...for the children of the earth

Thursday 2 April 2015

4th April 2015 Full Moon in Libra Lunar eclipse

Hi everyone!
Here we come through a major tunnel of change, an eclipse period that culminates in the offer of huge karmic resolution at the Full Moon eclipse coming up. 
We’ve been through the washing machine of emotional cleansing.
We’ve been steam cleaned in the sweat lodge of fire and water.
We’ve been breathing through it all, befriending our inner dragon accessing the fire of our divine spirit,  releasing the ‘demons’ which have been weighing us down.
Holding the light:
We’ve opened ourselves willingly to the huge change process of the shift of consciousness on planet earth, carrying our light swords, returning to our ‘brief’, to find our truth, our true selves, our clarity about our pathway forward.
What’s been happening: 
Travelling the mists of time:  
Hurtling through time and dimensional shifts!
The shifting energies of the past two weeks have had us on that roller coaster of change, picking us up then dropping us back into the valleys to find our way through the mist.
We’ve been travelling in unknown and unfamiliar territory, calling ourselves back to an inner stability and security within the centre of our being.
Meanwhile, the ghosts and shadows have been releasing.  The ghosts of fear, grief, pain, loss, suffering and hardship have been releasing as we travelled the ‘valley of the shadow of death’.  
For many, it’s been a time of backs to the wall, of confrontation with the essential self.  We’ve been pushed very hard to release everything that’s been holding us to ransom, keeping us from our true self, from our sense of entitlement to be fulfilled!
The Full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra will bring these energies to a head, a culmination.  It’s happening now, so many of you may already feel as though you’re on the way home. 
31st March:    Mercury moved into Aries at 12.44 pm AEDT...Activating movement!
until 15th April
Coming out of the Pisces ocean of emotion! Clearing the mind and readying for the new road!
Mercury, along with Mars, is a shaker and mover for us all.  Mercury is fast thinking and acting and in Aries, is ignited into new thinking and a new physicality which will be welcome after Mercury’s sojourn in the ocean of Pisces.
Where we’ve been:  Lost at sea, drifting and dreaming!
floating on sunloungeMercury, our mind power, has been floating in the ocean of emotion and letting go of the control mechanisms.  Hasn’t been particularly comfortable for many of us.  We’ve been realigning to the more evolved consciousness of Pisces, letting go of ego control and learning to trust the spirit and let it move us where we need to be moved.  Yes, it may have felt like we’re out of control and doing nothing.
Igniting the mind:  Mind power liberated!  
The challenge to focus the mind energies!
Mercury is our mind energy, our mental capacity and on the everyday playing field, is a communication and movement energy.  You may feel like your mind is inundated with so many possibilities that you can feel somewhat addled. Confusion mentally is entirely possible with this aspect. Which way forward? 
This depends on your present situation and the current stage of your journey.  However, regardless of your situation, Mercury is likely to be fired and ready for action. Not the best time to make a definite move on all these possibilities in the physical dimension.  But a great time for setting intent and building the passion!
Who am I:    The age old question returns to our psyche!  
Clearing the ‘old’ cluttered thinking, mindsets and beliefs!
Mercury in Aries could also bring out any outstanding issues with our ‘I am’ essential self.  We’re refining our sensibilities to align with our essential self, our true desires and our divine calling and destiny.  Any aspect that does not align with your way forward is being called out, out of the darkness of the buried past.  So, mind energies are seeking to BE, to be aligned with heart, spirit and divine connection.  So often,  the mind, our old ego friend can take over thinking it’s in the driving seat.  This is a real purging of the extraneous energies of conditioning, memory which are drawing us back to 3d reality ‘muggledom’.
1st April:    Mars into Taurus at 3.26 am AEDT...stabilising the fire and drive on the earthly level!
until 13th May
Grounding the fiery drive into earthy stability:  
Settling the mind energy!
Mars is all fire and drive and Taurus is all Mother Earth, a fixed sign which may seem to slow Mars down. Actually, this connection is going to help us all take the steps we need to take, harnessing the fire and drive to move on in our earthly lives.
This energy will also help stabilise the Mercury in Aries energy which could have our mind going in a thousand different directions and going nowhere. 
Firing up the physical body:  Purging and releasing resistant energies
Mars will be taking his fire into our physical bodies and clearing up any stuck energies within our cells and DNA.  We’re still working with the physical body. 
Stephanie Azaria says we’ll come to completion of recalibration of mind and body on 22nd April when Mars conjoins/meets Mercury. 
Taurus rules values, self-worth, resources and talents, earning potential:
Taurus rules self-worth, esteem, our values and our gifts and talents, the resources we’ve been given to equip us for this lifetime.  Mars will be igniting our sense of self and faith in ourselves and our personal value to self and to the world. 
Mars is saying ‘I am’, ‘I accept all that I am’, ‘I love all that I am’ and in Taurus is igniting what we value in ourselves and in our lives.  Mars is working for our earthly abundance and our sense of entitlement. We just have to allow all the good ‘stuff’ in! 

