...for the children of the earth

Monday 6 October 2014

8th October 2014 Full Moon in Aries Total Lunar Eclipse

Hi everyone!

We’re on the eclipse train, heading over the bridge towards the Full Moon eclipse in Aries on 8th!
That will take us into the eclipse vortex of energy in a whole new way.  We’re preparing for a journey that promises to be unexpected, to bring change and to shift us on all levels of being, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. It will bring surprises and insights!

Justice and harmony:  Our ‘driving force’ train drivers for the journey!

We’re travelling under the Libran Sun, a saving grace for us in so many ways as Libra seeks love, harmony, peace which come from divine justice and balance!  Libra will get us there, whatever it takes, not shying away from a dogfight in order to seek that justice. 

What’s been happening:  
Slowing down for Mercury retrograde station on 5th!
Have you been feeling our eclipse 'train' slowing down readying to come into the Mercury retrograde station on Sunday 5th? It may have felt like the calm before the storm even as the world energies seem to be whipping up conflict, war and dissent.
The energies are building for the total lunar eclipse, 'blood moon' in fiery Aries happening on 8th October as we have been confronted, challenged and provoked by world affairs, their impact on us as individuals and the way we see ourselves and our nations, cultures, religions in the world.
Preparing for change:  Keep calm and carry on!
Meanwhile, we cannot prepare for what may feel like a volcanic eruption. We've been clearing blockages of our forward movement as Mercury moves through the early degrees of 'death and letting go' Scorpio. We'll be revisiting these as Mercury backs over these degrees from Sunday.

New discoveries about the cosmos bring shifts in consciousness: 
Laniakea Super Galaxy discovered and 
Pluto being returned to status as a planet
Milky Way Galaxy sits within a huge Super Galaxy/Cluster given the name Laniakea:
In the past few weeks, scientists have discovered our place within the cosmos
‘Laniakea Supercluster, which takes its name from the Hawaiin term “lani” meaning heaven and “akea” meaning spacious or immeasurable’ http://www.universetoday.com/114304/meet-laniakea-our-home-supercluster/
From Wikipedia:
The proposed Laniakea supercluster is defined as the Great Attractor's basin, encompassing the former superclusters of Virgo and Hydra-Centaurus. Thus the Great Attractor would be the core of the new supercluster.
More on this in the future.  Maybe we can start with the concept that we are a speck of life in a much bigger complex structure of interconnectedness.  Our Milky Way Galaxy is the red dot!

In the past week:  Pluto re-instated as a planet
Mind you, astrologers never took him off the planetary status.
5th October:    Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio 2 degrees 18  at 4.02 am AEDT
Retrograde until 26th October.  
Retrograde in Scorpio until 11th October
Resting the mind:  The next 3 weeks
Chill out, take your time, ruminate, reflect, review, renew and regenerate. Not a good time to start new projects, to make hard and fast decisions. It's a weighing up the options time. Renewing 'old' connections with people, places or projects from the past is likely.
Mercury retrograde periods offer us the opportunity to rest the mental processes and ALLOW the answers, solutions to emerge. So, if you feel the impetus to 'rush', then 'rush slowly'!

Mercury the mover takes a break:   Mercury is our mind energy and clarity is elusive!
Mercury rules:  communication, travel, commerce, mental clarity and mind power
and is one of our main ‘movers’ of energy in our daily lives. 
Delay decision makingClarity is elusive 
When Mercury goes intro retrograde, we are held back from moving forward with new endeavours, projects, ideas...whatever. Our usual clarity and decisiveness has gone AWOL.
Decisions and thoughts made at this time are likely to be revisited. Note to decision and law makers in the governments of the world. We're in a state of flux and change
Revisiting the past:    Revise, review, revision, renew, reclaim, release!
This is a good time to revisit the past, whether with projects, people, ideas, connections with others. What’s been put aside before may return to our mind or our lives as this is a good time to reclaim something of value.  

