...for the children of the earth

Saturday 22 June 2013

21st June solstice and 23rd June 2013 Full Moon in Capricorn

Hi everyone!
Anyone feeling like getting a bigger picture?  climbing to the top of the mountain???

We’re just about to find out with the Capricorn Full Moon, larger than life, enlightening our view of our place in the world.  

How high can we go?  

Hopefully to the top of our very own pinnacle.

What’s been happening:
Wake up call to loving with heart and mind:   
With the Uranus/Pluto square still simmering away, the Mercury/head and Venus/heart energies in Cancer, sign of the divine feminine, last week opposed Pluto and squared off to Uranus, effectively challenging the status quo, releasing deep blockages that keep us from love and acceptance of ourselves and others. 

Wake up!
If you didn’t ‘feel the earth move’ over the past week or so, I’d be greatly surprised. In the week following 9th June, New Moon in Gemini, we had a series of aspects with Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Pluto which may well have felt like a slap across the head.  The message was ‘Wake up!’  You know what the wake up call was about in your life, but at the centre of it all was a call to open your heart and let in the love, to open your mind to what’s happening in your world as well as the wider world.

Many were awakened from the comfort zone and are being challenged to participate consciously in the change processes happening in the world, both personal and transpersonal.  It’s been a call to prepare for action.
Sleepless in ????:    This ‘wake-up call’ may have been jangling to the nerves, nervous system as the Gemini Sun expanded with Jupiter in Gemini meeting up with it in the past week. The mind may have given you some mental burn out!  Sleepless nights, not enough sleep could well have been the manifestation of this energy.  You may well have found your mind all fired up, even when trying to get to sleep.
Grand Water Trine:    
karmic release of the emotional energies in the collective unconscious, which means unloading huge baggage!   
The last couple of weeks we’ve been experiencing a water trine between Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.  

After the New Moon on 9th, Mercury and Venus kicked in their energies with Saturn and Neptune to form a Grand Water Trine.  Mind and heart were unloading.  

If you felt all ‘at sea’ that sounds about right.  This has just given a little taste of what’s to come over the next few weeks, starting with the Sun moving into Cancer, increasing the intensity of the Grand water trine energy, guaranteed to offer immense emotional clearing!
Big emotional release:    
Releasing and healing the stuck emotional energy
The Grand Water Trine was a big player in the emotional energies being stirred up as Mercury and Venus in Cancer were both in play with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces.  The Grand Water Trine energy will intensify with the entry of the Sun into Cancer today.  The next month will be a huge release of emotional energies. 

Dreams:   With Neptune involved in the water trine, chances are the dreams have been a bit ‘Cecil B de Mille’...big and spectacular.  Stay tuned, as the dreaming will continue, probably bigger and better, especially once Jupiter moves into Cancer on 26th June!
Uranus/Pluto square still simmering globally: rebellion, reaction against the status quo...and it’s not going away until 2015.
This aspect is being played as demonstrations of resistance to governments and the status quo which are escalating and spreading across the world.  Remember, this is a long term aspect taking us into 2015, so the voices of ‘the people’ will not be silenced.  

Interesting to watch the Turkish demonstrations with a demographic of so many young ‘middle class’ people and to see something of Ghandi’s pacifist role model being exemplified.  It would seem to  me that the Turkish demonstrators are showing other jaded peoples how it could be done.  Admitted, they are not ‘backs to the wall’ like so many Middle Eastern and African peoples engaged in war. 
21st June:    
Sun moves into Cancer at 3.03 pm AEST, 
 marking the June solstice Winter/Summer
And so the Goddess arrives in her yearly activation of our desire for the nourishment that comes from mother love. Under the Cancerian Sun, the focus for the next solar month will be on home, family, mothering, nurturing and emotional security. 

Family renewal and healing:    We’ll be feeling the desire to build those relationships which nourish and nurture us and give us the sense of belonging, the feeling of unconditional love.   This is a time when family relationships can be reinforced, healed, renewed, especially with Mercury retrograding in Cancer from 26th. 

