...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Post eclipse/apocalypse, New Moon, Equinox update

Hi everyone! 
This is an in-between eclipses, post New Moon eclipse/Equinox update!
It’s a recovery from huge energies that hit us in the past couple of weeks. 
Major solar activity:
Ushering in and taking us through the New Moon eclipse/Equinox: 
The days leading into the New Moon eclipse and Equinox were governed by about 5 days of ongoing severe geomagnetic storms bringing huge light downloads to the earth.  The geomagnetic storms cleared and purged our beings. 
We were bombarded by solar energy which could have energised and/or de-energised.  Maybe it flushed out painful memories.  Maybe you didn’t even feel pain or heartache or physical shifts or challenges.  It produced some magnificent auroras.  This one’s from Norway.  So angelic.
I don’t know about you but after the dynamics of the solar storm activity which actually energised me one minute then exhausted me the next, we arrived at the New Moon solar eclipse in Pisces which took us into a huge emotional/spiritual uplift and cleansing.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse:  The beginning of an ending! 
Emotional and spiritual release!
The New Moon Piscean Solar eclipse brought in a whole new energy of the collective unconscious.  It was emotional, over-emotional for many and may have manifested in emotional releases from the physical, emotional, etheric and mental bodies.  Everything was being flushed out of us. 
For me:   Three days of emotional purge!
I spent 3 days crying whenever I meditated, rested.  Those 3 days of emotional purge were not just about me, but me releasing the planetary memories embedded in my cells, in my DNA carrying lifetimes of experiences.  I can’t say the crying was all pain and heartache, anger and grief because I felt myself touched by the joy of spiritual reconnection.  We equate crying to pain but we can cry tears of joy when our hearts and spirits are opened to love, pure love!
For you:  Off balance? or just feeling ‘off’
Maybe you experienced the same heavy heart and releases in sleep or emotionally.  For many, the emotional release has come through colds, flu, sinus, headaches.  Digestive challenges for some as the digestive system holds so much of our emotional energy and Pisces is all emotion. Maybe blocked digestive system, nausea, vomiting even as well as heartburn, pickiness with food. Cancer rules the moon, memories and the stomach.  Digestion is in there too.
A light diet during these emotional clearings assists in the purging process.
It’s personal and peculiar to each individual:
However, we all release in the way appropriate for us.  The ‘cleansing’ finds our vulnerable spots and works on those whether it be circulation, respiration, digestion, nerves, strength/flexibility.  As we are exposed to our vulnerability, we more easily attain a state of absolute surrender to divine will.  
The Equinox, Sun into Aries:    
A solar rebirth for the New Year!  
Inter-dimensional doorway!
After the New Moon/eclipse energies, the Sun birthed into fiery Aries just a few hours later.  The Equinox doorway opened the eclipse doorway even wider.  With the eclipse energy vortex we moved into a space/time reality shift of free floating. 
A planetary release:  
Memories, traumas from past times and places, floating free of us and the earth!
The Equinox thins the veil to the other dimensions so we were really opened up to all manner of experiences, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, memories along with lost souls wandering in the astral plane. The earth opened up to us an we experienced the flood of memories of other times and places, not necessarily consciously.  Conscious remembrance is not always necessary for release. 
Planetary memory is within all of us.  It’s interesting that more scientific studies are being publicised showing that emotions are carried forward in our genetic memory from ‘the ancestors’.  Science continues to explore our genetic inheritance and memories of past times experienced by our ancestors. 

Graveyards open:
Who are the ancestors?  I feel it is probably everyone who ever lived and walked on this earth.  Maybe those memories are not all as relevant this lifetime as we have a particular ‘brief’ and focus for this life.  

The memories that need triggering and release from within our bodies are significant for our evolution in this lifetime.  Of course, what we do for ourselves, we do for all.  We are one, one body, one being.  

I really needed to read Lauren’s report after the purging of the Pisces New Moon eclipse/Equinox energies which absolutely brought me to my emotional and spiritual knees.
From Lauren Gorgo:  
5d Report ‘Doorway to Destiny – Divinity made Manifest’
Where to now:
We have a couple of planetary changes leading up to the Full Moon with Mercury moving into Aries/31st March,  which will fire up our mental energy and communication and Mars into Taurus/1st April,  which will help ground some of this rocket fired thinking of Mercury.
Heading towards a culminating point, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on 4th April: 
Travelling the eclipse tunnel, vortex of change!
The Piscean Priestess leads the way:  
Balance and harmony!

Our guide from the New Moon in Pisces right through this lunar month is ‘The Priestess’.  She is the feminine expression of balance and harmony, of spiritual focus and dedication.  We are preparing the way for re-emergence of the divine masculine energies. We need a balanced medicine shield.
The divine masculine:  
Emergence at the New Moon in Aries???
It will be interesting to see how much change we’ve made to our inner masculine warrior, want to fight energies when the New Moon in Aries/19th April, births us into a new reality outside the eclipse energy.
Meanwhile, from now to the Full Moon on 4th: 
We’re in the change process, clearing out the ‘old’ and that means spiritual, emotional, mental/mindsets/conditioning as well as the physical.  There’s no good clearing out our physical environments if we don’t purify the emotional, mental and spiritual.  It all matters.
Staying open, allowing and drawing to us our hopes and dreams, our divine fulfilment is what matters now.
From Lauren Gorgo’s full message of ‘Doorway to Destiny’: 
‘I am not the best at translating bible-speak because I have zero-working knowledge, but I do know that April 4th presents us with a 4:4 stargate, a total lunar eclipse & a (highly prophesied) blood moon which sits right between Passover (4/3) and Easter Sunday (4/5)…the obviously powerful season of resurrection.  I also know that for many scholars, the blood moon series spanning 2014-15 is a portent of the second coming and a fulfillment of biblical prophecy’
Working with the gold light:  Cleansing and purifying with the light! 
Imagine every cell filled with golden light!
I’ve mentioned this before and was heartened to read this in Lauren Gorgo’s last message.  The gold is the alchemical energy which can transmute and transform our cells in our bodies.
I use this card as one of the pictures that evokes cells of golden light, golden abundance and clarity of self knowledge.
I’m including it here because I find it a great image for visualisation and light work on the body. 

Golden Oldies:
‘Turn, turn, turn’ The Byrds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHvf20Y6eoM 

Upcoming Dates:
31st March:  Mercury moves into Aries
1st March:    Mars moves into Taurus
4th April:    Full Moon in Aries lunar eclipse
Well folks, just a short message.  Trust everyone is holding up as I know many who have experienced some big ‘endings’ at this eclipse and leading up to it.
For many, it’s finishing a job, career, marriage, relationship as well as saying goodbye to loved ones as they pass over.  Take care of the heart.
As Lauren says ‘For many this is the end of the end’.  It has been a a time of release, of grief and the feeling and expression of emotions of loss.  We’re all preparing for new doorways and new ways of living regardless of our circumstances and this demands that we honour those energies which are completing and leaving.
Love and blessings to us all as we hurtle through the tunnel of change.  It may feel like nothing is happening.  Spiritually it is.  We just have to keep trusting this process and allowing ourselves to align with divine will which holds us steady and on course.
from the chair...focussing


It’s all about love

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