From 5th to 11th October:    Mercury travelling very slowly 
Gives us integration time during full moon period.
Life won’t seem at regular travelling speed until after the 11th as Mercury gets steam up and shifts into a regular movement again.  This may be welcome as we’ll be adjusting to changes and shifts made during the full moon eclipse period.  There’ll be quite enough movement for us to handle with Mercury on go slow. 
For the next few weeks, the usual reminders apply:
Pigeon Post:  Communication, travel, any communication technology
All communication may be affected with delays, confusion, mix-ups, misunderstandings.  Cover all aspects including keeping phone charged, double check that you’ve got the phone when you travel.  

Double check all travel arrangements, bookings, appointments, details of meeting places etc.  Some of this is because our mind is off duty.  However, delays travelling are common with traffic jams, running out of petrol etc.  
Commerce:  Agreements, contracts, purchases, sales
Be very aware in this area as contracts, agreements, purchases, sales which are made during this time may need to be revisited again in the future.  It’s like we’re in a different mindset during Mercury retrograde.  This applies especially to mechanical, technological items. 
8th October:    Full Moon in Aries 15 degrees 05 Aries at 9.50 pm AEDT...Born free!
Total Lunar Eclipse
Art:  Rassouli ‘Born Free’
A radical, rebellious ‘bust out of jail’ Full Moon!

Aries is our ‘I am’ presence, our essential essence.  It propels us forward with the fire and drive we need to fulfil our desires in the world.  It is our motivational force that carries forward our hopes and dreams.

Something coming to light:  A big awakening!  
The Full Moon brings to light something from our subconscious.  This happens at every full moon.  However, the energies at this full moon will bring something to light which will ignite our ‘I am’, the essence of who we are. 
Along with the other fire energies, Uranus is giving us a slap across the head as a huge wake up call. As the information and realisation about our true self, our true desires, surfaces from our inner volcano, we’re likely to be brought to an amazing realization about  ourselves and our lives, about who we are and what we need to do.  Aries wants to do.  Just hold your horses while you get your act together.  Mercury retrograde has a few things to sort out first. 
Uranus sitting on the Full Moon in Aries:  Expect the unexpected! 
Radical energies erupt!
Welling up from inside the psyche and being activated by the Uranian lightning strike energy, be open and ready for anything.  We cannot prepare for this type of experience.  We have no  way of knowing what is to come forth as we’re dealing with big moon energy and a total eclipse, signifying a major shift internally, in our emotions, our psyche.  All we know is realisations will hit us like a blinding lightning strike.
If you’re feeling like a cat on a hot tin roof, erratic, jumpy then that’s just Uranus.  Just breathe through it and keep to the centre of any storms within.  It’s just a scary movie!
Something coming to a head, a fullness, a culmination, completion:  Dropping off!
Full Moons bring turning points.  We don’t necessarily know where we’re going as we’re in the light of the full moon which is full of  illusions, throwing up neuroses, complexes, memories and belief systems and thought processes from the past. 
Relationships in flux could experience some soul searching and sorting out of issues.  It is probably about personal power and freedom within the relationship.  Aries energy is impulsive and with the Full Moon in Aries, people could erupt with suppressed emotion bubbling to the surface.

Breaking out or  breaking up:  Definitely breakthroughs!
We need to let go of those aspects which have been limiting us, keeping us from being in our truth, being fully present in the world fulfilling our potential of our divine selves. At this Full Moon, anyone or anything standing in our way will be confronted and/or released.  Just remember to take care of yourself and your behaviour with suppressed anger, bitterness or resentment coming forth.  We have feelings.  How we act on those feelings is what marks us as servants or masters of our own lives.  Aries wants to take physical action.  Just observe yourself in the movie when you feel an outburst which feels uncontrollable. 
Libra Sun opposite Aries Moon:  Balance and relationships!  
The ‘I am’ Moon opposite the ‘We are’ Sun! 
Libra is partnership balance, the ‘we are’.  At this Full Moon, the Sun and North Node of the Moon are aligned together in Libra.
Aries is the ‘I am’.  At this Full Moon, the Moon and South Node of the Moon are aligned together in Aries.

