...for the children of the earth

Monday 15 September 2014

14th September 2014 Mars moved into Sagittarius

Hi everyone!  The Pisces Full Moon!  What a cosmic wave!
Was this a parting of the ways, the parting of the Red Sea, a clearing of so much of the collective undercurrent?  I heard the words ‘watershed’, a watershed moment, signifying a turning point which marks the end of how things have been and a complete change from this time forwards. 
You may have felt like me the day after:
‘Awash with emotion today. Washed out, washed up and still waiting to be hung out to dry. Stephanie said it for me.’  My status on facebook.

This was Stephanie Azaria’s post full moon comment on www.thecosmicpath.com
daily weather 9th September:
'Boy that was some Full Moon! All day long it felt ‘over the top’, and 
it kept on coming. A lot like a flood. Everyone was touched by it, in true Piscean fashion. In some cases it was physical, and in many more it was emotional. It’s important to point out that this Full Moon was conjunct Chiron, and that means healing. You know how a flood can clear out everything you have and at the same time make the space for a new beginning? That is very much what this felt like.'

Stephanie’s comment captured what I felt to be a humungous shift in consciousness, not yet fully realised in our everyday world.  The changes seem subtle and at the same time I can feel an expansion of connection, more synchronicities and whispers from the universe.  Stay tuned!
Sun in Virgo until 23rd:    Maintaining the purification process...if it doesn’t ‘fit’, suit, align, match, resonate etc. just let it go!
If you’re not yet feeling those whispers from the universe, have faith and keep ‘purifying’ and releasing.  With this Virgo Sun energy, it feels like we’re on a home renovation job from the inside out!   

Just keep swimming:  
The wave is carrying us!
Many of us feel we’re just keeping our heads above water. Just remember that’s all we have to do and keep swimming.
However, here’s a timely quote worth remembering.
Thanks Carole for this one:
 Solar Activity over the past week:

We’ve had ongoing solar flares over the past week, followed by some significant geomagnetic storms which have produced some amazingly beautiful auroras. 
The impact on us varies from person to person, sometimes from the solar flares, sometimes from the geomagnetic activity and sometimes from both.  Some people are not noticeably affected at all. 
It can make us feel extra tired or extra energised, anxious, irritable, edgy.  There’s all manner of manifestations and each time there’s solar activity may draw a different response in us. It’s a disturbance to our atmosphere, just like one of our earthly storms.  If you think of it like that, we know some people are more sensitive and sensitized to this kind of disruption.
After the overwhelming tiredness in so many people at the full moon, it seemed like we were being bombarded with downloads from the cosmos.  If you’ve been impacted, take heart that you’re experiencing a big clearance of energy.
This website posts up to date information on solar flares and magnetic activity,  hour to hour:
Photo: Tromso Norway Harald Albrigtsen in the past week
14th September:    Mars into Sagittarius at 7.56 am AEST
until October 26th

Excitement and adventure:
The open road calls us on! We're joining Toad of Wind in the Willows on some wild adventurous experiences until the end of October.
Mars, our fire and drive energy, our active get up and go energy just moved out of the watery depths of Scorpio into Sagittarius.
Fiery Mars is now in Sagittarius, calling our crusader into action, to seek truth and higher knowledge.  Adventure and movement is a key to this energy as the adventurer within ventures out on a discovery tour!

Connecting to like minded others:
Sagittarius likes to party, the more the merrier, so be aware that we're letting our masculine warrior loose in this energy!

Full of hot air:  Potential for inflated opinions and bravado!
Mars can be aggressive and combative and in Sagittarius is likely to be an over the top risk taker calling forth the competitive streak which could be self harming and/or harming to others. 
Worth remembering if we get too puffed up with ourselves, there might be someone around to burst our bubble!

 Courage on tap:  Spirits being re-ignited and fired!  
The crusader is called to action!
One of the great benefits of this placement is a capacity to access courage more readily than has been the case.  That’s because our fire and drive, our spirit is being reactivated after a period of deep emotional exploration and transformation. 
For many it’s been a hard slog on the ascension trail especially this year so Mars moving into the sign of the crusader, is likely to fire our interest and stimulate a desire to get going with something!  Anything!  There’s been an energy of one foot in front of the other without the fire to shift us on. 
Warmongering is definitely in the air on the world stage and am definitely wondering about the potential for escalation of conflict at the Full Moon in Aries on 8th October.  First we have the New Moon in justice driven, peace loving Libra which may calm and focus some of the restlessness. 
Mars is our masculine warrior who hits first.  In Sagittarius this energy is expanded and inflated.  It's a real test for us at the personal level as we watch the global scenario.  

