...for the children of the earth

Friday 27 June 2014

27th June 2014 New Moon in Cancer


Hi everyone!  
Only finished this just before the New Moon!  In the nick of time!
Post June solstice and on the next leg of our solar journey towards the September Equinox.  That solstice certainly felt like a demarcation point, the watershed.
Do you know where you’re going to?:  
Setting the intent and investing our energy in the new!
That’s the call at this time after the midpoint of this solar year.  As we reach for the peace, calm and flow of the river, so we clear the old mental and emotional imprints of lifetimes.  At the New Moon, we set our intent for the next lunar month and the next Cancerian lunar year.  We follow up by putting our energies in to support that intent.  Are you ready and committed to paddle your own canoe along the peaceful river of evolution?
Emotionally:  A little churned up below the surface maybe!  
Letting go, letting go, letting go!
We’re floating in a boat on the river under the Cancerian Sun.  It may not feel as calm and peaceful as depicted in this scene.  In fact, you may have been feeling a little churned up by some of the prevailing energies as we clear up outstanding emotional issues and memories as we head towards the end of June.  

 The Cancerian energy looks to the past and takes us back to the past in retrieving lost aspects, lost information as well as putting us in touch with the ancestors.
With a New Moon on 27th, we’re finishing up the lunar month of Gemini and those matters which arose at the Full Moon in Sagittarius. 
Mentally:  Mercury still retrograde in Gemini until 1st July
Mercury still retrograde is adding to the clearance of muddled thinking and mind matters.  It tends to be a bit murky during this time as we sort and sift old thinking, possibilities once thought tenable but discarded.  We often go back and retrieve these discarded projects as we find new worth in their potential. It often requires some tweaking.
Physically and emotionally detoxing
We’re still working with the purification process and doing the detox, even though we are through the karmic release of the pain/suffering body.
Areas most vulnerable to blockages and clearances at this time:
Respiratory system:  Ears, nose, throat, lungs, breathing, speaking, hearing, sinuses, lungs
It’s a Gemini energy leading us up to the New Moon in Cancer on 27th and then until 1st July when Mercury prepares to move direct.  Mercury’s still retrograde and really sorting us out.  Along with the watery Cancerian energy, sneezing, coughing is all part of the emotional clearing.
Nervous system:  Anxiety, tension, feeling on tenterhooks brought on by Mercury in Gemini which rules the nerves
The stomach and digestive system as so much emotional energy is held in those areas of the body.  Cancer rules the stomach.  However, there is a tendency to bury, hold onto emotions when the Sun is in Cancer and now with the beginning of the Cancerian lunar month, even more.  Pay special attention to providing your body with foods which are agreeable at this time.  That means maybe offloading old habitual eating patterns. At least for this next month.
What’s coming in:
A New Moon in Cancer followed by Mercury stationing direct. 
The moon starts becoming visible within a couple of days of the New Moon.  Then we see the Crescent Moon, often identified as the manifestation of the New Moon in the sky. 
Slowing of energies before and after Mercury’s turn around:
Remember that there is a slowing of energies in the days preceding Mercury’s turn around and in the few days following. 
27th June:    
New Moon in Cancer at 6.08 pm AEST at 5 degrees 37 Cancer

A new Moon, a new start for the lunar month of Cancer. 
Cancer rules the past, family, ancestors, home, mothering, nurturing, emotional security and place of belonging.  Any and all of these areas may come under the spotlight in the coming weeks.
A New Moon, a new seed is planted:  Seeds at the ready!
The New Moon can’t be seen in the sky.  It’s a time of blackness, a time conducive to the sowing of new seeds for the next lunar month. 
The new seeds will carry the growth energy for nurturing emotional security, the family, the home and the beginnings of a sense and place of belonging.