The ‘We are’ Libran Sun:   
‘Our’ way or no way!
The Libran Sun is shining the light of balance and divine justice in opposition to this fiery independent full moon.  The Libran Sun is getting support from the current planetary North Node of the Moon, our planetary evolutionary direction at this time. We are being encouraged by these energies to integrate the peace, harmony and partnership balance into our lives in order to evolve as individuals and as the collective.
The ‘I am’ Aries Moon:  
‘My’ way or the highway!
Aries doesn’t want to compromise, negotiate or have peace talks.  Be warned that this Full Moon is close to the South Node in Aries and signifies that Aries has to work with others if he is to have a happy fulfilling life in relationships and with self.  It’s a lonely road without love.
The Full Moon will push us to break with the past and past ways of operating.  We need to own our deepest desires and not be driven by a sense that we have to win over others, but over ourselves.
Chances are, anything in ourselves and our lives that needs to go in order to restore love in our hearts and lives, will be shown the door.  There’s no stopping us this Full Moon.  Trust self and higher selves to take you through the change process. 
Making it a win/win for the Moon and the Sun:  
Choosing harmony and peace!  
This is not peace at all costs or to your own detriment!
Full Moons are about keeping both the moon and sun energies in balance though negotiation and meeting the extroverted Sun’s needs as well as the introverted Moon’s inner needs.  Both sides of us need to be fulfilled at both the personal and collective level. 

Grand Fire Trine:  
Coming to a head at the Full Moon!  
Intense and volatile fire!
The urge to take action!
Art:  Ricardo Chavez Mendez 
Uranus, Jupiter and Mars opening us up to the flames of release!  They’re all working together in the three fire signs, opening the doors to our passion, drive and creative life force.  Nothing will stop these three at this time. 
At this full moon when feelings run high, they’re bringing knowledge and acceptance of who we are, opening to the light of our true selves and our potential for fulfilling our creativity potential for personal and planetary upliftment.
Uranus, the awakener in Aries:  
Higher forces of the universe waking up our ‘I am’ drive and essence.
Just be who you are and do it!
Jupiter in Leo:  
Expansion of our light force, our creative self and our joy
Just be the light and be fulfilled with joy!
Mars in Sagittarius:   
Ignition of our drive and passion for worldly wisdom and higher knowledge
Just be filled with the desire of fulfilling your divine potential in the world!
Bottom line:  Get ready to feel blasted out of any stagnant energies!
Kite 1: Mars, Uranus, Jupiter & the Sun/Venus
In effect:  4th October- 10th October
Most Intense: 7th/8th October as the Moon joins Uranus and the North Node
Kite 2: Mars, Jupiter, North Node/ South Node, Sun/Venus
In effect: 4-15th October
Climax moment: 7th/8th October when the Aries Full Moon conjuncts Uranus and opposes the Sun.
With this Grand Kite we a have wonderful opportunity to Individuate!
Mars in Sagittarius on the Great Attractor:   
Free will and fate, taking in and letting go!  Maybe a turning point energy for Mars, for us...

Astrologers are still exploring the possible significance of the Great Attractor as a player in our lives. 

Interpretations are varied and based on what we know of the astronomical knowledge of this energy located at the centre of the newly discovered Laniakea Super Cluster/Galaxy wherein our Milky Way Galaxy is located.

Once again, we get the message about ‘balancing forces’!  
‘it symbolizes the balancing forces between fate and free will since it both sucks in and emits energy at the same time.’
It does not behave as other black holes like the Galactic Centre or the Super Galactic Centre which draw in energies.
The Great Attractor both sucks in as well as emitting energies.  Sounds like ‘the breath of God’ to me.  
For us at this time:   Transformation of our fiery Mars warrior spirit!  Something’s gotta give! 
Mars is being immersed in the energies of the Great Attractor, what some astrologers regard as the creative life force of ‘God’.  The words that came to my mind are ‘the breath of God/the God force’.
To me, it seems like something’s being sucked in to the GA and something’s being breathed out through Mars to us.

The Great Attractor: 
Norma Cluster
Sagittarius 14°07
A galactic anomaly, an immense concentration of mass and energy. “The Creator’s Voice,” the seat of the Universal Source and cosmic balance. Dilemmas of fate and free will.

‘Although an attractor behaves as a fatalistic point, and the Great Attractor may show similar features, to my mind it symbolizes the balancing forces between fate and free will since it both sucks in and emits energy at the same time.’

