...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 26 June 2013

26th June 2013 Jupiter moves into Cancer, Mercury retrograde

Hi everyone! 
Here we are post solstice and the Super Moon Full Moon in Capricorn. How did you ride it out?

What happened:    The energies coming in at the solstice were immense, releasing so much old planetary energy on the solstice and days following, through to the Full Moon.
The photo to the left was taken by a friend Janeese Brinkman-Serbinofski when the moon was at its perigee, closest to the earth, about half an hour before the moon came to fullness.  I love the pink shade of this one!
From Melbourne, Australia.  Thanks Janeese.
Further great shots from others can be seen at the following link:
Where’s my family and where do I belong????  Call it in!
So here we are under the Cancerian Sun looking for that sense of belonging, like little crabs ready to run across the shore with our ‘family’!
What dangers are we facing?  Are we ready to be vulnerable and open to our emotions?  Are we ready to dispel our fears and insecurities and doubts?  Are we going to avoid, deny, run away, go into our shells or hide under a rock?
What’s been happening: Bowled over! ...by the waves of change! 
It’s been a watershed, a line in the sand demarcating one life to another!
If you didn’t feel bowled over by the solstice and the Full Moon/Super Moon in Capricorn, I’d be amazed.  Everyone is different with a different ‘brief’ and at a different stage of evolution even though we’re all ‘in the same boat’ so to speak.
The main theme of this last week has been ‘LETTING GO’...emotional baggage from the physical, mental, emotional and astral bodies AND from the planetary energies which so many of us have been cleansing and clearing for a long time.  
To ‘bowl over’ origin:    Astonish, surprise greatly, overwhelm, as in I was simply bowled over by their wonderful performance.
This term originated in cricket, where it means “to knock all the bails off the wicket.” [Mid-1800s]
We’re all different:   
Well, the bails truly were knocked off the wicket!  Nothing less was required than absolute surrender to the forces of change, riding the energies as best we could.  How and where it ’hit’  may not be immediately evident.  It may have been in the physical body, the mind set/beliefs, the emotions.  Be assured, that whatever challenges came up and are continuing to take your attention, are healing your spirit to move on.  It is all spiritual.
Releasing memories:    Many of us are working with physical challenges in our body, memories held in our cells and genetic composition, memories from this as well as other dimensions/past lives, memories carried over from our ancestral tradition.  Whatever we’re doing, our soul chose to do this for our evolution, the evolution of our earthly life and evolution of all the earth and her peoples.
Our brief is particular and peculiar to our patterns of existence we are evolving this lifetime.  It is no accident, however,  that so many are evolving the consciousness of the same energies...such as oppression, freedom, equity, abundance for all on the planet.  These are some of the dominant themes we are resolving as we come in to divine love and truth. 
What’s coming in:
26th June:    Jupiter moves into Cancer for next 12 months at 11.39 am AEST
Prepare to be swept off your feet as Jupiter moves into Cancer and immediately activates the Grand Water Trine with Saturn and Neptune.

As Jupiter moves into Cancer, the Grand Water Trine expands beyond what we’ve experienced recently as Jupiter comes into play. 
It’s a huge collective energy and even though we’re in the waves of emotion, we’re all in the same boat.
Let it go, ride the waves and we can fly to new heights.

What can we expect with Jupiter in Cancer:    
Believe that all is well and that the best is yet to come!
Let the good times roll:    Jupiter is ‘exalted’ in Cancer. This means its energy is in full bloom, enhanced and positively flowing in every way.  Cancer is the sign of the divine mother which means the divine feminine energy will be hugely expanded and growing positively in the coming year. This energy is about allowing ourselves to go with the flow, to let the past be washed clean and believe that the best is yet to come.

