...for the children of the earth

Sunday 28 September 2014

28th September 2014 Mercury moves into Scorpio


Hi everyone
On the bridge:  Hogwarts to heaven!

What’s been happening:  
The New Moon in Libra...on the bridge of change! Destination – love!
We went through the New Moon in Libra making cosmic connections to the Super Galactic Centre.  I felt there was a huge release of earth energies through this time period before and after the New Moon.  The tiredness and heaviness of energy hit me most the 24 hours after the New Moon but I know others were releasing before, during and after. 
It’s not just about you:  It’s the earth and all that is within her
Worth remembering that the energies are not just about us as individuals and our histories, ancestry, past lives/other realities.  We’re releasing so much energy which has been held within the earth, the blood of war and the pain and suffering of destructive energies is within the earth’s cell memory. We are one.
Reruns of reruns of reruns:    
So many very old wounds are being opened, the festering sores being released of the anger, resentment and power struggles of past times.  I feel like we just keep replaying the Crusades and the Inquisitions and all the religious rivalries and wars of all times.    
On the bridge:    Hogwarts to Heaven!  
A month of maintaining balance and equilibrium!
We’re travelling in the energies of the New Moon in Libra until 24th October and under the Libran Sun until 23rd October, crossing an inter-dimensional bridge, bringing us into balance and harmony.  Divine justice and karmic release is the driving force as we shed the skins and embedded karmic coding of the past, speeding our way to magical fulfilment. 
Well, that’s the general idea!
Inter-dimensional bridge to tomorrow:  
It’s a Libran story for the next month and it really is about LOVE!  Keeping the ball in play!
This next month we’re travelling in the eclipse energies which bring change and transformation for the next month, 6 months or year.  We’re really going to need to call on every trick in our magic bag to keep balanced as there are some ongoing destabilising energies with the two eclipses, Mercury moving in retrograde motion for most of October in Scorpio and in Libra. 
Whenever we’re in Libran energy, we need to just remind ourselves to be aware of maintaining balance.
28th September:    
Mercury moves into Scorpio at 8.39 am AEST
...brain drain, of the best kind!
until 11th October

Still waters run deep:    That’s Scorpio!
So what happens when our mind power, Mercury, moves into Scorpio territory?
It’s a do or die energy, an intense, intimate and demanding energy which is likely to give our minds a big makeover in thought processes, beliefs and mental focus.
Mind submerged in the depth of  emotion:
We’re likely to feel a bit muddle-headed in the next couple of weeks as Mercury is submerged into the deep transformational waters of Scorpio emotion.  Our perception of the world may be turned upside down.
Let it go, let it go, let it go:  Down the plughole! 
When any planet moves through Scorpio, we know we’ll be shifting some energy, letting go of what needs to ‘die’ a natural death. 
And with Mercury here, we’re likely to feel between the devil and the deep blue sea as we shift from one perspective to another.
We just need to remember we’re on the bridge moving from one consciousness to another and to stay open to new ideas, concepts and views.
Changing minds and perspectives:  
Choices may feel like an either/or decision.  
Weighing up the possibilities.  Observe and go with the flow!
Mercury retrograding in Scorpio from 4th to 11th will add to the double checking mentally as we change our minds from this to that and back again.  With the Libran Sun carrying so much weight, the will I/won’t energy will be out and about.
This indecisive quality is not a very Scorpio characteristic which is a fixed sign carrying intense focus and dedication.  However we are working with both Libra and Scorpio energies with the transformation of our mindsets over this next month. 
Clarity and focus:    
The Scorpio detective gets to the truth carrying us through the ambivalence!
However, if we apply focus and dedication to clarifying and peeling away layers of shabby ‘thinking’ and mindsets of tunnelled thinking, we can maximize the benefits of this energy.  Our delivery into clearer waters is coming up.

4th October to 26th October:    
Mercury retrograde!  Keep calm and breathe!
Time to chill out, rest, regenerate, renew and take a deep breath!  
3rd/4th/5th October  key dates for mixups:
Just a heads up that the turning pivotal date for Mercury stationing retrograde is 4th October.  This is the day most likely to cause disruptions in travel, communications, commerce. 
I’ll be including a little more on next week’s update for the Full Moon.

28th October to 11th October:    Mercury in Scorpio
Whatever ‘ground’ we’re covering between 28th and 4th October with Mercury in Scorpio, will be covered again when Mercury turns direct and moves back into Scorpio from 8th November.
30th September:    
Venus moves into Libra at 6.52 am AEST
until 23rd October
Art:  Mariana Kalacheva

Venus comes home:  Home is where the heart is!

When Venus enters Libra, she comes into home territory.  Everything about the Venus and Libran energies is magnified as Venus is reunited with her Libran home. 


