...for the children of the earth

Saturday 19 October 2013

19th October 2013 Full Moon in Aries, Lunar Eclipse


Hi everyone!
Even if you’re not in the energy of this serene scene, just keep invoking it as it aligns with the higher expression of the Libran Sun...balance and harmony.
What’s happening:
I posted this picture here about a week ago when the ‘pond’ felt calm.  Looking at it the last few days when I’ve been attempting to finish this update, it didn’t seem to fit what was happening with such turbulent energies swirling around.  
I’ll put it down to the ‘see-saw’ affect!
Increased solar activity firing us up with light downloads!!! Whew!!!
Up and Down, up and down:     Yes, justice is being restored!    
We’re in the final week of the Libran Sun doing a balancing act with peace, harmony and justice.  It may have felt more like being on a see-saw going up and down, rather than floating around the pond of serenity!
It’s been quite a balancing act, trying to even up the energies, one minute UP the next minute DOWN! 
Trust, accept, surrender:    
Keep allowing and staying open to the changes.
Even though you may have been thrown by these changeable energies, it’s worth reminding ourselves that harmony and peace are calling us.  Are we ready to let the forces of change take us where we need to go!
Getting to the truth:    Mercury, our mind,  in Scorpio – the mental getting a makeover in ‘letting go’!!!
Mercury’s off on a caving adventure taking us to unexplored regions of our being and really getting to the truth of who we are and clearing all the ‘rubble’ of who we are not!  Minds are being changed and diverted to divine pathways of evolution and resurrection of our true, authentic selves.

Finding the joy of life:    
Venus, our heart,  in Sagittarius.
Getting a healing makeover in releasing pain and activating joy and fulfilment!
Venus is off on her own adventure out in the world, looking for her own kind of truth in the wider world, in places and with people.  Venus square/challenged Chiron in the past couple of days which you may have felt in the physical body as Chiron has information about the wounds and often impacts on the physical body.  

If you’ve had a heartbreaking/heart opening experience this past week, Venus is doing her work with you.
Bittersweet may best describe this experience.  Again, the see-saw effect!  Heart opening pain, sweet nectar of love!
The past day or two, having a ‘near death’ type experience with one of those ‘false’ heart attack light download/energy surges, I was reminded of Lauren Gorgo’s last message about the focus on heart, blood, lungs and breathing/psychic death experience during this period of time.
Here’s two extracts from that message:
 ‘The Fifth Initiation: Monad merger’":
‘I have also been hearing that this merger may have a momentary
effect on our breathing. The council says that when the christ body (template) interfaces with the physical body, that we will likely experience a deep pause in our breath and that this retention is normal, nothing to be alarmed at, and will feel very natural…but (excitingly) will also indicate that (like an infant being born), we are taking our first breath…as a physical Christ.’

Wholing the (high) Heart
While we are on the topic of blood & veins, the council wants us to know that our physical body is and will be shifting in major ways this season to bring our new-human (high) heart/respiratory system online so we can eventually and literally “live on LOVE”.

As a reminder from past reports, this new system governs the heart, lungs, and blood and is required for initiates at the level of christ attainment to bring harmony and full, restorative healing (wholing) to the body. In other words, it is the totality of this system that ultimately enables the resurrection of our physical form.

