...for the children of the earth

Thursday 6 November 2014

7th November 2014 Full Moon in Taurus

Hi everyone! Here we come!  On the Mars in Capricorn express, steaming along, slowly, steadily and surely on track for our Scorpio eclipse transformation. 
‘Where we going, I don’t know.  Where we going I’m not certain.  All I know is we are on our way.’
Getting ready to disembark from the eclipse engine!
We’re now coming out of the vortex of eclipse energy of the past 6 weeks, out of the deep cave exploration of the Scorpio New Moon eclipse and heading for the Full Moon in Taurus on 7th. This is our disembarkation point for the culmination of this stage of our adventure ‘holiday’ on the eclipse special.
What’s been happening:     
Cosmic planetary combinations shifting mindsets, emotions, bodies and spirits:

It’s been quite an experience with some powerful combinations of cosmic energies mixing up a rich plate of moments which have made us anything from speechless, listless, ruthless, irritable, impatient, deadened to excited, enlivened, invigorated, restless, shocked or energised. 
It’s been a varied and changeable landscape keeping us on alert and on our toes!
Mercury retrograde in Libra during the eclipse period:  
Hanging around and rebalancing!
For most of us we’ve been marking time more than usual it seemed,  with the retrograde period falling inside the eclipse tunnel of change energies.
Hanging on and letting go:    It’s been a period of marking time, clearing the spiritual decks of karmic millstones and divesting the physical, emotional and mental bodies of the buried cell memories of lifetimes on earth.  We’ve been bringing ourselves into the clarity that comes with the acceptance of karmic and divine justice.

Realigning and rebuilding physically:    
The recalibration and regeneration of our physical bodies has been a big part of these past weeks.  The body makeover has been happening all year.  However, there was an acceleration of this physical regeneration during this last stretch with Mars, our physical body in 5d, taking us to new places of exploration and growth. 
On top of that, the increased solar activity is flushing our body systems on all levels.

From mid October to end of October:    
Major solar activity bringing huge light downloads!  
Super duper solar X flares as well as medium and lower level flares have been ongoing for a couple of weeks.
Many of us are affected by this cosmic activity. It could be physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. It could have energised or de-energised you physically, kept you awake at night, knocked you out into a deep sleep. You may have experienced strange physical aches and pains or felt relieved of old aches and pains. 
You may have felt irritable, tetchy, pressured or burdened with the cares of the world. These symptoms may have arisen before, during or after the flares.

