...for the children of the earth

Friday 13 June 2014

13th June 2014 Full Moon in Sagittarius


Photo:  Tromso, Norway Ole Salmonsen June 2014

We’re on a Gemini journey, not exactly flying through the air!
Our flying skier shows us where Mercury would LIKE to be!  
Mercury retrograde in Cancer:  ‘drowning in a sea of love’!
The Gemini Sun energy is feeling somewhat contained as it’s ruler Mercury is now in retrograde motion AND in a water sign.  Mercury is a mind energy and doesn’t like travelling through the watery emotional signs. 
The mind is learning to operate in an alien environment where emotions are important and how we express our emotions, even more important.
Revisiting the past: 
Reunions with people, ideas and memories!
Just remember that Mercury retrograde takes us back to the past where we revisit experiences, people, places, hopes and dreams that have been put aside at some point in our lives.
Endings and beginnings:  Goodbye, Hello!
Reunions can lead us to finally close doors on ‘unfinished business’ or renew ties and relationships which will continue on.  Especially with the influence of the Full Moon in the next week, whatever needs to end will do so and whatever comes to ripeness and renewal, will do so.
Photo:  Tromso, Norway Ole Salmonsen June 2014
In the past week:    Major solar flares and moderate geomagnetic storms
It’s been a few months since we’ve had this level of solar activity.  This energy can slow you down or energise.  You can feel tired, exhausted, energised, irritable, jumpy or absolutely nothing.
There is no ‘one rule fits everybody’. 
Just remember, that we often don’t feel the impact of solar flares until 24 to 36 days afterwards.
After solar flares, we usually experience geomagnetic storms which impact on earth’s geomagnetic field. 
What’s coming in:
A Full Moon in Sagittarius offering fireworks, fun and frivolity!

Not sure about the frivolity, but guarantee the fireworks.  Sagittarius loves a party of any kind and is happy to ignite the emotions of everyone!
It’s a wrestling match!  Uranus and Pluto at it again, fired up by Mars!!!
A Full Moon in Sagittarius accompanied by some challenging energies competing for attention as our old ‘friends’ Pluto and Uranus hold to their ‘square’ and Mars provides a trigger for both, in particular Pluto.
13th June:    Full Moon in Sagittarius at 22 degrees 6 Sagittarius at 2.11 pm AEST
The open road, open sea and adventure beckons!
At the same time we are called to stillness:   
The Full Moon in Sagittarius calls forth our sense of adventure, our desire for movement and travel, our desire for the higher wisdom and learning on the road less travelled. 
Fire and water:    An interesting mix!  
Steamed heat!
The Sagittarius energy is fire, fireworks, parties and people.  Yet the Full Moon is an energy of stillness and contemplation, an energy supported by the prevalence of ‘watery’, emotional energies in the astrological chart at this time. 

The Sagittarius Full Moon:    A journey within!

Our Sagittarius energy wants us to hit the high road and the full moon calls us to acknowledge the inner voice and the inner journey.  Acknowledging both our desire for movement and desire for stillness is the call of this full moon.

Something comes to light, to culmination, to conclusion, to a head!
The full moon brings forth knowledge and understanding that has been buried within our being.  Something we’ve been mulling over and/or trying to resolve can be brought into the light at this time.
Big emotional release:  
Mercury and Neptune in water signs open the door to the past!  
Embrace the release and resolution!
With Cancer retrograding in Mercury, we’re travelling back to the past, to memories, to people, places and experiences.  The Full Moon expands all the emotional energies and helps us access these often hidden emotions.  With Mercury, the messenger assisting this access to the past, we should feel an enormous release of energies which have been buried for too long. 
Sagittarius is a fire sign which calls forth our inner extrovert!  It’s fireworks and excitement...bonfire night!!! 
Sagittarian Full Moon opposite Gemini Sun:  It’s a fiery talk fest!
Information and understanding is available through communication and contact with others.  Previous confusions can be cleared in this energy, as long as we remain aware of potential misunderstandings arising from Mercury retrograde in Cancer.  With this, sensitivity is high and emotions are open and vulnerable.
Talking from the heart in truth is favoured and powerful at this full moon.
The Sagittarius Moon opposite the Gemini Sun calls us to make the connections...in ourselves, with others and with the social milieu of community, nation and world. 
Bonfire night?  The more the merrier?
Our party animal is out looking for action, but there’s not a lot happening...just yet! 

