...for the children of the earth

Sunday 20 July 2014

23rd July 2014 Sun moves into Leo


Hi everyone!

A picture of the last Full Moon Supermoon which has continued reverberating with us all since 12th July.  It came along with a whole stack of planetary energies interacting with each other and bringing a huge release and ongoing changes.
What’s been happening:
A major realignment of body and heart, passion and direction:
The full moon culmination along with the powerful energies of Mars/drive and passion, aligned with the North Node/our current direction, along with the two asteroids Vesta/spiritual flame and Ceres/nurturing mother acting like ‘minders’ chaperoning the positive trine connection of Mars/body with Venus/heart.
Lightening the load:
That all sounds complicated.  It wasn’t really.  But these planetary energies happening at the full moon, effectively swept away so much karmic burden, old belief systems and damaging emotions from our cell memories.  We may not feel the full effect just yet but will be starting to appreciate the major strides we’ve made over the past week.

Adding to the release of the past:  
Jupiter leaving Cancer and entering Leo...leaving the ghosts behind
As Jupiter came to the final degree of Cancer over the full moon weekend and up to the 16th July, we experienced an intensification of energies almost rushing to be released.  Because Cancer rules memory, the past, family and ancestors you may have revisited some past energies of this or other lives, in conscious or dream state. 

Resolution of past energies:  people, relationships and problems
People and experiences from the past may have popped up for some kind of resolution of the past time.  Maybe it was about final goodbyes as we stretch into new ways of living and consciousness. Maybe it was about renewing ties, revisiting memories which will carry on into our new field of consciousness.
What’s coming in:
19th July:    Venus moves into Cancer at 12.06 am AEST...past pleasures, present joys
until 12th August

Coming home to ourselves:  Mothering
Venus in Cancer calls us to connect at a heart level with what brings us home to ourselves.  It’s connecting with the nurturing, mothering energy inside of us, bringing comfort and a sense of security and safety to the inner child. 
Being at home with ourselves and others at a heart level:
Cancer rules family, home, the past, memories and nurturing, so the next few weeks we’re called by our heart energy to connect with any or  all of these energies.
Enhanced emotions and intuition:  
Listen to the inner guidance from the heart!
Cancer is ruled by the moon, representative of our deep inner intuitive selves and our emotions.  Make contact with that deep emotional part of self to really discover what brings your heart to life. 
Heart energies of Venus on a hotline with the energies of the Sun and Jupiter:
The Venus energy is offering us a direct hotline from our heart’s desires to the way we bring those into the world as our shining selves, as masters of the physical world.
21st July:    Saturn stations/turns direct at 6.35 am AEST at 16 degrees 39 Scorpio
out of retrograde shadow in late October:  slow and steady
 Art:    Duy Huynh ‘Waiting for Time to Fly’

What’s been happening since early March:  Deconstruction!  Marking time!
We’ve been undergoing deconstruction for months, since Saturn went retrograde in early March.  The status quo has been challenged on all levels, from the personal to political, from relationships to communities. 
Out of the comfort zone:
We’ve been getting a renovation of our inner being with so much of the status quo pulled down around our ears.

Saturn’s role in our lives
Taking authority of our physical lives:
Saturn rules time and is the master of structure, construction and building.  As the master of manifestation in the physical world, Saturn calls us to take our authority of the physical dimension, our earthly lives.
Responsibility:    Saturn pushes us to take responsibility for this life and to resolve those unresolved energies we have chosen to work with karmically this lifetime. 
When we put in the effort and commitment to our earthly path, Saturn brings the rewards of feeling the success that comes when we do what we need to do.

21st July:  Time to rebuild!   From deconstruction to reconstruction! 
Start with the blueprints!
For the next 5 months we’re working with building new foundations or rebuilding our foundations on a firmer footing. Whatever has been ripped away from you, now needs reclaiming in a new form.  What form that takes will be a gradual development as with Uranus moving retrograde, ideas and radical solutions will be welling up from inside, from the unconscious. 
From 21st to 28th:    Time for making plans, accessing new ideas, solutions
and creative avenues which excite the passions!
Make the most of this week to gather resources, consider options, explore potentials and generally access the incredible creative energy opening us up on all levels.