What’s coming in:
4th April:    Full Moon in Libra Lunar eclipse at  11.05 pm AEDT at 14 degrees 24 Libra
Huge shift in consciousness!  Karmic releases!  Peace
A ‘blood’ moon lunar eclipse:  
Revelations, insights and changes which bring release!
A lunar eclipse is about inner changes and emotional releases.  The moon is all emotion.  This eclipse is brief, so the inner shift is likely to happen quickly with the potential for ‘problems’ and issues just dissolving as clarity is restored.  Stay focussed on calling in the new direction and clearing the decks! 
In Libra we have a calming, stabilizing influence if we allow our minds to focus on balancing out the emotions arising from within. 
Libra is ruled by Venus:  All heart!  
The Aries Sun is burning off old energies!
This full moon offers an immense healing of hearts emerging from the karmic depths of our being with Pluto, the moon’s nodes in full play at this time.
With this energy, we cannot get off track unless we totally resist what is happening for us.  The important energy at the Full Moon is allowing and getting the ‘messages’ that pop up for us. 

Full moon culmination, completion:  Karmic justice!  
Through the 3d to 5d doorway!
One door closes, another opens.  This Full Moon is potent, powerful and so very clear about its offering of release from karmic burdens. 
Ask, believe and step through the new doorway:
We’re being called to stretch ourselves, to believe in the light behind that doorway, to allow the past pain and suffering to just fall away from our whole being.
We’re being called to embrace a more evolved consciousness.  When we decide to accept a new way of living aligned with our divinity, divine will and our ‘calling’, we’re home.  We’ve got the key to the door. 
It’s a Libran Full Moon:  Lopsided energies are realigned and balanced!
The focus is on love and partnership:  Love, marriage, balance, peace! 
Partnership with self is key at this full moon!
What has been unbalanced can now come back into harmony whether it be within your own heart and soul or whether in relation to significant partnerships including your partnership with the world. With the Aries Sun shining on the Libra Moon, partnership with self is vital at this time.
This Full Moon, being with an eclipse is a make or break energy which offers release of old wounds whether from your heart, your ancestors or from Mother Earth!  The heart is being called into ‘wholeness’ which means self-love, self-acceptance and accepting ourselves as divine beings.
Libra:    It’s all about balance!  Divine Justice is on tap! 
The Aries Sun says ‘What about me?’  Ask and believe!
This Full Moon is offering some divine justice through release of karmic baggage associated with the self, identity and about relationships/partnerships of all kinds.  

