...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 3 September 2013

5th September 2013 New Moon in Virgo

Hi everyone!
Believe it or not, we’re right on time!!!

Where are we?    

Divine timing, divine order!

Don’t worry, you’re not running late, behind time, trying to catch up or ‘missing the boat’!  

So tell the White Rabbit to put the watch away and take some time out!  

The Sun and Mercury both in Virgo want to do everything ‘yesterday’.  

We need a concerted effort to control our inner White Rabbit who’s shouting... 

‘I’m late, I’m late for a very important date!’  
No we’re NOT!
Allowing the change is the key to the energies:   Virgo purification all the way!
We’re  travelling under the Virgo Sun within the vortex of the energy of the Grand Sextile.  Are we allowing the purification process to happen without the tension, anxiety and worry which is a hallmark of Virgo’s shadow? 

What’s been happening:    Shifting and turning on a daily basis!
We are in the throes of change processes (two grand trines forming a grand sextile) as well as the energies of the Uranus square Pluto which seemingly simulate the Mercury retrograde energies. 

I feel this has been happening on and off for sometime as we shift and turn like a school of fish tuned to the ocean currents as one!  We’re in a collective change process.

That’s my take on it. Which doesn’t help, except to remind us to stay focussed!

Focussed on...abundance on all levels, freedom, joy and of course love.  
Not easy when the shadows are arising from their ‘graves’ in our bodies, our cell memories...and the earth!!!

Remembering spontaneity:   Surrendering to divine excitement!!!    
The Uranus/Pluto square continues!
With Uranus in Aries in square to Pluto in Capricorn, the status quo is constantly being upset and shifted.  And that includes any ‘locked in’ timetable, plans, attitudes and values.  Saturn, ‘Old Father Time’ rules Capricorn!  So times, plans and timetables will be shifted often suddenly and radically to throw us off balance and off ‘the track’ aka treadmill of ingrained patterns and expectations.

The Uranus/Pluto square will be intensifying in mid October due to peak in early November, so there’ll be more ‘rocking the boat’!

I don’t know whether Snoopy looks spontaneous or demented!!!  
Just stay light on your feet!

The Grand Sextile incorporating the Grand Earth Trine and Grand Water Trine:    Continuing until about 7th-9th  September!
We’re still getting our makeover happening within us and not readily visible.  However, with the earth energies, we are getting a makeover in our physical bodies and purification is a big part of this as Mercury and now the Sun in Virgo are significant players in this process.

Grand Earth Trine:    
Physical clearance!!!
At the moment we are in the Sun of Virgo and this Virgo Sun energy is shining a healing light on collective past life energy in Taurus (south node) and extracting all the dark Pluto in Capricorn energies from the earth and our earthly bodies.   

You may well have been experiencing physical symptoms in the body, indications that old energy is being shifted.  Areas of the body which could well be affected by these energies include:

Capricorn:    joints, knees, skeletal system, bones
Taurus:        throat, neck, voice, thyroid gland
Virgo:          digestion, spleen, nervous system

Grand Water Trine:    
Emotional clearance!!!   
Of course Saturn and North Node in Scorpio trining  Chiron in Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer is all part of this change process. 

In tandem with the earth trine, our emotional memories are being cleared from our bodies.

Scorpio:    reproductive system, sexual organs, bowels, excretory system
Pisces:     feet, toes, lymphatic systemadipose tissue
Cancer:     chest, breasts, stomach, alimentary canal

For more information on medical astrology, sign and planetary influences:    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_astrology

Remember:    It’s all spiritual!  
It’s all about consciousness!
All the clearances in our bodies, physical, emotional and yes mental are underpinned by the forces of change in our consciousness as so much of this clearance is about clearing cell memories, the earth and its history. 

The collective wounds of humanity are being opened and cleared.  The wounds are emotional, psychological, physical and astral.  They are personal, ancestral and planetary. 

We are releasing the treadmill mentality of life as ‘hard work’ of 3D existence.  Yet, we will continue to exist in this world of 3D, one foot in 3D, one foot in 5D reality.  We’re working with both as we coexist with our fellow humans. 

What’s coming in:
Up to the arrival of the New Moon:    Dark of the Moon, Balsamic Moon
We’re in the dark of the moon, the time where we clear and release old energies.  This is a time in the darkening moon, where the veil between the worlds thins, a time when we can hear the messages and whispers from our inner voice of our wiser more evolved self, from the earth and the universe.
5th September:    
New Moon in Virgo 9.36 pm AEST at 13 degrees Virgo 04
                              ..a fresh start!