Lucky, lucky us:    Jupiter is huge, expansive, big picture energy which is positive and optimistic.  With Jupiter we are broadened in our thinking, our vision and our wisdom.  Jupiter seeks truth and higher learning spiritually, academically and from the life of the world.  The next year promises us the opportunity and vision to uplift our lives and take advantage of Jupiter’s good fortune, providing we clear all the dross from our mind, heart and bodies and let the good fortune come in.  
Jupiter in Cancer:
On the mundane level:    Nesting, home, family and a sense of belonging become the focus
The family, home, emotional security and the mother/mothering energy become the focus for expansion and growth.  
This includes all energies which nourish the ‘child’ within us and support our joy of daily living. 

Spiritually:    The divine feminine becomes the focus as we open to nourishment and divine grace...trust, the final test of faith!   
The divine mother and the state of grace becomes our reason for being.  So many ancestral energies, family issues of long standing will be cleansed, purified and released with this energy over the next year and particularly in the next couple of months as Jupiter kicks in with the Grand Water Trine. 
The Grand Water Trine offers immense karmic cleansing of the collective unconscious.

Fast moving water flows over a Hindu statue during a heavy monsoon rain in Rishikesh town in the state of UttarakhandRain and floods across the world:  
Interesting with the rain and floods in various parts of the world which have been happening these past months. This week, the water energy intensifies. 
In India, torrential rain has brought huge floods, landslides, death and destruction.  It’s a time of pilgrimage to sacred temples for many Hindus where they have been isolated or lost their lives. 
The Ganges River, worshipped as Goddess Ganga and recognised as the Divine Mother, is said to flow from heaven.  At this time, many dead bodies have been found floating in the river regarded as a purifying force for cleansing karma. 
More reading on the spiritual significance of the Ganges River, Mother Ganga:
I include this because our attention is drawn to India, to the significance of the Ganges as Divine Mother and to the power of water, a feminine element.
The statue in the picture looks like Quan Yin to me, the Goddess of compassion, mercy and forgiveness, ‘She who hears the cries of the world’,  often depicted with the divine waters of healing.  Let this energy flow through you at this time.
Above picture:
Fast moving water flows over a Hindu statue during a heavy monsoon rain in Rishikesh town in the state of Uttarakhand

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-2346123/Rescuers-pull-bodies-River-Ganges-death-toll-monsoon-flooding-Uttarakhand-rises-nearly-600.html#ixzz2XGppEMWO
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Jupiter will give a worldly focus to Cancerian issues: 
the starving, the food addicted, the anorexic, the homeless, the adopted, the motherless
Any issues across the world related to nourishment, nurturing, security and vulnerability will call everyone to attention.  This year we are becoming increasingly concerned as global citizens for the care of the ‘children of the earth’. 
We are all entitled to the abundance of the earth, being cared for and nourished with the basic needs of home, family, shelter, food, security and of course, feeling love and being loved by ‘our mother’, our family. If we remember Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, they’re all relevant from the physical right through to self-actualisation.  Worth reviewing these if you’re not familiar or have forgotten.  See below for link.
Food issues are one of the major issues which will be bigger than usual, whether lack or abundance and, with Jupiter involved, will become a world focus and concern.  Also, homes...having a home, owning a home, providing a home, renovating a home and moving home. 
More reading on Abraham Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs
From 26th to 30th June:    Jupiter on 0 degrees...all heart!

From Britt Martin at www.thecomicpath.com:
‘The 0 Cancer point in our collective consciousness is very significant. It literally is The Heart, which if you were to think of your body as its own universe, the heart is its center: the center of your own universe.’
The Grand Trine with us through July and most of August:  

Keeping our heads above water!

Be aware when you’re ‘in it’, up to your neck and when you need to step out of it:
With these big emotional energies, though essentially positive, we may feel like we’re out of control.  We are, to some extent.  We need to know when we’re in the water, harnessing the energies for our own growth and opportunity and to know when to take time out of the emotional charge and be the observer.
When you feel like you’re drowning, get thee to the porthole! 

