...for the children of the earth

Saturday 7 June 2014

7th June 2014 Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer

Art:  'Heaven on Earth' Alessandra Placucci

Hi everyone!

Yes, we are moving and hopefully keeping our balloons afloat!  I think some of mine are deflating but then they probably needed to lose some air and die a quiet death. 
Hopes and dreams are often changed, adapted, reworked or dropped altogether during retrograde periods, and we’ve had a run of retrogrades!  

A Gemini Sun in slow motion:  Hold it! hold it!
We’re still travelling under the Gemini Sun, probably not travelling as fast as we’d like to go.  But then, what’s new.  We’ve been held in slow motion by the personal planets, Venus, Mercury and Mars,  in retrograde motion, one after the other since late last year.
Usually Gemini time is upbeat and speedy, so is feeling somewhat constrained by the other planetary forces impacting on us all, not least of all the retrograde energy. 

Retrograde planets:    Slow us down and clear up/out old energies
Mars/the body has moved direct last week but is still in retrograde shadow until mid July.  We’ve been in Mercury retrograde shadow this past week and now face 3 weeks of Mercury retrograde from 7th. 

The spiritual/physical cleansing and purification: Intense!!!  
In a holding pattern!
For many of us, doing the karmic purification, these last few weeks have been intense, to say the least.  I felt like all my life force had been sucked out of me, losing all sense of the joy of life and the motivation to do anything.  Physically, the exhaustion was full on with the body demanding periods of rest, where I felt knocked out by deep sleep.

Lauren Gorgo’s message which came in a couple of days ago really summed up for me what has been happening over the past weeks when so many of us were brought down physically, emotionally and spiritually.  The physical exhaustion, need to sleep, combined with the terrible feeling of despair, hopelessness and removal of joy was not just experienced by me. 

A call to complete:    Closing the karmic book!
I have been asking, especially over the last weeks, for a culmination of my collective karmic work for the earth and humanity as the wave of darkness released from humanity and the earth washed over us like a great black tidal wave of release.  We need to maintain our commitment now to paddling our own canoe and releasing karmic burdens beyond our own lives. 

What’s coming in:
This week, Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer and Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces.  It’s a watery message for us all. 

7th June:    Mercury turns retrograde at 9.56 pm AEST at 3 degrees 10 Cancer...take a boat!
Retrograde until 1st July                      Retrograde in Cancer until 17th June

Travel, communication and commerce: Major areas governed by Mercury
Any of the above areas may be impacted over the next 3 weeks.

It’s ‘boating on the river’ time:   Get the oars!  
Take it easy!!!
It’s an emotional journey for the next 10 days while Mercury retrogrades in the watery, emotional energies of Cancer until 17th June. 

Life happens in its own time at its own pace: 
There’s no rush with Mercury retrograde time.  If you try to push to make things happen, you’re more likely to find you have to go back to square one!

Memories and the past arise:  Dropping off the excess baggage!
Cancer rules the past, ancestors and memories and with Mercury retrograding in Cancer, the impact of the past on our present is intensified.

Ghosts of the past? 
Challenging ghosts:   Needing release!
It may manifest as ‘ghosts’ of the past which are holding us back, reliving old patterns and memories which bring up feelings of regret, grief, pain, failure.

Supportive ‘ghosts’:    Calling for reclamation!
It may manifest as revisiting old ideas, dreams, projects and possibilities and bringing them back into present time.  An old hope or dream may resurface in a new light!

Clearing the decks:    domestic, emotional
Look out!  We’ll be motivated to get busy physically and emotionally on the home front.  Remember to put down the broom from time to time and to take breaks from any emotional clearing with the family. 
Family times are important at this time and seeking emotional support from family and close friends is important as we clear away the dross.

Home and family become a focus:  It’s a ‘clearing house’!

Relationships:    Clearing the air with family and with relationships is a distinct possibility up  to the 17th June.  Cancer brings forward emotions which may have been buried under the Cancerian shell of protection.  Mercury rules communication, so it’s time to talk it out and let the emotions be revealed, even if it’s not a pretty picture!  Better out than in!  Afterwards, the release will uplift and bring clarity which has been eluding any interactions.  Take time to have some pleasurable times with the family as a rewarding release!

Urge to purge:  Clearing the backlog on the homefront!
We’re likely to have a big physical clear up on the domestic front. This is perfect energy to get to outstanding piles of ‘old’ stuff and for clearing the fluff out of the corners of the home.
Just remember to go easy on the physical labour and take time out to rest on the river with Ratty and Mole. 

Emotional security:    Reviewing our security blankets...any holes? 
Especially up to the 17th June, whilst Mercury is in Cancer, we’ll be feeling any emotional insecurities rising to the surface.  We need to maintain our focus and commitment to CLEARING AND RELEASING the flotsam and jetsam that rises to the surface of our emotional being.

Remember to nurture yourself and loved ones and to nourish the soul with what uplifts.  Keep aligning body, mind and spirit and listen to the heart about what it needs to expand and flourish.  This will keep the insecurities at bay!