Healing for Mothers and children:    For those who have drifted apart from their children or children who have issues/differences with their mothers, this will be a great time of healing as we are being given access to so much positive emotional energy with the Grand Water Trine energy. This applies to all relationships whether on the earthly or spiritual plane. Unresolved pain can be healed in these energies.
Connecting to the ancestors:    Call on their strength and release the unevolved karmic imprints from ancestors and family!  
Cancer is concerned with the past, the ancestors and memories and as we all know, the past can bring up so many mixed emotions.  We all carry ancestral memory in our cells including karmic imprints.  For example, these may include family characteristics which we have been evolving over time.  Maybe it’s about having closed hearts, closed minds or maybe pride, wilfulness, stubbornness, doubt, struggle, fear.  These karmic imprints are embedded beliefs which need evolving for us to move forward in our lives. This time offers a wonderful cleansing of our emotional bodies of these karmic imprints. 
Mid year solstice:  
Turning point for the year...a portal to new energy!  
The Sun moving into Cancer marks the mid-year solstice, Winter for southern hemisphere and Summer for the Northern hemisphere.  It’s a huge turning point as at the solstice, the Sun is at a standstill for 3 days.  It calls us to shift focus, direction, not just seasonally, but in terms of a spiritual shift. 

This solstice we have bigger than usual energies with the energies of the Capricorn Full Moon already impacting on us as well as a download of energy serving to shift deep-seated and resistant energies.  We have a Scorpio Moon with us until 6.30 pm AEST, 3 and a half hours after the Sun moves into Cancer.
Solstice, from Wikipedia:    The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the seasonal movement of the Sun's path (as seen from Earth) comes to a stop before reversing direction.
23rd June:    Full Moon in Capricorn 9.32 pm AEST at 2 degrees 10 Capricorn...climbing the peaks! 

Our second Supermoon after last month’s ‘Super’ Full Moon in Sagittarius.  This means that the Full Moon is closer than usual to the earth, so it appears larger than life and for this reason, has a greater ‘pull’ on the earth’s energy.  If you think about the power of the moon on the ocean tides, then imagine how the Full Moon, which is a super moon may impact on us.
Triggered memories:    The Moon is watery and highly charged emotionally, so the emotions are bigger than usual and with a Super Moon, highly charged and guaranteed to bring up seemingly irrational emotions.  If something feels irrational from within you or ‘out there’ you can bet a memory and/or memories are being triggered. 

Climbing to the peaks: 
Capricorn ambition calls us to climb our mountain, never give up and claim success!  
Now along comes the Capricorn Full Moon challenging us all to connect to the
heights, to have the drive and ambition to establish our authority in the worldly sense.  Capricorn calls us to the material world, to the world where we can show our mastery of the world of work and work where we can demonstrate prowess and authority.
It’s our area of expertise which when followed, step by step in Saturn style, we can achieve greatness.
Let go of feelings of failure:    However, as we reach for success, we need to let go of all feelings of failure, all memories of stepping out and reaching for the heights and feeling like we fell short.  This is the Full Moon for putting all those doubts and insecurities behind us.  Forgive yourself by moving forward with building new dreams. 
The Full Moon is a culminating point of the lunar month:    
Something comes to a close, something comes to light!

Let it all flood in!  and flood out!
The full moon brings to light the deepest recesses of the unconscious.  We discover new information at the Full Moon.  Along with the good bits, we get in touch with those complexes, neuroses, shadow energies which have kept us pinned down by fear, doubt and insecurity.  This is why there’s an irrational quality to the Full Moon time, why people have the potential to act like lunatics.  It’s a huge release of pent up emotional energy and if we didn’t have these times, we’d probably explode like an overcooked Gorgonzola cheese!  Not sure if that’s such a good metaphor, but the words sounded right.
All we have to remember – let in the new ideas, dreams, insights, possibilities and let out the old complexes, neuroses and shadows!
Planetary cleansing/let go:   
Capricorn is the earth, the Full Moon is all emotion and the Moon rules memory...just let it all go!  karmic release!