After the major X flares on 28th:    
Enlivened or drained like a deflated balloon? 
I felt like a balloon blown up with hot air and light energy during the past week and now feel like a deflated balloon since 28th. We're all different and are impacted differently. If you've felt no difference, be grateful that the heavy lifting is being handled by others at this time.
The major activity from this huge sunspot No 2192 has lessened as of 28th October, although still ongoing around the medium range flares.  This huge sunspot, the biggest for 20 years, has now rotated to the far side of the Sun. It is expected to return in a couple of weeks.
Some geomagnetic activity has been happening on and off at a fairly low level. 
What’s coming in:
7th November:    
Full Moon in Taurus at 14 degrees 26 at 9.42 am AEDT...the fullness of life!
Mother Earth calls us to her heart:    
 It’s all love!
Taurus is an earth sign, ruled by Venus.  It’s the heart of Mother Earth!
This full moon calls us to connect to our lives as earth beings, as part of earth’s ecosystem and to connect deeply with our physical body and the sensuality of our earthly experience.
Something comes to fullness: 
Culmination, closure, endings!
The seed we planted at the New Moon 2 weeks ago is now flowering.  That seed was planted at the Scorpio New Moon eclipse so the manifestation of its flowering may not be revealed for another month.  We’ve been in the light of the Scorpio Sun, all about the death and dying cycle of change. Sometimes it’s hard to see growth when in a dark cave or tunnel!
Something comes to light:    New insights and information!
Be open to insights and information arising from deep within the subconscious, from the memory banks regarding your connection with the earth and the potential for attaining the dream of a fulfilling life on earth.
Taurus rules:   
values, resources, gifts, talents, self-worth & earning capacity
This is the sign that says ‘do what you love and the money will follow’.  Of course, the key is to know what you value, what you love and the nature of your particular and unique talents.  It’s a lifelong learning curve. 
Taurus abundance is the wealth that is beyond words, beyond money:
In a world driven by consumerism, materialism and capitalistic values, everyone seems to be ‘chasing’ money, worried about money, the cost of living increases etc. Taurus is a key player as a guide to the ‘yellow brick road’, calling us to engage with the power of love, at the deepest level of our being.  It is no mistake that in astrology, Venus rules love and money.  Keep filling with the power of love and self-validation of the entitlement to the fullness of life on earth.
Embrace the richness of life on earth: 
Taurus rules fruitfulness, abundance and the richness of earthly existence.
This is a Full Moon which is very much about our physical experience in an earthly body, experiencing the sensuality of life’s pleasures on earth, opening to the richness of life’s gifts.  This verse really sums up the beauty in the simple pleasures of earthly life.
Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough,
A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse - and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness -
And Wilderness is Paradise enow.
From:    The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám 
The key to the Taurus abundance:   
Love, love of our earthly life and connection to the earth herself!
The key for the whole Taurus energy lies in self-worth, self-esteem and the recognition and valuing of our unique gifts and talents, taking them to the world as our contribution to earthly existence.  We give with the love in our hearts and our talents are recognised, commensurate with our own sense of self-worth. 
Scorpio Sun opposite Full Moon in Taurus:    
Transformation in the world draws from our deepest values and talents!
Full Moon and Sun in opposition asking us to balance both energies:  
Taurus grounding our Scorpio desires!
At the Full Moon, the moon is directly opposite the Sun.  Both energies are asking us for our commitment to own and balance both energies within us.
The transformational Scorpio Sun shines into the heart of Mother Earth and into the Full Moon of memories:
The Taurus Full Moon is the harvest, the cornucopia of abundance available to us all.  We reach for the harvest, allowing those parts of us holding us back, to be released for good.  The Scorpio Sun is calling us to let the past go, flushing out those memories preventing us from having a fulfilling future, creating our own paradise on earth.
The transformational Scorpio Sun shines into our hearts and heals the wounds!  Just let ‘em go!
The Scorpio Sun is calling us to let go of those aspects within us which are not directly aligned with our authentic selves.  Parts of us, ideas, emotions, beliefs, memories etc. are dying off during this solar month.
At the Full Moon:
Scorpio Sun conjunct Venus at 17 degrees Scorpio   Big heart release!
Maybe you have been carrying unresolved grief, disappointment, despair for a while, maybe even a lifetime.  Well, if ever there was a Full Moon for letting it go, this is IT! 
At the Full Moon:    Saturn at 24 degrees Scorpio square/challenge Jupiter at 21 degrees Leo
Big Jupiter in Leo is offering the expanded light of the Sun energy/Leo in the Karmic release process.  It seems like everyone’s in on ‘the party’, a bit like a Halloween party with the ghosts and lost souls travelling as a never ending procession of refugees from the grey worlds of the astral and the earth’s memory banks. 

