...for the children of the earth

Sunday 7 July 2013

8th July 2013 New Moon in Cancer

 Art by Tanya Torres
Hi everyone!  

We are well and truly in the arms of the Goddess energy, even if you feel like you’re in a spinning whirlpool. 
Cancer is the Divine Mother, the mother energy within us all, the feminine energy within us all, men and women.
Nothing less than surrender will get us through.  Keep going with the flow!
I am reminded of one of Sai Baba’s mantras ‘Trust, accept, surrender’.

We’ve been swept into the arms of the divine feminine energies of watery emotion and the swirling eddies are cleansing and purifying us all at a deep level with core issues surfacing within the personal, political and global existence. 

If you’re not feeling the challenging influences of these energies, be grateful for having time out from it all.
Cancer:    the mother/matriarchal energies – June/July time each year
Capricorn:    the father/patriarchal energies – December/January each year   
Why are we affected by the cosmic energies at different times and in different ways:
It’s personal:    We experience the energies through our own personal astrology of our natal and progressed planets which are ‘pinged’ by the present movement of planets.  If you’ve been feeling the influence of these energies in a profound way, it’s highly likely your personal astrology chart and natal placement of planets is being impacted. 
It’s transpersonal: We also experience the energies through our national chart (place of birth and/or ‘adopted’ country).
Your nation’s natal chart may be feeling the influence of the planets. 
One example, just a quick glance shows me that Egypt has 3 planets in Cancer which have been deeply affected by so many planets moving over their natal Cancerian planets and activating the Uranus/Pluto square which is all about rebellion and change. 

The USA has 5 planets in Cancer with USA's Sun on 13 degrees Cancer, so also being activated by the Uranus/Pluto Square.

Australia:    I brought this topic up because we’re having our challenges here in Australia.  In Australia’s chart, Pluto, Lord of the Underworld is sitting on Australia’s Sun/identity at 10 degrees Capricorn (government, institutions, power brokers, patriarchy, tradition).  All the political and mainstream media activity instrumental in deposing Australia’s first female PM, is exposing the dark underbelly of the Australian psyche and identity.  This is stirring up a lot of emotion for everyone, even if they’re not interested in politics.  Australia’s chart is being activated as well as was the PM’s personal chart. 

The United Kingdom also has a Capricorn Sun at 10 degrees so, like Australia, is having a deep transformation of its identity and place in the world.

From oppression, suppression, repression, depression to EXPRESSION:    

Just remember, whatever’s happening ‘out there’ wherever you are, is the reflection of the changes happening in each one of us.  Deep unresolved core issues within us, within our nation, within our global existence, are being flushed out, released sometimes with anger and passion. 

Returning to vibrancy and passion:    
Memories and karmic burdens are being released and healed...a Cancerian story!
The memories:    It’s personal, it’s ancestral, it’s planetary.
As we release the suppressed memories, open up to the denial of emotions, we release the heaviness of our lives and tap into the spontaneity and joy of life.
What’s been happening:

The Grand Water Trine:    stirring up muddy waters!
The Grand Water Trine just keeps going as it keeps getting stirred into activity as the planets move through Cancer and come into contact with the Saturn, Neptune and Chiron trine.
It’s all emotion and big emotion at that.  All the long-held in emotions are being churned up, coming to the surface and being cleared.  It’s not all a pretty sight as people are spewing out energies which need to be expelled.
Mercury in Cancer for a while yet, retrograding until 21st July, we’re getting a real ‘workover’ and workout of our emotional being and our memories.
The impact of this retrograde energy seems more challenging than usual for me and others who have mentioned this.  I put it down to all the watery Cancerian energies being triggered by Uranus, which rules electricity and technology. 
The past 7 to 10 days:     buttons being pushed, triggering of deep emotions surfacing from deep within...not just about you!
For many, there’s been an upsurge of emotional energy, deeply buried karmic and ancestral memories surfacing from deep within the emotional, mental, physical and astral bodies.
Emotional cleansing:   How many times do you need to go through the carwash????  
As long as it takes!!!!
Whatever it takes!

