...for the children of the earth

Thursday 16 January 2014

16th January 2014 Full Moon in Cancer


Hi everyone!  
Time to come out of the old comfort zone and to embrace a bigger world!
We’re coming home...no more hiding in your shell, in your ‘shades’!
Welcome to the Full Moon in Cancer opposite the Capricorn Sun! 
Welcome home everyone...home to ourselves, our place on earth and in the cosmos!
Cancer rules the home and being at home with oneself and one’s family, whatever is your place of belonging.  So where do you feel at home?  Time for some insight!
The bigger picture:    Our home...the earth and the cosmos!
What a magnificent perspective we get when we see the earth and moon from space!
Like Dorothy going to the Land of Oz and the Emerald City, we gain a fresh perspective of Planet Earth with her moon set within space, within our solar system and beyond, a little piece of our galaxy.  We are cosmic beings and citizens!
With this Cancerian Full Moon, it’s worth remembering that we are earthlings and earth dwelling but that we also inhabit a huge cosmos of interdependent, interactive energies  
It seems logical to me that whatever is happening out in the cosmos is impacting on us in some way as we exist within a cosmic ecosystem. 
What’s been happening:
The solar pole flip is now complete!
That’s a relief!  I was so addled in the mind I forgot to put this in the last update.  Nasa confirmed that it had been completed by the end of 2013!  Way to go!  No more solar pole flipping for 11 more years.
Dropping your bundle, letting go big time:    

When you drop your bundle, you’re ready to flllllyyyyyy! 
Recalibrated and reconfigured:    

Venus, Mercury and Mars working on heart, mind and body!
Well, here we are post New Year after quite a time of powerful change!  The Capricorn planetary dominance has been quietly demanding as we’re being shifted through a cleansing and purification which seemed quite different to the heavy Scorpio energies of last October/November.  Nonetheless, we may well have been challenged to face a few home truths and to let go of the denials and deceptions of the past. 

Mercury in Capricorn:    
From Christmas until 12th January!   
Mind and beliefs deconstructed! 
Since Christmas when Mercury moved into Capricorn, our mind’s been deconstructed with old beliefs, thoughts and deeply ingrained mental patterns being released from the bondage and shackles of our earthly karma.  If you couldn’t think clearly and felt foggy in the mind...say no more.
Venus retrograde in Capricorn:   Hearts are coming into the truth of love!   Feeling the pain, letting it go!
Since 22nd December, this retrograde experience is taking us back through old experiences in relationships, old hurts, pain, wounds which are buried in the body, again connected to our earthly memories. 
What’s of greatest value to you?   How do you value yourself?
Venus retrograding in Cancer has challenged us to really review our innermost values and to align our innermost thoughts and belief systems with our absolute truth, our personal strength and authority and to align with our place on planet earth and her evolutionary process.
House cleaning the mind and heart:    Emptying out of everything to find the most valuable!
Capricorn energy has been calling us to reclaim the shadow parts of ourselves which are our powerhouse of strength and personal authority on earth as well as releasing those shadow selves which are not aligned with the truth of our authentic self. 
Letting go of the irrelevant, the burdensome energies of habitual and addictive behaviours!
 Bringing the hidden gems of ourselves into the light and out of the shadows! 
Mastery calls, so call out your inner mastery and bring the light forward!
 Physical regeneration and rebalancing:    Mars in Libra
Dr Who’s regenerations as well as the ‘aliens’ in Cocoon are perfect images for us all!
Mars in Libra:     
The ‘head’ and body realignment and balancing is ongoing for a while yet
Just a reminder that our bodies are being reworked at the physical level so as the light of regeneration comes in, we experience twinges, aches and pains as past energies and memories are released from our physical cells.  We need to maintain a positive focus on the changes we are undergoing and keep bringing the light right into the physical body.
Fill the head with light then bring through the remainder of the body.  Imagine every cell in the body filling with golden alchemical light.  Of course, use other colour if so guided.  But remember, the golden light is the light of alchemical transmutation. 
This is our year to shine...from the inside out!      

12th January:    Mercury moved into Aquarius at  8.35 am AEDT...I can think clearly now!

Art:    ‘Where heavens meet’ by Rassouli
Mercury has just moved out of Capricorn into Aquarius until 31st January.  Make the most of this mentally uplifting combination! 
Mercury likes to fly and in Capricorn, he’s been earthbound, wings clipped, feeling laden down by earthly concerns, anxiety, irritation, frustration...maybe even some worry in there!
Mercury is our mind, our communication and clarity. 

