...for the children of the earth

Saturday 26 July 2014

27th July 2014 New Moon in Leo


Hi everyone!  Yes, Annie, the sun does come out...today!

What’s been happening:  Planetary overload?
Planetary changes:    Gear Changes!
It’s been interesting week with changes happening to so much of our being as planets changed signs and shifted directions with the accompanying unsettled feelings.  As planets near the end of their transit of a sign, there’s an intensification of energy as if to say ‘Quick!  Got to finish up all the loose ends’. 
Last weekend Mercury moved from frantic Gemini to emotional Cancer.  More emotional focus, on communication this time.  Talking it out with others where you feel safe. 
From the Moon to the Sun:  Jupiter’s move into Leo for next year!
Midweek, Jupiter moved from Cancer into Leo for the next year.  The focus moved from the Moon’s world of the past, memories, the home and the emotional into a focus on the fiery spirit of Leo’s passion, all arising from our spiritual link to the light of the Sun. You may have experience a multitude of emotional energy arising around security issues as Jupiter finished his work in Cancer.
November 2013 to July 2014 Mars in Libra  Rebalancing:  Karmic justice!
Mars hasn’t been the happiest of chappies since November 2013 as he was thrown into a deep and challenging rebalancing process in Libra, ruler of relationships.
Passion and drive held in check since November 2013:  All self-love!
It’s been a hard slog with Libra holding our masculine fire, drive and passion in check as we resolve issues of relationship with ourselves and with
significant others.
We’ve been learning when to act and when to be still, to manifest from a balanced place of integrated extroversion/introversion.  We’ve been learning self-love through self care. Fair’s fair!  Enough is enough!
Physically:  In Libra it’s been a karmic resolution and justice being restored
Mars is the physical body and while in Libra we’ve been getting a karmic rebalancing of our physical being.  Many of us have been releasing and resolving long buried cell memories of this and past lives/other realities which have been keeping us reliving some other reality, time or place.  Anyone had headaches this past week?  Also, maybe strange aches and pains releasing from the body.  Much resolution of old relationship energies, imbalances in relation to abuse whether in this or other lives. 
Mars finishing up, being finished off in Libra:
Mars, the warrior, completes his last week of Libra finishing school. 
After 8 months in Libra, learning the art of peace instead of practising the art of war, we find Mars being contained has him feeling somewhat suppressed.  He’s stamping his feet and waving his arms in the air, feeling the upcoming release from all this training in politics and diplomacy.
Resolution, one way or another:  Karmic justice

As he finishes off his sojourn in Libra, explosive feelings may have been released and ongoing long term relationship conflicts, within and without, will be wound up.  They could come to a head either peacefully or not.  Whatever happens, resolution is possible.  

Mars is graduating from the School of Peace and this warrior of war will be glad to kick over the traces and get on his way in Scorpio, much more to his liking.

26th July:    Mars moves into Scorpio at 12.24 pm AEST...freeing the fiery butterflies!
until mid September 
Art:  Pedro Ruiz  I call this ‘Freeing the butterflies’
What’s coming in:  
Freeing the fire and drive of our inner butterflies!
Mars in Scorpio is fired!  On home territory!
Mars was once the ruler of Scorpio as well as ruler of Aries until Pluto was discovered.  Mars has his head back on his shoulders and is ready to go, go, go!
The truth test: 
Have we evolved our passion, drive and aggression? 
Have we transformed our passion and drive to be more loving, harmonious and balanced? 
Have we brought karmic justice to our lives? 
Have we learned to be more assertive and less aggressive? 
Have we learned to be more loving and kind to ourselves?  to others? 
The truth of our progress will be revealed as Mars moves into Scorpio.  
We’re fired and ready for action, more than we have been for months. 
Scorpio energy goes through us like a dose of salts transforming our lives.  With Mars in Scorpio, we’ll feel more ready to take on the world than we have for a long time.
In Scorpio, Mars will be tested on his evolutionary progress.  Eagle or Scorpion? Can he fly like the eagle or will he self-destruct like the Scorpion biting itself and everyone around?
Scorpio is a sign represented by two symbols representing the ‘muggle’ and the ‘magical’, the Scorpion and the Eagle.  This is because Scorpio is all about transformation, life, death and rebirth.
We can also include the image of the golden phoenix within the Scorpio magic bag of personas!  Returning to life, reborn in the light!