A New Moon:     Setting intentions for the next lunar month!  
Virgo, an earth sign, is a powerful manifesting energy for earthly intentions!
With the clearing of the past few days, this New Moon offers a clarity about the essentials needed for fulfilling our lives at this time. 
How do we know what we desire if we don’t know who we are:
This New Moon there’s a big focus on healing, coming to wholeness and it’s a body/mind/spirit healing focus.  Virgo wants everything aligned and in tune with our essence.  She wants a purity of being, intention and therefore direction in life. 
Our authentic self:     
Finding ourselves, revealing ourselves and our ‘calling’ this lifetime
Virgo’s purification process strips away the masks and skins of conditioning so we can be fully revealed as our essential self, the purest form of who we are.  This energy is a gentle but insistent change agent in stripping us back to our ‘core’ which then leads us on to the essentials for fulfilling our lives on earth. 

Worry and anxiety arising from the change process at hand:
Virgo doesn’t necessarily like being in this ‘out of control’ state of being which is the hallmark of a Grand Sextile spinning us around like tops wondering where we’ll end up.  She wants order.
She who must be obeyed:
Virgo has a propensity to worry as she wants things the way she wants them and she wants it NOW.  Although Virgo is a mutable sign, she likes order and ritual, which brings in a tendency to want to control the environment. Channel worry/anxiety into rituals which support and encourage you in honouring every moment in the day. Reaffirm the positive power of change.
Virgo needs time out relaxing in the natural environment:
However, it’s not just for the sake of control although it can translate that way in a 3D consciousness. It’s about a ‘proper’ way of honouring the environment and the self.  It’s about managing the physical environment so the energy flows well.

Health regimes:    It’s about health AND wellbeing.  
If it makes you feel good...fine!  
Beware of the ‘shoulds’ of conditioning!  
Now there’s the human created environment of house and workplace and there’s the natural environment. Virgo wants to manage both but she needs her time out to honour the body, to rest the nerves and to attend to health needs of diet and exercise.  

Under a Virgo New Moon, we’re likely to start a new diet and/or exercise regime which will get our physical bodies back in shape and humming along.  No need to force this as if it’s to happen, you’ll get the message.  If it makes you feel good it will last.  If it’s a chore and a duty, it won’t last.  Just stay tuned.  Your body will tell you.
What rituals are ‘sacred’ to you:   Take time to honour them as essential to your health and wellbeing!

The Virgo energy excels at ceremony and rituals of all kinds whether providing a celebratory meal for a group or honouring the earth in a sacred ceremony in the wilderness.  For Virgo, ceremony brings a sacred quality to our daily existence.  In Virgo energy, making a cup of tea every morning, is a daily ritual which can bring pleasure.  It is in the everyday rituals where Virgo takes great pleasure and comfort. She wants to live in
We all carry the energy of every sign in our charts, some stronger than others.  But when we are under the Sun of a particular sign, those qualities of that sign carry more significance.  At this time, with other powerful energies impacting us, we really need to honour the balancing act of the Virgo purification process and our ‘sacred’ daily rituals. 

Let the cleansing proceed:    
Masks and layers removed!
We’re already in the clean up process under the Virgo Sun.  The beginning of the lunar month reinforces the energies of the Sun and calls us into working at the cellular level of our lives.  It’s all physical with the Virgo energy and it’s all focussed on the paring away of extraneous and damaging energies in our bodies and in our environments. The goal is the purification of the layers, getting back to our authentic selves. 
The Virgo maiden is generally depicted with a stalk of wheat in her arms, signifying her earth connection with agriculture and harvest (usually harvest time at this time in the Northern Hemisphere.  Where Taurus is about the abundance of the earth, food, beauty, sensuality, Virgo energy is about the daily work of planting, tending and harvesting the earth.  

This is not about daily toil. It is about daily joy!
New Moon and Sun at 13 degrees Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces at 11 degrees...emotional healing of ‘wounds’!

Chiron is our wounded healer and is travelling long term through Pisces, the sign of the collective unconscious...that’s all of us!  Imagine all our emotional baggage and wounds floating around in the emotional body and memory banks of our cells and tissues.
Let it out and let the Virgo vacuum suck it up:
Well this New Moon in the sign of the healer and purifier, with big support from Jupiter and Sirius, is ‘sucking out’ those emotional wounds if we let it happen.  It may not feel comfortable at first, but once again allowing the vacuum cleaner of Virgo to go to work, can set us in a whole new place. 
No more ‘sucking up’ all the negativity, pain and backbreaking work!
The physical body:    
Hugging a tree time!    
Don’t forget the body!  
Take time to rest!
Virgo is our minimalist and she’s ready with vacuum cleaner, duster and garbage bags at the ready.  It’s important to get a balance between maintaining the physical body and connecting to the physical environment.

