...for the children of the earth

Monday 20 January 2014

20th January 2014 Sun moves into Aquarius

Hi everyone! 
What’s been happening:
We’re just reaching the end of the Sun in Capricorn journey of the past month.  The Capricorn goat has been calling us to the heights, to reach as high as we can go on the earthly dimension. 
But it might seem like nothing’s happening.  That’s because we have had some delaying and slower energies so many planets travelling through  the earthy Capricorn energies.  Earth energies slow us down and get our feet firmly planted on the ground. 
Hang on, keep the pinnacle in sight:
If you’ve felt like you’re reaching for that earthly pinnacle but unable to move forward, it’s all okay.  We’re in somewhat of a holding pattern, forcing us to move slowly and cautiously, building the bricks of our new foundation of thinking, feeling and living. 

Ensconced in the earth getting ready to birth into the light of a new day!
Venus in Capricorn until 6th March:
Venus retrograde until 1st February:  
Finding values...reviewing, evaluating!
It’s been quite a slog for some of us clearing up old earth energies lodged in the body.  We’re still working with Venus in Capricorn for a while yet, until 6th March.  However, the intensity of the physical cleansing will start alleviating. 
Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually:    
Finding our true worth and what is worthy!
It’s like we’re sitting in the middle of the mountain and we’re just about to emerge into the light.  We’ve been getting realigned with our connection to the earth and releasing any earth energies which don’t align with our true essence.
As we’ve been bringing in the light to our earthly life, we’re releasing so much earthly history...our own and everyone else on the earth.  We are choosing to let go of the stories of pain, suffering and trauma lodged in our cell memory.

 Capricorn will carry us through 2014:  
The power to commit, to dedicate, to focus our energies and to reach for the pinnacle of our earthly lives!
Make no mistake about the fact that Capricorn has set us up at New Year to carry through energetically.  It is our choice whether we believe in creating ‘heaven on earth’ or whether we choose to believe that heaven can only exist in another dimension, another planet, another home out in the cosmos.
2014 Creating heaven on earth:    
Capricorn lends us great potential for earthly manifestation! 
This year we have the potential for bringing hopes and dreams to earth, to ground, to life as we know it the physical world.  We just need to maintain the faith, commitment and dedication.  Capricorn will help us with the capacity to endure any challenge with an ease of grace which comes from our connection to the earth and her journey.
2014:    Less slog and more ‘nipping along’ through crossroads of change
With the dominance of the Cardinal Grand Cross, we’re likely to move much faster through challenges than has been the case these past couple of years, where we were experiencing the resistance of fixed sign energies in the cross and T-square formation.  Capricorn is one of those cardinal energies so is a great asset.
20th January:    
 Sun moves into Aquarius at 2.51 pm AEDT
‘All for one and one for all’ 
Blue skies shining on me, Nothing but blue skies do I see! 
The blue of the open sky and the cosmos is opening up to us starting this week with the Sun’s move into Aquarius.  More to come very soon!  Within weeks.
Liberating the mind:   
What a contrast from convention and tradition of the Capricorn Sun to the call to rebellion and radical pathways of the Aquarian energy.
Just as we were getting used to the slower pace of Capricorn, building our lives in the everyday mundane world, we are suddenly lifted off the earth with the Aquarian idealism. 
I just love the way the energies balance each other as we move through the year.  We need them all and we work with them all.
Freedom call us insistently this month:
Aquarius energy stimulates our desire for freedom, liberation from the path of conservatism and the ties of conditioning.  This planetary energy supports us in breaking with past conventions which are detrimental and limiting to our growth.

Finding and expressing our unique essence:   
Make the most of the next month of solar energy which supports our unique talents and desire to express them in the world.

In the Tarot Cards, the Star card represents Aquarius:  

Sign of the water bearer! 
It shows the water bearer, pouring down the purifying spiritual waters for cleansing and releasing all that is not aligned with our star being.  Aquarius, symbolises the energies of spiritual cleansing and purification which comes from the cosmos. 
Uplifting the mind:    Healing our star power!
The spiritual water is a power that clears the mind and the mindset which is an air energy.  Aquarius is an air sign which activates our
mind and our mental faculties, relying on the cleansing power of the cosmic water to uplift our thinking to a higher order, to reach our star of destiny, to attain our higher calling.

Aquarius rules hopes and dreams: 
Accessing the dreams...for self and for all!  

Floating hopes and dreams!
This is definitely win/win energy calling us to contact our hopes and dreams, to gather with like minded others who share our dream and to float our ideas.  When we are on track with destiny, whatever inspires us and motivates us in our passion and gifts, offers something to everyone. 

