...for the children of the earth

Saturday 18 April 2015

19th April 2015 New Moon in Aries

Art:  Vladamir Kush

Hi everyone!  

Here we are dancing in the Aries flames of the New Moon coming in!
What’s been happening:
We’re all fired and have maybe been imploding, exploding, trembling with emotion,  learning to swim through the Pisces ocean of emotion and then taken into the fiery flames of the Aries Sun and full moon in Libra karmic rebalancing.   
Where we’ve been:
Since the 20th March New Moon in Pisces solar eclipse:
Art:  Jaime Zollars

Travelling the labyrinth:
We have been travelling over the past lunar month in the light of the New Moon Pisces Solar eclipse on 20th March.  It seems so long ago with the past month packed with changeable, intense energies hurtling us through time and space.  We started in the great Piscean ocean filled to the gunnels with emotions surfacing from who knows where! 
Full Moon in Libra eclipse:  Karmic rebalancing and reckoning:

Then the planetary focus shifted to the Libran Full Moon eclipse with the fiery Aries Sun stirring up all manner of karmic release, reckoning and reconciliation.  

Acceptance has been the keynote of this time which is carrying us through to this New Moon in Aries.

In the past week:    
Venus squaring/challenging Saturn and Pluto slowing down!

Big healing energies:  In the past few days Saturn, Lord of Karma, ruler of the establishment, tradition, representing our authority in the material world, opposed/challenged Venus in Gemini.  Saturn's currently in Sagittarius.  Orcus, representing the higher mind was squaring off to both of them. calling us to lift above wounds and heartaches around self-worth, shame. blame, the critical voices in our psyche. 
Meanwhile, Pluto, the dark Lord of Transformation, is slowing right down, dragging us into the cave of death of the old ways and discovery of the rich treasure within us.  Pluto turning retrograde is taking us into the gold mine of the self.
We’ve been called to dig deep.  We're being rebirthed with the Aries New Moon on 19th, so the death and dying and clearance energies are deep, occurring as they are in the darkening of the moon.  As we're letting go, we're discovering a huge inner resource of our own divinity and loving who we are. 
We’re learning to trust, accept and surrender to the higher pathway, the new paradigm that challenges all our thinking.
17th April:    
Pluto stationed retrograde in Capricorn at 1.54 pm AEST at 15 degrees 33 Capricorn
until 25th September 
Retrograde time is an inner exploration, review and discovery of hidden, unrevealed aspects of ourselves and our lives.  Pluto, the multi talented investigator and problem finder!  Bringing unresolved issues to light! Pluto is the dark Lord of transformation, death and rebirth.  Guaranteed change!

Going underground, undercover:  Pluto the miner!
Pluto's calling us into the cave, the underground caverns offering the treasures of undiscovered aspects of the self. He'll be retrograde until 25th September, so plenty of time to dig deep and find your buried gems and seams of gold within your being.
Pluto is a planet of great power and potential for wealth, the spiritual wealth that once claimed carries us into the material world. As within, so without.  Pluto offers a mine of information, ruling the underworld, the buried treasures.

Pluto the plumber:    Repairs needed are brought to light!
Pluto is the plumber of the planets, ruling anything underground and prepared to take us in to repair any damage to our inner workings of the mind, body, heart, spirit.  Sometimes we have to excavate to find the broken pipes, the leakages, the rust. 

With Pluto on this inner journey in Capricorn, we're clearing out and purging a whole lot of tribal beliefs, behaviours and paradigms that are holding us back from fulfilment in our personal lives and in the public sphere.

Pluto the detective, the spy:  Our own private investigator!
How many of us are working towards building a new economic paradigm of living? We're not there yet but we continue to make inroads in our personal lives trying every possibility of breaking through the embedded patterns of power, money and privilege which have underpinned earth's history.  Pluto is our own personal spy and will expose the truth!

Dropping the burdens:
Letting go of the attachments to our history and the comfort zone of following the ways of the past, challenges us all. One little step can lead to breakthroughs as we find our true power in these coming months. 
If we’re carrying any heavy burdens of the system, the establishment, government, the status quo, then it’s time for all of that to fall away.  We’re repairing ‘our’ systems and in doing so, purifying ourselves, we help all ‘systems’ on earth.