Remember to take time out to just sit and dream, meditate and contemplate and let the ideas come in.
Not a lot of movement on the physical dimension until 28th/29th after New Moon in Leo on 27th July and Mars moves into Scorpio on 26th 
Saturn will hardly be moving for the next week or two from about 17th to 28th as he comes to station.  Plenty of time to get your act together with plans, blueprints, pulling in new ideas and options.  We’ll really feel like getting going as the energies are opening up for movement in our physical lives. 
22nd July:    Uranus stations/turns retrograde at 12.53 pm AEST at 16 degrees 31 Aries
until 23rd December
What’s been happening:
A wild ride with Uranus in direct movement since mid December 2013:

It’s been a bit of a hairy ride for the past few months with surprise agent/risk taker Uranus slapping us around the head with sudden moves and events seemingly coming out of nowhere.  We’ve had to be ready to jump out of the way of a collision course. 

It may well have felt you were trying to drive an out of control vehicle.
Maybe it’s been a bumpy ride on a rough road.
Maybe you were taken off road completely!  
And I mean body, home, work, money etc.


Ongoing challenges to the status quo:
With Uranus in a square/challenge to Pluto these past months, much of the status quo has been challenged, both personally and publicly. 
This is an ongoing challenge which doesn’t complete  until March 2015.  However, with Uranus in retrograde, the shifts and changes to our lives will be more likely an internalised process as we change our minds and thinking about the way things are.
What’s coming in:  Breathing space!  Integration time until 23rd December

The brakes are now slowing the rapid, wild unexpected change process for the next five months.  Uranus retrograde will slow the energy and allow us to integrate all that’s been happening. 

It’s an internal process of revamping our energies, of allowing the rewiring of our mind, opening us to new ideas.
Finding solutions, new directions, possibilities:  
Our sleeping ‘radical’ calls us to listen
Uranus retrograde opens us up to radical solutions to old problems. Uranus is the radical rebel who thinks outside the box, who offers innovative ideas and avenues for forward movement.  You could call Uranus an extremist.  When Uranus is retrograde, the extremist is stirring up our mental processes and popping creative ideas into our conscious mind.   Allow time out for switching off and allow this inspiration to flow.
Moving but with a new paradigm emerging:  
Getting used to new ways of moving out of the comfort zone.
This kind of movement may feel a little clumsy and unfamiliar, but trust that any glitches you feel are helping you shift your perspective and your attachment to the way things have been up to this time.  We’re shifting awareness about ourselves and how we express our unique selves in the world.
23rd July:    Sun moves into Leo at 7.41 am AEST
until 23rd August

Leo is ruled by the Sun:    It’s a major lightening up!

It’s heat and light, fire and life force. 
Leo is fire:   
The fire of passion of the true self!  
Time to burn off the dross!
Time to burn off all the dross accumulated from your journey through the world.  Welcome the light and warmth of the Leo energies which are strengthening over the coming month. 
Be your shining self:  Shining from within!

This is a perfect month for strengthening your inner light and bringing it forth into the world.  This will work beautifully with heart loving energy of Venus in Cancer and also with Saturn preparing to move direct.  It’s a call to authenticity in the light of your own being.

Leo time is showtime!  
Roll up, roll up and experience your own amazing self! 
Leo rules:
Love and romance:  Open the heart and keep it light.  No heavy commitment scenes but passion is on the menu!
Embrace the joy of romance and just play!
Creativity:  Open the heart to creative impulses and urges and follow them to find the source of pleasure in your life.
Fun:  The more pure fun, the better! 
Children and childhood:  
It’s all about play and exploration...let’s pretend!
Reclaim any lost childhood, lost childhood aspects through fun and play.
Connect to children and/or childhood toys and joys.
Drama and Theatre:  
Showtime!  Get on your fancy clothes for your own special party!
What would be your costume? 
What is your favourite dance style?
Be ready to do your ‘party piece’. 
Showing off in the joy of fun and playfulness is everything with the Sun in Leo.
Leo is the lion:  Ruling your own personal kingdom or ‘queendom’!  Strength and courage, confidence and humility!

