...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 10 September 2013

9th September 2013 Mercury moves into Libra, 11th September Venus moves into Scorpio

Hi everyone!
We’re on that rainbow stairway, rainbow bridge of evolution, of ascension to unity consciousness. 

The ebb of energies:    

Coming in and going out!   
The old and the new!

We’re just moving through the final stage of the last Grand Sextile in the next couple of days.  

It’s been a huge energy download of positive forces of light from the cosmos at the same time as releasing from our cell memory those karmic implants from the ‘past’, the history of us and this planet earth.

Getting to the essence of self:
We’re still under the Virgo Sun until 23rd September which means the ‘cleansing’ process continues as we come to wholeness and clarity about who we are, where we’ve been and where we’re headed in this lifetime.
As within, so without:   
If we open to what’s happening in the world beyond our personal lives, we can see the cleansing happening across a wide spectrum, even if it seems to be at a slower pace.  The argy bargy ‘out there’ is a reflection of the process happening in every one of us. 
The awakening:   
The awakening of people to the world and how it ‘fits’ them is ongoing and growing.  The recent Federal election in Australia was significant merely for the fact that more people are showing some kind of interest in world affairs and even though this is in the everyday 3D dimension, we need to remember that we are still within 3D ‘muggledom’ at the same time as experiencing the 5D dimension of higher consciousness. We are straddling two worlds.

You don’t have to read books and meditate to be bringing light to the world.  It is in the holding of the energy of love and higher consciousness of the greater good.  We are earth beings and also part of the greater cosmic existence.

7th September - 10th September:    

Grand Sextile comes to completion

...karmic burdens releasing!

This vortex of energy of the past couple of weeks is closing off on 7th with remnant energies flowing on until 10th. 
Being raised and at the same time released from our the heavy earth energies of the past:

The Grand Sextile/Merkaba energies have involved light downloads and recalibrations as well as releasing us from the karmic burdens, wounds we brought in to heal. The Karmic Nodes of the Moon have been significant players in these Grand Sextile energies as the old is released and the new direction is pulling us forward in our evolution.

Let everything go:    This karmic release is continuing on for the next few weeks up to the equinox on 23rd. 
Quotes from Lauren Gorgo’s latest message: 

‘Healing to Whole: the birth Part II’
‘this meeting of the sacred minds precipitates the separation of worlds (within), and will enable us to drop a ton of old/karmic baggage which ultimately grants us the ability to uphold 5D+ as our resolute reality’
‘this month we begin to solidify (birth) our 5D experience and that before us are some openings that will precipitate both a major ending and simultaneous new beginning.’
From the Pleiadians:
we are going to be both completing a level of incarnation, as well as beginning a new incarnation.’
‘This ending that we are referring to is one of great magnitude.  It is not only the end of a major phase in your earthly life, it is the end of an accumulation of many lifetimes, for many souls here, in what we would call…the lower world of form.’
From Lauren Gorgo:
When is this going to happen:    
Around the full moon in Pisces on 19th will be a significant shift leading into the 23rd, the Equinox, Sun into Libra!
We all know it’s a process of course, but the astrological energies are good indicators of timing.  My feeling is around the Full Moon in Pisces on 19th will be significant for a huge release of old burdens and baggage. 

Big heart transformation:  Lift off! 
At the Full Moon, Venus will be meeting Saturn and the North Node in Scorpio.  That, to me, is the lift off as Venus is love, Saturn rules karma and the North Node is our spiritual direction on the planet at this time.  All in Scorpio which rules life, death, rebirth and transformation!
With the nodes involved at this time, we are very much the picture above with the balloons lifting us towards the North Node of growth and the South Node of karmic burdens dropping away beneath us.

Last week of September:    
Off the L plates and working with provisional licences in divine partnership! 
The Equinox is the doorway into the last week where we have the opportunity to work in partnership with our divine self under the Libran Sun.  

This last week will show us how far we’ve come.  We need to be focussed on clearing all the past memories, blockages, karmic ties and burdens in preparation for a more refined energy and the presence of our true and authentic selves preparing to emerge from the dark of the past years.
This week: 
We’ve got an interesting ‘marriage’ of change with Mercury/mind  and Venus/heart  both changing signs! 
Yesterday, Mercury, our mind energy moved into the sign of love and balance, Libra. 
I see Libra as PINK!  Imagine the mind being flooded with the pink light of unconditional love! 
Tomorrow, Venus, our heart energy is moving into the sign of intensity, rebirth and passion, Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio is to me RED!
How will our hearts and minds be working together in the next couple of weeks.
9th September:    Mercury moved into Libra at 5.07 pm AEST until 29th September
Some light relief from the relentless energy of Mercury in Virgo which has kept us nose to the grindstone for the past couple of weeks.  Libra offers some gentle balancing energy to the mind and a release from the driving activity of Mercury in Virgo. 

Let the unconditional love flood your mind and heart.

