...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 21 October 2014

24th October 2014 New Moon in Scorpio Partial Solar Eclipse

Photo:  Notre Dame University USA. ‘Our Mother’ atop the building with Aries full moon
Hi everyone!
What’s been happening:
It’s been a recovery party from the full moon eclipse!  Hardly a ‘party’ for some of us!
What kind of experience did you have?  For some, they got the slap across the head wake up call with anything from losing jobs, homes, relationships to health scares. 
Leading up to the eclipse:  Kept on our toes!
For many of us who have been on our toes dancing the dance of transformation for some time, it seemed to be an expected inner shift dropping off lots of bits and pieces of the past through dreams and through the irrational tension and fears popping up and disappearing just as quickly. 
Cat on a hot tin roof:
I felt I’d experienced the eclipse before the eclipse arrived, morphing from the cat on a hot tin roof of the previous 2 weeks, to the Cheshire cat on the day of the eclipse. The feeling didn’t last.
Since the eclipse:  Ongoing releasing of memories!
After the full moon I was knocked sideways with a physical challenge which kept me fully focussed on the spiritual release process, unable to get the short update out to you for the 11th with Mercury’s move into Libra. Hence, this update is extra long.
‘Lightbulb’ moments:  
Have you experienced an ‘I am’ moment since the eclipse?
Aries is our ‘I am’ authentic self and the Aries full moon called our attention to recognising our essence. Twice in the past week, I found I was saying ‘I am’, validating an essential aspect of myself in an affirmation which hit home afterwards.  It was nothing new for me.  But it was a reiteration that hit home in my psyche and gave me the signal to move forward with these aspects as a signpost for new directions.  Keep paying attention to any insights you receive about yourself as the Aries eclipse energies are with us for some time to come.
The eclipse vortex of change:    
From 8th October to 7th November when we emerge with the Full Moon 

We’ve been thrust into the eclipse vortex, a tunnel of change triggered by the Full Moon lunar eclipse, now carrying us towards the New Moon in Scorpio Partial Solar eclipse of 24th October.  Then on to the Full Moon in Taurus on 7th November.

The Aries full moon Lunar Eclipse:    
Memories and insights continuing to surface!  
This too shall pass...eventually!
Let’s remember, a lunar eclipse is an ‘inner’ shift of values, attitudes and memories. It brings up the past and memories buried deep within us.  Until we arrive at the New Moon solar eclipse on 24th October, we’ll be experiencing much of these past memories emerging from our bodies, minds and spirit.  It may be painful or joyful.  Bittersweet experiences giving insight and release!
Up and down with mood changes:    On the roller coaster!
As the light opens up our minds, hearts and bodies, we can experience a whole range of emotions which may not be easily labelled but which pitch us into different moods, through feelings of confusion as our minds try to make sense of it all.  We just have to keep riding that roller coaster and move through any discomfort whether mental, emotional or physical.  The bottom line is that the source is all spiritual and we are releasing and reclaiming to reach our core essence.
Mercury retrograde:  A search and discovery mission! 

Mercury retrograde has been compounding the impact of this releasing and reclaiming process as he steps us back in time, into a dimension where time becomes irrelevant in the spiritual reclamation process.
We are moving backwards and forwards, in and out of different dimensions in search of lost fragments of soul memory and experience. 
11th October:    Mercury retrograde moved into Libra at 4.27 am AEDT...justice restored!
Mercury in Libra until 9th November
Mercury came back to regular speed from 11th.  We’ve got used to getting back into a more balanced pace and are just getting used to this when Mercury begins to slow once again about 21st, preparing to station direct on 26th October.   
Mercury retrograde in Libra:    Seeking peace, justice and restoration of balance!  
Releasing and reclaiming!
With Libra, the focus is always on relationships, past present and future. On relationship with self and significant others.

