...for the children of the earth

Sunday 10 August 2014

11th August 2014 Full Moon in Aquarius


Hi everyone!

What’s been happening:
We’ve been travelling under the Leo Sun, through a vortex of energy from the ‘New Year’ of 26th July, when the Sun entered Leo.  We moved through to 8th August, a culmination of the past 2 weeks of energy, known as the Lion’s stargate.
26th July to 8th August:    New Year to Lion’s stargate! 
New light downloads!
This time was honoured by ancient civilisations including the Mayans and Egyptians as the beginning of the New Year, the 26th July being the day of the rising of the star Sirius.
Sirius, brightest star in our skies:
Sirius holds a significant place in the minds and hearts of astrologers and those who recognise the power of the cosmos.  Sirius is the brightest star in our skies, a fixed star sitting on 14 degrees Cancer. It’s an ancient tradition which holds sway with those who are seeking to evolve consciousness and achieve transcendence. When we acknowledge these ancient traditions and energies, we tune into the cosmos and the power of the cosmos as the integrated field which we inhabit.  

The challenge of being in the ambivalence:    Holding the centre
From 26th July to 8th August, we experienced the New Moon in Leo followed by an ongoing influx of energies and downloads from the planetary energies including Sirius. Deep rooted core values and beliefs have been challenged, both in the personal and global arena with a manifesting of polarised tensions in global warfare and interpersonal political and religious views.  War energy is deeply buried in our earth’s cellular memory and in us!
Past 2 weeks:    A bumpy ride!

It’s been a bit of a bumpy ride for quite a few of us with an escalation of war energies in the world.  I subscribe to the view that the increase of consciousness and lighter energies spreading over our planet is an activating force, working with the planetary energies, to flush out the darker, less evolved energies. 
8th August:    Lion’s Gate
From Celia Fenn on the Lion’s Gate:    A culmination of energies on 8th August
‘In the coming month of August, these energies will culminate at the Lion's Gate on the 8/8, a powerful moment of integration and grounding of the new energies and light codes, and by 12th August your new direction for the upcoming cycle will be established, both on the personal level and on the Planetary level.’
8th August -heavy or light:   
We all experience the changes in different ways at different times! 

On 8th August (AEST), I experienced a very dark, heavy energy from the time I woke and it took me the best part of the day to clear.  With a Capricorn moon on that day, it felt like the density of some deeply buried earth energies rising up, seeking resolution.  This would have been 7th August for many in USA, UK and other time zones.  But remember, it was 8th somewhere else in the world. 

War and peace:    The ongoing challenge of the polarities on the earth!

If you’ve been experiencing this over the past week or two, remember to keep bringing down the light onto the war zones, trouble spots on the earth as well as keeping ourselves clearing in the light.  I just keep holding people and places in a light column when they come to mind.  I find that when I do this, I feel the alleviation in my own body, heart, mind and spirit.  After all, we are all one in the quantum field. 

Feeling light:    Keep shining for everyone!  
Like a little candle burning in the night...you in your small corner and I in mine.
If you’re feeling an incredible lightness, then well and good.  We are all called to different pathways and you can be a holder of the light for those who are working with the old unresolved, unevolved energies on the earth.  We need you to keep feeling the peace and the hope!
What’s coming in: 
11th August:    Full Moon in Aquarius at 4.09 am AEST at 18 degrees 02 Aquarius
The biggest ‘supermoon’ this year!

It’s a biggie!  A supermoon offering release and relief! 
Breathe a sigh everyone!
This Full Moon is a supermoon, meaning it’s close to the earth.  In fact, this particular full moon is the closest moon to the earth this year.  Being a full moon gives it an extra punch, working as it does with the waters of the earth and all life.  We can expect to feel the impact of the extra emotional energy having a strong pull on us. 
There are some strong planetary energies adding to its impact.  The saving grace will be that the full moon is in Aquarius, a sign that is capable of detaching emotionally and freeing us from the past.
Freedom for humanity:  A good time to make a jailbreak! 

Aquarius is all about freedom, the freedom of humanity as a sharing of the planetary wealth and prosperity.  With Aquarius, everyone gets a fair go!
Unconscious, unresolved energies released:
The moon brings forth memories and emotions from the unconscious, the past embedded in our beings.  It’s a time to meet the unresolved energies from the unconscious and bring them into the light of freedom!

