...for the children of the earth

Sunday 14 October 2012

New Moon in Libra 15th October

Hi everyone...what’s growing in your garden? 
The bluebells of the Libran New Moon are growing out of the Scorpio mushroom!
In the last week you may have experienced a big shift with Saturn moving into Scorpio. 
The paradigm shift is ON!!!
What’s been happening:
Such big and powerful energies over this past week, particularly related to Saturn moving into Scorpio last weekend. It really shifted our focus and brought us into testing how far we’ve come in the balancing of the masculine/feminine...our focus for the past 3 years with Saturn in Libra.
Opening the wounded hearts of the collective...
it’s not just about you!
Saturn moving into Scorpio opened up the emotional wounds of the collective (Chiron in Pisces at 0 degrees). This energy will be with us for a few more weeks. The Scorpio surgeon is doing open heart surgery on all of us. Long held wounds which have been bubbling up into a festering boil ready to burst are being lanced and opened up, cleansed and purified. You may well have found yourself feeling more emotional than usual and/or more in touch with your emotions. This is a releasing energy. You might have been saying to yourself – ‘Why am I crying?’ Hearts are being deeply touched and all manner of emotions are being washed out of the system, allowing a greater purity of feeling within us. We can start knowing ‘It’s safe to feel’.
Physically: Body recalibration continues, but for many of us, less severely than has been the case these past few years.
The intensity of the work of so many of the old souls/lightworkers is easing and we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you can’t see it yet, trust that your continued focus will bring it to you.
We’re dealing with the after-effects of the bombardment of energies, from the earth, the cosmos, from past history – personal, ancestral, planetary. Karmic commitments and karmic missions are coming to a completion, winding up the path of pain, suffering, struggle and damaging mindsets. Of course it’s not over yet. We have much to do. However, the liberation of unresolved energies from our cell memories has been accelerating and will continue apace.
Physically: You may have been feeling the hot/cold ascension energies, some call ascension ‘flu’. A reminder that Saturn rules
teeth, knees and joints and with Saturn moving into Scorpio, could well have stirred up these areas.
What’s ahead: With Saturn in Scorpio, major transformation until December 2014...revamping of structures and institutions of all kinds! 
Liberation is in the air! Saturn in Scorpio will guarantee the destruction of those beliefs, sacred cows, structures and systems which are past their ‘use by’ date, which no longer serve our evolution. This is happening at the personal as well as transpersonal level. Saturn governs rules and laws including laws of karma/natural law.
Just to give some examples:
Institutions: such as marriage, families
Organisations: questions and reviews of what makes organisations effective, productive, happy etc
Bureaucracies: stripping away of excesses
Governments: could rise and/or fall
Established rules: could be challenged, questioned, reframed or die
Laws including karmic/natural law: expect karmic justice to be enacted quickly...great manifesting energy...keep focussed on what you truly want.
Globally: With Saturn in Scorpio, governments, large businesses/organisations could die only to be reborn with a new manifesto and/or be taken over by those who are forward thinking and prepared to evolve to more liberated forms.
Uranus square Pluto continuing: We already have the radical energy of Uranus challenging deep change/transformation of institutions (Capricorn) through the Uranus/Pluto square. This challenge is simmering away, coming to another exact meeting in March 2013 with 2 further meetings into 2015. Deep radical change is inevitable and ongoing with energies easing off periodically so we can catch our breath and integrate the changes. Don’t you just love this universe!
Personally: Lightworkers who have been ‘labouring’...yes labouring for many years, are likely to notice a lightening of the load as people awake and pick up their karmic commitment and spiritual responsibility to grow and expand as a being of light.
So many of us will be called to our new pathways, filled with the light and love we’ve been learning to hold and integrate. Yes, still being the wayshowers without carrying all those backpacks. Saturn rules responsibility and authority. Are you being over-responsible for others? Are you taking your authority?
Use the sword of truth: Many of us are waiting while we tie up loose ends, reinforcing love, self-love, compassion and forgiveness within us to carry us forward in strength and commitment to the new path. Then, no falling back...open road! Be assured that this next 2-3 months will see rapid and sudden change as the Scorpio surgeon cuts us free and liberates us.