27th July:    New Moon in Leo at 8.41 am AEST at 3 degrees 52 Leo...fun, games and frivolity!
Sun and Moon are speaking the same shining language as they meet at the New Moon in Leo.  Our extrovert and introvert urges meet and are speaking the same language.
The inner shining spirit of self is calling:   
Are you ready to shine without pretences, masks and false ego?

The purity of spirit comes through the light of the Sun, igniting and enhancing our golden selves.  When we are coming from that pure space of being ourselves without the cloak of conditioning and the labels and benchmarks of society, we are living and being in truth, our truth.

Creativity:    Be true to self!  Leo is ruled by the Sun, the light of our spiritual essence.  It is time to express your essence, your light and spirit in the world.
Love and romance:  Let the heart open to the power of love!
Isn’t being in love an amazing feeling!  Our hearts are opened, our spirits become optimistic and love rules our lives.  Nothing is impossible when we have this experience.  Our spirit is revealed and shining.  We see into the soul of ‘the other’, our lover and we are enchanted.  And we feel ‘wouldn’t it be great if it was like this all the time’. 

This is the energy calling us now, to open our hearts and spirits to love and the romance of life, to experience the enchantment that comes when our reality is enhanced and uplifted by spirit.  It’s not just about a lover, partner, spouse.  It’s life.
Why do we fall out of love?  We just stop seeing each other’s spirit and experiencing the soul connection.  That’s my take on it.

Play and Children/childhood:  Back to what matters!
The child energy brings us back to innocence and purity, to that essence of self we lost amongst the growth into adult life.  Maybe you never lost it and it’s well alive inside of you.  This is the time to embrace it, enhance it, reclaim it if necessary and be childlike in your joy of life.  This is the aphrodisiac of life!  Enjoy!
Wishing at the New Moon:  
The seeds are planted for the next lunar month and the next Leo year!
Make wishes and send them out for any or all of the above.  We set the intent at the New Moon and then build on that for the next month. 
It’s definitely showtime!
Planetary energies at this New Moon:  Passion rules at the Leo Party!
New Moon, Sun and Jupiter conjunct They're running the show together! 

A Leo party!  It’s a rave! 
Jupiter makes it bigger than big!
With Jupiter joining the Sun and the Moon in Leo, it’s become a major event in the calendar.  EVERYONE’S invited!  That’s Jupiter for you.  The more the merrier!
No, it’s not a birthday, but with Jupiter in Leo, every day’s a birthday!
It’s completely over the top with the love, joy and passion of life!
In this kind of energy people can fall in love or fall in love all over again.  Make the most of it.  Just take care with overindulgence!

Mars in Scorpio squaring/challenging the New Moon and Jupiter:  
Uh oh!  Here’s trouble!
Uh oh!  There always has to be a trouble maker at the gatherings.  Is Mars looking for a fight with the joyful dancing crowd at Leo’s New Moon party? 
Has he learned his lessons in Libra?  This is a test of his new balanced, transformed self at the Leo gathering where everyone wants a good time.  Is Mars going to pick a fight or add to the fun and celebration?  He’s in our hands, minds and hearts.  Up to us.
Giving Mars a chance to join the party:  Second chances are good!
Maybe Mars just wants to fire up the energy of joy, being as he’s travelling in the Scorpio vehicle of change. 

Maybe he’s looking for love and connection with the joy of life.  He’s certainly going to fire proceedings with his passion and drive.  Look out...someone!
Venus opposes/challenges Pluto:   
What, more trouble or is Pluto looking for love?
The dark lord Pluto has emerged from his dark cave to join the party too. Pluto could be the wet blanket we all dread, wearing his dark, brooding energy like a cloak of identification with the dark side. But let’s remember, he comes from deep within the earth, where we find the precious gold within. 
Pluto rules Scorpio, ruler of transformation as well as sexuality and intimacy.  When he meets Venus at this New Moon gathering, look out!  Love, intimacy and sexuality could be aroused.  Pluto’s not looking for a speed dating experience.  It’s all or nothing!

