...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 28 May 2014

29th May 2014 New Moon in Gemini


Hi everyone!  On the Gemini road to adventure! 
Wow!  We’re travelling in the light of the Gemini Sun, seeking travel, movement...and dare I say ‘adventure’!  It’s been challenging to get to the movement with Mars pulling us back into a holding pattern.
Some of us may be feeling like we’re still dragging ourselves along as we continue with the purification process.  Last week was heavy duty for plenty of us as Mars came to a standstill, changing direction, preparing to move forward.
Physical energies returning:  by the end of the month
Hopefully you’re starting to feel the lifting of these ‘holding’ energies on our bodies and our physical existence. If you’re not yet back on deck, trust that the next couple of days, after the New Moon, will see you chugging along like the little red engine!
Mercury now in retrograde shadow until 7th June: 
Ironically, just as Mars turns direct, Mercury has moved into retrograde shadow, preparing to retrograde from 7th June. This means that we’ll be tracking over this territory twice more before Mercury’s finished with us. 
You may already find difficulties, confusions and challenges occurring with technology, communication of all kinds and of course commercial transactions.
The impact from any planetary change of direction is most heavily impacted when it changes direction. 
What’s coming in:
This week:  A New Moon in Gemini as well as Mercury/our mind and Venus/our heart, changing signs...all on the same day!
Heart and Mind singing the same song:  As the New Moon births!  
Coming to agreement!
Leading into the New Moon, heart and mind are in positive connection/a sextile with each other at 29 degrees, the last degree, signifying some kind of completion for them both. 
Listen to the song of your heart and mind:
The time before the New Moon is a time when we are likely to receive insights, messages, guidance providing we are open to listening and being still and quiet enough to be in that receptive space.
With mind and heart united, we stand every good chance of really coming to peace with something that’s been keeping our minds and hearts at odds with each other.
Venus and Mercury will continue working together through the next few weeks as we focus on our physical earthly life, our emotional security with any forward movement dependent on clearing up outstanding past blocks to our achieving earthly abundance.
29th May:    New Moon in Gemini at 7 degrees 21 Gemini at 4.40 am AEST...clear the mind!
Art:  Laura Lacamara

Sun and Moon united:   
New way of thinking coming in! Keep the sword handy!
With a New Moon, the Sun and Moon are on the same page, on the same degree.  They’re working together to birth a new energy, a new lunar energy for the month and for Gemini for the next year. 
Mercury retrograde over the next month may find us re-treading ‘old’ and or discarded ideas which may be calling for renewal, renovation, re-working.  Just trust that whatever returns can be restored or released, depending on its current value to any forward movement.
Rebirthing the mind:  Focus on clarity and clearing any confusion!
The New Moon in Gemini brings a fresh start for our minds, a fresh perspective with an emphasis on adaptability, versatility and communication.  Gemini energy usually ushers in a time of clear thinking about 100 different things at once.  However, we may be a little challenged with that clarity in the next month. 
Keep the sword of truth handy and cut free the extraneous elements when you’re feeling overburdened by worry, too many thoughts. Gemini rules the nervous system and its ruler Mercury, is our mind.  Take time out from the mental activity to connect to the heart.
Draining off the excess:  Sifting and sorting!
With an upcoming Mercury retrograde period, our Gemini snappy mind may find itself a little challenged by perhaps too much information, red herrings, old ghosts dogging our footsteps in accessing our mental acuity.  Keep clearing the excess which is clogging the thinking channel.

New Moon in square/challenge to Neptune in Pisces:  
Swimming through confusion! 
The higher vision calls!
The New Moon comes in with a challenge that can uplift us spiritually, artistically and emotionally OR take us into a confusing mass of tangled emotions.  Pisces is the collective unconscious.  Dive into the water and experience a new way of looking at your life and call in a new vision!

Keeping the Gemini ‘twins’ together!  
Synchronised swimming!
The Gemini ‘twins’, the masculine and feminine, need to be working together as we swim through this ocean of consciousness.  Neptune opens up higher visions and a more evolved expression of the infinite possibilities of the broader canvas available to us.  What picture will you paint for yourself and your life?

