...for the children of the earth

Sunday 26 October 2014

26th October Mercury stations direct and Mars moves into Capricorn


Hi everyone!  Wow!  What's been happening?  What hasn't!

We’re now birthed into the Scorpio New Moon energy, ushered in along with a partial solar eclipse.  Trusting our North American/Russian spectators had a good view of the event.
What’s been happening for the past week:
A week of cosmic activity building to the New Moon solar eclipse!
What a week it’s been with cosmic activity building to the partial Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Scorpio. Solar flares of substantial proportions, sufficient to impact on the magnetic field, brought  magnetic storms and the ongoing visual impact of magnificent auroras.
OroniComet Siding Spring near Mars in a composite image by the Hubble Space Telescope, capturing their positions between Oct. 18 8:06 a.m. EDT (12:06 p.m. UTC) and Oct. 19 11:17 p.m. EDT (Oct. 20, 3:17 a.m. UTC). Credit: NASA, ESA, PSI, JHU/APL, STScI/AURAd Meteor Shower and Siding Spring Comet flying past Mars:
We also had the Orionid meteor showers  and Siding Spring comet doing a fly by with Mars.
The meteor showers are annual events.  However, the comet ‘fly by’ was unusual, flashing past Mars with a wave of energy.  Picture on left.

Comets are messengers:
Astrologically, comets signify new energy being brought to consciousness. This is the first time Siding Springs comet has come into the inner solar system.  
Solar flares, magnetic storm activity and some amazing auroras:
Solar flares of the past week:
Solar flares are light energy coming from our sun. Sometimes the flares are emitting from the opposite side of the Sun away from the earth. 
This past week, the solar flares were coming directly at us, so the impact was greater.  Added to this, the flares were coming in waves of energy of varying magnitudes.  On  22nd/23rd we had 2 major flares of X magnitude.  See graph below.
Solar flares and their impact:  Feisty or fragile? 
Some people are affected in their whole being, mind, body and spirit by solar flaring.  Others are either not affected or not aware of any change to their energies.  They can expand our emotions, feisty, feeble, angry, irritable, joyful.
They can energise or de-energise. You can feel extra charged with the joy of life or you can feel nauseous, buzzy in the body or overwhelmed by headaches, heavy head syndrome and exhaustion.
They can make you feel edgy and keep you up all night, even if you’re exhausted or they can make you sleep till the end of time. 
We are all different in our relationship to the world and the cosmos.  We all have different preferences for food, relaxation, interests, needs and wants. 
One rule fits all is something from the paradigm of the past.
Until we align with the natural law of the cosmos, the natural laws of the universe as they are enacted in the natural world, we are living out the rules interpreted by humans, the rules set down by the dominant ideologies whether social, religious, political or the ideologies of the ‘gurus’ of ‘right and wrong’. 
Graph showing solar flare activity for 22nd/23rd October Universal Time:  http://www.tesis.lebedev.ru/en/sun_flares.html?m=10&d=23&y=2014
We’ve just had another 2 major X flares on 24th/25th/26th (AEDT).  
This is unusual. 

The auroras kept happening all week:

Ole Salomonsen, the photographer, calls this one ‘Emerald Dynamite’. 
It looks like an emerald angel to me. 
More amazing aurora photos at:
26th October:    Mercury stations direct in Libra 16 degrees 46 at 6.16 am AEDT
Onward, slowly!
Mercury in Libra until 8th November
Emerging from the retrograde journey:    

Reflections claimed or released!  No more selfies!

What discoveries have you made about yourself:

We’ve had about 3 weeks of retrograde movement, in a world of reflections, smoke and mirrors confronted by the truth of ourselves and the false images perpetrated by others and projected onto us.  During these past weeks, our mind power, our thoughts and established beliefs have been undergoing a deep analysis as we’ve come face to face with aspects of ourselves and who we are, who we think we are and who we really are!  Any misinformed thinking about yourself has been clearing in this energy.

Let the jigsaw pieces fall into place:    Now Mercury, our mind energy the messenger is ready to move on.  Heads back on shoulders, armed with new knowledge and information about ourselves and our place in the world, we now just have to make sense of it before we take action in the world.  Let the jigsaw pieces fall into place!
Time of reckoning:   
An audit of our relationships, patterns of behaviour which have brought imbalances to our being!
Libra is about relationships, so if you had some realignment to do about yourself and others, your relationships and embedded patterns of relating, you were probably faced with people you admired, people you disliked, people who gave you insight about imbalances in your relating behaviour.  These ‘experiences’ of ‘facing’ people may well have emerged from the memory banks and not in physical reality. 
Organise, make sense of the insights:  
Minds will be refocussed and clarity will be restored!  
Now we’ve gathered the glimpses of ourselves and insights into our relating selves and our history, it’s time to organise that information in our minds, to make sense of these fragments of insight, following which we’re ready to make our minds up on what needs to change in our lives and thence set a new course for our happiness.  The last part will be easy once we make sense of it all.   
Looking good, feeling good!
Marking time to 1st November:  Mercury virtually at a standstill!  

We’re moving forward...slowly!

We’re marking time as Mercury prepares for the next week to move in direct motion.  We’re regrouping and gathering our strength and resources as we prepare to move forwards again.  This next 5 to 7 days we’ll be integrating knowledge accumulated during the past weeks of Mercury retrograde’s journey. We’ve been re-discovering ourselves and the truth of who we are.