Full Moon total lunar eclipse in Aries...a ‘blood’ moon!  Into the eclipse vortex of change!
Eclipses bring big change:   Lunar eclipses bring big ‘inner’ changes!
The full moon always brings something to light, something from outside our conscious mind, beyond our everyday knowledge. The information will carry us forward for the next two weeks.

A shift in gears:  
Minds and hearts are shifted to new dimensions!
A lunar eclipse increases the likelihood of hidden knowledge coming to light, bringing a shift in gears in our emotions, thoughts, attitudes, values and beliefs. The moon rules the past and memories as well as bringing a wellspring of emotion into our being. 
Information coming through will access knowledge from the past and give us insight about ourselves and our place in the world.  These insights and shifts in consciousness will be guiding our steps in the next 2 weeks, next month and next 6 months.  Eclipse energies often play out a month to a year later.  It’s all new.
Bottom line for us:  

You’ll feel the urge to take action on new realisations as the fire trine kicks us into need to act on this new spirit of freedom.

Mercury retrograde until the end of the month will slow us down until we get some clarity of mind and spirit.

Resolve to put the ‘fire’/want to act energies into building the new vision, sorting ideas and emotions, getting clear, negotiating.
Full import of the Full Moon eclipse:  
Wait for the New Moon in Scorpio solar eclipse on 24th October
No matter what comes to light and to realisation at this eclipse, chances are the ‘working out’ of these realisations won’t come to our physical reality until after the New Moon Scorpio solar eclipse on 24th October and Mercury stationing direct on 25th October.  Things won’t really get on the move until the end of October after Mercury speeds up. 
Astronomy:    Viewing the eclipse
‘North and South America, the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand, Australia and eastern Asia are in a good position worldwide to watch the total eclipse of the moon on October 8. If you live in the Americas or Hawaii, the total eclipse happens before sunrise October 8. In the world’s eastern hemisphere, the total eclipse happens after sunset October 8.’
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse:
This total eclipse occurs on October 8. 
The Sabian Symbol is Aries 16: 
Brightly Clad Brownies Dancing In The Warm Dying Light. This is one of my favorite degrees - I have written articles about it and had amazing experiences with this Symbol. When one pulls this Symbol as an oracle, it is very likely that circumstances are going to improve through help arriving at just the right moment. The following interpretations are from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom -

‘Brightly Clad Brownies Dancing in the Warm Dying Light’ is a wonderful and rather mischievous image. ‘Brownies’ are nature spirits that come to help us with our work. The concept of ‘Brownies’ has existed in many cultures for a long time. They lived with humans and sometimes they were said to live in the attic. They often helped the humans in the kitchen; they got the fire going by blowing on it, took care of the human’s children and saw that the food was properly cooked. But nowadays, with the use of electric machines and lights, ‘Brownies’ are disappearing more and more. However it is said some of them still try to stay around. Although mostly associated with housework, we can call on their help in many different ways. Nature spirits are often around us, particularly if we believe in them, welcome them and trust in their presence. They are ‘Dancing in the Warm Dying Light’ inferring that while our intuitive powers are at a real high, the available physical energy may not be; it is sunset, and the close of the day.

You may be feeling tired and in need of help to get everything, or even anything, done. Have faith, and call on any assistance you can. This Symbol shows that you are being guided and protected. Friends or people may arrive unexpectedly to help out at the “last moment”. Sometimes the people who turn up to help are “strangers”. Trust that things will be okay even if things feel “too late in the day”. Of course, you could be a ‘Brownie’ for someone else, assisting others when they need it. How about dancing? It can refresh and revitalize the spirit and invite love and light into your life.
Brownies DancingI love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. George Washington Carver
I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes. e.e. cummings
Keywords: Reveling in nature. Believing in guides. Fairies and nature spirits. The wonder and awe of nature. The setting sun. Last minute preparations before evening. The psychic magic of dusk. Light that dances. Unseen guardians. Receiving guidance and help. Seeing the invisible. Help at the last minute. Fairy godmothers. Questions of: what is the “real” world?