Gemini is about self-love, symbolised by ‘the lovers’ tarot card:  
What are you worth to you?
With Venus moving into Taurus, we couldn’t have a better time to get in touch with the self-love, self-worth, self-esteem we need to hold as we reach for our entitlement to abundance on all levels.
Our masculine/feminine energies are travelling in the same vehicle, emanating love for each other arising from our a deep love and acceptance of themselves. It is through this balance, harmony and peace within ourselves, we can contact the deep love and acceptance of our lives, of our worth.  The abundant flow is opened up as we experience the reconciliation of lost and unresolved aspects which have kept us from earthly and spiritual fulfilment.  
Floating the dreams:  
Let the curious Gemini mind take you to new vistas!
We’re birthing into a new consciousness and with the New Moon in Gemini, we’re looking for a razor sharp mind whilst embracing our childlike Gemini curiosity.  In Gemini time, both sides of our being, inner/outer, passive/active, feminine/masculine need to be in balance.
Mind tripping time:  
Expand your thinking outside any rigid personal parameters of confinement!
Gemini is an air sign, a sign of the mind and our mental propensities. We’re being called to jump in a balloon and let it take us to new ways of viewing the world, of viewing our personal world.
Imagination is alive and well:  
Crazy ideas offer crazy solutions!  
Inventive avenues come to the fore!
The current energies along with this New Moon are offering a breakout from ‘stuckness’, from the status quo.  Don’t be surprised if you come up with some radical solutions to long standing problems through this next month.  With the Grand Water Trine energy clearing so much emotional blockage from our lives, barriers seem to be just falling away.  The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon sums this up beautifully. See below.

From Lynda Hill Sabian Symbols for the New Moon:  http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/
The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Gemini 8: 
Aroused Strikers Surround A Factory.
What is it that has you, or others, riled up? Do you feel like just sitting down and doing nothing, or, are you feeling like taking it to the streets, yelling and screaming against the inequities of what's going on. I think there's going to be a lot of protesting and complaints as the imbalances in society are getting rather too imbalanced to be sustainable.

‘Aroused Strikers Surround a Factory’ - they are obviously unhappy with their work, their pay or their conditions, and they are now on ‘Strike’. In some measure, they are not putting up with what they’re receiving for their efforts. For the moment, this has probably stopped anyone from benefiting from anything as events have come to a standstill. This Symbol pictures a power struggle where there is a disagreement over how something of value is to be shared. It may be about work conditions, or the distribution of wealth that results from what people are expected to do. What is the incentive for putting in the effort? The ‘Strikers’ may be calm, but all hell could break loose, turning into a full-blown demonstration with placards, yelling and violence.
What is really needed is a discussion over the need for one’s rights to be heard and hopefully worked out. There is an obvious imbalance of power and now it is time to consider what negotiations can be made. It may be difficult to find creative solutions, but that is probably what is needed now. If you are in a situation where you need to stand up for your rights, or entitlements, or for those of a group, you will probably need the support of others. This could be your co-workers, friends or family. Try to enlist the help of those who feel the same as you, but at the same time take care to be sure that the cause is justified. There is an element of imbalance and emotion here. Is what’s being said really being heard by those who need to hear? Are the ‘Strikers’ asking too much? Justice can only come through negotiation, mutual consideration and a fair sharing of rewards. Once this is accomplished, everyone can come back together, working towards common goals in a more satisfying atmosphere.

Keywords: Bargaining to find more equitable solutions. Demanding better rights and conditions. Comradeship. Disruption of the normal flow. Not wanting to contribute or work. The need to take time aside to consider one’s position. Taking action or refusing to act. Strikes and strikers. Demonstrations. Peace rallies. Standing up for others. Scab labor. Sweat shops. Slave labor. Strikes. Bosses. Workers. Placard waving.

The Caution: Being obsessed with what is desired. Refusing any compromises. Going without one’s due in order to protest. Being locked out of situations because of one’s actions or attitude. Being left out in the street. Greedy behavior. Asking for more than one’s share. Being overworked and underpaid. Shutting down.
29th May:    Venus moves into Taurus at 11.45 am AEST...love, abundance and fulfilment!
until 23rd June

Mother Earth is calling our hearts to love:  
 love of our physical earthly lives!
Venus is the ruler of Taurus as well as Libra.  When she returns to Taurus, she is a calling us to get in touch with our heartfelt connection with our physical existence on earth.

Are you open to receive absolute abundance? 
Letting go of ‘blocks’ to receiving the love and abundance of the earth
Mother Earth is calling our hearts to open to our entitlement to abundance.  We have aspects, beliefs, memories of our less conscious selves from this or other lives which can pull us out of the flow of abundance.  Judgmental attitudes towards ourselves or others regarding entitlement or worthiness will block us from being in the universal flow of abundance. 