Appreciating the breathing space:  
After the Scorpio eclipse energies, integration time!
Make the most of this next week as we get used to the new territory of the Scorpio life and death experience.

We won’t be back to speed until 1st November.  Patience, patience, patience.  We’ll have quite enough to deal with in the wake of the Scorpio New Moon energy and eclipse which is speeding us through the change process. 
Mercury in Libra moving direct until 8th November:  
Mind is still in ‘balancing’ mode
After the New Moon, until 1st November, we’re weighing up options and possibilities in the first week of the New Moon energy as new ideas present themselves to us. 
Don’t be too hasty about making hard and fast decisions at this time as there may be a feeling of having to act on what presents to you, especially with Mars in earthy Capricorn.  

Usually, the first week of the New Moon brings the ideas, solutions and new pathways to our conscious mind.  A week later, on the first quarter of the moon, we start bringing those new ideas and intentions into physical form, from 31st October.
On the mundane:    Lines are now open!

On the mundane level, technological, communication, transport and commercial glitches may now start to resolve from their entangled mix ups.  i know  many people have had a hard time of this retrograde period with all the above areas. 

Communication, technology problems clearing:
If you’re needing to address technological or mechanical problems with communication systems/implements or cars/bikes etc., take a couple of days breathing space before you rush out and replace what seems broken or damaged.  We’re still in a go slow mode with Mercury for a few more days.  Not totally clear sailing just yet.  Breathe and wait.
Not sure if this horse is the before or after picture of technology glitches being rectified. 
26th October:    
Mars moves into Capricorn at 9.42 pm AEDT...climb the mountain, build the dream
until 4th December

Heading for the heights:    Do you have a head for heights?  
Empire building time!
Mar is our drive, passion, desire and represents our physical body.  It rules the head! Mars says 'Let's go!'

Capricorn is pure ambition and drive for attaining the top of the mountain!  It is all earth, dedicated to manifesting on the earthly plane. 
Grounding physically:  Walking on the earth!  Building our dreams!
This energy offers us some focus and drive on our physical situation and earthly lives, a grounding counterbalance to the emotionally deep and challenging energies of all the Scorpio change process.
With Mars in Capricorn we’ve got some serious driving energy coming in for us.

Hold your horses...steady:  Rome wasn’t built in a day!
Mars like to move and to move fast!  Capricorn is more cautious and steady, a step by step building of the dream, so Mars may be somewhat contained by Capricorn’s serious and cautious approach.  Capricorn will hold Mars to a steady pace in the building process.

No heavy lifting!   Capricorn is ruled by Saturn:    
Don’t fall into old habits and beliefs about work and struggle!  
Staying off the treadmill!
Workaholics Anonymous never have time for a meeting!  
Say no to burnout!
With Mars in Capricorn, the workaholic energy raises its head from the death throes and wants to take charge of our lives again.  Beware of pushing energies beyond the pale.
Connecting to the earth, walking, exercise:  
Releasing the tensions for Mars and keeping the Capricorn happy!
Capricorn wants to keep going without a break, albeit at a steady pace.  Mars wants to go full bore and if allowed to do so can burn us out.  However, Mars is our physical body and needs to be honoured with appropriate relaxations to free up all the fiery driving forceful energy.  Take regular breaks from the the empire building!  
Up to the 7th November Full Moon:    Travelling in the eclipse vortex!  Life, death, rebirth and resurrection!

Release of energies leading into the New Moon in Scorpio:   
With the New Moon in Scorpio, you’re likely to have felt an uplift, a release as we let go of so much that had arisen with the Full Moon in Aries 2 weeks ago. 

Intensity will continue with greater focus:  
Adjustment to new direction!
Now we need to acclimate to the new energy coming in, the intense Scorpio energy which is the powerful force taking us through the next lunar month.  With the solar eclipse energies, these change energies will be with us for the next 6 months to a year.  Changes are happening, even if not yet manifest in your earthly life. 

Lauren Gorgo’s latest message:  October 23

Cosmic-Human Hybrid: becoming gods’


Golden oldies:
‘Chattanooga Choo Choo’  The Andrews Sisters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdrYYUuT07Q for Mercury direct, steam power for a week

‘Ain’t No Mountain High Enough’ Diana Ross http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjdF7VJSc6U  for Mars climbing the mountain

Upcoming Dates:
7th November:    Full Moon in Taurus
8th November:    Mercury moves into Scorpio

16th November:    Neptune stations direct
17th November:    Venus moves into Sagittarius

Well folks, we’re now heading towards the completion of the eclipse cycle with the Full Moon in Taurus on 7th November.  Mercury is returning us to a new place which has not fully revealed itself to us just yet.  The next week will unfold with new insights and understanding which have been gathered through the retrograde cycle. Stay open and ready.  That’s all we can do.

Back on track!
We’re all in this together, holding a vision of our hopes and dreams for ourselves and for humanity.  We just have to hold the vision, keep returning to the vision and to fine tune the focus, adjusting that focus as new information comes to light.

That feeling of derailment is being released as we complete the last stage of the eclipse journey and Mercury pulls out of his station and takes us in a forward direction.  Time to look to the future again!

As always, love and blessings to us all!


from the chair...ready for the drinks now!

It’s all about love

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