap in consciousness.
‘Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through’: This will be a huge and significant turning point for us as the Full Moon, all heightened and fiery emotion, activates Uranus and Pluto in what we call a T-square formation. This happens when planets form 90 degree angles between each other. It’s major challenge and opportunity! It’s going to be fast and immediate like a bolt out of the blue. There won’t be time for fear as we are catapulted out of our little burrows into an awakening!
Feisty and in fight mode: Make no mistake about this Full Moon’s power. Aggression from suppressed anger is likely to erupt and the urge to go into fighting mode is very real. Projecting onto others our own unconscious energies is highly likely. Of course awareness of the potential to do this and for others to do this, will bring us into a clear mind and heart. With Libra and Aries involved, it’s all about mirroring in relationships and reflections of ourselves in others.
On the personal level, relationship issues are likely to come to a head. The tensions are released once the moon has reached its fullness.
Global energies – people expressing anger and frustration: We are already seeing this in the global situation as the voice of minority groups rise up in protest, whether it’s about religious differences, austerity measures, refugees, military presence in war-torn zones etc. etc. Peoples who are feeling oppressed, unheard, unappreciated, undervalued by the governments, industry, financial institutions etc. are voicing their anger.
This is very much part of the Uranus/Pluto square which is ongoing for some time to come...on and off until 2015! It’s a long term movement of change processes being exerted on the ‘establishment’. It’s the 60’s hippie movement, flower people, peace demonstrations energy happening again but in the current world context. It’s Lennon’s ‘give peace a chance’ and Dylan’s “The times they are a changin’ “.
It will be a gradual process of change with flaring of tensions as Uranus/Pluto come to a close meeting. We’re in the tension of it now, easing somewhat before it flares again in March 2013. However, it is bubbling away until 2013. Remain vigilant to these sensitivities in yourself and others.
A wake up to all your deepest desires: Uranus sitting close to the moon is like electric shock therapy urging us to take action!
Uranus is all about sudden realisations, shocks...not necessarily frightening...which can shift our consciousness into a more evolved energy. At the Full Moon, Uranus, sitting right on the Full Moon, is activating our desires, our deep emotions which may have been suppressed. These feelings become conscious when the lightning strike of Uranus hits us.
Uranus rules freedom and radical action as it seeks to take that freedom. Worldy events are likely to reflect this urge for freedom as the battle ensues between freedom and oppression both at the personal and global level. Our radical individualism is calling us to wake up and take action!
Deeply embedded, unconscious energies will come to the surface:
Pluto in Capricorn squaring/challenging the Full moon/Uranus in Aries and Sun in Libra.
With Pluto in Capricorn, expect deep planetary energies to be released at this time, from the earth and from our own cellular memory. We need to build the light, purify our own lenses of perception, our own cell memories and to hold the light for ourselves and others.
The Full Moon is a culmination, bringing something to a head: What do you really want in this life...which road do you choose to take????
The Full Moon in Aries, is all about our ‘I am’ presence. With Uranus also in Aries, we’re being called into the spiritual warrior of fiery individualism, to be our unique selves. Embrace your own particular eccentricity...it is your future and your past.
Aim for equilibrium, but not at a cost to your own wellbeing...it IS all about love and that means self-love too:
You may feel all out of whack, taken over by a force which feels destabilising. Remember to allow yourself expression without ‘stuffing down’ your feelings. It’s a matter of being aware that an outburst, surge of energy could come out of nowhere, triggered by deep unconscious emotions and memories. We can only prepare to be surprised and yes...delighted, especially once we’ve cleared the air.
Balance and harmony are inevitable: Consciously come back to centre once feelings are released.
The Sun in Libra, opposite the Moon and Uranus, will be a reassuring and stabilising influence as the wake-up call hits us all. Saturn and Mercury, both in Libra, are helping us with this balancing act. The desire for peace is strong, but not at all costs. The path there may bring up turbulence which has been festering away inside, waiting for a release point. This is it!!!!
Remember to maintain the focus on peace and harmony as the destination, the arrival point regardless of the fiery explosion which may feel unsettling.
Take refuge from the ‘storms’ of disharmony: Nurture and comfort yourself, significant others where appropriate.
The ‘missing’ leg of the T-square will be in Cancer and is where we can find refuge, the comforting divine mother energy, the heart at home with itself. We may feel like hiding from the world, like the crab scurrying away to find the emotional security from all the fiery emotions bursting out of our deepest recesses.
We’ve come to a crossroads: The way is illuminated and the pathway is clear! Take the leap of faith!
The Full Moon brings our I am presence to light, out of the closet of ignorance! Keep your heart and mind connected and open to receive the truth of who you are and what you really desire.
Allow your fiery passionate self to come forward out of the darkness and to express it’s divine energy without fear of reprisal. At this Full Moon, the planetary forces offer us courage to take a leap of faith into being true to ourselves and to our potential destiny this lifetime.
The Crossroad signs in this picture say: Art, Writing, Music, Nowhere...
I invite you to imagine what words are on your own personal signpost at this crossroad...???? Don’t worry about getting all the words, the possibilities. They’ll float in to the psyche as you need them. Just be open. But don’t be surprised about what pops up for you at this time.
Make a wish at the Full Moon...for the fulfilment of your creative and divine potential and revelation of your next step along your own particular pathway.
Golden Oldie for the Full Moon: ‘Crossroads’ by Don McLean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea0mD2QSq1w ‘...all roads lead to where I am’

I am in partnership with my soul
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon energies: seem very aligned with the planetary forces, reinforcing messages of disruption and balance.
The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 8*Libra is: A blazing fireplace in a deserted home. In many ways, we have all ‘deserted’ our true home – our inner essence. But just because we’ve deserted our Self doesn’t mean that it still isn’t there. The fire burns brightly, giving us hope of light and warmth if we turn toward it. We just have to have the courage (which we’ll get from the Aries Moon/Uranus) to return to the Source.
The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 8* Aries is: A large woman’s hat with streamers blown by an East wind. Hats protect us from the elements as well as contain the energy of our crown chakras. They symbolize the focused power our thoughts. The streamers are the outward sign of the strong East wind that blows new insights, new energies and radical changes through our minds. We need new ‘rules’if we want to recreate a society, since with Libra, we start the second half of the year where we draw together and pool our resources.
Further reading on the Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon by Linda Hill at http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/
Make peace not war
Upcoming Dates:
4th October: Venus into Virgo
4th October: Jupiter turns retrograde
5th October: Saturn into Scorpio until 2014
6th October: Mercury into Scorpio
7th October: Mars moves into Sagittarius until 17th November
That’s it folks!
Love and blessings as always, be strong and courageous and know you are safe as you take your leap of freedom!
from the chair, safe and at peace, leaping into the light!
At the end of this update I include information on new ventures from anyone on the mailing list.
When you wish upon a starMakes no diff'rence who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind

She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true

It’s all about love
Crossroads, taking the leap of faith...celebrating successes:
Carol Gascoigne recently launched her new website. Carol, best wishes for your success with these beautiful handmade products.

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