...for the children of the earth

Saturday 8 June 2013

9th June 2013 New Moon in Gemini

Hi everyone!
We’re high flying under the Gemini sun!
Make the most of this free flying interlude as we move towards the solstice on 21st when the Sun moves into Cancer, marking a significant turning point in the year and another significant shift in consciousness!!!
What’s happening:
The New Moon in Gemini - ‘Falling in love again’:
We’re falling in love...with ourselves!
This is not about ego identification but about deep felt acceptance of all that we are, without the need for outside validation from others. How acceptable are you to yourself? This is the question being tested at this upcoming New Moon.
The Grand Water trines coming in this month are uplifting and supporting us in an ocean of acceptance of ourselves and ourselves as part of the ocean of all existence.
Through June: a series of Grand Water Trines helping us...sailing with a light wind and gentle sea, opening our hearts to love!
Going with the flow: Loving acceptance and oneness on offer! 
Let the winds of change take you on the open sea!
A series of Grand Water Trines beginning this week and flowing on through June and then into a big one in July, are all supporting us on the waves of loving acceptance of who we are, where we are and where we’ve been.
Healing, karmic release, fortunate times!:   
The watery energies are opening up the emotional channels and clearing the blockages! 
Just let go!
We are being immersed and healed in the watery energies of a series of Grand Water Trines. Trines are positive flowing energies which ease our path forward. In water signs, emotions are released and flowing from one planetary energy to the other.
The planetary connections of the Grand Water Trines through June and July:      Allow, go with the flow, trust, surrender!
Saturn in Scorpio trining Neptune in Pisces trined Mercury then Venus (in Cancer) this past week. Later in June, after the solstice, the Sun, followed by Jupiter in July will be activating in a MAJOR way this very positive energy of ‘flow’!
Saturn and Neptune are the mainstays of these trines, sitting on 5 degrees: 
Working together to help us bring visions to earth!
These two planets are slower moving which means they are acting on the evolution of mass consciousness. They are slower acting but nevertheless bring change which may appear in subtle forms. Then one day, we realise that thing’s have changed, seemingly overnight.
Saturn in Scorpio:
Transformational energies moving us forward to take our spiritual authority in the world!
With this energy, we have the opportunity to release and resolve karmic bonds, ties and commitments that have been holding us back and to take our authority in a worldly sense.
Neptune in Pisces:   
Higher vision, artistic and spiritual sensitivities are activated and uplifting!
Open to the higher visions and insights offered by Neptune and allow the ideas to build, to take on some physical form. Let the visionary energies work with
Chiron in Pisces: Healing the wounds!
Chiron’s within touching distance of Neptune bringing profound spiritual clearing and healing to us all. And with Saturn in the mix, ask for karmic clearance and release of karmic burdens and commitments with divine intervention, dispensation.
Passionate engagement with vision and acting on the vision:   
Healing will come through spiritual, artistic and fluid pursuits as Neptune releases Saturn’s ‘treadmill like’ energy! When we are passionately engaged, we bring in the light of the ‘I am’ presence of oneness, belonging, absolute truth, the energy of pure consciousness which has no value judgements, no bonds or ties to the past. We are floating free!
7th June:  
Neptune turned retrograde at 6.24 pm AEST at 5 degrees 22 Pisces until mid-November
Step back and see the ‘sea’ of consciousness...giving some objectivity amongst all the grand water trine energy!
Retrograde periods are always about review, integration, breathing space and this one is all about spirituality, higher vision, artistry. All the Grand Water Trines are working with us, uplifting our ideals, and expanding our artistic and spiritual potentials. We could find ourselves running after a whole grab bag of possibilities without Neptune retrograde’s call for introspection and considered judgement.
Neptune retrograde will give us the inclination to review, refine, explore and develop those potentials which will meet Saturn in Scorpio’s demand for real and steady progress in the physical everyday world. We’re not as likely to run off with only half our sails at the ready!
Neptune retrograde a counterbalance to unrealistic visions which may arise through June July and into August:
Practise reflection and dreamtime!
The Grand Water Trines are big flowing idealistic energies which have the potential to take us to new places beyond our reality. However, with Neptune retrograde we have a risk management factor working for us, giving us the space and time to feel our way through the infinite possibilities that are likely to present themselves with the water trines.
Nothing crazy is going to get past Saturn in Scorpio trining a retrograde Neptune! Unless of course you are completely stubborn!!!!
9th June:   
New Moon in Gemini at 18 degrees 01 at 1.56 am AEST
...freeing the mind!
