...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 27 September 2016

27th September Pluto stationed direct, Mars moved into Capricorn

Art:  Adrian's Art

Hi everyone!
What’s been happening:
We’re travelling under the Libran Sun in still somewhat cloudy energies as we come to the last few days of the eclipse vortex which has been a confusing time bringing major healing crises and turning points for so many of us. 
Love me, love you:   Desire for love, ‘true’ love!
In Libra, the call is for unification of self through love and acceptance and through that self-love being integrated we find love for another.  With Jupiter in Libra, expanding consciousness of love and the desire for a more evolved expression of love within ourselves and the world, we are confronting some of the realities of love in our lives. 
Swans mate for life and are a great symbol of the Libran urge to merge in loving committed partnerships.  That’s a driving force this month!
Until New Moon on 1st October:  Clearing up some old memories of love!

The present energies within the eclipse cycle are focussing our hearts on bringing healing to the inequities and injustices in our lives in relation to love, our entitlement to feel love, be loved and accepted for who we are. Mercury’s still in shadow retrograde in Virgo until 6th October, so we’re re-treading old territory and coming gradually to clarity in our minds which have been totally turned upside down.  We won’t really know how until we move out of this cycle of change.  The New Moon’s the first indicator and then Mercury moving into Libra.

7th October:  Emergence from Mercury in Virgo purging cycle!
On 7th October Mercury moves into Libra after months of taking us through a mental ‘purging’ process. That’s when we’ll feel the fruit of our labours as our mind shifts into the Libran energy.

What’s coming in: 
27th September:  Our last 9.9.9. doorway of completion!
The third 9.9.9. doorway for this month of September 2016!  Completion!
This is the 9th month of a 9 year.  We are completing a cycle of change which began 2007/2008.
If you look back to the end of 2007 possibly from September onwards, you may recollect some major changes that got underway.  Maybe they didn’t play out till December 2007 and on into 2008. Maybe you don’t remember any major change on the personal level as we need to remember that the ‘9’ year is a universal energy for the whole world and we could more than likely track a few major changes that happened back in 2007 which have now reached a turning point.
From the end of September to 31st December 2016:  Completing, tying off loose ends and preparing for the new doorway of 1.1.2017 which will be a 1.1.1. doorway!
Art:  Jeremiah Morelli
27th September:  Pluto stationed direct in Capricorn at 14 degrees 56 Capricorn at 1.01 am AEST
Pluto’s been on his retrograde journey since April 17th this year.  He’s been taking us deep within for a spiritual expansion and growth.  Now he’s emerging from this underground journey as a miner emerges from his mining expedition.
Personal and global energies continue to align:  More revelations now he’s emerged!
Pluto, as ruler of Scorpio, always takes on a journey of transformation which plumbs the depths of our being.  The revelations on the world political and economic front are very much of our own learning as Pluto travels through Capricorn the sign of governments, big business, multinationals and the traditions and knowledge banks long established on our planet.
Deep energies emerging from the physical dimension:
He’ll continue to move very slowly for some time, sitting on 14 degrees Capricorn until 12th October.  He’s actually been on this degree since 11th September so a protracted period of time as he approached and departs his change of direction.  If you’ve got any planetary points at this degree you may well have been feeling this period as an in depth clearance of some aspect of your existence. Mind you, with the eclipse energies we’ve all been going through it anyway.
Accessing higher consciousness:  Opposite Sirius until 12th October!
He’s been sitting opposite the fixed star Sirius at 14 degrees, regarded as ‘the esoteric home’ of the ascended masters, those who have walked this earth as humans and found enlightenment.  This is who I call upon for insights and guidance as I feel I’m walking on the path along with millions of others!
Revelations of our inner potentials likely to surface:  It’s gold!  Pure gold!
We have yet to discover what ‘golden’ treasure Pluto has dug out of our psyche but we can be assured that our worldly Capricorn self will be realising potentials which have previously been hidden within us.  They will relate to the fulfilment of our ambitions in a worldly sense.  What kind of Capricorn mountain are you climbing? 

27th September:  Mars moved into Capricorn at 6.06 pm AEST
Until 10th/11th November
Whenever Capricorn’s in the picture, we can guarantee we’re dealing with old paradigms and karmic commitments.  Saturn, Lord of Karma, is Capricorn’s ruler.
Driven to the heights...heights of ?  What is success?
Capricorn calls us to the heights, to be all that we can be in our earthly existence.  In our world today, it’s been translated into ambition and drive in the material world as a measure of success.  This is what’s unravelling as we reach for a more evolved consciousness which will better serve ourselves and planet earth. 
Dealing with the imbalances created by greed and materialistic power:
We’ve discovered that materialism and consumerism have created imbalances in the world which are manifest in homelessness, poverty, crime, damaging distractions bringing addictions.  We are one family and we are experiencing all of this, some of us more than others.  Possibly physically in our bodies and definitely energetically we connect to the disconnected and disenfranchised people of the world.  It would seem that we are all in one way or another dealing with the ‘poverty consciousness’ which at its heart is about divine disconnection.
What’s been happening:  Mars was in Sagittarius for most of this year!
Mars is ruler of our physical body, our masculine warrior self that fuels our fires of desire and is in fact our ‘I am’ presence.  Fro the larger part of this year Mars has been travelling in Sagittarius as well as dipping back and forth in Scorpio. 
There’s been a purging and reworking of our physical bodies as we released old paradigms and belief systems, clearing the way for a new consciousness in relation to religion, higher consciousness and spirituality. As Mars moved through Scorpio, back and forth, we were being realigned with respect to our deepest desires and passions, raising the consciousness with respect to emotional transformation and ‘death’ of the old ways at the deepest level of our being. 
Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler awakens our wizard of higher authority:  Manifesting worldly desires with passion and fire!
The higher consciousness of Capricorn is calling us to claim our spiritual authority in a worldly sense.  We may find we’re surprised to discover our attitudes and values have shifted somewhat from any ambitious competitive urges in order to achieve worldly success.
With Mars travelling ‘out of bounds’ for the past couple of months and a few more weeks to go, we are getting access to new consciousness, more evolved consciousness with respect to our fire, drive and physical expression in the world. The old warrior that took us into battle with ourselves and others to achieve ‘success’ will begin to work with a new and upgraded paradigm for living a successful life.

Golden Oldies:
‘Climb that Mountain High’ Reba McEntire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH3_ts2LOuQ Mars in Capricorn
‘My Heart Belongs to Me’ Barbara Streisand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBFzwcmDp6s Sun and Jupiter in Libra/ending of eclipses
‘The Wombling Song’ The Wombles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWQMMPFtoG4 for Pluto going direct

Upcoming Dates:
1st October:  New Moon in Libra, Emergence from eclipse wormhole
6th October:  Mercury leaves shadow retrograde
7th October:  Mercury moves into Libra
That’s it folks!
We’re heading towards the New Moon on 1st October which will bring to a close the eclipse wormhole.  Nevertheless, the reverberations of this time will flow on for some weeks and/or months. Just a reminder that approximately 3 days before the New Moon we’ll be in what’s known as ‘the dark of the moon’ when it’s a release time.  Let’s make the most of this big letting go of this past lunar month since the New Moon in Virgo and absolutely give everything over to our divine consciousness and the universal forces of light.
As always, love and blessings to us all.  Extra this time as last update I didn’t include this special wish...a little self-focussed to think clearly!
We are making a difference and we need to say this every day to ourselves as we manifest new visions of our lives and the earth.
Love and hugs all round!

from the chair
It’s all about love
All in this together


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