Mercury in Libra will be putting the focus on love and harmony, beauty, peace and justice through our relationships and through our communication.  We will feel inclined to seek peaceful resolution.
The gentling of the Mercury mind will be seeking resolution, peace, justice and love.  Take time to really feel the love in your mind and communications.
Peaceful communication:    resolving conflicts
A wonderful energy for sorting out differences within yourself as well as with others. Libra is essentially a gentle energy but it can take a surprising turn when injustice pops up.  Libra will not back down easily when there is a perceived injustice.  Just be aware that fairness is key. 
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who am I? 

Whenever Libra’s in the picture we’re back to the relationship as mirrors scenario. 
This energy will be offering amazing focus and support for the next few weeks of karmic clearing.  We’re claiming unknown parts of ourselves including the latent and untapped talents and gifts as well as parts of ourselves we’ve buried and avoided.
The process will deliver us to a truth and clarity about ourselves which will be the foundation for taking us forward on the next leg of the journey. We are really clearing up so much unfinished business in relation to ourselves. 
This process is not just happening on the physical level,  as we are opening to past lives/other realities which offer us a perspective of ourselves not yet revealed.  Be very open to these insights and messages coming through.  Be open to owning, releasing and loving it all.
11th September:    
Venus moves into Scorpio at 4.15 pm AEST

Heart makeover and rebirth!

Clearing of clogged heart energies:    

A heart starter!  A heart opener!
Venus will be in Scorpio until 8th October so make the most of this kick starter for life force!  Scorpio is ruled by Pluto which can deep, volatile and volcanic when it kicks in. It’s not called ‘falling in love’ for nothing. 

Broken hearts, open hearts, healed hearts:    
Karmic clearance!
Venus in Scorpio is all about passion, depth and incisive heart exploration. Venus is LOVE and is our heart energy.  With these energies we’re getting open heart surgery and being offered the opportunity to clear the karmic burdens from our cell memories. 
Healing the past:
We may not even know why we’re feeling emotional as releasing the heart is a bittersweet experience, joy and released pain bringing us to tears.  Is it joy?  Is it pain?  It’s just the heart opening to the locked in feelings. 
In Scorpio, there’s always a letting go. rebirth theme.  It’s always about the death of the old energies and a renewal.  So we have old grief releasing from us as new life is being reborn in our hearts. 
Open to the power of love:
The transformation of our heart energies at this time is inevitably tied in with issues around money, self-love and accepting entitlement to abundance on all levels.  What a great energy to take us through the Equinox and through the end of September. 
According to Lauren Gorgo’s full message regarding September:
‘By the fourth week, we supposedly finalize our (soul) work for this (13) year, and begin to welcome the new energy, new insights & new beginnings slated for 2014.’ 

Mercury in Libra with Venus in Scorpio:    Peace and passion...interesting energies working together!
This is going to be an interesting time with all the Venus in Scorpio passion seeking intensity, whilst the Mercury in Libra wants peace, harmony, balance, justice and loving communication.  We’re bringing hearts and minds to work together in harmony.


How is this marriage of heart and mind going to work together? 

Mercury in Libra wants sweet and loving  lighthearted togetherness and Venus in Scorpio wants deep, intense and intimate passion.  Now while Libra is about close one-on-one relationships including marriage and partnerships of all kinds, Scorpio seeks deep transformational experiences through intimacy and sexuality.  For those in partnerships, it is likely to be a powerful time of change within the partnership as well as individually.
The impact on us as individuals:    
being our own best friends and being in partnership with the divine higher self.
This isn’t just impacting on those who have a partner as these energies are working on us as individuals in healing and clearing our damaged heart energies.  We are learning to be in partnership with ourselves and with our really ‘better’ halves, as in more evolved part of ourselves...our higher self!
We are learning to love all of ourselves at the deepest part of our being.
Listen to your inner voice, your more evolved self, divine guidance:    The higher voices are speaking to us!
These energies offer divine reunion and communion. With Mercury in Libra, communications in the heart, of the heart...are front and centre!  
9th to 12th September:    
Mars in Leo squares Saturn in Scorpio
...learning to take our power and authority and let the ‘old’ karma fall away!
Fiery dynamic Mars in passionate Leo is challenged by the Saturn in Scorpio energy.  We could well find we’re in a bit of an ego head banging session trying to change the status quo.  There’s a clash of individual desire with establishment ‘rules’!
This will add some spice and challenge to the relationships...not just intimate ones either.
The workplace is a player in this energy.  So be aware when your buttons get pushed. Change from reaction to response.  
Are you ready to catch yourself in time before you bite someone’s head off???  Take authority for your fire and passion without burning everyone around you.
Golden oldies:       
‘Walk hand in hand with me’  
Gerry and the Pacemakers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhni7gYzezk 
‘All of me’ 
‘Devoted to You’ Everly Brothers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk_T_Uf-5PQ


Upcoming Dates:
19th September:    Full Moon in Pisces
Love and blessings to all my fellow travellers on the road to love!  Don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers!


...from the chair
...’shaken not stirred’ thankyou!

and smell a rose for love!

It’s all about love


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