Mirror images offer insight:  You and me

But as with all prodigal daughters returning to the fold, we discover things have changed, life is not the same in the home of love.  Imbalances may be revealed and irritations surface when the mirrored images of others pop up in front of us.
Art:  Jonathan Burton

Love and marriage:  True love calls
Love and commitment is a major focus with Venus in the sign of committed partnership. Venus is love!
During this time our hearts are more likely to seek loving connections with a significant other.  We’re seeking a balanced and equitable relationship,  on the same wavelength and resonating with a soul energy that lends itself to commitment.
Healing power:  Divine justice for the heart!  More karmic resolution!

In Libra, we’re still looking for justice in relationships in our everyday mundane world as well as divine justice resolving the pain and hurts inflicted on our heart energy from past times. This next month offers great opportunities for resolving on so many levels as the planetary energies line up to support us.

Mercury retrograde:
Reunions, renewal or reconnections with past relationships and significant people! 
As we are already in Mercury retrograde shadow and soon to be in the Mercury retrograde energy, the past will play a major role in the next month.  For Venus in Libra, it may mean the reconnection and/or re-emergence of significant people from the past, people with whom we had heart connections.  The reconnections offer loving reunions and/or healing resolution, depending on what has occurred. 
These may be past life connections bringing soul energy, joy and happiness to each other at this important time of evolving consciousness.
Building in intensity from 3rd through to 9th October:    
Grand Fire Trine!  A wildfire energy! 
Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Leo and Mars in Sagittarius:  
Out together for a wild time on the town!

Three planets in fire signs opening each other up to big fire energy and carrying us forward into the fiery Aries Full Moon energy of 8th October.  Fire energy is a powerful creative spiritual energy which can burn through anything. 

Potential for wildfire:  
A powerful clearing of blocked energies!  
 It’s a no holds barred energy!
The combination is harmonious as the three planets are speaking the same language. However, this is big fire energy especially with Jupiter and Mars both planetary rulers of fire signs.  Also, Jupiter expands everything so is likely to create a bonfire that has the potential to get out of control.
For us it’s a little warning to be aware of fiery outbursts that erupt from nowhere, of emotions, situations and people as well as the self getting and/or feeling out of control. 
Passion and creativity re-ignited:  Fire brings passion!  
Dancing to the beat of your own drum!
This is a wonderful energy for re-igniting motivation, desire and a sense of purpose in our lives.  For many of us doing the intense healing, coming to wholeness process of the past few years, it will be a welcome relief to suddenly feel fired up again and ready to go out into the world with greater life force and a greater sense of our spirit renewed by passion.  We’ll feel like acting first and asking questions later! 
Here are the game players:
Uranus in Aries:        the radical higher consciousness ignited by the warrior/leadership energy on the leading edge of change
Jupiter in Leo:           expanded sense of self, creativity, joy and optimism
Mars in Sagittarius:    the driving force of our active masculine energies calling to take on the world, expand wisdom and seek adventure/learning 
Warning:  You may well feel like taking action and impulsive action at that with these fire elements working together.  Just remember, with Mercury in retrograde shadow now then stationing retrograde on 4th, the action may not hold a lasting energy. 
However, it will serve us to get moving spiritually in our hearts, minds and bodies.
Golden Oldies:
‘Feeling Good’ Nina Simone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfJRX-8SXOs  For the New Moon in Libra
‘Fly me to the Moon’  Frank Sinatra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCW9Hey6IVY  For Venus in Libra, power of love
‘Bridge over Troubled Water’ Simon and Garfunkel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjNgn4r6SOA
‘Mamma Mia’ Abba http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unfzfe8f9NI  for the ‘fire within my soul’
‘Dancing Queen’ Abba http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pj_nyGiAZI for getting ‘out there’ in the dance of life!
from the movie ‘Muriel’s Wedding’ – seems appropriate for reclamation of life and self, ordinary discovers extra ordinary!
I’m including all the following dates to give some idea of the line up of changes, especially around the end of October.
Upcoming Dates:
5th October:    Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio at 2 degrees 18
8th October:    Full Moon in Aries/eclipse
11th October:    Mercury retrograde moves into Libra
23rd October:    Sun moves into Scorpio at 10.57 pm AEDT
24th October:    Venus moves into Scorpio at 7.52 am AEDT
24th October:    New Moon in Scorpio at 0 degrees 25 Scorpio at 8.56 am AEDT Partial Solar eclipse
26th October:    Mercury stations direct in Libra 16 degrees 46 at 6.16 am AEDT
26th October:    Mars moves into Capricorn at 9.42 pm AEDT

That’s it folks!  
On our way over the bridge and through the eclipse tunnel of change!
if you haven’t shifted some deeply resistant energies, the Full Moon in Aries is likely to bust you out of ‘jail’!  That’s just the ‘opener’!  The solar eclipse at the New Moon in Scorpio on 24th, will be the finishing school!  Finished off, done and dusted with a whole lot of stuff before Saturn moves out of Scorpio before Christmas.
As always, love and blessings to us all as we release the excess baggage and head across the inter-dimensional bridge!
from the chair..being Josephine Cool
just letting it all happen

It’s all about love

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