We are seeking resolution of energies which have been in a state of imbalance and disharmony.  We are shifting between dimensions as we seek and find those aspects which have been lost to us, grieving, alone, abandoned, ignored, disconnected.
Claiming our ‘I am’ essence:  
See the mirrors of self in others...the good, the bad and the ugly!
Mirroring, projections and the conditioning taken on which has been contrary to our essence, can now be released and resolved.  We are seeking our ‘I am’ Aries essence!  In the current energies, we are in a powerful place of resolution of karmic imbalances.  Accept self and release all that is not of your essence.
If we have a deep aversion to someone’s actions or words, it’s a call to accept humanity as it is.  Doesn’t mean we have to align with that person.  We are all on the path to love, forgiveness, compassion and mercy.  Holding that energy and focus within ourselves is the key.
Be open to experiencing the memories and insights:  
Nightmares or sweet dreams, let them come and go!
We may find we’re being offered insights through dreams, through our current reality and with reconnection to people, places and/or experiences from the past.  Past life experiences may surface as patterns of behaviour are brought to light.   We are being brought into balance and harmony and may need to relive the pains and hurts of the past in order to finally release wounds from our bodies. We may also need to be reminded of joyful times and feel the power of love.
Karmic completion and rebalancing of relationship imbalances: 
Relationship imbalances from the past and present can be addressed, assessed, reviewed and released during this time.  We are clearing the decks for future positive relationships with similar soul energies where the old patterns can no longer colour the new relationships.
Mercury will be in Libra until  9th November so there’s plenty of time and space to clear and prepare the way for the future.
It’s not just about you:   We're all in this together!
One major point we all need to remember is ‘It’s not just about you’.  We are clearing for others as well as ourselves.  Some of us have a big commitment to do major earth clearing this lifetime as our ‘brief’.  You may find people coming into your lives who need help.  We need to decide who’s in our ‘portfolio’ and to accept if that is the case.  We also need to get ourselves through and not suffer for others at the expense of our own health and wellbeing.

16th to 18th October:    
Mercury met Sun, South Node and Venus all in Libra!   Recalibration of body, mind, heart and spirit!

23 degrees Libra:    

‘The Sun, Mercury Venus and Mars all hitting the same very important degree this year, while the Moon is totally eclipsed in a bridge to that spot. This is the rewiring of the newly upgraded four body system with the cosmic Self being reflected by the planets in our solar system.’  

Stephanie Azaria

Flattened or uplifted:    
You may have felt absolutely flattened or totally uplifted by these energies.  In particular the 17th/18th AEST was incredibly powerful.  

I was not alone in feeling totally bowled over with exhaustion and with feelings of absolute despair, grief, hopelessness etc.  
I kept reminding myself ‘this is not just me’ and the cards I read confirmed the planetary release.  This is the energy that drives people to feel suicidal.  Acting on it is another thing!
If you were out living ‘the Coca Cola ad’ then count your lucky stars that this one wasn’t for you.  Many people felt the upliftment whilst so many of us were doing some heavy lifting at the same time.  We all have our own brief and need to trust this for our lives.  Acceptance is key. 
Re-alignment of heart, mind, body, evolutionary direction:

We were experiencing a re-alignment of Venus and Mercury, heart and mind in accord with the planetary Sun in Libra/balance and justice as well as alignment with the North Node in Libra of current direction for planetary evolution.  
All in Libra!  Justice will be done! For all! 

The week leading up to the New Moon solar eclipse:    
Mercury retrograde in Libra on the North Node of the moon
Mind energy being absolutely aligned, re-aligned with balance, harmony and love!  
All on the same page, of the same mind and on the same road to evolution!
Mercury is our mind energy and connecting with the North Node for this week, we are all being aligned in the same direction for change!
North Node of the moon is our combined planetary direction for evolution. 
We’re all heading along the river of change, focussed on the power of love, peace and divine justice.
All happening in Libra, sign of karmic justice, balance, peace, harmony and love.
‘Am I heading in the right direction for your loving and affection’  Yes we are!
Our minds are being cleared of past memories, thinking not aligned with our true selves and brought back in line with the power of love.  
23rd October:    Sun moves into Scorpio at 10.57 pm AEDT...the month of letting go
until 22nd November

New solar month:  Focus on life, death, rebirth!
It’s a new solar month and the Scorpio sun is shining its light into the deepest caverns of our soul so we can access our core being.
As the leaves fall, the trees prepare for new growth:
Scorpio rules transformation, death and rebirth,  bringing something to a close, a turning point for change from a state of growth to a quiet dying away of what’s past its use by date.
‘Following the river of death downstream’:
The river runs wide and deep and calls us to immerse ourselves in the energy of the river of life, the Scorpio river which understands and accepts the natural cycle of life and death in providing us with the acceptance and the need to move on.
The natural cycle of life and death is transformative:
Scorpio time offers a deep clearing energy which helps us to release what needs to go from our lives, mentally, emotionally and physically. Scorpio is the spirit of death and transformation, offering growth into new ways of living. 
Scorpio calls us to ‘die’ so we can ‘live’:  A spiritual letting go!
In Scorpio, our spirit is in the right place to help us let go of what needs to go.  Letting go is easy with Scorpio as our guide.
24th October:    Venus moves into Scorpio at 7.52 am AEDT...discovering heart’s desire!
until 17th November

Following the ‘river of death’ downstream, through the canyon and...
into the cave of our hearts!  Lights on!
Plumbing the depths of our beings:   Resurrecting our hearts with love!