Remind yourself it’s all good:
It’s happening ‘out there’ and happening ‘inside’.  Keep reminding yourself to step back and watch the sea of emotion which is cleansing and purifying everyone.  All the emotional baggage is being swept away.  It might even feel like you’re swimming in the collective sewage as everyone’s shadow is rising out of the density of the body. 

The Grand Trine incorporates Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. 
These three, slow moving planets means to some degree, the changes will be slow enough to allow us to integrate and adjust, to take time out of the maelstrom of energy and reorient ourselves to changing conditions.

Riding the waves of change:    
One big wave which goes on forever 
We’re already in this wave, but with Jupiter involved, this is a much bigger water energy than we’ve been experiencing. 

It takes skill and expertise to move smoothly through life at any time, but on a wave it takes special awareness to ‘read’ the energy of the water which is fluid, emotional and changeable. 
We need sensitivity to ourselves and others, to the bigger picture of world events as they reflect back the dominating energy of the masses and what’s happening energetically.  Everything is a reflection.  I include the weather in this although it’s not widely acknowledged by astrology.  I look to nature and the elements, the seasons, the animals as well as what’s happening in the human sphere whether in the shopping mall or amongst friends or family.  Everything speaks to us if we’re ready to listen and act in the best interests of evolving ourselves and the world.
Further reading on the Grand Water Trine:
From Irma K Sawyer:    Grand Water Trine of July-August, 2013: Let Love Rule http://irmaksawyer.com/brightstar/?p=1639
Birds graphics26th June:    Mercury turns retrograde at 23 degrees 07 Cancer at 11.07 pm...pigeon post!
Retrograde until 21st July
Here we are again with Mercury retrograde which generally happens 3 times a year for a 3 week duration.  Remember the energies of retrograde are review, back to the drawing board if necessary, take time to rest and build energies slowly for re-emergence after 21st.
Mercury rules communication of all kinds, travel, commerce, contracts, networking and of course it’s mind energy!   Fun and games!
Mercury retrograde means the possibility of delays, hitches, breakdowns in any or all of the above areas.   It’s a time of review, re-examination and rediscovery.  It’s a time when we need the slow down for breathing space.  Doesn’t mean nothing will be happening.  Just be wary of the day it goes retrograde and the day it goes direct.  Those times are less conducive to movement.
Just remember to take as many precautions as possible with communication and travel: check phones, batteries, backup files, check vehicles, check appointment times and meetings as well as travel plans including tickets, destinations and dates, bookings.  Hopefully you get the drift. 
Misunderstanding and misinformation happen in the retrograde period and especially so with Cancer energy where childhood/past lives memories reside. 

Mercury retrograde in Cancer:  Communication is all emotional...break down the shell of self-protection, no sidestepping,  let in love!
Cancer rules: home, family, ancestors, the past, mothering, nurturing, emotional security.
Revisiting the past:    review, renewal, reconnection with the past in relation to family of all kinds including this life, ancestors, past lives, light family.
The past renewed:    When Mercury retrogrades, we revisit the past and with Mercury in Cancer, doubly so.  This revisiting could be in daily life physically meeting up with people from the past, not just birth or present family, but past life connections, soul family, karmic links...which means people you haven’t met in this life but you KNOW as soon as you meet them.  I’m sure you’re familiar with this experience, when the connection is effortless, as though you’re just picking up the connection as though it was yesterday.
Communication:  be a human bean!
Empathy is the energy of the time!  
Feel, weep, laugh...open hearts to reconnection and healing through grace!
Cancer energy is all emotion as it’s ruled by the moon which means with Jupiter in Cancer emotions become larger than life under this influence. 