Nurturing the physical body:  
Diet, exercise, relaxation and connecting to the earth are the keys!
Because this energy impacts body and environment, there’s a real need to take a balanced approach with this whole cleansing energy which means take care of the body, take time out in nature and allow the emotions to drain away in relaxed and gentle activities after the purging of the physical environment of home or workplace.
Food and drink intake:    Virgo is very sensitive and is particularly sensitive with digestion, so food and drink need to be checked in with the Virgo sensitivity before consuming. If you overload the body at this time, you may be paying for it.  Virgo is the expert of home remedies and during this time, for transient complaints, monitoring of food and nutrients will work well with home remedies and preventative measures.   
Virgo rules digestive system, spleen, intestine and nervous system.  

During this next month, these sensitivities are greater than usual.  We’ve already been working with these energies since the Sun moved into Virgo on 23rd August, so you may know what I’m talking about. 
Listen to YOUR body:    Mercury in Virgo is sending a whole variety of messages related to our health, our healing, well being and our ‘calling’!   
The key ingredient for Virgo is listening to the body rather than blindly following a ‘one size fits all’ formula for good health.  For example, the ‘rule’ for drinking water, 8 litres a day for good health doesn’t apply to everyone.  We are unique and until we own our unique needs and hear the body, we’re allowing ourselves to be dictated to by another set of ‘rules’ which doesn’t necessarily apply.  Virgo is discriminating and analytical and has a sense of which information is right for us at a particular time.  She knows what’s good for us, if we listen.
New Moon and Sun in positive connection (sextile/60 degrees) to Jupiter with Sirius at 14 degrees Cancer
This is an empowering energy which is expanding and enhancing the positive qualities of this New Moon energy.  Sirius as a strong player in assisting our growth of consciousness.  It is our brightest fixed star in the sky and has a long history of connection to our earth and earth people. 
Our lucky star shines on us:    Jupiter and Sirius together adds a full blown harmonious fortunate energy to this new moon, hammering home the significance of the Virgo energies of clearing, and practical manifestation. 
We are likely to experience an expansion of our perception to take in the big picture and where we fit into the big picture.   
At the Virgo New Moon make the most of these Virgo energies:
Communication offering clarification and healing:
With Chiron in the picture at this New Moon, there is potential for positive communication which heals and clears.  This could apply in any and all environments including healing treatments, home, family, workplace, school, the community.   It’s happening all over.  

So, the insights and clarity are likely to emerge from conversations of all kinds and from ‘messages’ coming from a variety of media, including the earth herself!
Clarity of mind leading to practical solutions:  
Virgo is ruled by Mercury which is the mind and therefore has a capacity for insightful, analytical thinking.  Virgo will sort and sift and clear the mind, providing we take time out from the thinking.  The focus will be on the everyday and the practical implementation.  As the ‘data’ comes in, the mind sorts it and clarifies what is and isn’t important.  These capacities are enhanced at this time.
Sabian Symbol for New Moon in Virgo: 
Finely Lettered Names And Mysterious Lines Are Seen; 
It Is A Family Tree. 

The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Virgo 14:
Finely Lettered Names And Mysterious Lines Are Seen; It Is A Family Tree.  
Keywords: Strength in tradition. Belonging to a lineage. The story of where one comes from. Issues of pride of heritage. The importance of parents and family. Branches in databases. Having strong and secure roots. Origins and their relevance to today’s life. Ancestors. Calligraphy. Fine pens. Filling in the gaps. Adoptions. Step families.

The Caution: Disassociation or disconnection from family history.Exclusivity or snobbery. Feeling like an alien. Feeling, or being, a stranger in a strange world. Orphans. Being adopted. Not knowing where one came from. Being stuck with people you don’t know. Examining your roots. Missing identities.
The Sabian symbol for the New Moon at 14* Virgo is: An aristocratic family tree. 
This is an image of ‘The Tree of Life’—of our genetic and soul history.  Dane Rudhyar says it indicates a deep reliance upon the ncestral roots of individual character.  Our true power comes from our soul’s purpose, which has been built up through many lifetimes to meet the needs and challenges of our times.  We all have it in us to do what only we can do.  We have to believe that we are here to serve the world so we can understand what we are called to do.  One returns to the roots in order to produce the flowering of personality, if this flower is to bring forth a living seed. (DR)
To read more fully on the New Moon energies, both Linda Hill and Cathy Pagano give further perspectives beyond my summation.
Upcoming Dates:   
9th September:    Mercury moves into Libra
11th September:    Venus moves into Scorpio
Golden oldies: 
‘I’m on my way’ Cat Stevens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYdH0iPXs7c  
 Lyrics for ‘I’m on my way’ http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/catstevens/sitting.html
‘Fields of Gold’
Sting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dnj1zshmTE0  Sting’s song and the video’s lovely
Eva Cassidy:  Eva is so appropriate for Virgo,  pure feminine energy, authentic and true! 
That’s it for now folks!
Love and blessings to all my companions on this earth walk!  Take time to smell the flowers and hug the trees and feel the grass under your feet!

from the chair


It’s all about love

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