Remember to call on Archangel Michael with the sword of truth and/or Kali, Indian Goddess of endings, to cut the cords that are holding you back to the past.
15th October: New Moon in Libra at 10.02 pm AEST at 23 degrees Libra
...together at last, together for ever???
A new lunar month ushering in the emotional focus of Libra – relationships, partnerships of all kinds, love, harmony, peace, balance and justice! Quite a major shift is available to us at this time as these relationship energies are underpinned by Mercury in Scorpio which is really challenging us in the way we communicate...and that means what we say and how we say it!
At the New Moon, the Sun and Moon are on the same degree in Libra. They are in harmony, agreement and it’s all about love and beauty. Let the magic of this meeting work its charms on you and allow yourself to feel joy and peace. Call it in!
At the New Moon and for the following week:
Mercury and Venus are in close and positive communication
...words of love are in the air!
Whispering ‘sweet nothings’ into the ear of your ‘loved one’...and that means to yourself too!
Make the most of these wonderful energies for healing communications around love. Forgiveness, compassion and acceptance are possible. Time to build bridges where a wedge has driven you apart, whether a partner, a child, parent, business partner, colleague. Libra is all about significant others which covers a wide spectrum of past, present, future.
You may have found intimate relationships stirred up when Saturn moved into Scorpio last weekend. This is the testing ground of the relationship work of the past 3 years. We’re on a new playing field so you may find renegotiating the base tenets of the relationship need some tweaking.
Scorpio rules intimacy and sexuality, so these aspects of relationship may well be reviewed, reignited, changed dramatically. Scorpio wants us to grow and evolve so trust the changes are for the best.
Mind and heart are listening to each other as Mercury in Scorpio and Venus in Virgo find common meeting ground. This is a perfect time to set down some new intentions for the relationship within yourself and with significant others.
When we get our minds and hearts working together in mutual partnership, there’s every possibility of a balanced and harmonious approach to problems and to experiencing life on a level playing field.
At this New Moon,
Mars in Sagittarius is in a flowing, positive trine with Uranus in Aries
Integrity takes a stand, fired up by radical warrior forces!
Everyone’s united on the soapbox!
It seems that everyone is being empowered to take a stand, fired up by these energies. However, it’s positive and flowing, supported by the Libran New Moon energies of peace and love which are underpinning the the radical forces for change. Individuals are joining together, firing for change with like minded others.
There’s a call for that evolved Sagittarian wisdom and higher learning to be the new driving force for change. Sagittarius calls for integrity and the change maker radicals are aligning with this energy, calling for change in mass consciousness.
This energy very much aligns with the Sabian symbol for the New Moon – ‘Chanticleer’s voice heralds sunrise’. People are awakening and waking each other to take action, to be a force for change, to lay foundations for peaceful change to bring in the harmony and beauty of the Libran New Moon.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 23* Libra is: Chanticleer’s voice heralds sunrise.
The cock who gives voice to what is coming but has not yet fully manifested is a wonderful symbol of those conscious individuals who are responding to the essential truths of life and cosmic order. Sunrise is a renewal of the day, and this image evokes the joy people feel when they intuit the renewal that is about to happen. While cosmic law is cyclical, there is always a new creation that is happening. This new Moon heralds a new day for all of us. What can we do to make this new day more beautiful, harmonious and just? That’s the task that Libra poses for us.
Golden Oldie for the New Moon: ‘I don’t Need Anything but You’ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob-s8AYxzbg – from ‘Annie’
If you haven’t got a partner, sing this song to yourself! Oh, heck...sing it to yourself anyway!
Upcoming Dates:
23rd October: Sun moves into Scorpio
That’s all for now folks! Sending everyone hearts and flowers!
Love and blessings to all in this beautiful Libran energy of the New Moon, guiding us through the Scorpio darkness!
from the chair, gently does it
It’s all about love

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