Last week:    The Sun in Cancer kicked in with the Uranus/Pluto square!  Wake up!!!  Shockwaves to the emotional security!
 If your birthday was last week, you would have been strongly impacted by the stirring emotional energy as the Sun linked in with Uranus and Pluto, forming a T-square which is a major challenge. 

Wake up, shock, fear and letting go:    You may have felt as if your home, family, sense of security was struck by lightning!
We all experienced this energy which challenged and shifted us, forcing us to become conscious of so much unconscious energy, memories stirred up by the meeting of the Cancerian Sun with the Uranus/Pluto Square.
It seemed that the shock/fear...whatever, ‘hit’ the Achilles heel of our existence.  If you had a ‘weak’ spot, this energy found it!
Not just about you:    
Cancer rules memory and the ancestors so we’re clearing for the Earth!
These memories aren’t necessarily personal because these slow moving planets are dealing with the planetary consciousness.  They are the energies which bring generational changes and shifts in belief systems and gradually changing our consciousness.
Long term influences impacting us now:
Pluto in Capricorn until 2024:   
a long term ‘makeover’/transformation of the patriarchal/fathering energies, the status quo...for every one of us!
This involves all of us.  It’s not just about the male energy in earthly form.  We are all transforming our inner masculine energies and changing our dependence on the patriarchal energies on this planet. 
Pluto rules the underworld and the ‘underbelly’ of our consciousness working on us like an oil derrick pumping up the ‘oil’ to the surface. Pluto carries an alchemical energy, transforming darkness into light.  In fact, Pluto rules big money, business, moguls as well as life/death/rebirth. 
Uranus in Aries until 2018: 
a long term challenge for the masculine warrior energy, the leader to develop new ways of leadership and resolving ‘war’! 
This involves all of us, men women and children.  We are all being alerted to the way we deal with conflict, to challenge traditional ways of expressing our masculine energy.  Aries is an aggressive fiery energy which works positively when channeled into taking physical action towards expressing ourselves.  However, on this planet, there’s been a tendency to override others with aggression when we want our own way.

Uranus, the renegade, the rebel challenges the status quo and calls us to uplift our consciousness to a more evolved expression of our humanity.  Uranus is the inventor, the creative mind, the problem solver who thinks ‘outside the box’ and it often hits us like electrical shock waves!
From ‘smoking’ to erupting:   The Uranus/Pluto square..we’re really only on ‘smoking’ at the moment.
Uranus is working with Pluto on changing our personal and planetary consciousness.  As these planets come to exact meetings, there’s an explosion of energy.  Then they move apart a degree or two so we’re back to ‘smoking’ without the eruption.
Last week of July:  One more ‘hit’ to go in July...Mars will be kicking into the Uranus/Pluto square!  All meeting on last couple of days of July!
Guaranteed to clear out any residue of the old emotional energies. 
August:    Jupiter In Cancer will be linking into Uranus/Pluto Square...hopefully this will be an upliftment! 
November 1st:    Eruption time!  
The next exact meeting is at the very beginning of November.

More on the Uranus/Pluto Square:  

8th July:    Saturn turns direct in Scorpio 3.11 pm AEST 
at 4 degrees 49 Scorpio
Action stations for movement forward...slow and steady!!!
Step by step, little by little:    
Take your time, one step at a time
Saturn is all about manifesting in the earthly dimension and about building slowly and steadily towards a positive ambition.

Take your authority, own your mastery:    
I am who I am and I’m okay.  I am where I am and it’s okay.
Be secure in the knowledge of who you are, where you are in the change process and what is the required next step. 