Clearing and ‘purifying’ the dross:    
Mars, our body,  in earthy Virgo.
The physical world challenged/released in the fire of Mars
Mars is clearing any old dust ‘kicked up’ by Mercury and Venus.  This energy is quite likely to be expressing itself in the physical body in any number of ways as cell memories are in a purification process with all the Scorpionic energy of Saturn/North Node/Mercury all travelling through the sign of death-like transformation.  Psychic pathways of the past are being released and evolving into higher consciousness.
Hot/cold:    You may have been experiencing this see-saw energy with hot one moment, chilled the next.  Well, Mars is hot, hot, hot so the fire raging through the body is a healing fire.  After the heat, we feel chilled.  I can only imagine this is the balancing process working on us.
The Planet/Cosmos over the past week:    
Balancing of the earth, the cosmos. 
We’ve had an increase in large earthquakes.
We’ve had an increase in solar activity impacting on the magnetic field of the earth and on our bodies. 
Comet Ison is heading into our solar system, a significant new energy which signifies more change. 
Earth weather: 
See-saw weather:    In Australia we’ve had some very changeable conditions, one day calm the next day extreme wind.  The same with heat/cold.  I don’t know if this is happening elsewhere, but I feel whatever is happening on the earth is happening for us all, no matter where we live.
In Australia we’ve had some horrendous bushfires and winds in the past two 24 hours.  Just felt like Mars fire was purifying and cleansing the earth (Virgo).
See-saw politics and economics:  The stand off in USA between government and opposition seems to be very much a reflection of the Libran balancing/justice energies happening across the planet.  And interesting that a short term resolution came only in the nick of time!  All in the energies of the Full Moon. 
Breaking down of the polarities:    
See-saw activity across the planet!  
Who am I and what do I TRULY desire. 
What happens when we put something on one side of the weighing scales?  The other side goes up!  That’s what we’re doing within the realms of every aspect of our lives,  personal, planetary and cosmic.  On the earthly level, it’s the physical changes of weather, climate, seasons, as well as earth changes like earthquakes, volcanoes, water and air changes. 
Duality/polarity exists on our planet.  Yet, it seems to be breaking down and becoming more ‘fluid’.  The poles melting just seems like the reflection of what’s happening to our internal dichotomies of masculine/feminine, active/passive, extrovert/introvert, male/female. etc. 
These are my thoughts and ruminations but it seems to me that we are learning to move backwards and forwards along a range of continua which have expressed polarity in our definition of the world and how it operates. Definitions of male/female, masculine/feminine are just two obvious examples of where we can see people changing themselves, their perceptions and their behaviours. 
It would seem to be chaos and confusion as we work through the fixed lines of black/white conditioning into the multi shades of the rainbow. I won’t say grey!
What’s coming in:
We’re already in the throes of the Aries Full Moon energy and to say the least, I’ve found it to be intense and challenging! All that Scorpio energy for sure!!!
This is the full moon of ‘enough is enough’ and a demanding call for karmic justice and balance to be restored. 
19th October:    

Full Moon in Aries, 10.38 am AEDT at 25 degrees 45 Aries

...’brave, courageous and bold’

Completion, culmination:    
Something’s coming to fullness.  
It’s a bit like a balloon exploding!
Full Moons always bring something to a head, something that needs resolution, an energy that has been building and building, like a balloon being blown up.  The release of energy comes as the moon comes to fullness.

Aries full Moon:     Potential for a blow-up or a blow-out!  Be warned!
We can only hope that this Full Moon doesn’t have too explosive a release as the Full Moon falls in fiery Aries which is fast and fiery.  Aries energy pushes us to act first, speak first, think later.  It’s an instantly reactive energy shooting from the hip.  Diplomacy is AWOL with Aries!  Be warned!

Relationships come to resolution and balance:    
Sort it out peacefully before it’s triggered...bang!

The full moon is opposite the Libran Sun which is all about relationships and that means ALL one-on-one relationships, marital partners, lovers, friends, business partners.  In fact any interaction with others.

Death to the ‘doormats’!:    
Balance must be restored and...
you must count yourself valuable.
Sacrificing yourself in relation to others will not get past this full moon without some kind of resolution.  Let’s hope it’s not a blow-up!!!  Unresolved tensions will be resolved one way or another, so if you’re feeling resentful and/or unacknowledged, the Aries Full Moon energy will demand change whether peaceful or not.  We’re all busting out of own little ‘jails’ of self-sacrifice at the expense of self. 
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse:   
Inevitable change through inner shifts, release of old energies!
This Full Moon is a lunar eclipse which signifies a big change within us, our emotional being, our subconscious, our memories.  Lunar eclipses are like a double barrelled full moon!  It’s emotional and has the potential to offer exaltation in this powerful illumination of our inner being.
Full Moon illumination:    
Realisations abound if we stay open to the messages from our inner voice, our intuition!  
It’s all about you!  Who am I???
It’s a time of heightened emotions, many of them opening up  from our inner channels, emerging into our consciousness, often with a shock of realisation. With the Aries full moon, the realisations/surprises will be about YOU and who you are, where you are and what you truly desire.

