...for the children of the earth

Thursday 4 October 2012

Hi everyone! 
Well, we made it! Another big release!
Sheep leaping the fence into freedom!
What’s been happening: The full moon of last weekend...did you experience a tragedy or comedy?
Wow! How did you feel with that big energy over the past week and weekend. Hoping you found your way through the crossroads and are feeling the release of long term tensions both within you and in relation to significant others.
I felt we had a taste of the Saturn in Scorpio energy coming in as it was clear that the light of the Full Moon energy gave many of us a delightful uplift of love, fullness of life, surprise experiences of joy and connection with others. For others, whose shadow side came up for all to see, the Full Moon blew things up in their face. I’m hoping that your Full Moon experience was proof of the good times to come.
For many of us, the Full Moon energy was uplifting as we experienced the reality of old energies just falling away without drama, pain and mayhem. Those born in the early days/degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn are more likely to have experienced the full power of the ‘cross’ of changes. Also, if you have planets in early degrees of these signs, you would have been strongly affected.
There is no one way we experience the world as we all know, but there are threads of common energy impacting upon us. Where we are in our evolutionary journey will determine what happens in relation to these astrological and cosmic forces. For those of us who have been lifelong seekers of consciousness, truth and love, we are starting to experience the fruit of our labours with the path through the woods lit up by hope, faith and love. Demons are still being faced and released into the light and it’s all good for us all.
The Coming week overview:
Now, just as we’re getting our bearings in this new territory, we’re going to be thrown into experiencing planetary shifts. Whenever there’s a shift of a planet from one sign to another, there’s a whole new energetic calling for our re-alignment.
The faster moving planets like Mars, Mercury and Venus, have less impact on shifting the collective unconscious than do the slower moving planets. This week, these three planets change signs signifying a noticeable shift for the energies of our heart (Venus), body (Mars) and mind (Mercury). It’s like they’ve shifted to help us really integrate the changes wrought by the Full Moon. These three planets shift our mood.
Here’s a brief summation of the focus for these planets in the upcoming period:
Venus, heart energy is being brought through the earth energies of Virgo – grounding the joy in the everyday world
Mercury, the mind, will be transformed through the emotional, watery, transformational energies of Scorpio – allowing the mind to flow with change
Mars, the body, being fired to action through the fiery Sagittarius energies – allowing the passion of freedom and expansion to carry the physical forward
The big change is in relation to Saturn which is changing signs after nearly 3 years in Libra. This is a big shift in consciousness at a deeper level.
3rd October: Venus enters Virgo 4.59 pm AEST until 28th October...bringing our heart energy into practical application. Grounding!
...heart healing communications...we’ll be grateful for this after the force of the Aries Full Moon
Virgo is the sign of the healer. Ruled by Mercury (communication) and Chiron (the wounded healer), it is likely to offer a healing, purifying energy to wounds of the heart in relation to our everyday work in the world, our ‘calling’ to serve on this planet, our physical health and wellbeing and yes...pets.
Virgo assists us to bring purified forms of our spiritual selves into the earthly world. It is earthy and practical, organised and methodical, focussed on attention to detail. Being ruled by Mercury, it puts the focus on the mind and purifying the mental energies. With Venus here, we’re flushing out the ‘impurities’ of the mind with the powerful heart energies of passion. Put the Virgo devotion and clarity together with Venus passion and we’ve got the ‘go’ signal!
Healing relationship wounds: Speaking the words of reconciliation with yourself and others!
With the Sun in Libra, make the most of this energy to repair relationships, past and present, to access and speak the words which come from the purest place in your heart, to salve the wounds whether yours or that of significant players in your life.
Healing work, place in the world issues: purifying the mind with love!
Choosing the joy of devotion and passion in service and work.
Venus will be helping us to get to the ‘heart of the issue’ around what we truly want to do with our lives from this point forward. The heart energy is going to peel away the layers of persona which have veiled our true desires. For those of us who feel we’ve been ‘hanging around’, waiting for the healing process to bring us to some clarity, then I’m hopeful that this energy will clear away obstructions to the mindset that has been wrapped around our hearts.
Healing our physical world...health and wellbeing: We have a few weeks to put our healing energies into mind, heart, body through connecting to the spiritually purifying Virgo energies.
Cleanse all the bodies with any or all of the four elements, fire, earth, air, water...light, sound, breath, exercise, connecting to the earth:
We are physical beings and yes, we need to attend to our physical bodies. But we need to give the same attention to our emotional, mental and astral/etheric/spiritual bodies. We’re being called to throw off mental energies like worry and anxiety that pull us down. We need to cleanse and purify our emotional bodies of fear, emotional pains of loss, regret, disappointment, grief, doubt, loneliness etc.