The Aquarian energy calls us on a starwalk!
Look up to the stars and reach for the stars from the earthly reality.  With Aquarius, the space cadet asks us to look beyond our small view of reality and to expand our thinking mind to encompass the cosmos.
Connecting to the Stars:
The Aquarian Moon is a perfect time to connect to planetary and star families.  The other dimensions and realities are within reach when we look to the stars. 
If you yearn for connection to the other realities and haven’t yet made the step, this is a good time to do so.  Look up and ‘turn on your heartlight’!
Leo Sun opposite Aquarius Moon:    

Balancing the personal with the transpersonal! 

The Full Moon informs and enriches the Sun!
The Sun governs out outer, extroverted worldly conscious energies and is a clear indicator of what action is called for at any particular time. The Leo Sun is calling us to express our greatest and brightest spirit in the world.  It’s a personal energy about the individual.
The Moon governs our inner lives, the unseen world of the emotions, the unconscious and the past/history.
The Aquarius Full Moon brings something to light, to illuminate some of our darkest energies, to inform us about our place in the world.
The individual and humanity, Leo and Aquarius:    Keeping the balance!  
A call to freedom!  A win/win!

Leo:    the individual, finding the self/individuation
Leo is the self, our creative light and spirit, what we can bring to the world as an individual.

Leo is fire, the spirit,  is hot and passionate, likely to be inflamed and ignited

Aquarius:    humanity, 
finding your tribe/community
Aquarius is focussed on humanity, the community, bringing people together, the co-operative energies uniting people in a common goal. The 

Aquarian energy asks what can we bring to the world as a group.
Aquarius is air, the mind, able to stay clear headed and logical. 
Bottom Line:    Important information is surfacing from our subconscious, from our past,  which can inform our moving forward into the world in a fuller expression of who we are.  With this full moon, we’re being given insight into our place within the wider community, the wider world.
Mercury, the messenger, is whispering in the Leo Sun’s ear:
Listen, listen, listen!   

Messages abound at the Full Moon
The Full Moon is bringing forth significant information and release of restrictive energies.  Mercury close to the Leo Sun, is the messenger, ready to receive and pass on these messages to our conscious mind.  
Are you ready to receive?
Mercury, the messenger, is close to the Sun, passing on information to our child like selves.  Listen carefully to what’s coming through at this full moon, information that will help us move forward.  Mercury is all about speed and movement.  Digest this information for a couple of days as sometimes the full moon can be a confusing time of illusions, leading us astray if we act during the 3 days before or after the event.
Saturn in Scorpio calling the shots and calling us to take charge, take authority on the earth!  Stabilising the energies!
Saturn in Scorpio squaring off to the Full Moon and Sun!  

Not a war but a challenge, an opportunity to release and rebuild!

Aquarius, Leo and Saturn are fixed signs which means whatever steps we take at this full moon can give us some stability in a shifting world of seething tensions. Get ready with your staff of authority and walk forward confidently into the light!
Two energies operating here:

Letting Go:    There’s the letting go of rigid, embedded fixed energies which are holding us back.  That’s the challenge!
Laying new foundations: 
There’s the accessing of new knowledge about self and place in the world and the beginning of understanding what you need to do in laying new groundwork.  That’s the opportunity!  We may not fully understand the way forward, but not too far off. 
Of course, they’re both energies of challenge and opportunity.  It all depends on perception.
If something pops up at this full moon which puts your teeth on edge, guaranteed something has to be released! 
Unevolved Saturn energy makes everything ‘hard work’.  Evolved Saturn energy is mastery of the physical world.  Where’s that magic staff of power!
Ongoing from mid June to end of August:  
Saturn and Uranus locked into a quirky dance...strange bedfellows, ‘the odd couple’!  
Saturn in Scorpio and Uranus in Aries have been travelling on and around the same degree since mid June, at odds with each other in one way and yet attuned to the same brief in another. They are forcing us to shift and change in a major way!
Shifting the status quo and foundation stones of our lives!
Saturn in Scorpio:    transforming, transmuting the status quo, the old structures
Uranus in Aries:    the radical reformer fired by the Aries warrior/leadership energy

Destruction and deconstruction:  
The wrecking ball working overtime!
These two are having a good old time stirring the pot of change. 
A lot of we’ve been experiencing can be put down to the Uranus/Pluto square. long-term and this connection between Saturn and Uranus.  In many ways, these planets are at odds with each other.  However, with Saturn/planet of tradition in Scorpio/sign of transformation, change is inevitable. 

Unusual solutions:    Thinking outside the box!
It is Uranus who is making the change radical, which isn’t all bad.  Let’s think of radical as ‘outside the usual realms of thinking’.  Uranus offers new ways of being and thinking which means new solutions.  And I mean new!
Be interesting to see how we emerge from this energy at the end of the month! 
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon:  

They seem particularly pertinent at this time

From Cathy Pagano
The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 19* Leo is: Revelers on a houseboat dance to the sounds of a swing band.  Here is an image of Leo’s joy in life!  These people know how to party!  A party of one is not as much fun as a big community party.   Perhaps if we concentrate on the real joys of life—family, love, peace, nature, beauty—we’ll decide to do something about a society that really doesn’t value those things.  Western capitalism’s concern with money takes us away from these real joys and replaces them with things, stress and a raped environment.