All fired up and ready to go...????  Aries is helping us bust out of old conditioning!  Becoming a leader in your own life!
‘I am that I am’ – the message of the Aries ram who has the drive to push through any obstacle.  He’s fired and ready to go, but go where,  you may ask.  If you stay tuned to the full moon energies, the insights and openings are there.

Aries is more than happy to free us from ‘sheep like’ thinking and lifestyles and to bravely strike in new directions, unique to you!  Aries gives us faith and belief in ourselves.  Many of us need this big boost to drive us forward through the eclipse cycle.

At this Full Moon:
Jupiter in Cancer is squaring off to the Full Moon and to the Sun:     Home is where the heart is!    
Jupiter is forming a challenging T- square which to the Sun and Moon.  Jupiter’s expanding this whole energy of self and other, of nurturing and of emotional security.  Home could well become a focus at this time.  Physical security (Capricorn) will be an important avenue for grounding these energies.  Keep safe!  At this time, the Capricorn energies are the release point of memories and karmic imprints.
Reassure yourself, loved ones and family.  All is well.  Home is where the heart is. 
Nurturing, comforting and nourishing are key to shifting these challenging energies. 

Mars in Virgo is tightly opposing/challenging Neptune in Pisces:    
The evolving masculine consciousness!
Mars is learning to go with the flow:    Our masculine warrior energy is really getting some strong vibes morphing from the aggressive battle fighter with sword in hand to the spiritual warrior and the divine masculine energy.  Mars is expanding his vision from the aggressive fight to a more fluid form of expression in the world

This is fiery focus energised by higher vision. This is knowing when to drive forward and when to allow.
This is knowing when to drive the racing car, when to go scuba diving.   
Letting go of the ‘hard work’ treadmill energy:    Mars in Virgo is healing and transforming.  So much embattled energy is being released and transformed.  When we come out of this, our drive and determination will have a very different modus operandi.  Mars moves out of Virgo on 8th December. 
Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon:     25-26 deg Aries  A Man Possessed Of More Gifts Than He Can Hold
Recognize that you are surrounded by abundance, but you are unable to experience it all at once. If you don't feel you have the ability to cope then look in your `storehouse' and you will be surprised at what talents you have that have never even been used.
Potentiality. Obsessions about 'having things' or achieving goals. Counting one's blessings. Being a jack of all trades.
The Caution: Not being able to focus on one issue at a time, or ideas of real worth, therefore not really achieving anything. Inability to gain or contain everything that is desired. Ambition that knows no bounds

Golden Oldies: 
For the Aries Full Moon:    ‘I am what I am’ from ‘La Cage aux Folles’ David Engel    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4VMudwlVEU 
Relationship/individual ruminations:    ‘Crossroads’ Don McLean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJEOsXtiLN0 with lyrics
For reclaiming your power:   ‘I will Survive’ Gloria Gaynor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBR2G-iI3-I  with lyrics
For the Libran Sun:    ‘Two different directions’ John Denver    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMXs1C434B8
Upcoming Dates:
21st October:    Mercury retrograde in Scorpio
23rd October:    Sun into Scorpio
That’s all folks!  Into the light of the Full Moon!  ‘Brave, courageous and bold’ is the anthem for this one! Remember ‘Wyatt Earp’ anyone?  No second guessing!  
So much for me sending out updates weekly!  Just had too much to write on this Full Moon to include the Mercury retrograde and Sun into Scorpio info, so will post that Sunday/Monday.  You could say I was a little physically challenged this week!  Roll on the Full Moon!
As always, love and blessings to us all as we grasp the light of our own divine selves, bringing it into harmony and balance with the world!
from the chair...resting, but getting ready to go bust!

It’s all about love

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