There’s ‘family’/ancestral, planetary energy that’s clearing with this Full Moon.
Planetary connections at the Full Moon:  
Off the karmic merry-go-round and complete the labyrinth!
The Aries Sun opposite the Libra Moon:  ‘I am’ and ‘We are’!  
Balancing love between the individual and partnerships!
The Full Moon always asks us to bring balance to our lives, our inner being and our outward expression in the world.
The Aries Sun is asking: 
‘Step forward and be who you are!
No excuses!’  
Aries gives us the courage to say ‘yes’!
We are being called upon to claim our ‘I am’ by expressing it in the world.  The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at this full moon echoes the sentiment.  It’s ok to feel good about being YOU!  Now go forth and bring your light to the world!  Er...maybe wait for the New Moon in Aries on 19th April to launch ‘the new you’, which is really the ‘old’ you!
The Libran Full Moon is saying:    ‘Just a moment there’!  
What about ‘us’?
I love me, I love you.  The Libran energy is asking us to claim the ‘shadow’, the hidden and disowned parts of ourselves, the ‘good, bad and the ugly’, no holds barred!  It’s also asking us to release the ‘projections’, those imprints, images of ourselves which we have accepted from others.

 Positive projections/Negative projections:  No difference!
Celebrities and people in the public eye, even in a minor role, are imprinted with the projections from others.  Some of this may be adulation along with expectations of those people that they remain ‘on the pedestal’.  This is what often happens in loving relationships.  Fall off the pedestal in their eyes and there’s often an unpleasant backlash.

Projections of all kinds can be damaging if we let them take hold.  We need to consciously disconnect from others’ perceptions of us.  We need to come back to ‘me, myself, I’.  This Full Moon offers that chance of releasing projections onto self and those you place on others.
Uranus close to the Sun and South Node of the Moon...all in Aries:   
I love and accept all that I am! 
Electric like releases of the past and a reunion with the true self!
The South Node carries our planetary history, genetic codes, plugged into our planetary Earth Star.  We all have a personal North/South Node in our charts and those energies work with us in our lives.  I am talking about the current universal energies for planet earth.
Are you ready to let go of the hard work, struggle, self-punishment? 
Are you ready to take care of you, to love and honour YOU?
Are you ready to accept a life of ease and grace?
Are you ready to feel the entitlement to a fulfilling live on all levels?
Are you ready to align with divine will which offers the security and power of knowing that you are where you need to be, doing what you love, living in accord with all that you are?
North Node close to the Full Moon:  
The feminine energies energising the North Node of the Moon, our planetary evolutionary path in Libra!
We’re being called to evolve our consciousness in loving partnership, to self, significant others and to the planet.  What does that mean for us?
The planetary forces are working with us to uplift our vision of love and partnership to a divinity and consciousness that is outside of hate, resentment, anger, grief, despair, blame, shame, etc.  Need I go on? 
We’re evolving into balance, harmony, peace, love and of course divine JUSTICE!  Call it in! Demonstrate your acceptance of self and entitlement to the divine justice that delivers spiritual equity and a whole re-balancing of our lives.  It’s a leap of faith.  Let’s take it!
Pluto in Capricorn squaring off to Sun/Uranus and Moon/North Node:  Dark buried energies in the global psyche triggered and released!
Pluto offers a hand to the nodes, the Sun, Uranus, the Moon drawing out those buried forces which have been keeping us in past systems, laws, rules, conditioning.  Pluto is about power as well as big money, government, institutions. 
Whatever’s been buried is ready to be dug up and claimed as the golden treasure of our being.

Sirius calling!  The T-square becomes a Grand Cross with Sirius, the fixed star at 14 degrees Cancer!  Ask Sirius for assistance!
Sirius, the fixed star, has an association with the ascended masters, regarded as a portal of positive and supportive energy for us earthlings.  Some believe it is the entry/exit portal for our earthly existence. Some believe it is the Great Central Solar Sun, a dimensional energy which is the ‘source’ of our existence as light beings on the earth.
Sirius is our brightest star in the sky with long associations with our planetary history, across cultures, tribes, across time.  It’s positive energy has been long revered.  Maybe it’s steeped in superstition, association with seasonal changes as in Egypt.  It holds an honoured place on earth and for those of us who connect to the other dimensions, outside physical reality, it can be counted on as a source of support and inspiration.

