...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 2 October 2013

29th September 2013 Mercury moves into Scorpio



Hi everyone!

A little behind the time for sending this out as I’ve been very much in the throes of karmic release and I just want to rest, close my eyes and meditate. 
Maybe you’ve been feeling the same way, exhausted and heavy with that ‘hangover’ head (for those who have experienced this at some time) when you wake. 
I trust that we are releasing so much that we need to be still and quiet.  If you’re not experiencing this, all is ok.  We’re all doing our own thing, whatever it takes! 
We’re travelling under a Libran Sun!  Here’s a photo of the equinox sunrise of last week!
What’s been happening:
Push me/pull me!

This past week, we’re feeling the impact of the Equinox on 23rd and the flow on effect with the light downloads and shifting energies of that time.
Doorways to the past and future:    We’ve been going in and out of doorways to other dimensions, releasing trapped energies into freedom as we confront our fears, doubts, insecurities of past times/other realities so if you’ve felt a bit off the planet, you can put it down to this intense release process where you don’t feel fully grounded. 

Grounding:    Do something physical to bring yourself back to the physical body and earth
Spending time in a natural setting outside, walking on the earth, eating, drinking, physical contact with the physical environment and others.
Harmony and justice:   
It’s a push me/pull you energy which has felt like the Goddess of Justice, Libra saying ‘Keep calm and balanced, hold to love and harmony’ whilst at the same time challenging us to take the sword of truth, to take control and cut free of the dark undermining forces of past experience and the karmic memories clinging to us. 

Make or break:    

You may well have been shifting from energised to de-energised as we’ve been working with that sense of ‘all or nothing’ and a feeling of ‘make or break’.  Libra wants a peaceful solution but when push comes to shove, she’ll bust right out of any ‘jail’ for the sake of justice and love!
19th September to 2nd October:    Saturn in close contact with the North Node in Scorpio  
Karmic burdens dropping away...if we let it happen!  We’ve got a few more days with this influence so make the most of it. 
We’ve been provided with the energy to shift thinking, feeling and direction and it’s all about letting go and ‘letting God’!

Who’s your social secretary, business manager:  
          Divine will!   Keep handing over all the burdens!  

Our realignment with divine will is palpable.  Divine will is taking charge of our social calendar, working life, family, friends, interests, work and yes...money, providing we allow it to happen! 
We made the choice some time ago, so every time you go into doubt, insecurity, fear that’s popping up from the memory banks of the past, just call on ‘Divine will’ to take over all that tedious thinking and emotion which has kept you on the treadmill of the past. 
29th September:  
Mercury enters Scorpio 9.38 pm AEST until early December
Under the cloak of secrecy until early December as Mercury takes us through a retrograde period! Two and a half months of Mercury in Scorpio.  Big changes are ahead.  Changes which may seem at time confusing whilst at the same time bringing clarity and revelations. 
Mercury rules our communication, networking and commerce. 
Mercury is our mind, our mental capacities.
Scorpio is all about transformation, death, rebirth and regeneration.
Mercury in Scorpio:     

Mining for gold!  
Mercury is going to the depths of the psyche to get some answers.  Scorpio calls Mercury to the deepest recesses of the mind.  No stone is left unturned when Scorpio is involved.  We must get to the truth, to the gold of self!

Just imagine we’re mining for the gold of our divine mind, thinking capacities!

We’re clearing the rubble and rock blocking our way as we tunnel in to find pure gold...who we are!

Scorpio rules:
‘Wealth of the spouse, spirituality, insurance, legacies, other people's money, stocks, bonds, taxes, inheritances, wills, sex, death, surgeries, astral experiences, business partner's money, metaphysics, transformation, regeneration, resources of others’ http://www.drstandley.com/astrologycharts_rulerships_scorpio.shtml
Any of the above areas may well be affected as Mercury trawls through Scorpio between now and early December. 

We’re already working with the long term influence of Saturn and the North Node in Scorpio
Minds being cleansed and cleared:
Getting to the truth:
Scorpio is all desire, but what do you desire?  
Stripping away the overtones of conditioning:    
Changing the mind...what a shocking thought!

It’s emotional, passionate and life-changing!  As we go through this process, don’t be surprised if you keep changing your mind about any and everything.  It may go between feeling confusing and then absolute clarity and insight.  Stay the course with the waves of change.

Expect revelations:    
All will be revealed in good time!  Trust the change process!

Scorpio also likes the cloak of invisibility and secrecy and does not reveal unless absolutely necessary and desirable to do so.  However, we are now being offered this window of opportunity to see into the deepest recesses of our mind. 
21st October to 9th November:    
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio!
Getting the mental cleanse! 
Just to make sure we get it right and cleared of all the mental dross, we get Mercury going into the retrograde cleansing treatment plant for 3 weeks.  It would be amazing if we don’t have incredible mental clarity at the end of these months. 
‘Drossing’ the mind:    We floss our teeth and now we’re really learning to ‘dross’ our minds!!!

From October 1st:    
We enter Mercury retrograde shadow...just a heads up for upcoming confusion!

A little warning:    We enter Mercury retrograde shadow today, so the mixed up thinking, plans being changed, communication and travel confused and all those other little trials of Mercury retrograde will start impacting us from today. 
2nd to 5th October:    Dark of the moon leading up to the New Moon in Libra on 5th.
Release, release and release!  
Golden Oldies: 
‘Windmills of your mind’  Dusty Springfield http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0ZljYnObOI
‘I can see clearly now’ Jimmy Cliff   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSuB4t3q_dAfor when we come out of this Mercury influence.
Upcoming Dates:
5th October:    New Moon in Libra
8th October:    Venus moves into Sagittarius
That’s all for now folks!
We’re heading for that beautiful New Moon in Libra on 5th October! Will be sending out an update in time for the New Moon. 
Love and blessings all!
from the chair
...aligning with divine will
It’s all about love


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