This release, as we know, has been happening for some time as we, the wayshowers, shine the light on the way forward to their reunion with spiritual freedom.
The Taurus Full Moon:    Our doorway of emergence from the eclipse change vortex! 
Out of the cave of confusion:    I can see the light!  
Are we fully blended yet?
The Full Moon is the release point from the past 6 weeks of eclipse energy.  We’ve been undergoing a change process about discovering, realising and owning who we are kicked off at the Full Moon in Aries eclipse a month ago.  Is it only a month of this that’s been happening?  It feels like we’ve been in the blender forever!
From the New Moon in Libra 6 weeks ago:    
The urge for  harmony, peace and love!
Actually, the eclipse process was started at the New Moon in Libra 6 weeks ago, the balancing urge to bring peace, harmony and love to our lives the driving force of the eclipse period. That New Moon led us into the Full Moon in Aries enlightening us about who we are and reinforced our desire to be ourselves warts and all.
From the Full Moon in Aries lunar eclipse 4 weeks ago:   
Recognising and owning ourselves fully!
We had 2 weeks of facing ourselves, loving ourselves and closing doors on past energies holding us back.  We were completing unfinished ‘business’ including relationships of all kinds from the past as well as the present.  Our hearts were being brought to wholeness, to peace with ourselves and that involved the cutting of the ties with all that did not resonate with our ‘essence’, our ‘no mucking about’ real selves. This Full Moon set us on a path of clearing all that didn’t resonate with who we are and set us up for the New Moon in Scorpio.
From the New Moon in Scorpio eclipse 2 weeks ago:    Do or die!
For the past 2 weeks we’ve been making inroads on the change process of transmutation and transformation which became deadly serious business.  Challenges arose which made us question our commitment to the path we’ve chosen, the path of change for the better....eventually.   We were called to re-commit at a deeper level.
Planetary energies at the Full Moon:  
Two important conjunctions to open the doors of resistance!
Conjunctions offer a fresh start, a beginning which helps us release the heaviness of old energies from our shoes and boots as we step over the threshold into a new experience of life.
Choose to step through the doorways with ease and grace:  No wavering of will I/won’t I!
We have 2 powerful conjunctions following hot on the heels of the Full Moon.  Both of them will shift us big time if we go with them and look for the opening of new doorways. 

10th to 12th:    Mars and Pluto conjoin/meet in Capricorn...an explosive energy!  Choosing the door of personal power!
What do you choose?  
A boxing match or taking your power with ease and grace?  The new power calls!
This could turn into a boxing match exploding with the release of buried energies or it could be a power pack of energy which will help us open that heavy door of resistance we’ve been struggling to get through. 
Mars is our warrior fire and drive energy.  He’s moving through Capricorn stirring up ‘the body corporate’, the establishment, the powers ruling the world and ruling us.  He can fire us with the energy to walk through walls if we use this energy for our own personal spiritual advancement.
Pluto is deeply buried in the energies of the power structures and establishment in Capricorn.  He’s there until 2024 bringing the big cleansing and purification of the governments and institutions in the world. 
Explosive release of buried emotions:  Can we keep the ball in play?
With Mars meeting Pluto in Capricorn, there could be an explosive release of long buried emotions and held in tensions.  With Mars it will be short and sharp and over in next to no time.  It does not have to be explosive. If it is explosive, then needs must.  Whatever works for you.  Whatever happens, it will provide a clearance which is needed.

11th to 13th:   Venus and Saturn conjoin/meet in Scorpio Karmic chains released!  A new doorway to love beckons!
 ‘Unchain my heart’... a rebirth of our heart energy at 25 degrees Scorpio

This meeting between Venus, our heart energy and Saturn Lord of Karma promises release from some long held heart energies which have kept us in a holding pattern, repeating the movies and experiences of the past.  The re-runs of re-runs have prevented us from moving on to more expansive experiences of love. We keep trying to change the ‘endings’ on our scenes and stories without changing our attitudes, values and heart energy.   
Mars squares/challenges Uranus...more lightning strikes!  Sudden realisations and surprise fireworks!
This one can work for us providing we’re aware of Mars impatient, impetuous energies which will make us want to react fast.  This may be just what is needed as Uranus in Aries brings new revelations/experiences out of the blue which can be empowering or disempowering depending on the perspective you choose to take.  With Mars in Capricorn, sign of the establishment, tradition and the path well travelled, this is likely to bring a brief but insightful breakthrough.  If you’re dealing with a management issue, this could bring your warrior self to the fore with new solutions to old problems, with leading edge actions which will serve to put your world into line with your place in the greater scheme of things.
9th November:    Mercury moves into Scorpio at 10.08 am AEDT...clear skies just ahead!
until 28th November
Where we’ve been:  
Mercury travelling through Libra:
yes/no, will I/won’t I?
We’ve been in two minds about everything while Mercury was moving through the balancing energies of Libra. 