Mars, the physical body:   
Take care of the spiritual and let the body transform
Mars is an expression of our physical being, so it’s always worth looking at his placement on the zodiac as a reference point for possible physical changes, manifestations.  As we work with the resolution of our spiritual ‘wounds’, we come to wholeness, we come to healing.  The healing/coming to wholeness is happening in our physical bodies as they recalibrate to higher consciousness, resolving unresolved energies of past lives/other realities, of ancestral memories, the genetic coding, DNA and of karmic commitments.  As we resolve spiritually, our physical bodies resolve energetically. We are gradually moving through this process. 

The next week:  Health issues arising at this time...look to the spiritual sources
If physical health issues manifest this week, take time to go to the spiritual source.  It doesn’t mean you don’t see a medical practitioner or natural therapist.  It does mean that the spiritual source can provide clearance, particularly at this time as Saturn and Mars dance in each other’s energy.  Unresolved issues, memories may well surface for resolution.
Homeopathics, flower/crystal/shell essences could assist.  I find intensifying the meditation and light work is my preferred clearance.  When you feel ‘out of whack’ visualise the light pouring into your body.
From Stephanie Azaria's daily weather 15th September:
'Pay attention to your body this week, because #Mars will make it to 4#Sagittarius by Sunday, and that is exactly where #Saturn will turn around and go retrograde next March. This week’s themes will be Saturn’s first lessons on how well we wield the power of our crystalline selves. Health issues that come up now are not about sickness but about wholing. (Bringing the fragments of one’s Self to unity and well being again).'

Possible physical experiences during this next period:
heat surges, hot flushes
additional physical energy and desire to move, exercise which may well bring big clearance to stuck energy in the body
blood pressure fluctuating
energy fluctuating
Wiki link for Medical Astrology:    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_astrology
There are many other interpretations of the zodiac and the body.  But this one gives some idea of rulerships.

What’s up ahead:  
5th October to 25th October AEST:     Mercury retrograde
This is just a heads up to let you know the energies of the mind will be slowing from now as Mercury enters its retrograde shadow energy, while the body is accelerating.  This could work very well for us as the mind has a chance to really get into divine, higher thinking mode where anxieties and tensions can be cleared quickly.  The key for Mercury retrograde is always to go with it and don’t fight it.  

Sep.14 – Mercury enters the Shadow (16:45 of Libra; until Nov.10) (Sep.13 in HAST)  ("What's the Shadow?"  Read my articles about Retrograde Cycles.  Read my article about Mercury Retrograde.)

Mercury is now "in the Shadow" – the area of Zodiac where it will later go retrograde in about 2½ weeks time. During its retrograde cycle, Mercury travels through the same span of the Zodiac three times (called the Shadow). The first time through, it is going in direct motion (moving forward), then retrograde (looks like it's going backwards), and then direct again. This means there is a more extensive process of development and change involved with things that Mercury influences—ideas, thoughts, frame of mind and mental focus. It also concerns the collection, exchange, analysis and organisation of information. All forms of communication are also affected. This includes not just talking, but also email and snail mail, the Internet, the media in general, books and magazines, as well as public transit (buses, trains, etc.) and neighbourhoods.
The situations developing over the next couple of weeks (leading up to when Mercury actually goes retrograde) will likely require further research, deeper consideration and adjustments to unexpected discoveries over the next couple of months. Expect changes in your plans, increasingly disrupted communication, and new information coming to light that may not fit conveniently into your plans. It's wise to leave lots of extra time to do things, to plan future projects and get to wherever you're going. Patience is a valuable quality during this time. If you must make important decisions during this time, try to build some flexibility into your plans to allow for later changes—or if possible, you may want to delay final or irrevocable decisions until well after Mercury goes direct.
Here are the key dates of this Mercury cycle (for North American Eastern Time):
  • Mercury enters the Shadow: Sep.14 (16 LI 45)
  • Mercury stationary Retrograde: Oct.04 (02 SC 18)
  • Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun: Oct.16 (23 LI 24)
  • Mercury stationary Direct: Oct.25 (16 LI 45)
  • Mercury leaves the Shadow: Nov.10 (02 SC 18)
New Moon in Libra on 24th September
If anyone needs an uplift of positive hope and reinforcement that we're coming into big changes the next month or so, this insight from the Sabian Symbols is a great beginning to set the energy!  I’ve included it all here as this is only a short update from me. 

