...for the children of the earth

Saturday 10 May 2014

3rd May to 10th May 2014 Post eclipse (apocalypse?) Venus and Mercury changed signs

Hi everyone!
Another retrospective posting! 
I’m catching up!
Here we are post eclipse! 
The partial solar eclipse on 29th along with the New Moon in Taurus, set us off in a new direction to ground our hopes and dreams. 
Chances are most of us are still developing new ideas and exploring new possibilities before we can launch on a grand scale.
It’s a recovery ‘party’:  Post eclipse or post apocalypse?  
Still standing...just!
And for those of us who are not able to develop and or explore ideas at this time, we can be assured that the purification/cleansing process in the physical body has passed the greatest intensity in the last month.
Lightening of energies at the New Moon solar eclipse???
Hopefully you felt a shift at the New Moon.  Surprisingly, I felt an uplift in energies the day before, in the dark of the moon.  Of course, we release in the dark of the moon, but it felt like a veil was lifted from me with some relief from the heaviness of the previous 2 weeks.  Still ‘on the job’ though.
Those doing some ‘heavy lifting at this time:
There’s a number of us doing some heavy duty clearing at this time.  Of course it depends on your divine ‘brief’ this lifetime.  If you feel you’re holding a light sword/machete and hacking a pathway through the jungle to the light, be assured that you are not alone.  There is a small percentage a ‘band of brothers/sisters’ who signed up to do the physical recalibration of the body, for ourselves and others. 

Attaining spiritual mastery of the physical dimension:  
Intense clearing in April
What did you sign up for?  A commitment to clear karmic patterns and memories from your own and the earth’s body.  It’s the old 3 dimensional memories which we’ve been carrying for time immemorial.  The cleansing and purification of these energies intensified during April with the eclipses and the Grand Cardinal Cross.  It brought in an intense purging of our cell memories and in the earth’s body.  After all, ‘we are one’!
After the Grand Cross:    
The Sun shining through the clouds after the solar eclipse! 
The dark clouds around but gradually clearing.

Reverberations continue with the Uranus/Pluto square still bringing changes!
We’re still experiencing the impact of the Grand Cardinal Cross with Uranus and Pluto still close in degree.  They’ve been through their 5th meeting as a square/challenge in a series of 7 meetings. 
Another one comes later this year with one more in March 2015, which will be the last of this whole ongoing change process.
Uranus/Pluto Square:
Fears and insecurities brought to the surface:
The ‘demons’ and ancient karmic patterns of the past keep surfacing when Uranus and Pluto come to a meeting.  However, they’re hovering within each other’s energy for the long term and won’t move off this contact until after March next year.
3rd May:    
Venus moved into Aries at 11.21 am AEST...make the most of it!
until 29th May:    
Nearly 4 weeks of access to heart centred passion and drive
Art:  Rassouli 'The Summons'
Venus is feeling empowered!   Love is power!!!
Venus is the heart and calls us to the power of love. When she’s in Aries, she’s all fired up and ready to go into the passionate embrace of her place in the world owning and expressing her warrioress energy.  It’s not an energy of fighting.  It’s an energy of owning the strength and drive that comes from the power of love and harmony.
A call to arms:   
To embrace love, to embrace self-love,  in its fullest expression
Aries is about our personal sacred journey to being ourselves without excuse, shame, blame, self-criticism or living out the projections from others.
True to your heart:  
Being the spiritual warrior of your own life!
‘I am that I am’
With Venus in Aries, if it doesn’t ring true with your heart, you just won’t
take action.  Venus in Aries will have us all tuned to our ‘I am’ presence big time!  That’s the mantra until 29th!

Call on the fire to burn through resistant energies:
Be true to your heart...no other way with this one.  Make the most of the fire, drive and passion in the heart to burn up any resistance to our heart's desire. 

8th May:    
Mercury moved into Gemini at 12.56 am AEST...let’s get together and TALK!
until 29th May 
Art: mariana kalacheva

Networking and talking:  
Mercury’s come home to Gemini!   

It’s an idea and talk fest for the 3 weeks from 8th! 
The more people you connect with during this time, the more likely you’ll come up with some new ideas and new creative possibilities.

Floating new ideas:  The more the better!
Mercury rules Gemini and it’s all ‘air’ energy, energy of the mind!  Gemini meets and connects with many people, stimulating the mind and the brain cells, learning about themselves and life through this interconnectedness. 
Communication means exchange of information:   
Talk and listen, gather information!
You may feel inundated with new possibilities and ideas and wonder how you’ll sort it all out.  But this energy is a short term period of opening up the mind and gathering new ideas. 
Breathing space from 29th to 17th June:    
Mercury in Cancer...sorting and sifting ideas
The sorting and discrimination will come after Mercury moves in to Cancer on 29th for only about 9 days before it turns retrograde for 3 weeks, moving back into Gemini on 17th June where it will be until 1st July.
Mercury retrograde from 7th June to 1st July:  More breathing space!  Slow down!
This retrograde is likely to be very beneficial for our crazy minds after Mercury travelling direct in Gemini. We’re likely to feel overloaded with possibilities by 29th May and the retrograde period will bring welcome relief and time to discriminate and review. 