There’s been a weighing up impending decisions, a backwards/forwards, will I/won’t energy which has kept us in the centre of the balance beam, coming back to the centre of the scales of justice as we tried to work out the best course of action, the most just course of action and the most harmonious outcome to emerge from our decision-making.

And now...Mercury in Scorpio! Our inner detective is with us!  
Focus is restored and clarity gradually returns!   
Mercury, our mind energy, enters the seductive transformational energies of Scorpio. Scorpio is a sign of deep change which brings a capacity for piercing insight into the depths of situations.  We’ve got the inner detective back on board.
The insights will apply to ourselves as well as our perception of the nature of our world. 
Undercover work:  Scorpio uncovers the secrets of our minds!  
We’re going deep to dig for gold!
The Full Moon in Taurus has been shining a light into the centre of our beings challenging us to reconsider our worthiness, our values, our gifts and talents.  We might not have found answers at the Full Moon, but been awakened to the need to find ourselves and find our place in the world.
Mercury becomes our inner spy:    
Stay open to new ideas, perspectives and information!
Mercury, Mr Curiosity, will be continuing this process of investigation and recovery of our true gifts as he moves through the Scorpio energies until 28th November.  Mercury, our mind energy, travelling through transformational energy, may bring a change of mind, a new perspective and new information. 
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon: 
The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 15* Scorpio is: Children playing around 5 mounds of sand.  This image symbolizes the development of the higher creative mind.  Humanity’s destiny is to develop into a five-fold being—the Pentagram or Venus’ 5 pointed star.  The number 5 symbolizes the mind in its most creative and penetrating aspect—the mind that can work through Love.1   This is a symbol of future-oriented growth.  So play around and see what you come up with! 
The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 15* Taurus is: Head covered with a rakish silk hat, muffled against the cold, a man braves a storm.  Hats symbolize authority and power.  Since a hat covers the head, it contains our attitudes and opinions about things.  This silk hat seems incongruous to wear in a storm, but there’s something endearing about the rakish tilt and the luxurious material that says that our thoughts must be sophisticated, noble and just a bit mischievous to brave the storms of life coming our way.

Lynda Hill’s Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Taurus:   

Upcoming energies:  Maintain awareness of the energies building through November
Uranus/Pluto square intensifies through November
Last week of November and through December:    Both on 12 degrees
Golden Oldies:  It’s all beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
‘How Could Anyone’ Shaina Noll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF7yFOlOk9M love of self, other and the earth
‘Beautiful Sunday’ Daniel Boone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwjuKhBIIIQ Every day a Sunday
‘Beautiful Dreamer’ Roy Orbison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnRmX0yqXzY  For the Full Moon: dream it in!
‘Unchain my Heart’ Ray Charles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E0FlhJnhl0  for Saturn in Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio
‘The Boxer’ Simon and Garfunkel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXIBB0QjkQU  Post full moon Mars/Pluto doorway
  for the reclamation of self and the wealth available to us in life’s experiences
"The Boxer" was originally written with a verse that is not present in the Bridge Over Troubled Water version:
Now the years are rolling by me
They are rockin' evenly
I am older than I once was
And younger than I'll be; that's not unusual.
Nor is it strange
After changes upon changes
We are more or less the same
After changes we are more or less the same
Upcoming Dates:
16th November:    Neptune stations direct at 6.05 pm AEDT at 4 degrees Pisces 48
17th November:    Venus moves into Sagittarius
22nd November:    Sun moves into Sagittarius
22nd November:    New Moon in Sagittarius
Okay everyone, time to just let off some steam as we pull away from the eclipse energies and integrate them into our being, into our lives. The Full Moon is calling to us, asking us what kind of life we want to live  on planet earth. Choose the best for you and the best for the earth!  We can’t go wrong!
That’s it folks!  A blessed full moon of abundance for us all!  Let go and let the Goddess!  Cheers!
Love and blessings to all my earthling travellers on the road! 
Sorry this is a bit late but I’ve been dealing with some challenges too.  My physical and nervous system is still in recovery. 
from the chair


It’s all about love


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