This past week or so Pluto coming into focus:  
Pluto and its moon Charon from Nasa’s New Horizons spacecraft
Whenever any new information is revealed, discovered, explored astronomically, it carries significance for the astrological community.  This is because the new information represents an expansion of consciousness in astrological terms. Our world expands each time a new discovery is made.
In particular, the times when events occur and how they may relate to earth happenings and changes, is of primary interest to astrologers who seek to build meaning from the cosmos, how it behaves, interacts etc.
What’s coming in:
19th April:    New Moon in Aries at 4.56 am AEST at 28 degrees 25 Aries
Reborn, naked unto the day I was born:  Aries New Moon and Sun!
Out of the eclipse birth canal and into the New Moon in Aries! It’s a new day marking the end of and emergence from the past 4 weeks eclipse passage. We’ve been travelling unknown and uncertain territory, seemingly lost in time and space in a time tunnel of change.

Aries power:  I am! I accept, love and believe in all that I am!
The last degree of a sign is regarded as a culminating point, an opportunity to express the mastery of the sign’s energies which we have been learning to apply and developing not just in the past month, but in the past years, lifetime. 
Mastery in Aries:  Pure ‘I am’ energy!  Pure spirit!  No more masks!
We have been working on our sense of self in a deep and often challenging discovery process.  Masks, false pride and ego pretences have been ripped away so we can stand exposed in all our beautiful vulnerability.  We’re still working on this for the duration of our earthly lives.  It’s all about maintaining the commitment to exposing our true selves without conditioning’s overlays.  
This is true spiritual freedom!

The truth test:  Inner joy and talents released!
Art:  Danielle Branchaud

An ending and a beginning:
This New Moon is another big ending and completing of residue, unfinished business with the ongoing discovery and reclamation of the self. 
This New Moon is a beginning for the lunar month of Aries and a beginning for the lunar year as Aries is the first sign of the astrological calendar.
It marks an ending, a release from the past 4 weeks of eclipse energies. It feels like more than 4 weeks as we’ve had so much intense change.  Lots happening mostly inside as we were turned inside out.
A fresh start:    
It’s all about the self, the spirit of who you are!  

Make your choices and fire them up!
Now, it’s seed planting time!  We now have the fire of spirit, the firelighter Aries to ignite our true desires and to bring us the nourishment that comes from passionate expression of ourselves in the world. As the fire strips away the excesses, the unrelated energies, we come to a singleness of mind that will help us hone our focus and direction. 

Aries, the flame thrower is firing our spirit:  
Filled with plans and possibilities! 
The first week after the New Moon we may feel fired but not sure where to go first.  Just keep stripping away anything that is outside pure intention.  We’re clarifying our intentions in this first week, even though we’ve been doing an enormous amount of purification and clarification over the past weeks. 
On 22nd April Mercury, our mind energy meets with Mars, our body and our fiery drive where we’re likely to get a big uplift and reconnection of mind, spirit and body. They’re meeting in Taurus, so more support for grounding our plans and physical presence on earth.  I expect many things will fall into place with this connection.  In particular, our mind and body will be on the same page!

Freedom calls!  The Aries spirit calls!
We’re over the fence and heading for the hills of freedom!   

Courage and faith in ourselves is the key!
Our sheep minded mentality is being called out and released as the courage and self-faith of Aries takes us over fences into the pure unadulterated energy of our masculine Ram like energy.

Safe ground ahead:  Taurus Sun smiles on us!
Fortunately, the Taurus Sun coming in on 20th, the day after the New Moon, will help to ground some of the fire energy and to actually feel we’re safe enough to confidently take some steps out onto the earth. 
The Mars/Mercury meeting in Taurus on 22nd/23rd will add to this grounding of the New Moon energy which could have us all fired up with nowhere to go! 
From Lynda Hill’s Sabian Symbols:    http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/ 

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Aries:  

The Sun and Moon are both sitting on this degree.

This Symbol speaks of the beauty of music and harmony and it is particularly intuitive. It doesn't matter if things are going well or not, if you are in tune with the inner voice, this can show an inner accord with your path. Savor the lessons that come and know that everything happens in its own time and you’ll grow in wisdom. ‘The Music of the Spheres’ can show attuning to the messages of astrology, numerology, mathematics and science. Sing, tune into the planets, listen to music, dance and celebrate life. Voices bringing messages. Music, harmonies, chords, keys, octaves. Circadian rhythms. Days of the week. The planets speaking. The measuring and the passing of time.

The Caution: Inflating rational ideas to appear to be inspired thought. Delusion or enlightenment? Getting lost in abstractions. Loving only the sound of one’s own voice.
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun and Moon at 29* Aries tells you how to go about it.  The Music of the Spheres.  This is a call to attune ourselves to the cosmic energies so we can find our purpose and our place in the cosmic order.  Whenever we reach a new level of self-awareness, our consciousness expands to take in new realms of possibilities and actions.  When we attune ourselves to cosmic laws, we let our energies be shaped by the archetypal patterns of life, infusing us with profound energies.  We end up living in harmony with the cosmos, with others and most importantly, with ourselves.
20th April:    Sun in Taurus at 7.41 pm AEST Stabilising, calming, grounding instabilities!
until 21st May

We made it back to earth!  We’ve been fire rockets aflame with energy which has been having difficulty coming to earth, being grounded in the material world. 
Perfect seed planting time:  
Taurus Sun under a New Moon!