Are you ready to take charge of your life in a whole new way?
Courage and strength to the fore as we embrace our ‘royal’ selves, the self that is a child happy to be in joy, to be playful, to be loving and of course to be proud of who we are, our authentic selves without the cloak of false pride and pretence.
Let go of all fears of shining your light.  Believe in yourself at the deepest level of being. 
Call forth true confidence, the confidence that comes from knowing, loving and enjoying who you are.  Fear not the ‘demons’ of arrogance, false pride or over bloated ego as you hold the humility and gratitude which keeps us on the balanced path.
Out of the closets into the light of the true self!                  
Releasing shadows into the light!
No more hiding from yourself or the world
Be open and generous, heart filled and passionate
Creative and fulfilled
Shining your true self
Laughing into the light of the Sun
Let the shadow self into the light of a new day in this big Leo energy. 
The Leo energy is big and going to get bigger in August:
With Jupiter having just moved into Leo, we now have the Sun HOT on his heels! Mercury and Venus going into Leo in August.
It’s not exactly a Leo party but it’s pretty big with both the Sun and Jupiter in the Sun ruled sign of Leo.
23rd July:    Mars moves out of his retrograde shadow
...on the move at last!
Finally we can feel we’re on the move.  Mars is still in Libra and won’t have his full head until 26th July when he moves into Scorpio.
23rd July:    Eris meets South Node in Aries:    
Major shift in consciousness...the past must go!  
Sudden and dramatic change for the better!
Eris is a dwarf planet similar in energy to Uranus, the radical change maker.  She can bring chaos and destruction for the better.
The South Node is an energy from which we are evolving.  Currently it’s the Aries energy which is the wild fiery warrior energy we are learning to bring into harmony and balance through the North Node in Libra.
With this energy, we may find some of the chaotic energies shifting quite dramatically.  Keep laughing!

From Stephanie Azaria's Daily Weather report 18th July (New York time):
'We are in a very interesting passage this week, as the Big Bang Mars conjunction continues to reverberate with the Moon’s Nodes while awaiting the Eris South Node conjunction on the 23rd.

The Libra-Aries Bridge, aka the relationship axis, is highly energized and wide open. This bridge, from self to Self is guarded by Mars and Eris, along with an array of newer energies representing the new consciousness.

While chaos reigns on the planet, (and as we near the Eris South Node conjunction the chaos will gain momentum), the higher Self is well aware that chaos precedes a new order. Take a front row seat and watch the movie that is the end of the old order, and at the same time, let your Light shine so brightly that anyone who even so much as senses the new order will be able to find their Way.'
Keep eyes, hearts and minds uplifted as we move towards a culminating energy on 23rd July. 'Look to the rainbow'
Golden Oldies:
‘Sunshine Medley’ Doris Day & John Denver http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQMh9F7xlko for the Sun in Leo
‘Here Comes the Sun’ The Beatles  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p-fANMqo0s for the Sun in Leo
‘I can see clearly now’ Johnny Nash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y51_bBQZ1a4
‘There’s no business like show business’  Ethel Merman and Muppets http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kdggcQhysQ
‘Baby laughing at dog eating popcorn’ Something to make you laugh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTOeuH-iEJ8 
Upcoming Dates:
26th July:    Mars moves into Scorpio – cheer!
27th July:    New Moon in Leo
1st August:    Mercury moves into Leo 
That’s all for now folks!  We’ve had quite a lot of significant shifts in the past weeks which will keep us on a roll through the next few months!
As always love and blessings to all my fellow travellers in the light of the Leo sun.
from the chair...basking in the Sun, listening to my inner Uranus for insights, feeling the joy of my heart and...
readying for constructing my new physical life...tapdancing! 
It’s all about love


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