This Full Moon is bringing huge planetary cleansing, cleansing of the planetary memories we’re carrying in our bodies.  It feels like there’s an exodus of planetary energies releasing from the earth with the light of the divine mother, the Cancerian Sun.  

Saturn rules Capricorn and Saturn is called ‘the Lord of Karma’.  Release karmic burdens and commitments as you call in the completion of ‘the hard yards’.  Doesn’t mean you won’t be contributing to the earth, just a whole new way of giving, called ‘being yourself’.
Capricorn Full Moon opposite Cancer Sun:    balancing work/home, the physical/emotional, material security/emotional security
The Capricorn Full Moon opposite the Cancerian Sun asks us to bring balance to both our emotional and physical security needs shining their respective lights on our inner and outer selves.   We’re under the watery Cancerian Sun embracing emotional security and nourishing our spirits immersing in the ‘waters’ of family, home and kindred spirits.
What’s happening at this Full Moon and into the next week:   
A ‘kite’ involving 4 planetary energies, a Grand Trine and one planet as the ‘tail’ of the kite.

This current kite incorporates the Grand Water Trine with Saturn, Neptune and the Sun in Cancer. 

The tail or ‘rudder’ of the kite is the Capricorn Full Moon opposite the Sun. 
The tail of the kite, the Capricorn Full Moon:    
Pull the plug on the dense earthy energies of 
hard work, struggle, old belief systems about work!
Now although Capricorn is all earth and grounded, at Full Moon time, the Capricorn energy is infused with all the emotional power of the Full Moon. Just pull the plug on all the dense energies from the memory banks and hopefully it won’t impact too much on the physical body. 
Off the treadmill:    This is a good time to cut the ties with all those planetary earth energies which have been keeping us in a never ending soap opera called ‘Earth revisited 1, 2, 3’.  How many sequels do we need???  Say no more and pull away from the struggle energies, the unevolved energy of Capricorn. 

One of the favourite sayings of so many people ‘You never get anywhere without hard work’ absolutely smacks of this struggle energy.  

 Doesn’t mean we don’t put effort into what we’re doing in life, just that when work is pleasure we let go of the ‘hard work’ treadmill energy. 

Remember, goats are adventurous and playful!

26th June:  It’s a big water bath!!!  

The kite formation will continue beyond the Full Moon as the Sun will take about 5 days to meet in full force with Saturn and Neptune both at 5 degrees.  When the Cancerian Sun meets Saturn and Neptune, on 26th, Jupiter will move into Cancer too!!!!  Fun and games everyone!
The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 3* Cancer is:
A man bundled in fur leads a shaggy deer. This intriguing image seems to suggest that we might feel ‘left out in the cold’ as we embark on this next stage of our journey. The deer is a symbol of gentleness, so be kind to yourself during this phase. Our new path will have tests we have to face, so it will test our willpower to stay the course.
The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 3* Capricorn is:
A Human Soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment. There is an inner drive in all people to grow and learn from experience. This symbol seems to urge us to go out into the world with our unique insight and talents and experience what is there. Test yourself with your new awareness of the meaning of your life, even if those experiences leave you ‘out in the cold’ for a while.
My sense of the above energies:    Be kind to yourself, stay safe, go out into the world, stay strong in willpower and resolution.

Latest message from Lauren Gorgo:    

Golden Oldie: Ev’ry time you cry John Farnham and Human Nature http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77zyxyiCO8k
Some divine mother energy:     ‘She Carries Me’ Jennifer Berezan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgDsmhqe51A

Upcoming Dates:
26th June:    Jupiter moves into Cancer
26th June:    Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer 
28th June:    Venus moves into Leo
That’s it for now folks!  Remember, this solstice is the watermark for big change...the line in the sand marking a time for change of a major order!
Apologies for the lateness of this email as I was laid low with some physical challenges, which of course, is not just physical.   I’ve only been able to load this onto the site today, a day late for the solstice...but, in time for the full moon.    
As always, fellow pilgrims, love and blessings to all.  May we all feel uplifted in the nourishing waters of the divine feminine, the Grand Water Trine and feel the urge to scale the peaks to get the big picture.
from the chair

 ...going with the flow

 It’s all about love

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