Venus in Virgo offers heart healing across all dimensions, that will flow into our physical existence and which has the potential to impact positively on health and wellbeing.
4th October: Jupiter turns retrograde 11.18 pm AEST at 16 degrees 23 Gemini...into the retrograde carwash! Until end January 2013
It’s interesting that Jupiter, planet of expansion and positivity is turning retrograde in the midst of the planetary changes this week. Trust that all these energies are working together to facilitate our growth and expansion.
Jupiter rules higher learning and knowledge, religion, philosophy, religion writing, publishing, foreign connections (communications/travel).
So any or all of these areas are up for examination. With Jupiter in Gemini, it’s about communication and spiritually, about divine reunion of the self with the self.
Clarification of our pathway in the world: The next five months will give us the opportunity to slow down some of the inner urges to get moving at any expense which have been restrained from full expression in our earthly world We have been missing pieces of our own personal jigsaw.
Finding the missing pieces of our jigsaw: Now, we’re being given the opportunity to find the missing pieces of the jigsaw through the discovery process of refinement, reworking, review of whatever has been occupying us in the above areas.
Spiritually, it’s a powerful energy because it will bring all that powerful Jupiter energy to focus on our inner reality, aligning it with where we want to be in the world.
5th October: Mercury into Scorpio 8.35 pm AESTuntil 29th October...transforming the mind...fly like the eagle!
...look out for those words that come out of nowhere...from you or towards you!
Mercury is all about communication and speed. Scorpio demands the truth and is relentless in pursuing the truth. Whilst the symbol for Scorpio is the Scorpion, the eagle and snake are associated with the Scorpio energy which is about transformation, life, death, rebirth. It is the Scorpio energy which draws out the ‘poisons’ and calls us to fly like the eagle.
Mercury and Venus, mind and heart working together: These two planets will be travelling along together in a positive mutually supportive energy(a sextile of 60 degrees) until early November. In particular, this next month, while Venus is in Virgo, will be a powerful energy for healing heart and mind, bringing them into alignment.
Speaking ‘true’: The energy of Mercury in Scorpio is likely to disclose our personal demons and the way we lie to ourselves through denial or lack of consciousness. Those who speak with ‘forked tongues’ will be revealed. Those of us who don’t ‘fess up will end up like destroying ourselves. It really is about being aware of not shooting ourselves in the foot!
6th October: Saturn into Scorpio at 6.34 am AEST until 24th December 2014!!! Taking your authentic power and authority! Mastery calls!
After nearly 3 years of Saturn in Libra(since November 2009), we now get a big shift for us all as Saturn, Lord of Karma, shifts a gear by moving into Scorpio, province of dramatic change, life, death and rebirth! Scorpio is focussed, determined, resilient and has the capacity to overcome overwhelming odds. Scorpios are survivors!
Scorpio is aligned with the Phoenix: The Phoenix is a mythical bird which is reborn from the ashes of its own death
It self-destructs in fire when it’s at the end of a life, when that ‘life’ is past its ‘use-by’ date. Like the Scorpio energy, it is ruthless in its destructive powers when called to a new life form. Scorpio energy is about shedding, shredding, destroying what needs destroying and generally going through our lives like a dose of salts!
Saturn is the builder, the taskmaster that requires commitment, dedication and persistence in order for us to attain personal authority in the world. This is very much about the world energy and how we fit into the scheme of things...our place on earth.
Be assured that Saturn demands complete allegiance to your karmic destiny and does not reward lightly. Accomplishments are hard won but once achieved can be accepted as the highest accolade.
Structures based on truth will thrive and survive: Just as Saturn likes building solid, long lasting foundations, Scorpio destroys what is not built on truth and authenticity. If you’re on track you’ll be taken forward step by step.
The status quo, established structures in government, bureaucracy will be under scrutiny:    
Saturn rules the establishment, the status quo, the patriarchy, government and all organisational/bureaucratic structures. There’s likely to be challenge of structures which are not based on truth, which are not working effectively and productively. Scorpio will sweep away outdated ways of operating in order to birth more powerful and effective forms.
‘Pretenders to the throne’ will be revealed and dethroned: Masks are off!
Scorpio will destroy what is not solid and true. If anyone is not walking the talk, hiding behind false personas, lying, deceiving, pretending, not being true to themselves or others, they will be brought down. Masks will be ripped away!