The Caution: Self-delusions. Losing the plot. Missing the true picture of what’s happening in the “real-world”. Too much relying on others, including angels, nature spirits, etc., instead of yourself. Neglecting responsibilities. Crying wolf. Using people.
The Sun is on Libra 16: After The Storms Of Winter, A Boat Landing Stands In Need Boat landingOf Repair. This is a very meaningful degree of the desire, or the need, to rebuild our lives in some way. There may be many things that need repair. The damage caused to society with all the talk of war can require the need for some rebuilding of hope, trust, love and acceptance. On some level, we may wonder where we can land - where we can feel safe and in an accepting, loving and secure harbor.

Keywords: Temporary loss. Emotional repair. Tools to repair damage and build a new life. Having faith that the worst is over and recovery can begin. Calling in the experts. Taking time to put the pieces back together. Working to ensure the safety of the community. Insurance claims. The fragility of man’s world in the face of nature. Returning to work.

The Caution: Making excuses instead of fixing things. Feeling emotionally swamped and powerless. Being torn apart. Leaving things a mess. Not seeing the real reason for fixing things up. Feeling shot to pieces. Letting things wear down to the point of collapse. Having nowhere to dock. Continual arguments and violence.

Latest message from Lauren Gorgo:   
 ‘Lightbody Living:  our new normal’

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn:  The Emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light
Standing in Power and Love and Being a Focus of Radiant Light for the Earth Transition
The Eclipses of October 2014
The Lunar Eclipse of 8 October 2014 : Galactic and Solar Time Gates and the Earth "Reboot"
Golden Oldies:
‘One voice in the Crowd’ Judy Small http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nvbYlmdYS0
‘Who I was born to be’ Susan Boyle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGD9Gsk6Vlc
‘My Way’ Frank Sinatra and Luciano Pavarotti http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vb_xHWgb2s 
‘I will Survive’ Gloria Gaynor, Video clip from ‘Priscilla, Queen of the Desert’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DJC-ECU8IE
‘I Will Survive’ Gloria Gaynor original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBR2G-iI3-I
Upcoming Dates:
11th October:    Mercury moves into Libra on his retrograde journey
23rd October:    Sun moves into Scorpio at 10.57 pm AEDT
24th October:    Venus moves into Scorpio at 7.52 am AEDT
24th October:    New Moon in Scorpio at 0 degrees 25 Scorpio at 8.56 am AEDT Partial Solar eclipse
26th October:    Mercury stations direct in Libra 16 degrees 46 at 6.16 am AEDT
26th October:    Mars moves into Capricorn at 9.42 pm AEDT
Well folks, fasten your seatbelts for the ride of our lives this month as the Aries Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes us to a whole new level in the change process.  Maybe you’ve already been feeling then tension and electricity at the centre of your being. It’s arising from a building anticipation of change in the air.
This full moon energy promises to bust us out of any imprisoning of our spirit, mind and emotions. We’re reclaiming our deepest desires, our authentic selves and nothing will stop us after this incredible shift in consciousness.  The Aries energy will inspire us with the courage and strength to stand up for ourselves and our entitlement to what is rightfully ours, being our true self.  It’s all good.
Mars is all over this full moon and he’s an impulsive hothead
Mars/Aries rules the head, eyes and can make the blood ‘boil’,  seeing red, hot headedness so watch for injuries, accidents, headaches, eye tiredness which may be the releasing of old energies. Fluctuations in blood pressure with erratic Uranus in the picture.  

Also, electrical energy is up with Uranus stirring nervous energy.  For those of us with the thoroughbred horse syndrome, be aware that we need to calm our nerves regularly.  Things may seem to be a bigger problem than they are which would account for skittish behaviours in self and others. Plenty of storms in teacups. 
Relationships are a key issue this month:
Just remember that we’re travelling under the Libran Sun until 23rd October which means relationships are a focal point for us all, whether or not you are currently in an intimate relationship.  These energies coming in will get us to really examine ourselves and our one-to-one relationships of all kinds from the past, in the present and for the future.  With these make or break energies, take time with yourself to come to clarity with decisions that need to be made.
Love and blessings to us all.  Here we go!  Open hearts, open minds offer huge and easy shifts in consciousness.  Go easy people!
Apologies for so much information coming in one big hit but that’s the way it’s happening, everything at once. 
from the chair

It's all about love

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