What used to bring pleasure won’t apply at this time.  Quieter gatherings will work well.

Seeking like-minded others is worthwhile.  Making the connection ‘spiritually’ focussed will be pleasurable.
This Full Moon keeps our feet in the water and our eyes on the skies!     

Emerging energies and archetypes at the Sagittarian Full Moon:
Our crusader comes to the fore! 
Our desire to DO something to save others and/or to save the world is very much front and centre.
We may feel fired up to make change in our own lives as well as feel the need to commit to freeing the world into truth and justice.  
It’s important to observe this part of ourselves that feels called to action in these energies as it may well be guiding us on our pathway forward.
Our seeker of wisdom, knowledge and truth comes forward:  Teaching and learning!
Sagittarius rules higher knowledge and the desire for truth and wisdom.  This full moon may open the heart and mind to finding a deeper wisdom and a greater understanding of the truth in our lives and in the wider world.
Education, higher education calls us and that includes academic as well as spiritual learning and teaching.
The two energies go together.  

Both Gemini and Sagittarius are the teaching/learning/communicating energies which inspire us to open our minds and spirits to expanding our knowledge and understanding as well as to offer our knowledge to others. 
Our archer hits the bull’s eye!  
Sagittarius is represented by ‘the archer’ firing the arrow of truth!
Sagittarius is associated with the archer and the arrow of truth.  This is a call to align with your path of truth and to let the arrow of destiny take you to your target, your fulfilment this lifetime.

Messages about your pathway forward:  Let the adventure begin!
This full moon is a perfect time to tune in to the truth of your pathway forward.  Just let all the possibilities emerge, without trying to pin them down. 
The Sagittarian sense of adventure is likely to ignite our imagination and fill our minds with exciting new avenues to explore.  Let yourself be taken to whatever excites and allow yourself to revel in the pictures and experiences being presented. 
Our traveller and adventurer calls us to explore the world:
The open road, the open seas, the universe beyond home!
Without doubt, Sagittarius is the restless wind, calling us to explore and learn through travelling and meeting with others.  It’s an extroverted energy which seeks answers through contact with new places, new experiences and through travelling the ancient roads of the spiritual seeker.
Satisfying the desire for movement:  
Working with ‘I want to go’ and ‘I want to stay’!
There’s a major desire driving us at this Full Moon...to get moving!  And yet, we are somewhat held by Mars in Libra, still in retrograde shadow and Mercury in retrograde in the home loving sign of Cancer.  The best way to keep this fiery energy content is ‘doing’ the inner journey of contemplation and meditation, to make connections with people and places with which you feel some sense of belonging.
If it’s a group tour, all the better!  The more the merrier!

Planetary energies at this Full Moon:
Venus in Taurus opposite Saturn in Scorpio:  
Taking our authority in the heart healing transformation!  
Karmic clearing of the heart!
Saturn rules karma and helps us to complete our ‘work’ on the planet this lifetime.  With Venus/our heart opposite Saturn, our hearts are being called into big resolution of heart wounds and pain.  Remember, the past is a big player at this full moon!

Big healing potential at this full moon as we take charge of our hearts, the wounds of our hearts and the wounds we carry for others.
Allow the barriers to healing to fall away under the light of this moon.  It is time for us to come to resolution of the karmic burdens of ancient history, past lives, planetary memories.
Takes 3 to tussle:    
Mars, Pluto and Uranus come to grips with each other!
Mars in Libra, squares/challenges Pluto in Capricorn with Uranus stirring the pot!
No-one’s going to win in this clinch.  It’s a 3 way holding pattern which is shifting us all. 
Mars wants to fire to action but is being contained by peace talks in Libra.
Pluto in Capricorn is agitated and stirred up by Mars fire demanding change through balance and harmony. 
Uranus in Aries is screaming for radical action. 
Likely outcome:    More dramatic changes and shifts leading us to resolution and harmony, for this round anyway!
After all, this is just another battle round in an ongoing ‘war’ with the status quo, the old energies holding us back from evolution.
Uranus in Aries is a player in the Mars/Pluto square:    A loose cannon!  Expect the unexpected!  Radical actions and reactions!
17th June:    
Mercury retrograde moves into Gemini 8.04 pm AEST
Hang onto your hats!  Talk about the restless wind! and mind!
Whooo!  Mercury’s back home in Gemini and it’s stirring up our minds and thinking!
Shifting winds, shifting minds:
Mercury retrograde turns everything upside down and when it’s in Gemini, even more so.  What we thought ‘is’ becomes ‘isn’t’ and what we thought ‘isn’t’ becomes ‘is’, if that makes sense.
17th June to 13th July:    
Mercury is in Gemini...’mental’ as anything?
On 17th, Mercury moves back into Gemini for nearly a month, an extended stay in its home sign, whether or not it’s coming or going. 

