...for the children of the earth

Saturday 21 June 2014

21st June 2014 Sun moves into Cancer, June solstice

Hi everyone!  Here we are at the mid year solstice, a turning point for us all. 
It’s been quite a year so far, hasn’t it!  I think this Leunig cartoon captures it!

Up and down like a yo-yo:    The full moon in Sagittarius last week!  Some of
us were energised and others felt agitation and anxiety.  Chances are, you may have experienced a bit of both.  We are all a bit up and down with the energies I think.

Year of the Horse:  What happened?
You may wonder what happened to Year of the Horse which seems to be still travelling at a walk to slow trot.  We are moving but perhaps not as much physically as we would like.  It’s a good time to remind ourselves that movement happens in the unseen forces which lead to movement in the physical world.

Inner movement more than outer change:    We’ve been doing a helluva lot of moving with respect to the unseen world of the mind, heart and the spirit as well as shifting and transmuting locked in energies in the physical body.  Our outer world of physicality is yet to blossom and manifest after months of inner changes. We can put this slower energy down to the ongoing retrograde planets, particularly the personal planets of Mercury, Mars and Venus, ruling our minds, bodies and hearts, respectively.  From the end of June, we’ll experience a real alleviation of this holding pattern. 

Big changes in July:  Movement and activity in our physical worlds!  
Not quite Phar Lap yet, but we’re on our way with some speed!
July promises to provide some significant movement in our physical worlds with Mercury going direct on 1st July followed by a number of planetary movements which will bring forth changes in our physical world.  Just remember that these changes are growing out of all the inner groundwork we’ve been putting in over the past months since November 2013.

What’s coming in:
When planets change signs, we often find there’s an intensification of energy, a ‘finishing off’  just before the planet changes signs. 

This week’s finishing off, tying off loose ends:  

Sun moves out of Gemini and Venus moves out of Taurus
This week sees the Sun and Venus change signs.  The Sun moves out of Gemini into Cancer whilst Venus moves out of Taurus into Gemini. Therefore we might experience an intensity in the day, two days before the change as the ‘planet’ sits on 29 degrees’  It’s like the planet saying ‘Ooh, better tie off any loose ends!’ 

For the Gemini Sun, it may feel like an intensification of mental activity and sorting out of ideas, plans.  With Mercury retrograde, it’s definitely going to involve sorting of  priorities and analysing options, which will continue through to the end of Mercury retrograde on 1st July.
For Venus in Taurus, it may feel like a cutting of the ties with any dependency on the material world at the expense of the spiritual.  Cut the ties with poverty consciousness...again!

The solstice turning point for the transmutation process:
According to Lauren Gorgo’s last update, we’re in the final week of the transmutational energies which began at the March equinox and come to completion at the solstice.  The coming solstice signals the close of the transmutation window that was initiated on the March equinoxFrom what I understand, that prediction applies to the ‘front runners’, wielding the machetes of light clearing a path through the darkness of releasing what Lauren calls ‘the collective and the personal pain-body’.  We need to maintain our focus and commitment to ending this pain and suffering we have been transmuting. 

I feel heartened by this because it does feel as though I am/we are making headway in the physical purification of the spiritual karmic burdens.  I see around me that others, too, are experiencing an ease in clearing which hasn’t been with us for quite a while. I don’t know how you feel about this, but trust that the ease of throwing of density is because it’s time and we’ve decided its’ time!

I take predictions with a grain of salt as the transmutational process is ongoing as long as we live on the earth.  That’s why daily clearing processes like ‘light’ and sound work, meditation, communing with nature, contemplation etc. are as essential to our wellbeing and balance as sleeping and eating.

20th June:    Chiron stations retrograde in Pisces at 17 degrees 46
...releasing the slings and arrows of the past
until 24th November

All healing:   
Some backtracking and releasing of old emotional wounds and pain from the body!  Remove the arrows!
We’re removing those arrows which wounded us in the past.  In accepting the arrows of criticisms and judgements from others, we accepted and took in the wound.  Maybe it was some negative energy conveyed in words or actions.  Maybe we felt the pain of ‘the other’ who projected their negative perceptions onto us.  It could have come from home, school, partners, friends, colleagues, employers.  Virtually anyone can send an arrow made from their own lack of love. 

Chiron, the wounded healer:
Chiron is not a full planet, but the best known centaur.  He is a signifier of where we hold our wounds, of what nature and he signifies where we can offer our healing power to the world.  Through healing our own wounds we are in a position to assist others with a similar wound.