‘All for one and one for all’  Altruism rules!

Giving freely of ourselves to others is positively rewarding for all!
Aquarius has a strong humanitarian drive and desire for uniting with the greater community of earth, of the universe.
Free ourselves, free all!  

No, that’s not ‘free for-all’!  

Do what you can to unify self and self in community!
The urge to heal and free humanity from the shackles of inequity, of hunger, poverty, pain, suffering and disempowerment is incredibly strong during this time.  You may well find you discover and/or increase your connection with community groups who work tirelessly for all. 
New friends:   
Expressing our unique ‘eccentricity’ in the community...
we discover we are not alone.
This is a great month for meeting others.  Not just any ‘others’, but kindred spirits who share our dream. 
Electronic medium is a positive access point this month:  
Start a web page or blog on your passion!
Make the most of this energy, possible through electronic forms of communication like the net,  as Uranus rules Aquarius and rules electricity and electronic mediums.   
Finding your ‘tribe’, your soul family, your community:     

We are family...
Art: Alessandra Placucci

Community calls:
Aquarius rule community, friends and hopes and dreams. It calls us to connect to like-minded others, to soul tribe, to kindred spirits. 
United we stand, divided we fall. 
Definitely time to call in the support systems from the cosmos, from the earthly community.  This is the time to call for the connections, to make the connections.  Ask the stars and planets to bring you soul connections here on earth.
We are family: 
‘Livin' life is fun and we've just begunTo get our share of this world's delights
(HIGH!) High hopes we have for the future
And our goal's in sight
(WE!) No we don't get depressed
Here's what we call our golden rule
Have faith in you and the things you do
You won't go wrong, oh no
This is our family jewel’
What’s coming in:
With the Aquarian energy:   
Mercury’s already in Aquarius until 18th March (with 1 week in Pisces from 6th to 13th February because of retrograde journey)
Venus moves into Aquarius on 6th March until 6th April:    Time to fly those hearts and values...sky’s the limit!
20th to 31st January:    
Last 11 days of the Chinese Year of the Water Snake.
..a slow, meandering year of transformational healing!
We’re in the last stretch of this slow moving, meandering energy which has been bringing transformational healing to our emotional energy.  Snakes always represent major change and transformational, shedding their skins a metaphor readily applied to our own process. 
Whatever needs clearing up from the past year is likely to experience a rush of change...not necessarily hard either.  It could well bring the fruits of our labours from the past year. 

28th to 31st January:    
Dark of the Moon before the New Moon...clearing and releasing!
We’ll be releasing energies from the past lunar month of Capricorn.  Bear this in mind if any physical symptoms arise.

31st January New Moon in Aquarius:    

Marks the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Wood Horse! 
Get ready for action!


Lauren Gorgo’s latest message:    
 ‘2014:  Spritiualizing the Material’  
Quotes from above:
‘Because so many of our soul contracts are up, we are all feeling the urge and even the optimism more than ever, to move on to greener pastures. And that means me too(!)…after 7+ years in dedication to the awakening/initiation period for all you path-paving pioneers of higher consciousness, I am officially “out of material” at that level, so I will be shifting myself and the body of work that has become TWYH from BEcoming, to BEing…from discipleship to creatorship.’
‘Those who have completed the inner-work and are no longer bound by karmic contracts will be learning to create in this world simply and purely as LOVE…in practical ways that will be needed to sustain us.  And because our perspective of “purpose” is shifting from 3D to 5D, we are realizing more than ever that our contribution to the planet is anchored in our beingship….that our will to create comes simply from the burgeoning desire to share ourselves and our soul gifts with the world in our own unique ways. Which sounds so blissful & romantic…until the mortgage payment is due. clip_image001
Golden Oldies:
‘We are family’ Sister Sledge    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNAQ8LLptUo
‘My beautiful balloon’ The 5th Dimension     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5akEgsZSfhg
‘Age of Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine’ The 5th Dimension     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjxSCAalsBE couldn’t resist this one!
‘Blue Skies’ Ella Fitzgerald     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65kALeyfM44 
Upcoming Dates:
31st January:     New Moon in Aquarius
31st January:    Chinese New Year  Year of the Horse
1st February:    Venus moves direct in Capricorn
6th February:    Mercury moves into Pisces
That’s all folks! 
Love and blessings as always,
from ‘the chair’
...with my soul family! 

Barbara Issa Wagnerova
’Drop the pilot, fly my balloon’
Spirit calls us

It’s all about love

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