Two more weeks retrograde energy in Gemini:  Reviewing ideas, restoring or finally releasing ‘old’ projects.  With Mercury now out of Cancerian waters until 13th July, the focus on the past and memories will not be as
intense and not as emotional.  We may still be connecting with people and contacts from the past but not with the same emotional overtones.
Take time to rest the mind: We’re in the land of the Gemini mind which is constantly working and reworking.  Just make sure you take time out to rest the mind completely in whatever way suits you as the nervous energy of Gemini running with the wind is likely to wear us out.  Sometimes we don’t want to rest when our mind is on a ‘roll’.
This can lead to burn out and mental exhaustion, so the programming of ‘time out’ is supportive of the creative flow being maintained.
Mercury’s progress for June and July:
17th June:    Mercury retrogrades into Gemini
1st July:       Mercury moves direct at 24 degrees Gemini
13th July:     Mercury moves direct into Cancer
1st August:   Mercury moves out of Cancer into Leo
As you can see, during the Mercury retrograde periods, we’re dealing with two very different energies, Cancer/emotional and Gemini/mental. 
From Linda Hill:    Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Sagittarius: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GtyMeEcPPE
The Sabian Symbol for the full Moon is Sagittarius 23: 

 Immigrants Fulfilling The Requirements For Entering A New Country. 
The following is from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom:
This is a time of new possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. You may find yourself preparing to venture into new territory for the promise that is offered. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates thoughts and ideas. There will be a need to be receptive to this new way of life, as you’ll learn a lot. Learning how to communicate can help you to succeed in this new territory, whether it is a new home, new country, new job, new relationship, etc., and can help dispel any feelings of alienation and loneliness. Perhaps there is a need to let go of past experiences or people in order to move on in life. Letting go of the hindering and stifling elements of the past will help transport hope into the “new world” that is opening up. How do you feel in this new environment? Do you feel strangely yet completely at home, or do you feel like a fish out of water? Give thanks for what is being released from the past and be prepared for the new to come, it’s bound to be challenging, yet rewarding!
Keywords: Reorientation of self hood. Needing to change things in order to fit a new reality. The necessity of learning new languages or customs in order to fit in. Visas, passports, papers. Illegal immigrants. Boat people. Customs officials and regulations. Baggage and luggage. Shipping. Qualifications and certifications. Identification. Asylum. Immigration officers. Papers and qualifications that include or exclude. Refugees. Laws. Borders. Ellis Island. Throwing away the known in pursuit of the unknown.
The Caution: Entering into new situations with inflexible traditions. Throwing away the known in pursuit of the unknown. Issues of social or racial prejudice, or the suspicion of it. Red tape getting in the way of enjoying life. Those not living up to requirements. Not getting successfully through the paperwork. Being untrue to oneself in order to be accepted. Being rejected or sent back.
Golden Oldies:
‘We are the world’ USA for Africa  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAfwe1f--9w 
‘The Wayward Wind’ Anne Murray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64neEc22vjA 
‘Upside Down’ Diana Ross http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GtyMeEcPPE for Mercury retrograde in Gemini
Upcoming Dates:
21st June:    Sun moves into Cancer
21st June:    June solstice
23rd June:    Venus moves into Gemini
That’s it everyone!
Love and blessings to us all as we move through the big energy of this full moon!  It’s an interesting mix with the fiery Sagittarius moon, fanned by the winds of the Gemini Sun,  wanting fireworks along with the three tussling Sumo Wrestlers of Mars, Pluto and Uranus.  Meanwhile, the watery energies of Mercury and Neptune are calling for peace, resolution and going with the flow.  Interesting mix eh?
There is no right or wrong way to negotiate these apparently conflicting energies, as well know.  Just trusting that something good will come out of this Sagittarian party.  Resolution of conflicts is entirely possible at this time.  Hallelujah!
from the chair...mind is fired!

It’s all about love


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