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 19* Aquarius is:  Amidst smoke and drizzle, jubilant fire fighters dig the final trench around a mountaintop blaze.  This symbolizes our ability to work together to control the destructive passions of our human nature and channel them into works of peace and safety.  But this isn’t about control over nature as much as it’s about stopping the destruction in nature.  It’s time humans evolve out of our need for war and violence and work together to contain the natural disasters that face us and build for the future.  Steven Eardley says that this symbol means, “doing the groundwork to actualize a powerful vision of the future; alchemy; working with the powerful collective energies of the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune& Pluto.” (The Revised Sabian Symbols).  We can do more together than we can do by ourselves.  Find your group!
12th August:    Venus moves into Leo at 5.23 pm AEST...the romance of life beckons!
until 5th September
What’s been happening:
Venus has been travelling through Cancer for a few weeks, healing up all kinds of past pains, hurts and wounds around love and romance, creativity, childhood/children, mothers/mothering, home and security.
The Leo party is building in energy:    
Bright light!  Bright light!

Now Venus joins Mercury/the mind, along with the Sun and Jupiter/bringer of good fortune in the sign of Leo.  With such a gathering of energies in Leo, we’re being given a huge assist from the lighter energies of fun and frivolity. 

Choose the light and the lightness of being:    Alleviating the tensions!
We need to remind ourselves to reach for the lightness while the Scorpio energies are doing the serious business of clearing the backlog of blocking energies and transforming the foundations of our lives.
Joy and passion are on offer:  
Whatever turns on your heart light...go for it!
We can expect some lightening of our heart energies as the heavy duty clearance shines us up and allows our hearts to open to joyful, exciting experiences, interests, creative pursuits and people.
Open the heart and get into the flow of abundance!
In astrology, Venus rules love and money and is very much about the connection between these two energies.  When we feel the love and acceptance for self, we can accept our entitlement to be supported by the earth and the cosmos.  When Venus meets Jupiter around 18th, the energies will be most positive and auspicious.
Make the most of this short term stay of Venus in Leo!  Open your hearts and minds to the power of love and feel yourself in the river of love!
Golden oldies:
‘He Ain’t Heavy, He’s my Brother’ The Hollies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT57tjz9py8  for the Aquarian Full Moon
‘Turn on Your Heart Light’ Neil Diamond http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0TfR9mgOiU clip from the movie ‘E.T.’
‘Livin’ in the Moment’ Jason Mraz  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7smZgWQ9_I  Not an oldie but relevant to freedom!
‘Look to the Rainbow’ from ‘Finian’s Rainbow’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rqfe_uExcs 
‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ Judy Garland http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSZxmZmBfnU
Upcoming Dates:
16th August:    Mercury moves into Virgo
23rd August:    Sun moves into Virgo
26th August:      New Moon in Virgo
That’s it folks!  Let’s build our stairway to the stars, a rainbow bridge to unity, one people, one world!
Quote from ‘Finian’s Rainbow’: 
‘In Gloccamorra there is an old legend  
“You’ll never grow old and you’ll never grow poor if you look to the rainbow beyond the next moor”’

As I was writing some of this update today, I was watching the movie ‘Amazing Grace’, the story of William Wilberforce, the slave abolitionist in England.  He fought for so many years to achieve this goal and to support a better, more humane society.  His story really encapsulates the Aquarian energy, working for the good of all with like-minded others.

One of the lines in the movie grabbed my attention. 
From his wife Barbara 
‘When the people stop being afraid, they’ll rediscover their compassion’
There was so much resonance of today’s world contained in this movie, I’d recommend watching it at this time.
As always, my friends, love and blessings to us all as we cross the rainbow bridge of re-unification of ourselves and humanity.
from the chair...being Venus in Leo! 
Uh oh!  It’s a fat cat!  
Hopefully not a ‘fat cat’!

If I was a 'fat cat' I'd be a philanthropist. 
Think this cat needs to lose some weight to climb that stairway to the stars at the Full Moon!

Leo is the big cat energy.  I tend to think the cat energy is connected to Sirius as well, not just because of Leo Sun time.   Probably because of the Egyptian connection as the Egyptians revered cats as well as Sirius. 

It’s all about love
An Aquarian balloon lady maybe

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