With Pluto, love and romance can turn into serious passion and deep love in an instant!
Sabian Symbols for New Moon:  From Lynda Hill http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/
The Sabian Symbol for the new Moon is Leo 4:
A Man Formally Dressed Stands Near Trophies He Brought Back From A Hunting Expedition. 

The following interpretations are taken from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom

Extract :A Man Formally Dressed Stands Near Trophies’ is an image of someone putting on their best attire and showing something that’s seen by himself and others as being a reward for achieving success in what is probably normally a male dominated arena.

Keywords: Trophies of conquest. The desire to show oneself. Proving one’s animal instincts for the benefit of social position. Displays of manliness. The spoils of daring and courage. Notches on the belt. Victories over another. Trophies awarded for one’s club, social standing or country. Looking for pats on the back. Diplomas. Guns, rifles, ammunition. Academy Awards. Animal liberationists.

The Caution: Dominating nature with power. Showing off one’s spoils. Warfare and the ravages of it. Keeping tabs on one’s conquests. Boasting of masculine prowess. Living in the past. Arrogance. Seeing things as objects to conquer. Testosterone overloads. Compromises made to attain social acceptance. Envious responses to success.

For full interpretation of the New Moon symbol and other planetary symbols at this time:  http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/
From 27th July to 1st August:    
Winding up the Mercury in Cancer reunion energies

Whenever a planet moves through Cancer, there’s an element of the past in the equation.  With Mercury in Cancer, it brings communication and reconnection with past energies, often through commercial links as Mercury rules Commerce as well as communication and travel.
This period of time may bring you some reconnections to the past, family, childhood and yes, commercial connections.
We still have Venus in Cancer until 12th August, so the connection at a heart level to the past is likely to arise.
Yes, reunions too!  This life, past lives.
1st August:    Mercury moves into Leo at 8.45 am AEST
until 15th August
Make the most of the next 2 weeks of uplifting interactions:
This is such a creative energy with Mercury the quicksilver mind energy stimulated by its transit through Leo, the creative powerhouse of the spirit of the self. 
The mind is buzzing with ideas:  Let’s talk and share!
The commercial world is alive with possibilities as we connect and interact with others, expanding and sharing creative ideas.

The heart is jumping with loving conversations:
Mercury rules travel, so we could take a trip, just for fun!
Lots of opportunity for loving exchanges with those who matter in our lives as well as sharing the love with others
The inner child is begging to be heard: Come talk and play with me!
Feel the excitement and joy of childhood revisited.  Children can help with this one.  Or watching Disney movies! 

Write a children’s story.
Golden Oldies:
‘Coney Island’ Van Morrison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPfybDTJ-Bo ‘Wouldn’t it be great if it was like this all the time’
‘Passionate kisses’ Mary Chapin Carpenter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TCMpA5TfHc  Mars in Scorpio/Leo Sun and Moon
‘Everything Possible’ Judy Small http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOR7ndGxXDk  Song to the child.  Leo call to authenticity and love.
 Upcoming Dates:
11th August:    Full Moon in Aquarius
12th August:    Venus moves into Leo
16th August:    Mercury moves into Virgo
That’s if folks!  The Yellow Brick Road calls us on!

I’ve written quite a bit about what’s been happening these past 8 months with Mars in Libra as it’s been such a strong influence on our lives for an extended period.  I always feel understanding as much as possible is our key to moving on.  Otherwise, we keep dibble dabbling about in the past until we ‘get it’.  So, hoping you all survived this challenging period and feeling better for it.  If not now, then in the weeks to come. 
Happy travelling everyone on the yellow brick road!  As always, love and blessings to all of us pilgrims as we step along the road under the Leo Sun and New Moon. 
from the chair...with my inner child


It’s all about love

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