Since Christmas:    Mind cleansing and purification!  Lost your mind???
We've been getting a bit of mind clearing and purification since Christmas when Mercury moved into Capricorn. Is that why I've been addled and heavy in the head? Big head clearing has been happening...colds, flu, sinus and headaches etc. Hangovers? for sure! All part of the mind makeover.
While Venus has been retreading old pathways of healing the heart, renewing and rediscovering true value of the self and the true values for our spirit, the mind/Mercury was taken out of the way, removed from the equation, so we could really feel our heart, our emotions and discover our heart’s desire without the mind’s interference.
It’s been a challenging time as our minds were grounded for repairs and renewal.
We were emptied out...it wasn’t just Christmas, New Year or holidays!
Minds take flight:   
Cleared ready for take off!   
Prepare to feel some relief from the mind makeover, to feel some liberation mentally as we emerge from the Capricorn energies which have been keeping our mind and mental faculties very much focused on the earthly, our earthly bodies and our connection to the body of planet earth. 

Freeing up from earthly dimensions: 
From one extreme to the other
...from earth into space!  
From the mundane to the cosmic!
Expect to feel lighter and brighter in the mind and the thinking.
We'll be floating star-filled ideas with Mercury in Aquarius, the original star trekker, at least until 31st January! 

We’re likely to get in touch with a broader perception than we’ve been experiencing as we get the bigger picture moving away from our earthly existence so we can see our lives ‘from a distance’.
Embrace the ‘incredible lightness of being’ lost in space and allow the mind to roam unfettered by the mundane matters which have been a demanding focus for the last few weeks. 
What’s coming in:
16th January:    Full Moon in Cancer at 25 degrees 58 Cancer at 3.52 pm AEDT

Full Moons call for balance: 
The Sun and Moon are in opposition, both working together calling us to the centre of the fulcrum, calling us to acknowledge the outer, active Sun energy and our inner, passive Moon energy.
 Listen, receive and dream:   
Insights and information!
When the moon is at its fullness, it is at its most powerful time of the month for illuminating the unconscious, the past, the memories.  It calls for stillness, feeling, listening, receiving.  At the Full Moon our dreams speak to us!
Emotions are full:   Feel the fullness of emotion as a guide to your heart!  
The Full Moon in Cancer is ultra powerful as the moon rules Cancer so we get a double whammy with this full moon with expanded emotional energy. 
Remaining aware of the prevailing energies:   
 Just a little antsy!
There’s been some antsy energies ‘out there’ as people are working through their insecurities, irritations, conflicts and the ‘demons’ of resistance to change.  At the Full Moon, these demons well up out of nowhere in emotional outbursts and projections.  Of course, we’re all in this melting pot of emotion so we need to go easy with ourselves and others and be aware of button pushing!

Coming to fullness:  Coming to fruition!  A turning point!
Full moons always bring something to a head, a turning point in bringing something to completion.  A lot of what is completing dates back to Christmas last year.  Relationships, issues about relationships are to the forefront, coming, going and transforming.
Clearing unfinished business:    
Saturn working positively with the Sun and Moon at the Full Moon!  Transformational! 
This full moon is a good one with positive energies for clearing up lots of unfinished business with Saturn in Scorpio lending a hand to bring a transformational energy to the full moon energies.  Issues of emotional and physical security could well be transformed in this energy.  Keep asking and surrendering to the greater forces of good, of love and of light!

Breakthroughs at hand:    
A seal breaks the surface of the water welcoming us home to ourselves!
We’re likely to experience a breakthrough which seems to have come effortlessly but has actually been the result of ongoing commitment to change.  This is the realisation that the change is actually happening. 

Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen right on the full moon as the effect of this will kick in as a result of the Full Moon energies.  Increased feelings of liberation are likely as the Sun moves into Aquarius on 20th and with the New Moon in Aquarius on 29th.
The hard yards put in during this month will really show through in the next few weeks.
 The Sun in Capricorn until 20th January:    
Bringing up the demons of earthly living!   
Completing the challenges!
 Clearing the decks and the past history and laying the foundation for 2014!
Reaching for the heights:
All astrology signs carry both the 3rd as well as higher dimensional energies.  In Capricorn, we’re called to the heights to strive to be all that we can be in our lives.  This is the higher expression of Capricorn.
The Devil Tarot card:    Facing the demons
However, 3rd dimensional Capricorn energies can hold us hostage to the earth energies of the physical and the mundane, to the attachment to the material world at the expense of the evolved spiritual perspective. It’s interesting that Capricorn’s Tarot card is ‘The Devil’, representing all the earthly energies which rise up and challenge us, bringing up deeply buried fears, doubts and insecurities. 
Choosing love can bring out the demons!    Capricorn energies of this month beautifully encapsulated by the following quote:

"Sometimes we are plummeted into our darkest depths precisely because we have elevated our ceilings on Love.