Chiron is regarded as one of the rulers of Virgo, the sign of the master healer.  Virgo is an earth sign, so Chiron works with the physical body releasing the wounds, emotional, mental, spiritual which we have accumulated as memories in our physical body.

Core wound:    Chiron helps us confront our core wound this lifetime, generally a wound brought in from other times and places which we have not been able to heal for any number of reasons.  We get ‘re-wounded’ this lifetime to trigger the healing process again. 

21st June:    Sun moves into Cancer at 8.51 pm AEST/The Solstice...’There’s no place like home’

The Cancer energy brings us home, home to ourselves and ‘family’!
It’s nurturing and nourishing and demands us to tune in to this beautiful energy of comfort and emotional security.  This next solar month, we’re more likely to seek people, places and situations which build our emotional security and sense of self.

The urge to be comfortable, at home with ourselves:

Coming out or staying in: 
The Sun is the guide for the ‘extroverted’/personality energies calling us out into the world.  In Cancer, there is the urge to withdraw into the save haven of the personal protective shell of self and into the save haven of home.  Venus and Mercury in Gemini are likely to pull us out of the security blanket.

Mothering, Nurturing:
Cancer rules the mothering energy and arouses within us the urge to nourish and nurture ourselves and loved ones.  If we listen, our awareness of how we’re feeling emotionally will be guiding us through this time.

Family, ancestors and home:
Our focus shifts to family, ancestors and our home environment. This interest will involve family of origin and/or newfound soul family connections. 

Cancer rules memories so don’t be surprised if you reconnect with family, past significant relationships, past life soul connections.

Soul families reunited in this coming month:
Venus and Mercury in Gemini get us out and about, connecting with like-minded others and finding soul connections which will carry us forward into the creative and forward moving ventures which will burgeon in  July and August.  This is the time to make the ‘family’ connections and start developing ideas which will be the foundation of new soul-based ventures and projects.

Somewhere, over the rainbow

‘There’s no place like home’
Put on those magical red shoes, click them together and...home!

The solstice:    
Doorway to new consciousness
...Magical times, magical energies!

What is magic?  Something out of the realms of possibility?  Something out of the realms of our knowledge. 

The solstice has been regarded as a magical doorway to the unseen realms.  A doorway opened by the movement of the sun across our skies, a demarcation of the changing light from Summer to Winter and Winter to Summer, depending on our location.

For the Southern Hemisphere, it is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night, a doorway to the increase of light as we move towards the December Solstice.

For the Northern Hemisphere, it is the Summer Solstice, the longest day and shortest night, a doorway to the decrease of light as we move towards the December Solstice.

These seasonal and astronomical turning points like the solstices and equinoxes have been celebrated for thousands of years as an honouring of the earthly cycles of change, bringing the energies of light and dark, of growth and change.  The traditions come from a time when people recognised the importance and value of the light and the dark, the sun, moon and stars as an interconnected web of life which kept the earth alive and prospering.

The magic of this time is the magic of the earth and the cosmos, an energetic opening for us to connect with our hopes and dreams, our hearts desires. 

Open your hearts and minds to connecting to the powerful earth and cosmic energies at this time and be open to receive the whispered messages from the Sun as he reaches this turning point in the year.  Mother Earth awaits us as the Sun touches our lives and renews our commitment to ourselves and the fulfilment of our hopes and dreams.

Further information on solstice celebrations at Stonehenge:
23rd  June:    
Venus moves into Gemini at 10.33 pm AEST...infusing the mind with love!
until 19th July

Art:  Mariana Kalacheva

Venus moves its focus from the earthly pleasures and focus of Venus in Taurus into Gemini which rules the mind, is the mind and has the potential to be the ‘divine mind’ given the right energies and commitment.

Releasing attachment to materialism and poverty consciousness:  Ending!
Venus has been travelling through Taurus, an energy which has put the focus on the physical, the body and all material things of the earth.  Venus in Taurus can bring up feelings of lack and poverty consciousness even though we are bring offered the abundance of all things earthly.  The comparisons with others and benchmarks set by society have the potential to lead us astray, to lead us to a feeling of ‘less than’ and ‘lack’ in our physical world.

Venus in Gemini: 
Opening up to the divine mind, the higher consciousness
The heart focus moves from the physical world of the body and our earthly lives into a focus on our minds and infusing our minds with love, a divine energy which has the capacity to lift our sights and visions to something aligned with our heart.
The higher path is revealed and calls us on!