The New Moon in Libra is on 24th September, the day after the Sun moves into Li
bra, marking the Equinox, always a powerful vortex of energy. It’s sitting on the degree of the Super Galactic Centre, so BIG changes coming through for us all.

This New Moon energy will be carrying us through the eclipse season to follow in October which promises to be a humungous change energy...for the better!
From Lynda Hill’s Sabian Symbols: http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/
September 13  Riding the Waves:    Current Planetary Energies:
The coming new Moon is on an extraordinary degree, Libra 2, and it has an extraordinary message of an uplift in consciousness - it truly is quite something. I have been thinking about it for a few days now - the new Moon is smack on the Super Galactic Center. I am planning to write up a piece about it, and I also will do an audio recording of my observations around it. It is really too good not to share.. and we have the upcoming eclipses as well and the messages from them all tie into this feeling of upward movement and ascension. It really is something else. Brace yourselves, I think we're about to see something really positive and amazing... this is the degree of the Super Galactic Center...

My interpretation for Libra 2 from my book The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom:
The ‘Light of the Sixth Race’ is seen ‘Transmuted to the Seventh’.
This may be a time of new beginnings -the implementation of a whole new order. A feeling of ascension is present here, with people approaching an entirely new level of living and operating. There’s a need to be with or communicate with people who have shared visions and hopes for the future. The fruits of past experience can bring either light or dark to the present.

This Symbol can show a leap ahead in consciousness, so much so that the old ways of functioning and living are no longer satisfying, or even possible. Sometimes the old codes for living are actually somewhat unbearable. It’s best to respect the value of what is waning and leaving your life, and take the best qualities of your past with you. Many of the things that were important before have lost their imperative. The objectives that one wants to aim for are, or have, changed radically in the realization of this new age. The aspects of modern society are often left behind for a higher, more “evolved” state. This Symbol often shows someone who is within reach of their ultimate potential. A “new order” needs to be implemented and the time has come for it to happen. There are likely to be many who share the same aspirations as you, people who are on the same road and see the same signs. Join with those who are working at something truly worthwhile, as this will see you moving further and further towards a chosen future, rather than one that is just foisted on you by society. Regardless of this progression and ascension, there is a need to remain rooted in the reality of practicality. Otherwise, you, or someone else, may lose their way in the glamour or “fog” that these new, sometimes deeply spiritual, realities can bring.

Keywords: Younger or more vital elements taking over from the elders. The fruits of the new age. Theosophy-Blavatsky’s theories. Finding kindred spirits. Sharing visions. Ascension and evolution. Inheritances that move one forward. Growing older and wiser. UFO’s and aliens. Music that lifts one’s spirits. Gurus and avatars. Demarcations of evolution. Transmutations.

The Caution: Losing touch with practical survival. Can be racial (or other) discrimination. Feeling that one is from a “higher” order, or more evolved, than other people. Leaving others behind.
Golden Oldies:
Check out the differences in these 2 clips from the 50’s to 60’s. 
‘If I had a Hammer’ Pete Seeger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl-yszPdRTk 1956  For the crusader
 ‘If I had a Hammer’ Peter, Paul and Mary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTvr79Oe5w8 1963
‘The Philosopher’s Stone’ Van Morrison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2hf3dQqS0M  For the seeker of truth and wisdom
Upcoming Dates:
23rd September:    Sun moves into Libra/Equinox
23rd September:    Pluto stations direct
24th September:    New Moon in Libra
The eclipses:
8th October:    Full Moon in Aries lunar eclipse
24th October:    New Moon in Scorpio partial solar eclipse
That’s it folks
At the moment, we’re still rolling with the Pisces Full Moon wave which will be carrying us up to the New Moon in Libra on 24th.  Be open to the messages from the universe, the voice of your soul, your spirit, your higher self. 
As always, love and blessings to us all as we are called to take action onto the open road!  We also need to remember that the Mercury retrograde period is coming up which may well be a relief and give us some time to pace ourselves with the Mars energy as well as the October 8th Aries Full Moon eclipse. 
from the chair

It’s all about love

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