Our demons appear most ferociously when they feel threatened by a new attitude - right before they retire like an old dog by the fire. This work is what I call Dreamwalking - digging into our own substrate to unearth our limiting patterns and, in releasing them, revealing a greater capacity for belonging and joy."  Dreamwork with Toko-pa (facebook) 

The World Tarot Card:    

Completion of Saturn’s challenges
On the other hand, the Tarot Card for Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler, is ‘The World’, representing completion of the challenges of life.
More on Capricorn/Saturn energies and the Tarot:    http://www.stariq.com/Main/Articles/P0001903.HTM 

Completing Saturn’s challenges:  
One foot in front of the other!  Building the future!
Clearing the karmic burdens and breaking through limitations!
Capricorn helps us live on the earth in the material world, assisting us to deal with the mundane affairs that can bog us down at times.  Capricorn is serious business, so if you’re feeling a little flat these past weeks since New Year, keep trusting that the building blocks of the year are being put in place by good old Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler. 
Demons beware:    We’re clearing the decks ready to get on with our path of destiny which is urging us on this year. This year, the mountains are our constant reminder to keep reaching high, to keep shining our brightest, to bring our clearest expression of self to the world.  Demons beware!

The Full Moon in Cancer highlights Cancerian themes through the next two weeks until 31st January New Moon in Aquarius:
There’s no need to write extensively on the following themes coming through for our attention. Think of the following as a checklist for our hearts. 
Nurturing, mothering, self-mothering, emotional security:    
Mother and child reunion!
Taking care of ourselves and our loved ones by providing the emotional nourishment we need.  This positive care of self is an expression of self-love, reinforcing and strengthening our very sense of value and esteem.  Treat yourself as though you are a little child who needs reassurance and encouragement.

Home is where the heart is! 
Follow the joy of your heart and your place in the world will emerge!   
There’s no place like home!’  proclaims Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. 
Dorothy utilises the magic of the red shoes to take her home to Kansas.
‘You’ve always had the power my dear.  You just had to learn it for yourself.’ Glinda, the Wizard of Oz.
How can Dorothy find her way home when she doesn’t have the knowledge of how to get there?  The magical red shoes give her the ‘abracadabra’ element which delivers her to where she belongs. She needed to know she had the magic all the time. 
The gratitude of being returned home and seeing home through a whole new lens of perception is the gift that Dorothy brings home from her travels. 
Knowing we’re in the right place at the right time and being at home with ourselves and our situation brings the attitude of gratitude which strengthens and empowers us in the change process. It helps us create home within us and to be at home wherever we are.  
 At this full Moon:
Jupiter in Cancer coming into opposition with Venus in Capricorn and both squared by Mars in Libra:
Resolving relationship tensions:  
With ourselves and with others!  Reclaiming  our mojo, our magic, our authentic self!
These planets are forming a T-square offering challenges/opportunities to clear unresolved issues around the heart energy, values, feeling valued, feeling secure...all played out within the context of relationships.  