Focus and commitment:
With Saturn in Scorpio, this calls for the knowing that you are comfortable working with the transformational and change processes demanded by Scorpio.  Saturn is about mastery of the physical world through accessing your particular strengths and abilities specific to you.  Once we own these personal energies, we become empowered and seemingly magical manifestation occurs.  However, it takes the focus and commitment of Saturn who’s ready to put in the energies to achieve what is desired and aligned to our highest good.

Build the dream on solid ground, brick by brick:   
Saturn is the builder of success and is careful, cautious, methodical, meticulous and thorough! 
With Saturn going direct on the day of the New Moon in Cancer, it’s a perfect time to set down some solid intentions for the Cancerian energies about home, family, belonging, nurturing and nourishing ourselves and out place in the world. 
Saturn is helping us get the new ‘dream’ moving.  Make the most of this energy at this time of the New Moon.
8th July: New Moon in Cancer 16 degrees 18 at 5.14 pm AEST
Plant the seed of your new life!

I post pictures of the Crescent Moon as the New Moon is in darkness.  We tend to picture the New Moon as a Crescent Moon because it conveys the sense of a New Moon beginning.  

However, the New Moon in darkness carries the message that it’s time to plant a new seed, to grow a new tree in our lives.  The star sign indicates the area of growth to focus on.
Plant the seed:    Nourish and nurture!   
The New Moon is the time we plant a seed for the growing of a new life for the next lunar month and in fact the next year for the Cancerian energy which is all about home, nurturing, family and being in a place where you belong.  If you haven’t been nourishing and nurturing yourself, then make the commitment with this moon that this month/for the next year, you’ll take care of yourself in the best way possible. 
Cancer, place of belonging:   
Cancer rules the home, family, emotional security, the mother energy, memories and ancestors.   
Let’s get down to basics for the New Moon in Cancer:
Here’s a series of questions for you to answer in your heart because this New Moon is very much about making a firm commitment to yourself, who you are, where you belong and what nourishes you to keep you engaged with the world.
No personal success grows out of ‘burn out’!!!
Lost your way?:    Finding your way ‘home’!
Where do you feel ‘at home’?  

Where and how do you get a sense of  ‘belonging’?
What ‘nourishes’ you, excites you, enthuses you, feeds your interest in your life and the world?

This is not about physical food, but it can be.  If you’re not nourishing yourself doing what you LOVE, feeling energised by what you’re doing, this is a perfect time to start fresh and make a promise to yourself that you will take care of your heart energy and your internal pilot light which spiritually keeps you going.
At this New Moon:
Mercury speaks to us about our new direction at this time:    
Mercury is in close proximity to the New Moon 

Be open to the messages giving guidance about where to find your ‘home’, what nourishes you, where you can find/what gives you the emotional energy to power yourself forward.

Remember the adage ‘do what you love and the money will follow’?  That’s what these messages are offering us...the answer to the questions: What do I love?  What makes me feel content and fulfilled?  What renews me?
Be open to how those messages come.  
Synchronicity is at work at this New Moon.

New Moon conjunct fixed star Sirius at 14 degrees Cancer:   

Fuelling spiritual upliftment and a higher perspective!  

Sirius *
In Astrology Sirius is a fortunate, positive energy signifying  ‘Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity’. http://www.astrologycom.com/fixedstars.html

Sirius was worshipped in many cultures; its heliacal rising signalled the peak of summer, the annual flooding of the Nile and the beginning of the ancient Egyptian calendar.  By many, Sirius is regarded as a portal of higher energy for us on earth.  Associations with dolphins and whales.
Healing power:    New Moon trines Chiron in Pisces at 13 degrees...let the wounds and pains of the past be healed.
Emotional wounds are being healed with the power of this New Moon energy! 
Trines offer easy release, so trust any pain that surfaces will flow away easily providing we are prepared to let old painful memories heal.
Grand Water Trine:    Jupiter in Cancer with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces
Now it’s Jupiter’s turn to connect with the Saturn and Neptune trine. 
All positive flowing energies for huge karmic clearance as Jupiter expands all energies of uplifting us from the hard work and struggle of our earthly existence. 
Excitement, sudden change, passion and love:    
Uranus in Aries trine Venus in Leo
...all fired up with new ideas, possibilities and people!
Magical possibilities with synchronicity:    