Watch the words and don’t take things personally:
Mercury retrograding in Cancer calls us to be aware of how words and emotions interact.  We’re feeling sensitive and our sensitivities may be triggered by words, even the words in our minds and memories.  You know the voices in your head from childhood which challenged your sense of self-love and value.
Irrational reactions:  a memory being triggered
Shadow words:    Under this influence, people can blurt out something which is painful and/or damaging to themselves and/or others because the memories are being triggered.  The ugliness of humanity from times and ages past is being released and purified.  Long held, suppressed emotions are coming through. It doesn’t mean it’s all ugly as there will be many opportunities to forgive and heal after the release.  Just remind yourself ‘it’s just stuff coming up’ and move through it as quickly as possible.  Get a jar of jellybeans and have one to help shift out of it, just to remind yourself ‘I’m a bean and it’s okay’!
Be a human being, be a jelly bean in a jar with millions of others:    Release, forgive, heal, feel mercy and compassion  
Our challenge will be to forgive ourselves and others as we feel the release.  So, if you’re having nasty thoughts, remember you’re a human being.
28th June:    Venus moves into Leo from 3.03 am AEST until 22nd July...passion is ignited!  

Fun and frivolity!

Venus changes her tune from home and family to fiery passionate, creative, child like and romantic!  Take your pick.  There’s plenty to choose from!  

This will be such a lovely energy, alleviating us from all the emotion and focus of the Cancerian energy which can be, at times, a little overwhelming.  Make the most of this energy for the next month as it uplifts our spirits and helps us to discover our inner child and how to play again.
Romance and Fun:  Romance will be big on the agenda.  Leo loves love and romance and with Venus in Leo, love will be light-hearted, maybe ephemeral, like a  holiday romance.  Beauty, harmony and sweet feelings will be the underpinning of any event providing we’re aware of the Mercury in Cancer, sensitive child within.

Play and Fun:    Inner child/children will want to have FUN!  Remember that???  Take your inner child/own children out to have some fun.  Play games which are not competitive, just for the joy of the experience.
I still remember playing with my Coca Cola yo-yo endlessly.  Never bored, just learning and practising all those ‘tricks’ for the pure fun of it!

Creativity and Fun:  When we’re creating something and we’re in our passionate selves, we’re in love with life.  Expand your concept of creativity beyond the widespread concept that creativity is primarily a physical occupation.  It involves, the heart and the mind exploring any and every dimension.  When we’re in the flow of creativity, we’re in joy.  so get into the flow, where time doesn’t exist.  

Find out what turns you on apart from a lover, a partner, a spouse.
The concept of flow from Wikipedia:    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)
Proposed by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, this positive psychology concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields.[1] 
According to Csikszentmihalyi, flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning. In flow, the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but positive, energized, and aligned with the task at hand. To be caught in the ennui of depression or the agitation of anxiety is to be barred from flow. The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a task[2] although flow is also described (below) as a deep focus on nothing but the activity – not even oneself or one's emotions.
Are you having any fun?    Couldn’t resist this very, very golden oldie...Flanagan and Alan:     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB_RFcpRXoE
Golden oldie:  ‘A ship called Love’ Eric Bibb   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iCWecMlR80
I’ve posted this one before, but I just love it. 
Another one from Eric Bibb
 ‘When I hear the waves’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hik6CnbyHmE
A few phrases from the lyrics of ‘When I hear the waves’:
‘we share one destination, united by unseen ties’
‘When I hear the waves breaking on the shore, I wash my soul in that sound’
When I see the sunlight for evermore, I lay my burden down.
I saw a rainbow shining like a sign in the sky,
                                       I knew the time was nigh
The water said to the dirty one, “Come here.”
The dirty one said, “I am too ashamed.”
The water replied, “How will your shame be washed away without me?

The rainbow after the storm:
Symbolic meanings of the rainbow from Avia Venefica:
Upcoming Dates: 
8th July:    New Moon in Cancer
8th July:    Saturn direct
13th July:    Mars moves into Cancer
That’s all for now folks
As always, love and blessings to my family of fellow travellers!


from the chair
...going with the flow...still!

It’s all about love


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