Key to resolving relationship tension:  What’s ‘right’ for me?  
What’s aligned with me?  What brings me joy?
The missing leg of the T-square is in Aries so this is the place where we can resolve some of these tensions.  Aries is the ‘I am’ energy and it’s not just about ego, even though in 3rd dimension reality this is how it often manifests.   Own the ‘I am’ energy and be true to yourself.
Aries to the rescue:    Our own personal hero!    
Getting in touch with your personal superhero!
The Aries energy is about doing what is right and proper for you, honouring yourself in the best way possible.  Aries also offers courage to take the next step especially when it feels like a leap of faith...pretty much the case for this time. Aries helps us to be the hero in our own life, to rescue us from our own sense of inadequacy and illusions about our shortfalls as human beings.  The impulsivity and spontaneity of Aries can be viewed as a strength or weakness.  When we need the strength to jump into the future, Aries is our man.  No second guessing here! 
"Vulnerability is not about winning,and it's not about losing.
It's about having the courage
to show up and be seen."
~~~~~ Brene Brown
Until the first week of February:    
Jupiter is in opposition to Venus...opportunity and challenge!
Building a rainbow bridge between these two planets of love and abundance
They’re sitting in the signs that offer us physical and emotional security, Capricorn and Cancer. 
We are being challenged to believe in our right to the abundance of love and abundance of money!  Yes...money!
So many of us are working on bringing in abundance for all, equity across the planet and that means for everyone!
Remember, Venus is asking us what we truly value and to clear the blockages which keep us from experiencing our true worth, our worthiness and our acceptance of our entitlement to be healthy, happy and abundant on all levels of being! 
Resolving money and security issues:  
Are you ready to open to the flow of abundance?
In astrology, Venus rules love and money as well as beauty and harmony.  Venus is a key player in resolving money issues as it directly relates to our capacity to feel love, accept love and to hold love within every aspect of our being. 

With Venus opposite Jupiter and challenged by Mars, we’re likely to feel any insecurities about money issues related to a personal sense of security and feeling secure in our home.
Keep visualising the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!   Manifestation grows out of imagination and vision!
Homeless, feeling homeless, feeling insecure about the home: 
‘A bear?’ said Mrs Brown.  ‘On Paddington Station?   Don’t be silly, Henry.  There can’t be’ 
 But there was.  It had a funny kind of hat and it was sitting all by itself on an old suitcase near the Lost Property Office.

Insecurities be gone!
The Full Moon may well bring up fears and securities about your living situation, household, family.  They are more than likely tied up with money worries.  Everyone on the planet seems to be impacted by the poverty conscious mentality which is pounding us every day in the press.
These ‘demons’ are very likely to even seem irrational to you.  We just have to see them, feel them and say goodbye to them.  Just keep saying ‘all is well’. 
I just love the way Paddington Bear is just sitting on his suitcase, apparently waiting for something to happen. 
And it does!  He finds a home with the Browns. 
Happy ever after stories are good to tell yourself if any insecurities are taking hold of you.  Throw them off!
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon:
From Cathy Pagano:   

The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 26* Capricorn is: A nature spirit dancing in the iridescent mist of a waterfall.  Rivers symbolize the flow of life through time, and when they come to a place where they drop off and form a waterfall, they symbolize a shift in our attention, a shift in how we flow with life.  This image suggests that the rhythm of life is about to pick up speed and take us over the edge.  But the water spirit is dancing in a rainbow-like mist, indicating that if we let go of fear and dance the new rhythm into our lives with joy and happiness, it might just turn out to be magical!

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 26* Cancer is: Guests are reading in the library of a luxurious home.  Since this is the degree of my Moon, I wish I could invite you all into my library (minus the luxurious home).  Books contain the accumulated knowledge and imagination of the culture, and this image suggests that it’s time we share our knowledge, combine our imaginations and pool our resources (guests get to share!). 

From Linda Hill:    http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/ 
Linda offers extensive explanations of all the planets and their sabian symbol degree at the time of the full moon.  I include only her summary of the Moon and Sun.
For the Full Moon:    
Guests Are Reading In The Library Of A Luxurious Home

Keywords: Sharing of thoughts and ideas in an environment of social privilege. Social protocol that says what one should be digesting, emotionally, intellectually or physically. Libraries. Hotel reading rooms. Chatting quietly. Books, magazines. Quiet, knowing atmosphere.

The Caution: Relating on a superficial level or not being able to relate at all because of social expectations. Being told to “keep quiet”. Not saying what one really feels. Focusing on the mind, not the heart. Not being invited to the inner circle.

For the Sun:  A Nature Spirit Dancing In The Mist Of A Waterfall
There seems to be the need for a curious blend of asserting one's power and self along with skipping over things with a 'light nature'. An interesting conundrum, but then full Moons always are to some extent.

 Golden Oldies:
‘From a distance’ Better Midler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLPj2h0N3bU
‘A Couple of Swells’  Judy Garland and Fred Astaire  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrzo5SPaOvg  Where’s home for these two?
‘Homeward Bound’ Simon and Garfunkel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6K8wfyzAJQ 
Upcoming Dates:
20th January:    Sun moves into Aquarius
31st January:     New Moon in Aquarius, Chinese Year of the Horse
1st February:     Venus moves direct in Capricorn
1st February:     Mercury moves into Pisces
6th February:     Mercury stations retrograde
That’s all folks!  Expect to start feeling a lightening up of energies after the Full Moon.  And shine on everyone!!!
As always, love and blessings to all as we ride the waves of emotion through this Full Moon energy, delivering us to the New Moon on 31st January!
from the chair
...resting, waiting

It’s all about love

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