Scientific details of the lunar eclipse:
This Total Lunar Eclipse (*) or "Blood Moon", is on April 4, 2015 and will be visible in most of North America, South America, Asia and parts of Australia. The Moon will be totally eclipsed (totality) for about 5 minutes. From beginning to end, it will last for 3 hours and 29 mins. This is the third eclipse in the 2014–2015 tetrad.
(*) Eclipses with a short totality may be labelled wrongly as partial. We are working on a solution.
From Earthsky:  ‘shortest total lunar eclipse of the century’

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon from:    Lynda Hill at

Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon:  Libra 15  CIRCULAR PATHS
This Symbol implies issues to do with ever repeating cycles of activity that often lead one around in circles or back to where one began. 'Circular Paths' lead us around and there may indeed be a feeling of being back where you started, but remember the experience and learning you have gained on your journey to where you are now. There is a cosmic rhythm and cycle, but when you return to what seems to be where you started, you will have new experience and new skills. However, if you’re not getting anywhere it can be because of addictive behavior that continually leads to the same result. Going round and round. The secure path that leads nowhere. Crop circles. The wheels of progress. Circular machinery. Repetition. Merry-go-rounds. Cosmic rhythms. Labyrinths. 

The Caution: Being lost in small details. Sweating the small stuff. Episodes that repeat themselves. Boredom. Addictive cycles that are hard to get rid of. Treadmills.
Sabian Symbol for the Sun:    Aries 15  
This Symbol shows how the traditional skills of life can symbolize the story of both the past and the present. It shows the ability to take time out to create something that is not only useful, but contains the symbols of the story of your life, culture, skills, etc. Also, some things need doing, just because they need to be done. Taking the best materials and taking time to do the job well will ensure a sense of meaning and purpose in your life. Weaving security and independence. The fabric of one's being. Traditional pastimes and skills. The warp and weft of life. Stories, especially those handed down. Making a living. 

The Caution: Underestimating skills of self-expression in comparison with intellectual skills. Allowing dull routines to overcome you. Not knowing when to stop working.

Golden Oldies:
‘Fire in your Heart’ Sissel and Placido Domingo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IynnDhVvpPQ&feature=related for 3d to 5d reality!
‘Serenade’(Schubert) Della Reese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Kk_TCiWPzU&list=RDN86nxxZW6UY&index=3 for the Libran Moon...love!
‘Both Sides Now’ Joni Mitchell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCnf46boC3I with lyrics for Libra balance
‘If you want to sing out’ Cat Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh-1Lag3BV8  Aries Sun/Libra Moon
‘The Circle Game’ Joni Mitchell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9VoLCO-d6U&index=5&list=RDPbn6a0AFfnM  The karmic wheel
‘All my life’s a Circle’ Harry Chapin with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yjxWfyxpqY&list=RDkvo1uIJwWRw&index=2
Performed by Judy Collins,Kingston Trio, Mary Travers and others:
Posted this in a previous update but seems particularly suitable for these Full Moon energies.
Upcoming Dates:
9th April:    Jupiter stations direct
12th April:  Venus moves into Gemini
15th April:    Mercury moves into Taurus
That’s it folks!  We’re on our way through the next 2 weeks of the eclipse vortex, heading for a New Moon in Aries on 19th April.  With that New Moon, we’re heading out of the eclipse energy with hopefully a whole new swag of energy.  More swag for us all!  And I’m not talking baggage here!
Here we are as lights all around the world, shining on regardless of turmoil, stress, despair and heartache in the world and in our individual lives.
As always, love and blessings to us all as we go through the portal of the Full Moon Lunar eclipse and set forth on our life-changing, light changing pathways. May courage and strength and faith in our divinity align us with our uplifted pathway forward.

Thank you to those who have written to me.  Apologies for not replying...yet.  Hoping to catch up you all very soon.  It’s taking all my energy just negotiating this passage of energies.  See you on the other side of the Full Moon.   
from the chair...reclaiming the shadow
Getting ready for the celebration!

It’s all about love



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