This New Moon ushers in a lunar month focused on self-love, acceptance and new thinking! It unifies the solar and lunar powers together in the same energy...light and airy!!!
Airing the mind: We’re being called to elevate our minds, our thinking, our hearts through divine reunion with ourselves. This is a great energy for clearing the cobwebs of your thinking, bringing heart and mind together so they’re on the same page.
Clarity and decisiveness is on tap: The positive Gemini energy works harmoniously in tandem, the rational and intuitive minds in harmonious partnership, both informing and guiding without the mind getting stuck in backwards and forwards ambivalence, unable to make a decision. The harmonious Gemini mind can bring things to fruition through mind/heart partnership.
Expansive Gemini energy: We’ve been going through a period of expansive Gemini energies in the last few weeks with so many planets travelling through Gemini, being expanded through their meeting with major player Jupiter, which has been in Gemini since the middle of last year. Mars is still in Gemini firing the mind to get moving on some of those ideas.
We only have a couple more weeks before expansive Jupiter moves out of Gemini into Cancer for the next year. Make the most of this expansive mind power, especially with Mars in Gemini firing our thinking.
From Cathy Pagano at
The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon at 19* Gemini is:
A large archaic volume reveals a traditional Wisdom.
This symbol refers to the occult tradition of the seed-ideas or archetypal patterns that teach us to work with the cosmic cycles and manifestations of life on Earth. We need to understand ‘the things that are ordained’, the patterns of life which our modern society has cut us off from. This is the time to ask for Wisdom!
New Moon in Gemini:   
Exiting the eclipse tunnel! Returning to the world in a new form! 
Who are we now???
The New Moon in Gemini signifies we’re out of the eclipse tunnel! 
Time to start bringing those dreams one step closer to physical reality! We’ve been in an intense process of change for about 6 weeks so we don’t know what life will look like after we complete this eclipse journey. 
The next week we’ll be getting some sense of direction.
Minds clearing and immersing in new visions:
Being a New Moon in Gemini seems to indicate that our minds will be in clear water. Allow yourself to feel into the New Moon energy of this next week as with all the watery, emotional, visionary energies you may well find that your mind is working in a whole new way with thought and emotion working together in positively envisioning, feeling and thinking your way forward.
From 9th to 21st June: breathing space...a respite from planets changing signs but Uranus/Pluto square will be stirring the pot!
We’re in for quite a stretch without planetary gear shifts of planets changing signs. This is unusual for what we’ve been experiencing these past months. In a way, it’s breathing space and a chance to come to some kind of stability without having to accommodate changes of energy as planets change signs.
That doesn’t mean we won’t be experiencing a variety of aspects between the planets. It just gives us time and space to get used to the energies after the eclipse and the New Moon energies.
41.gifOngoing stimulation of the Uranus/Pluto square of radical transformation...simmering tensions continue!
This challenging square isn’t going away, but its influences are gradually releasing intensity for a while until its return in November this year. The rebellions, protests and wars in the name of freedom will continue. Radical transformation is underway and with us for the next couple of years as these two slow moving planetary energies stir the pot, the status quo and call people to rise up at the grass roots level. Interesting that Turkey’s astrological chart is being directly impacted by this square, especially over the past few weeks.T
This week: Venus is in play with Uranus and Pluto which means issues around love and/or money are likely to surface for resolution
11th June: Venus in Cancer standing off in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn...possible issues around security, emotional and/or physical, arising.
12th/13th: Venus in Cancer squaring/challenging Uranus in Aries..this energy could well offer the ideas for resolving above issues.
Golden Oldie:   
‘Feelin’ Good’ Nina Simone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8_5MLtlBEE
Upcoming dates:
16th June: Chiron retrograde
21st June: Sun moves into Cancer...the June solstice Winter/Summer
23rd June: Full Moon in Capricorn
That’s it for now everyone. As of the 9th we’re out of the eclipse vortex and the changes will flow on from this time! We’ve now got 11 days without planetary changes of zodiac signs which is unusual for what we’ve been experiencing. It doesn’t mean nothing’s happening. It just means we won’t be changing gears and making readjustments as planets shift signs.
Essentially, it’s looking good with quieter times and recovery and realignment held by the positive watery energies of the Grand Trines.
We’re we’ve been! 
Paddling like hell and seemingly getting nowhere!
We’re here now! 
Effortlessly being carried along on a gentle ocean!
As always, love and blessings dear ‘family’ and sweet dreams, wherever you may be!
from the ‘chair’
...sweet dreams
It’s all about love

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