Venus rules love and money:  Call in love and let the abundance flow!
Take extra time to connect to beauty, love and harmony during this time until 23rd June.  Feel the protective love of Mother Earth who takes care of us. 

Let go of the worry, fear and insecurity which drives away the flow of abundance.

Venus comes home:  Make the most of this beautiful energy!
Uplift hearts to embrace the magnanimity of earth’s abundance and cut free of any limiting thoughts and emotions.  More love, more life!

29th May:    Mercury moves into Cancer at 7.11 pm AEST...we’re travelling by water...together!
until 17th June
Emotional connection with family, soul family, home and emotional security:  Connecting to loved ones!
Mercury launches into the waters of Cancer, not it’s most comfortable place as this placement calls for our minds to connect to our emotions.  We’re called to talk about, think about, feel our emotions and express our emotions to loved ones. 
Where is your home, where do you belong:  
Memories come forward to help us find what comforts our soul!
Cancer is a home and family energy.  It calls us to find our deepest security, our place of belonging whether at work or home.  Cancer rules memories and the past, so it’s likely that we’ll be looking back to comforting and happy times which gave us a sense of place and belonging.  With Mercury taking us back to the past from the 7th, this revisiting of the past, of our roots, ancestry, home and family is doubled in intensity.  We’ll be looking to the past to resolve any discomfort in the present.  It’s back to grassroots in more ways than one!

Problem solving:  
Paying attention to our emotions, our responses and reactions!
Mercury, our mind energy, likes to solve problems through the intellect.  In Cancer, he’s called to his inner voice, his intuitive guidance, his gut instinct to come to grips with the emotions which can lift us up or take us down.  This is all about mental awareness of what’s happening to us emotionally.  When we’re aware of our emotional connection/disconnection to the world, we’re in a good position to negotiate the waters of change.  
After the New Moon:   
Mind and heart focussed on physical and emotional comfort
Venus and Mercury in the new signs of Taurus and Cancer respectively:   
Physical and emotional comfort come to importance!
Taurus is about our physical comfort and enjoyment of the earth and our earthly existence and Cancer is about home, family and emotional security and comfort. 
A push for a more fulfilling life on earth: 
Gemini Sun shines on our efforts as minds and hearts are stimulated to find peace, joy and abundance!
In the next few weeks, we’ll be putting extra energy into getting our emotional and physical worlds into a place of comfort and security within ourselves.  This focus may take us into exploring new areas of investigation which will fulfil our hopes and desires with respect to home, family, work and money.  
This card and message from Isha Lerner conveys so much of the Gemini energy.  The power of single pointed thinking and focus! 
Ace of Swords 

When the Ace of Swords appears for you, tap into your power of one-pointed thinking. Seize hold of your divine will and yield it as a tool to vanquish negative thoughts. Remember that to live by fate is to be controlled by circumstances beyond your control. To "follow your destiny" is to honor your spiritual heritage and recognize that you came into this world for a clear purpose. By removing the sword from the stone, you are learning to explore your mental powers. The stone itself is the resistance of oppressive conditions. This card can indicate the birthing of a new way of thinking and the demise of illusions. It may signify the start of an intellectual project, the writing of a book or the beginning of a journey. 
Golden Oldies:
‘Steppin’ out with my Baby’ Tony Bennett http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXYIjk7EKgE 
‘You can’t rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd’ Roger Miller http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skFWsc_-i14
‘The windmills of your Mind’ Dusty Springfield http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0ZljYnObOI
‘Let me go home’ Michael Buble  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M6Yt3VUh7I 
Upcoming Dates:
7th June:    Mercury turns retrograde until 1st July
10th June:    Neptune stations direct in Pisces
13th June:    Full Moon in Sagittarius
That’s it folks! We’re on the road again with the Gemini energies lining up!
Sure, steady and thorough:    HOWEVER, the road won’t be necessarily straightforward as Mercury is in retrograde shadow, then into retrograde movement on 7th.  As well, Mars is still in retrograde shadow until mid July.  Mars and Mercury are the energies which keep us moving in our physical world, so we can assume there will be some forwards, backwards movement and taking things at a steady speed rather than full bore hectic!  Not such a bad thing after all.  At least, these energies will ensure we are sure, steady and thorough.
Float the dreams, dive to the depths and keep that vehicle moving with regular tea/coffee breaks on the way.  The heart will hold us and the mind once harnessed can keep us focussed! 
Love and blessings everyone!  We are creating abundance for all on this planet despite the wall of resistance from the status quo.
from the chair...following my dreams

It's all about love


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