Reclaiming and resolving the past:  the foundation of the future!
Cancer energies often bring forward memories, experiences, people and projects from the past.  It’s up to us to resolve what needs to be resolved, to reclaim what needs to be reclaimed and to take the best of our past as a new building block for the future. 
Moon and Sun aligned: 
Potential for balance of the inner and outer selves
A New Moon means the Sun and Moon are talking the same language, the language of the energies of Cancer.
The desire to take action will be in tune with the desire to be still.  At this time the desire to ‘make things happen’ will be working in balance with the magnetic force which manifests by attraction and resonating to the desired energy. 
Resonate and emanate are this month’s keywords for manifestation:  It’s moon magic!  Get out the moon wands!
Cancer is a powerful magnetic energy, ruled as it is by the moon, a force of gravitation which creates the tidal changes.  The law of attraction will be empowered by this month’s moon energies. 
If you desire abundance, emanate abundance, resonate to this energy.  ‘Fake it till you make it’ is an old saying which encapsulates the understanding of resonance. Use affirmations or whatever works to quieten the demon voices of negativity.
No more hiding in the shell!  No more running away!  The crab energy takes its power by facing the fears and ghosts of the past!
Cancer energies tend to make us protect ourselves from real or imagined dangers happening in the world.  The crab calls us to hide in the shell or scuttle off sideways to avoid confrontations. This next month promises us support in facing the demons of fear, the ghosts of the past and the ever present illusions that can derail our plans so easily.
Fields of energy ripe for seeding at the Cancer New Moon:  Make up your mind and start! 
 Art:  Mariana Kalacheva

Focus on the future whilst reclaiming, resolving the past!
Seeding new possibilities for the family: 
including all definitions of family such as ancestors

Finding family
Rediscovering and reconnecting with family
Reuniting with family
Creating new templates for family living to build cohesion and loving connections
Creating new templates for what makes a family

Seeding new possibilities for the home
Clearing past clutter, physical and emotional
Are you at home in your present abode?
Make your house a home
Relocating, moving house
Renovating, building

Seeding new possibilities for nurturing and mothering of ourselves, loved ones and others 
Decide to practise the following acts of forgiveness:
Kindness in word and action to self and others
Give yourself a hug, a reprieve, time out
Allow room for being human
Give yourself a break.  Stop driving yourself with the whip.
Discover what nourishes your mind, body, heart and spirit
 Coming home to ourselves

Planetary energies at the New Moon:
Moon trine Neptune:   

Positive, flowing spiritual support for our new beginnings!  
Land ho!  

Lift up to see the bigger picture!

It’s a watery, emotional energy with the Moon and Neptune speaking sweet music to each other.  Neptune, the ocean of human consciousness, promises an elevation of our perception of the way things are. 
Any issues around security arising at this New Moon have the potential to be swept away...IF we are prepared to let them go. 
1st July:    Mercury stations/turns direct at 10.49 pm AEST at 24 degrees 23 Gemini
28th June to 4th July:  Waiting for lift off!
A stillness while Mercury stations to move direct
Just be aware that it seems like nothing is happening when a planet stations to change direction, especially Mercury and Mars which are the planets which govern movement in our everyday lives.
The balloon is filling with the energy needed for lift off.  Be cautious on these days as sometimes these ‘stationing’ days are when things go haywire. 
Mercury in retrograde shadow until mid July: 
Taking it easy with timing and speed!
Remember to give it a few days before we are free of the shadow retrograde energies, the grey clouds of confusion which can block our clarity and our confidence in stepping forth boldly into the future.
When can I trust the change?  Early July!
Without doubt, we’ll start feeling the shift in the early days of July.  
Mid July:  Humming along with other planetary changes!  It’s all go!
We’ll be back on track when Mercury will back in Cancer at about 3 degrees, 
Major inner changes start manifesting in the physical dimension!  Balloons at the ready!
1st July:      Mercury moves direct in Gemini
16th July:    Jupiter moves into Leo (from Cancer) for the next year
21st July:     Saturn moves direct in Scorpio (retrograde since early March).  Saturn is all about physical manifestation!
22nd July:    Uranus turns retrograde in Aries.  Uh oh!  just a few course corrections required!
26th July:     Mars moves into Scorpio, finally!  (After an extended stay of nearly 8 months in Libra!)  We won’t feel the full impact until after 26th.
This may sound like a bunch of astrological gobbledygook.  Be assured that July WILL see some changes eventuating from all our months of inner work!
Sabian symbols for the planets at this New Moon
The New Moon Symbol below fits beautifully with the coming month of Cancer energies with its focus on home and security.
From Lynda Hill:   http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/my_weblog/2014/06/it-is-an-ill-bird-that-fouls-its-own-nest-romanian-proverb-every-bird-likes-his-own-nest-best-romanian-proverb-however-well.html  This link gives the full list of symbols for all the planets at this time.
The Sabian Symbol for this new Moon is Cancer 6:   Game Birds Feather Their Nests.
The following interpretations are from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom -
The ‘Game Birds’ in this Symbol can picture the desire for security in the midst of a rather unstable situation. ‘Birds Feather Their Nests’ in readiness for a new life and new beginnings. These are ‘Game Birds’, which can symbolize an unknown future, danger or threat in the environment. Even though there is an optimistic feeling about the future and the prospect of a new life beginning, there is the danger of being expendable, in some way.
In your situation, endeavor to make yourself feel comfortable and right at home, however remember that security may only be temporary. Be careful not to become too complacent, but ensure that you aren’t frightened at any sudden surprises or moves. You may have to relinquish what you’ve built up or worked for and have to move on at some stage. If you can ensure that you are entirely safe and stable in this situation, you will most probably be able to build a bigger and better ‘Nest’ as time goes by. From another perspective, this can symbolize situations where the “parents” aren’t there to nurture and protect the “kids”. This may be in personal relationships or even a business situation. Also be careful that someone is not trying to kick you, or somebody else, out of a space that should rightfully be yours. Invasions from other ‘Birds’ can lead to one’s home being endangered, if not completely taken over by strangers. As human beings we have distanced ourselves from the “eat or be-eaten” world of nature. However, we have created other dangers for ourselves and hence the need for different strategies and survival techniques. Where can you find a place of security? This Symbol can act to remind us that we may be able to do many things in comfort and apparent safety, however, if others are controlling our environment there is still a danger which may have to be dealt with.