Gemini duality is reunited: 
Potential for inner and outer worlds to align!
Venus in Gemini is working beautifully with the Sun in Cancer which is nourishing, nurturing and building our hopes and dreams for a full life with home and family.

Releasing thoughts and beliefs from the collective, conditioning:

This time is conducive to us disconnecting from the matrix of thinking, the paradigm of consciousness which keeps us grounded in false beliefs and thinking. 

Why can’t we ‘have it all’?  I mean by that ‘our heart’s desires’ 

Imagination creates the future:  The mind power of love!
Venus in Gemini has the potential to expand our mind consciousness through the power of love.  In doing so, it enhances our imaginative powers as we uplift our thinking to the greater scheme of life and our personal lives.

The money mind: 
Let Venus lead your mind to the inner wealth of your divine mind and get ready to bring it to earth!
Venus rules love, beauty, harmony and money.  This is worth remembering at this time as the mind is likely to offer up beautiful pictures, ideas and intuitive guidance as to your way forward in any and all of these areas.  Remember ‘Do what you love and the money will follow’?  This is the time to enact that in our hearts and minds and to apply our mental abilities to sort out the best options.

Venus, the heart and Mercury the mind making beautiful music together in Gemini until mid July!

Mercury in Gemini until 13th July works with Venus in Gemini until 19th July:    

United and elevated hearts and minds!
With mind and heart both working within the Gemini energies, they’re in tune with each others and both focussed on learning through connecting with others at both heart and mind level.

Mercury retrograde in Gemini until 1st July:    
Growth of mind consciousness!
Mercury is Gemini’s ruler and is currently retrograding in Gemini, its own sign.  This gives us an enhancement of our mind power, access to our inner mind strength through greater clarity and understanding.
Retrogrades take us on an inner journey with an opportunity for great spiritual expansion and growth.  With Venus holding Mercury’s hand, the expansion of mind consciousness is enhanced by the heart energy. 

The abundant mind:  Like attracts like!  ‘Birds of a feather flock together’! 

Changing the thinking! 
Who doesn’t know of this basic law of nature!  Not many in those people who follow the path of awakening.  It seems to me that the poverty consciousness energy sweeping this planet is in need of arresting and transforming.  How many of us are working with this aspect of reality?  Heaps!  What progress are we making?  personally?  collectively?
Connect with those who excite mind and heart!  
Build the dreams, expand the possibilities together!
This is a perfect time until 19th July, to make connections with like minded others, those who stimulate and inspire our minds and hearts.
We’re likely to find ourselves bouncing ideas off those who are on the same wavelength as we are.

Making a buck:  Shifting our thinking!  Finding the pot of gold within!
If we’re looking to sell our services, knowledge or products then we need to look at what energy we are selling in order to harness the market of wealth.  Who will buy ‘growth and development’...spiritually?  Spiritually focussed people.  Who will buy ‘growth and development’...financially?  Financially focussed people.

Who doesn’t want to be ‘rich in money’ these days?  Most people do.  If we keep saying there’s no money out there for something we’re selling, then there will be no money ‘out there’.  We have to believe we have something to offer which people will buy because there’s a need and/or a perceived need.
Expand your thinking by reviewing, renewing and uniting heart and mind:  Building new foundations on love, passion, gifts, talents

These next few weeks is a perfect time to consider your options with regard to what you do ‘for a crust’ and what you’d like to do, desire to do, need to do in delivering your gifts and talents to the world. 

With Jupiter to move into Leo in mid July, for the next year, creative options are likely to burst onto the scene and expand our possibilities. 

The Mercury retrograde time, along with Mercury and Venus working together, is a perfect time to expand the mind, connect with the heart and prepare for the upcoming energies in July. 

Golden oldies:
‘There’s no place like home’ clip from ‘Wizard of Oz’ movie 1939 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-Y9eQAFYdg Sun in Cancer
‘A House is not a home’ Dusty Springfield and Burt Bacharach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF0c2so977A Cancer Sun
‘Let it Be’ Joe Cocker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mzf5EBY8gCQ Sun in Cancer, the divine mother
‘Your love is lifting me higher’ Rita Coolidge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSfua8WBT8I Venus in Gemini
‘The Best Things in Life are Free’  Bing Crosby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKYYvJ0cRvc Venus in Gemini

Upcoming Dates:
27th June:    New Moon in Cancer
1st July:    Mercury moves direct

That’s it folks!

As always, love and blessings to us all as we move through the Equinox doorway, along the yellow brick road!


from the chair...at home!
It’s all about love

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