Stay aligned with the sword of truth, the energy of Archangel Michael, the Ace of Swords in the Tarot
Saturn rules karma: staying true to ourselves will fulfil our karmic potential:   
For the past 2 to 3 years we’ve been going through a balancing of the karmic scales as Saturn travelled through Libra, sign of balance, harmony, peace, one-on-one relationships. Whatever has been in process over the past three years is due to get a big shift forward into new territory. If you’ve been teetering on the edge of change, you can guarantee the Saturn in Scorpio energies will help with the push into the death/rebirth that has been eluding you.
Saturn challenges us to take our authority in the world: keeping us on the ‘path of heart’, our own personal ‘sheep run’!
Saturn can bring restriction and limitation, challenging us to take our responsibility, our authority and through lessons/learning is likely to push us down our own personal path of destiny. It is a slow mover, like the Scorpio energy, but keep trusting that whatever steps take you forward will lead to your own personal statement as an authority in the world.
Shaky foundations will collapse like a house of cards: Be warned to remain aware, in truth, vigilant to yourself and your heart and mind.
If you build on shaky foundations which do not resonate with your essence, your readiness, your authentic self, your destiny then it is more than likely that nothing will take off, what you do build is likely to fall about your ears.
If something is swept away from you and you are in tune with your heart truth, then trust it is necessary. Scorpio in Saturn will see you through like a loyal friend, like a best friend who will give the best guidance and advice you could want.
Scorpio energy is the focus for next couple of years: Death, destruction and reconstruction...all at the same time!
We’re all in the pot of deep overhaul of this planet! The North Node of the moon (our collective spiritual direction for the planet), is already in Scorpio as of just a few weeks ago. It will be there for the next couple of years. There’s no way we will be able to escape Scorpio’s relentless pursuit of the transformation of earth and all earthlings.
Some will be raised up while others are taken down into the depths: Trust your journey and the work you’ve already done!
This is to remind you that many of us have been seekers on the path gradually expanding and growing in consciousness, over many years, over our lifetime, many lifetimes. Keep this in mind when you read the words in this update. It doesn’t sound like beer and skittles, does it. However, I’m of a mind to see this Scorpio energy as just what we need to push through those layers we haven’t be able to remove. If you’ve felt held back, in hiding, peeling away layers, feeling exhausted from all your efforts and overwhelmed by the thought of this Scorpio energy bringing you down...change your thinking!
Scorpio rules surgery so trust that the scalpel will cut with the surgeon’s expert hand, accurately and efficiently with little effort on our part except to remain focussed, dedicated and faithful to our hearts and minds. I tend to feel that where we have been in struggle and feeling stuck will be released. Just don’t fight it! 
Remember, we’ve been giving up the pointless fighting all this year!
Saturn is karmic justice, so trust the scales are being balanced with ‘the destroyer’ Scorpio. All is well!
7th October: Mars moves into Sagittarius 2.21 pm AEST until 17th November...the open road to freedom calls!
With all the energy coming into Scorpio, we’ll really welcome the lighter energy of Mars in Sagittarius which calls us on the road to adventure and freedom. You may wonder how we’ll manage what seems like the conflicting energies of the inner work as indicated above working with the wild energies of Mars in Sagittarius.
We need to take time out for both inner and outer work, balancing the call to be still with the call to move.
Mars is fast, furious, fiery energy and in Sagittarius, wants us to take to the open road. Okay, think of the open road as your own personal pathway to freedom. yes, you might well enact this energy physically with the desire to get the body moving and travelling. However, it may well be through armchair travelling within your own home and being.
Wild energies helping us break out of gaol: In mid October around the New Moon in Libra on 15th, Mars will be joining forces with Uranus, the radical, rebel and awakener in a call to freedom, to get out of gaol. The constrictions of mind, body and heart have the potential to fall away as this comes in during what we call the dark of the moon, the few days before the New Moon in Libra on 15th.
Upcoming Dates:
15th October: New Moon in Libra
23rd October: Sun moves into Scorpio
In my last update, under upcoming dates, I had the incorrect dates for movement of the planets. The dates above in this update are correct.
Sorry about that...must have been on ‘hippy’ juice!
That’s it folks for the next ten days or so. Plenty happening. It won’t be boring so stay light on your feet and move like a dancer!
In case you didn’t know, I love the image of this little hamster dancing! We’re romping into this new energy.
Remember to take time out to adjust to the new energies. Grab those moments for rest and regeneration, review etc. between jaunting out into the wider world on your motorbike!
There's a new page ‘Saturn in Scorpio’ if you’d like to read more.
As always, love and blessings to my fellow travellers on ‘the road less travelled’!
from the chair
...just chilling out, regenerating!
dreaming of the road to freedom!
It’s all about love

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