Scorpio is the heart of darkness and our hearts are moving into the depths of this often unknown interior. Releasing and healing the wounded hearts of memory will be a focus until 17th November.  As we heal the wounds of other times, places and situations, we come to the purest of energies, the truth of our heart’s essence.

Discovering our deepest desires:  Clearing the old and finding renewal!
The journey is taking us seekers of love into the deepest recesses of our heart’s desires, the cave of discovery of what we truly desire.
Nothing less than the fullness of love. 
Our guide is Scorpio relaxing in a hammock:  
Enjoy the experience haha!
Scorpio is totally cool with the transformation process as it’s all part of our life, death and rebirth cycle. 
Our guide’s instructions:    
Feel the pain, feel the joy and be alive!

Keep shining your light on those dark corners for the treasure within!
24th October:    New Moon in Scorpio at 0 degrees 25 Scorpio at 8.56 am AEDT
Partial Solar Eclipse                                                                   
It’s a New Moon, a new beginning, a new Scorpio lunar year! 
A solar eclipse!
Power packed New Moon:  Major, major transformations!
Sun, Moon and Venus unite on 0 degrees Scorpio!  With all three of these sitting on the very first degree of Scorpio, the transformation queen, be open to a BIG beginning!  The Scorpio energy always brings a big ending, even on the New Moon.  A lot of these ‘endings’ have been happening the past week, month, year.
A solar eclipse on the New Moon:    Life changing!
On top of this intense energy we have the impact of a solar eclipse which always brings changes within a month, 6 months, 12 months.
It’s all about change, change, change and more change...
taking us into 2015!
New Lunar Month is seed planting time:
The New Moon offers the darkness in which the seed can be planted.   Within the month the seed will grow each week at each phase of the moon until the next new moon.
What seed of change are you planting at this time?
Scorpio is the ruler of life, death and rebirth and for that reason, is a powerful transformer of our lives.

 The Moon, our inner self:  Coming out of hiding!
The New Moon is the perfect time to make a commitment to finding the truth of who you are, inside and bringing it into the world. 
Dive deep, take a breath and dive again:  
Venus joining with the Sun and New Moon offers a new beginning...
 for our hearts!
We’re digging deep into our selves to find the richness and wealth that Scorpio promises to those who are prepared to go the distance.
Uncovering our deepest desires:   
Willingness to enter the cave of transformation!  It’s do or die!
The agony and the ecstasy of our Scorpio experience calls us into the mystery and magic, the secrets of the depths of our being.
Divine alchemy:  Transmutation!  Turning base metal into gold! 
Resurrection is nigh!
Scorpio helps us strip away the layers of false being, the overlay of conditioning and the underlying threads of genetic and karmic codes.  If ever there was an energy to bring deep healing and resolution, this is the one.

Phoenix arises from the ashes!

With Scorpio diligence, focus, single-mindedness and determination, we have the potential to phoenix-like, rise from the ashes and destruction we have enacted in order to arrive at new life.

The next month will see many of us undergoing major changes in our lives:
Inner changes:    
It is likely to be changes in our thinking, our beliefs, our values and attitudes. 
Outer changes:    
 Our physical lives will shift in accordance with our inner spiritual shifts.
Making the changes:    No forcing of change!  
With Scorpio we’ll be taken all the way.  
 Surrender to the flow is the key!
Our Scorpio guide    ‘Chill out baby’!
Let the inner shifts come into clarity and focus before making any rapid changes in your life, unless circumstances plunge you into change. Keep trusting that these powerful energies are taking us all to a better place, heaven on earth!
With Mercury only coming out of retrograde on 26th, we’ll still be in retrograde shadow until about the end of the 1st week of November.  Also, Mercury is on ‘go slow’ until about the end of October. 

Next update:  I’ll be posting a brief update after the New Moon about Mercury stationing direct and Mars moving into Capricorn on 28th.  The Mars/fire and drive energy in earthy Capricorn will help us ground some of the eclipse and Scorpio energy which can be overwhelming at times.
Other planetary energies at the New Moon eclipse:
Mars on the Galactic Centre around 26/27 degrees Sagittarius:  
Fire, drive and physical life force getting a makeover!
Mars is our fire and drive and in cosmic astrology is our physical body. 
The Galactic Centre, the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy, is a huge black hole which ‘vacuums’ everything in to it.
Put those two facts together and we have Mars sitting in a sweatlodge of release energies in the fiery Sagittarian cauldron. 
Eclipses bring change and solar eclipses bring change to our physical existence:  A month to 6 months later or even within the next year!
Scorpio rules ‘surgery’:  Endings, cutting with the past!  Scalpels ready!  Scorpio supports eclipse changes!