Keywords: Instinctive dedication for laying the groundwork for those to come. Creating a base where one can feel safe. Nurturing. Endangered habitat. Raising money. Making yourself or someone else comfortable. Interior decoration. Preparation. Home building. Landlords and tenants. Noisy or nosy neighbors. Renting vs. owning. Watching for danger. The nesting instinct. Renovations. Babies rooms.

The Caution: Being unnecessarily afraid to venture out on “one’s own”. Taking over other people’s territory. Feeling unwanted. Danger. Fussing over small details. Over-preparation. Not knowing how long one can hold out in a situation. Being vulnerable to change. Being at the mercy of others.

Lauren Gorgo’s latest update:  
‘Ceremony of Honour:  your degree in mastery’
Quote from above:  
‘For those of you still in the thick of it, realize that the Wesak season…which kicked up the bulk of our remaining density and lingering karmic debris….also ends here, which means smoother sailing ahead.  In April/May we went thru a major unhooking from the tendrils of our past and in some cases we are still resolving these energies. If you are not yet feeling relief from that major uprooting, know that there are mere moments left in this suffocating band of seemingly endless darkness…that much is certain.
From what I am seeing/hearing, we are still being sucked up in the backdraft of an incoming and giant wave of LOVE, the likes of which I have never sensed before, and after this energy peaks it will crash upon our shores in a rush of forward sweeping motion. Then, as it recedes, it will effectively wash all loosened remains from our former life out to sea. This, I am told, will be a “momentous ending” to a Herculean purification cycle.
In my mind this means: time for some rapid resolutions to some long standing (core) issues…and with a side order of long-overdue replenishment please.
In the mind of the star beings this means: time to receive our diplomas!’
Golden oldies:
‘I whistle a happy tune’ Gertrude Lawrence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgwGLkgMjys
from ‘The King and I’ for throwing off the damaging ties of the past ‘fakin’ it till you’re makin’ it’!
‘Mother Inside’ Deva Premal and Miten http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfAMt5vtHmY&feature=kp
Photos of Anandamayi known in the western world as ‘the hugging mama’
‘Bidin’ my time’ Foursome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceQN_hvcNl0  for Mercury stationing
‘Do You Know Where You’re Going To’ Diana Ross http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsA-Xc6gWDE
(pity about the beautiful pictures covered with two lots of lyrics haha)  for the New Moon setting intent
Upcoming Dates:
12th July:    Full Moon in Capricorn 
13th July:    Mercury moves into Cancer
That’s it folks!  As always love and blessings to my fellow travellers.  Finally we can start experiencing some of the physical rewards of our hard work.
from the chair...with the family, bidin’ my time

It’s all about love

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