Technology challenges:  Communication glitches!  
Not necessarily back to the typewriter, but...
ANY technology can be challenged during a Mercury retrograde period.  All we can do is surrender to the cosmic forces, pray for help and of course take precautions like backing up computers, charging phones before travel and double checking all arrangements! 
I’ve already heard of a few people having challenges during the Mercury retrograde shadow period, having to replace televisions, computer ware and unable to access emails etc. etc.  We all know the story.  Just trust that we will emerge on the either side without too much collateral damage!

Miscommunication, misunderstanding and confusion are possible on the personal level!
Please note the word ‘possible’!  Activate risk management strategies to accommodate the above potential difficulties.
Employ risk management strategies during this period of time:
People may feel more emotional than usual and be likely to express those emotions.  Mercury is the mind and Cancer is the inner emotions which are seeking expression in the world.  Be open to listening to self and others. 

Insight and understanding:    Remember, what people say is about them and not you.  Same for ourselves.  Words said during this time whether by you or others, will offer enormous insight and greater understanding as the emotions come forward to seek understanding by ourselves first, even when expressed to others. 

Worth remembering ‘The Four Agreements’:  by Don Miguel Ruiz
Be impeccable with your word
Don’t take anything personally
Don’t make assumptions
Always do your best

Patience:  Take breaks back on that river!

10th June:    Neptune turns retrograde at 5.49 am AEST at 7 degrees 36 Pisces
until mid November
Art: 'Adventure' by Thea

Not becalmed:    Spiritually reviewing
We’re reconnecting with our spiritual selves, hopes and dreams.  This is a spiritual stocktake of how we’re going in the light of our journey since March/April 2013.  Something or some dreams from that time are likely to resurface for our further consideration.

A performance review, a spiritual performance review:    
Owning our successes and progress! 
With so much challenge happening in the wider world with conflict and confusion, fear and insecurity, it’s time to congratulate ourselves on our incredible contribution in maintaining our spiritual connection to ourselves and to the earth.  So many of our number have passed on as the challenges reached their peak.
Releasing our regrets and disappointments
It may feel as though you’ve made no progress.  This is regret and disappointment pulling at our heartstrings. We cannot afford to spend too long in this emotional state as that vortex of energy will suck us back in.  

‘Old’ dreams and visions revisited:   Restored or released!  

Choose your balloons and keep the eyes on the rainbow!
Neptune is inviting us to rediscover our ‘balloons of hope’, our dreams of the past.  It’s time to grab hold of those balloons which ignite our hearts and bring them to earth!  Then let them take us up to the highest vision of what’s possible.
Dreaming is a big part of the Neptune energy and that mean’s daydreaming and building dreams and visions. 

Let the old balloons go!
Other balloons will need releasing to the past.  They’re ‘old’ balloons gone past their ‘use by’ date.  Just let ‘em go!
Some balloons may burst and yet others will take flight. 
Keep checking in with the heart about what has to go.  If the heart feels disappointment, make a choice.  Is it time for that balloon to go or to stay and be revamped, renewed and resuscitated? 

The heart monitor tells the truth!  Listen to it!

It’s a group airlift:
Neptune is a collective energy, so this time offers a collective airlift!  Just join with others of like mind, of the same soul family and see what comes forth in this time when we can pool dreams and ideas which bring forth upliftment for us all.  Start with those we know and go from there, reaching out beyond our little band of pilgrims. 

Lauren Gorgo’s Latest message:    
 ‘Emancipation from suffering:    commencement’
Opening extract from above:
Before we get fully into the report, l want to first acknowledge and shed some light on the recent and slightly oppressive impasse that many were thrusted into soon after we exited the eclipse portal in mid May.
For those of you like myself who aren’t exactly sure what an impasseis:
impasse |ˈimˌpas, imˈpas| noun. a situation in which no progress is possible; a deadlock
According to my Sources, this temporary stalemate we’ve been awkwardly navigating since the Wesak full (Buddha) moon on 5/15 is the result of many moving parts, the bulk of which is related to our release from duality, that which initiates our global shift into the new physical world.
This whole ordeal really got rolling in April with a multitude of off-the-chart celestial happenings but apparently the recent new moon in Gemini also opened a massive doorway for humanity, one that served to facilitate our entry into a completely new way of life.

Golden Oldies:
‘Come fly with me’ Frank Sinatra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euci0_BBmNE
‘The Water is Wide’ Charlotte Church and Enya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAJ5jRLPZ6o
‘The 59th street bridge Song’ Simon and Garfunkel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBQxG0Z72qM Mercury retrograde
‘On a Slow Boat to China’ Joni James http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCHmHkmJwKE  Mercury retrograde in Cancer
‘Orinoco Flow’ (Sail Away) Enya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zkjQVh5KmQ  Neptune retrograde in Pisces

Upcoming Dates:
13th June:    Full Moon in Sagittarius
17th June:    Mercury retrograde moves into Gemini

That’s it everyone!

Love and blessings as always to all my fellow travellers on the river of life.  This upcoming period promises to be illuminating and enlightening for us all as we finally choose to release the karmic burdens of the collective and to take an oar to paddle our own canoe!

The key word for this upcoming period is FLOATING, on the water, in the air!  BOTH!

from the chair...slow and steady as she goes
paddling my own canoe!

It’s all about love

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