There is a parting of the ways for people, places, situations, jobs, homes, work etc. etc. in our lives.  The changes may not come in for a month or more after the eclipse. Often, the Scorpio energy brings to a close something that has been unresolved  and hanging in the balance for a long while. 

Scorpio helps us make the final cut to what needs cutting from our lives.
No, nothing of nothing
No! I don’t regret anything
It’s paid for, swept away, forgotten,
I don’t care about the past!

Resonance of this eclipse with the eclipses in October 1995 and October 1976
Think back to changes that emanated from those eclipses, even into the 6 months to a year beyond those times.
Let the Scorpio mothering energy lead the way:  
Hard decisions become easy!
Reassure yourself about any fears of change and allow the Scorpio mother within to lead us through the change process with the commitment and dedication only Scorpio can inspire.  So often, we are dealing with the fears and insecurities of the inner child and we need to take that little child by the hand and lead it into safe waters.
Once your mind is made up, then the new direction is set and away you go!
Sabian Symbols at the New Moon Scorpio eclipse:    

From Lynda Hill

The Sun and the Moon and Venus for this partial solar eclipse are all on Scorpio 1:

- this Symbol is an interesting one - it can have us feeling like we are more 'observers' than 'participants' in our lives. We can feel a bit cut-off, separated, watching and being watched, wanting to see what is happening rather than feeling a part of the action, perhaps feeling like we don't belong in our environments, but rather are an alien in a strange land (possibly with lots of other aliens traveling with us).

'A Sight-Seeing Bus Filled With Tourists' is an image of people touring around, seeing the sights, taking in the atmosphere and learning about people and places that are new or foreign to them. There can be a feeling of knowing one's destination, having a map or guide, but not really knowing what it is actually like where you are or where you are going. There can be the feeling of being an observer, but also being observed by others yourself.

Read full message at above website.

From Cathy Pagano:  ‘Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse’
The Sabian symbol for Venus, Moon and Sun at 1* Scorpio is: 
A bright blue sight-seeing bus with a dragon painted on the side and a tourist peering out of every window.  

This magical bus is a symbol of a collective drive to know what is going on in the world and to understand and incorporate other people’s
viewpoints.  This is imperative if we want to create change.  Even when we find a community of like-minded individuals, we still need to open ourselves
to others.  The dragon holds the treasures of the unconscious mind and the blue of the bus gives us the opportunity to speak our mind  This image also
speaks of the ‘evolution of consciousness through consecutive incarnations, aided by memories of past experiences’
More information on the eclipse, areas of visibility:

‘The New Moon in Scorpio and Solar Eclipse’:  Celia Fenn

The Emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light
Standing in Power and Love and Being a Focus of Radiant Light for the Earth Transition
The Eclipses of October 2014
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Golden Oldies:
‘Bright Eyes’ Art Garfunkel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a502RejLz8s ‘following the river of death downstream’
Movie: ‘Watership Down’
‘Everything old is New Again’ Peter Allen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b20D_ON2Etc  going back/going forward
‘Non, Je ne regrette rien’ Edith Piaf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKPvx38D4GM 
‘Non, Je ne regrette rien’ lyrics and translation http://www.frenchlearner.com/songs/non-je-ne-regrette-rien/ 
‘Arms of an Angel’  Sarah McLachlan and Pink  http://faithtap.com/1864/sarah-mclachlan-and-pink-sing-angel/
‘Heading in the Right Direction’ Renee Geyer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9lejEoIVPM  for all us heading to love!
Upcoming Dates:
26th November:    Mercury stations direct in Libra
28th November:    Mars moves into Capricorn
7th November:  Full Moon in Taurus
8th November:    Mercury moves into Scorpio
Okay everyone, we’ve got quite a week ahead of us with an intense focus on Scorpio beginnings with the Sun, New Moon and Venus all at the very beginning of the Scorpio degree.  There’s no distractions here.  Just intensity and absolute focus on change, transformation, do or die and the beginning of a cycle carried forward by the solar eclipse which is guaranteed change for the next month to 6 months, to even 12 months.
Anything that has to go will go!

 No, nothing of nothing
No, I don’t regret anything
Neither the good things people have done to me
Nor the bad things, it’s all the same to me.
That’s it and probably that’s quite enough for us all!  
As always, love and blessings to us all as we begin to enact some of our new insights in the coming month. We’re all on the same ‘ride’, whether it be a boat, a bus, a roller coaster.  Our tour guide beckons us to take the ride of our lives.  Here we come!
What we do know, is that we’re all in the time machine of Mercury retrograde and the eclipse energies combined. Time and space no longer exist.  We are in a multidimensional reality, opening our minds, hearts, bodies and spirits to something incredibly special.  Pure gold!
from the chair...
      drinks at the end of the ride!

 It’s all about love


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