Physically:    Possible alleviation of challenges to the respiratory system as Mercury moves out of Taurus/the body!
Mercury rules Gemini and communication.  Gemini rules the lungs, breathing, nose, nasal passages, ears etc. Mercury in Taurus may have brought up blockages in the neck, throat, breathing, respiratory system.  Now that Mercury’s in its home sign, there may be release of these constrictions.
You may find an alleviation of sinus, breathing difficulties of throat, nose, lungs, colds, flu.    Also, blocked ears may clear.
3rd to 9th/10th May:    
Grand Trines...a Merkaba, Star of David formation...flowing, positive
We have planetary formations involving two Grand Trines, one in water signs and the other in earth signs from 3rd May through the next week. The planets are not at exactly the same degree on the same day but are lining up from 3rd, beginning with the Sun trine Pluto
It’s emotional and it’s physical:  It’s positive and flowing!
Trines are positive flowing energies, connecting planets which are located in the same element.
The elements involved this week are water, the emotional and earth, the physical.
3rd May:    Grand Water Trine...expansion of potential for healing/releasing karmic wounds and patterns!
The players are:
Jupiter in Cancer
Chiron in Pisces
Saturn in Scorpio 
9th May:    Grand Earth Trine...opening and releasing old earth energies,  claiming our earthly power
The players:
Pluto in Capricorn
Sun in Taurus
Moon in Virgo
Merkaba:    Upliftment and flow opening the doors to clearance!
I trust that the above trines and sextiles will uplift our energies from the challenges still echoing from the Grand Cross.  Uranus and Pluto are still in challenge as Mars and Venus have been in the past week.  Keep reaching for the ‘flow’. 
The Grand Water Trine is with us for a while yet as the planets involved are all slow movers.  These three offer big, big karmic clearance and the opportunity to release karmic patterning from the ancestors, the family and the earth. 
Possible relief for knees, joints and skeleton
More on this later.
8th to 10th May:    
Mars in Libra challenging/opposing Venus in Aries
Choose the boxing gloves or balance and peace!
This next week the energies are building to a stand off between our masculine drive/Mars and our feminine energy taking a stand in the space of love.  If you can release any unresolved anger, bitterness, resentment, frustration, irritation in a safe way before taking on anyone else, you’ll find yourself in a happier space. It is all about awareness of our emotions before there’s any possible confrontation with someone. 
Mars is tempered by the Libran energy, Venus is fired to passion!  
 Could be a recipe for passionate connection!
Mars, the masculine fiery warrior, is in the sign of love, harmony and justice...Libra.  Venus, the energy of love, is in Mars sign, Aries so she’s got some fire behind her there.  This could provide a loving, passionate energy of connection...providing there are not unresolved, suppressed angry emotions just waiting to bust out!
The higher potential:    
Harmony, peace and love...a test of our progress to love and peace
Hopefully, the masculine warrior is coming to peace after months of being forced to deal with compromise through his retrograde in Libra. 

This week is a little test to see how far he’s come on his journey to love.  Venus is feeling feisty and passionate in Aries.  She’s going to find out how far she’s progressed in her journey to re-empowerment of love in her life. 
What’s coming in:
The eclipse tunnel of change:  Emergence at the Full Moon in Scorpio 15th May...more clarity!
Still getting the makeover:
We’re still very much in the change process which eclipses bring to us and even though the energies lightened at the New Moon on 29th, we’re still not in clarity until our emergence from this tunnel of energy. 
What to expect:    Anything’s possible after an eclipse vortex!
Stay tuned to that inner voice as we come to light at the Full Moon in Scorpio.  New pathways, possibilities and solutions will be revealed at that time.  If you’re feeling ambivalent, between worlds, tied up on decision making, just hold off on acting as it’s likely to be changed again after the Scorpio Full Moon. 
Scorpio rules transformation, death, rebirth:  Changes are inevitable!
Powerful forces of change will be carrying us forward from the Scorpio Full Moon.  Endings and beginnings. 
Moving forward:    
Mars moves forward on 20th May...new ways of being will surface!
At that time, drive and passion will be feeling the effects of Mars retrograde period of the last months.  The makeover of our drive and energy is likely to bring a new dimension to our way of expressing our drive and passion in the world.  More balance and harmony will emerge.
Lauren Gorgo’s latest posting:    ‘The Magic of May:  Midway Point’
April was packed with profound transformations that guarantee major change in our lives. May is set up to reveal the very beginning of our magic-made-manifest, the opening to new LOVE that results from such deep and thorough excavation.

In the
new report I discuss the incoming energies that mid-month will bring and what we can expect with regard to the ongoing resurrection process in particular.

Here is some of what you can expect in the FULL version:
  • reprieve is coming, heavy lifting is over
  • midway through rebirth: tipping point
  • transfiguration: intense physical symptoms
  • the eclipse portal draws to a close
  • Mars turning direct, moving forward again
  • healing/wholing, integration, alignment 
  • grounding into the physical body
  • Merkaba magic! the new navigation system
  • merkaba activation symptoms
  • crystalline core self-generating operating system
  • learning to drive our "new vehicles"
  • the release of the pain body/suffering
  • demagnetization of the duality matrix
Golden Oldies:
‘People’ Barbara Streisand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPlQ6EtArSc for Mercury in Gemini
‘I’m still standing’ Elton John http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JfvAPZGjds  with lyrics for post eclipse recovery song!
‘I’m still standing’ Elton John http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHwVBirqD2s&feature=kp  video clip
‘I am what I am’ Gloria Gaynor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d89h5jLF0k0 for Venus in Aries
Upcoming Dates:
15th May:    Full Moon in Scorpio
20th May:    Mars stations direct in Libra
21st May:    Sun moves into Gemini
That’s it folks!  We’re heading for the Scorpio Full Moon and release from the eclipse vortex of energy.  For me and for many others, it’s felt a little like going through a sausage machine, so it will be interesting to see how we turn out at the end when we reach the light of day.
As always, love and blessings to us all!  I’ll be sending out a brief update for the Scorpio Full Moon as it promises to be a huge release and relief!!! Whew!
from the chair...surrendering to the 'makeover' 

It’s all about love


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