The Aries New Moon energy has inflamed and ignited, clearing the spiritual blockages out of our being.  We’ve had the desire to do...something!  anything!  The problem has been waiting for the energies to settle so we can put those desires and passions into some solid framework which provides a sense of physical security and stability.

Grounding the fire:  Do what you love and...
The Taurus Sun is going to offer us the chance to settle the erratic and turbulent energies of the eclipse period.  Taurus is associated with growing new life in the earth.  You can imagine the metaphor related to this in our lives.
First steps in a new life on earth:  Put your best foot forward!
Taurus is a steady earth energy ruling values, self-worth, earning potential, gifts and talents with the governing planet Venus the planet of love. This is perfect follow up energy from the New Moon as we’re likely to feel a stabilising and a calmness which can help put things in perspective.  One step at a time!  That’s Taurus!
Keep clearing the old naysayers,  inner and outer:
We’ll be given the opportunity over the next month to access our true worth, our true values and a sense of worth and value in the world. The more we own who we are and be true to ourselves, the more we will find it reflected back.  It’s always been the way but now it’s especially powerful in these current energies so taking charge of your heart, mind, body and spirit working together as a team, will really pay off!

Taurus determination, persistence and commitment is on tap:  
I will to will thy will!
Taurus never gives up, can be so determined it can become stubbornness which is often given a bad rap.  However, providing we keep focussed on our inner truth and love for self and all we are, our pure divinity, this energy can work well for taking us forward on our divine pathway to fulfilment.
Golden Oldies: 
‘Feeling Good’ Michael Buble https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUPVo_v49fg  New Moon in Aries, new start for the year and for...
Love Nina Simone singing this but this video seems to capture the energy
‘Everything old is New Again’ Anne Murray’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8u2gwhaNQE ‘Dreams can come true again’
‘Meet me in the middle of the air’ Paul Kelly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udquj5dfGnw  Meeting our divinity
‘There’s a New World Somewhere’ The Seekers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkeIQ7t_ra0 for the Aries New Moon
Reunited, our masculine/feminine selves and our divine self taking us forward
Upcoming Dates:
2nd May:    Mercury in Gemini
4th May:    Full Moon in Scorpio
8th May:    Venus in Cancer
19th May:  Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini
Well folks, here we are, shifting gears big time!  Whoo
As always, love and blessings to us all as we proceed through the powerful gate of change with this New Moon in Aries, promising the desire and passion and offering a vehicle which is fire powered.  Even with our upcoming Mercury retrograde period coming in a couple of weeks, the fire will uphold us.  So hook yourself to the fire of spirit powered by the deep love and acceptance and celebration of your divinity, your divine fulfilment and pathway forward.
from the chair...dreaming in my destiny


It’s all about love
Drinks for one!  One whole person!
Now I pray that each and every being’s true nature be revealed, that we each see clearly our inherent truth and find liberation from the shackles of suffering and difficulty imposed by the limitations of our mind. –Chagdud Tulku
I have been sending out these emails since 2007.  It was motivated by my desire to inform friends and family of what was happening in the cosmos.  I just felt ‘people need to know this stuff’.  From there, it just grew and grew with a mailing list to people I don’t know.  I know many people pass on this information.

As it has helped me to negotiate a challenging self-imposed journey since 2008, I know it has helped others.  We’re going through changes together. We’re going towards a greater fulfilment of our lives through an expression of ourselves in the world.
I started a webpage ‘blog’ in 2011, feeling the need to ‘put it out there’ to a wider audience.  It has been mainly the lunar and astrological updates.  I have now been nudged by the universe that I need to return to the world and my body is restoring amazingly. 
I have now started posting on this page on a daily, or more or less daily basis between New Moons and Full Moons. 
If you want to comment, I think you need to join Google.  Many people have wanted to make a donation to me.  I never wanted this to be a commercial enterprise because I feel everyone’s asking for money and I just wanted to give for free.  However, I have now set up with Paypal and you can make a donation through Paypal by entering my email address: helenbea@bigpond.com 
Please feel free to continue enjoying my contribution free of charge!  I love what I do here and that’s pretty wonderful!
Love and light to all
Helen Nicholas

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