Mars in Gemini is opposite the Galactic Center, a powerful energy at 26 degrees Sagittarius.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon from Linda Hill:    http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/my_weblog/2013/07/planting-the-seeds-of-knowledge-and-life-the-cancer-new-moon.html#more
The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Cancer 17: 
The Seed Grows Into Knowledge And Life.
‘The Seed Grows Into Knowledge and Life’. The process of the germination of the ‘Seed’ is slow and progressive, and must start from the very beginning. This ‘Seed’ may be an idea, a relationship, a process, a job or a course of study, etc. From the germination of the ‘Seed’ comes ‘Knowledge and Life’. Remember the maxim: Think a thought and sow a seed; sow a seed and do a deed. Do a deed, create a habit; create a lifestyle.
Astronomy for east coast of Australia:    
This month the first visibility of the crescent Moon after the astronomical instant of new Moon is of particular significance in the Islamic calendar. The Moon is new on Monday at 5:14 pm. After sunset on Tuesday 9 July 2013 the Moon will have moved sufficiently away from the glare of the Sun to be briefly visible as a thin crescent in the western sky. 
From Sydney Observatory
13th July:    
Mars moves into Cancer 11.22 pm AEST...you think you’ve seen a big wave???
Mars is coming along behind Mercury who is still in Cancer and Venus, who has moved out of Cancer into Leo.  Mars represents our physical body which is the most dense, the slowest moving energy in terms of change process.  The mind and heart make the changes and the physical body follows. 

No need to scare the life out of yourself:
However, Mars is also our fiery masculine energy and he likes speed and
action!  With Jupiter partnering up with him, there’ll be ‘big’ schemes and dreams of conquest and conquering the world.  But Cancer will help keep them in check.  Providing we listen.
Super expansion of our fiery masculine energies:    tempered by watery Cancer!
Mars is travelling with Jupiter for the next couple of weeks so expect big changes in the physical body, a flexing of the muscles of our fiery masculine energies, if somewhat contained by watery Cancer.  That won’t necessarily be a bad thing.
Cautious Cancer will calm the Mars/Jupiter partnership:
Impatience and impetuous behaviours will be tempered by Mars and Jupiter travelling in watery Cancer which is cautious by nature.  Cancer takes of issues of security.  So, no need to go out onto the massive waves.  Take time out on the beach and watch the waves rising and falling, bringing huge healing to our masculine energies as they are released from the need to act, act, act in order to appease any fears or doubts.
Golden Oldies:   
For Mercury retrograde in Cancer:   
‘The Way we Were’ Streisand 
For the Cancerian energy of the divine mother: 
‘Let it Be’ Joe Cocker 
 ‘Mother Inside’ Deva Premal and Miten 
From Jonathan Cainer
On the upcoming Harmonic Convergence at the end of July:

Magic Moments
Friday, 5 July 2013

The more I look at the alignments that comprise the forthcoming Harmonic Convergence, the more I see why my fellow astrologers are getting excited. There are powerful forces at work in the sky and, whilst these may not be quite as exceptional or historic as, for example, the series of seven right-angles between Uranus and Pluto or the comet that is due to appear later this year, they nonetheless promise a significant amount of magic. Some good things can naturally happen and more good things can be made to happen. We are fast approaching the onset of this influence.
Upcoming Dates:
18th July:    Uranus turns retrograde 
21st July:    Mercury direct
23rd July:    Full Moon in Aquarius
23rd July:    Sun moves into Leo
All for now folks
Love and blessings as always as we travel these waves of change...it’s all good! 
from the chair
...allowing the changes to happen

It’s all about love

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