...for the children of the earth

Sunday 11 September 2016

9th September 2016 Jupiter moved into Libra

Hi everyone!
What a ride! To say it’s been a tough 9 days seems an understatement! 
Into the eclipse portal...whoosh!   Knocked for six!
As soon as we entered the eclipse vortex, the ‘wormhole’, the rabbit hole, we were bombarded by solar activity with solar winds buffeting the earth and causing magnetic storms for the next 6 days, triggering some stunning auroras.
Downloads of light!  That’s sure how it felt as I experienced a whole physical then emotional meltdown.  Anyone else who felt the  exhaustion, tired eyes and ‘wasted’ energy, then we need to have faith that we’re processing huge karmic clearances.
In the eclipse vortex until 1st October:
The eclipse ‘wormhole’ finally closes in early October with the New Moon in Libra after 4 weeks of upside down, inside/out energies shifting our mindsets, emotional baggage and karmic burdens.  It’s a DNA and cell memory makeover.
Coming up:  Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 17th September!
We still have to travel through the Pisces Full Moon lunar eclipse on 17th September which will be bringing up big emotional releases and major collective healing energies for humanity.  Much yet to be revealed and healed! 
Ongoing:  Saturn challenging Neptune!  Evolution of karmic burdens...release!
Apologies for failing to mention this aspect in my last New Moon report. My head just wasn’t fully on my shoulders.  Saturn is such a serious dampener of energies, a real ‘party pooper’ so my neglect of mentioning this may have been a subconscious desire to remove him from the party list!
Getting off the treadmill:  Karmic release and spiritual evolution!
This aspect has been with us for some months and has a bit more time on our list of major influences this year.  We’ve experienced some intensity since the last week of August and it will be with us until 23rd September, just after Equinox.  Saturn/Neptune formed the 3rd of its exact squares this year on 10th September.  Be interesting to see how that shifts some major energies and residue. We’re likely to feel a gradual relief from this one as we move towards the Full Moon eclipse on 17th and the Equinox on 22nd.  The Equinox is a key turning point any year but this year carries some extra impetus.
From Christine Clemmer ‘Cosmic Consciousness Weekly’ for 5th September
This wormhole period is an opportunity to completely release and shed the final attachments to past karmic story lines that have created deep physical manifestations of chronic conditions and limitations throughout a soul’s lifetime.  
9th September 2016:  The 9 9 9 doorway!  Doorways and more doorways!
Quietly celebrating the anticipated beginning of the end of the past 9 years of debilitating pain, restriction and search for solutions which began in December 2007 when I withdrew from all my worldly activities. My self-imposed isolation effectively removed all defences and eventually the resistance. Severe and relentless pain can do that to you.
I know that for many of us it’s been a particularly tough 9 years for any number of reasons apart from health concerns. The energies of the planetary forces are taking us step by step to a greater consciousness of ourselves as beings of ‘spirit’, beings of light energy and beings which have understanding and acceptance of our capacity to live fulfilling healthy, abundant lives on planet earth, being ‘Gods/Goddesses’ of our own lives.
We are learning about and growing in our knowledge of the power of spirit, the power of emotional, mental and physical resonance when we are attuned to the truth of who we are. We’re learning to own our own power and discipline our mind, body, emotions and spirit through awareness.
It's never 'over' but it's a new doorway, a new cycle for the next 9 years. We've got two more 9 9 9 doorways this 9th month, the 18th and 27th. If you've had a tough 9 years, here's to you and me. Here's to us all!  

Feeling quietly optimistic.
What’s been happening the past year:  
Jupiter in Virgo ...purifying and refining, healing!
It’s been a year of expansive healing of our physical beings and of the earth herself as the sign of the divine feminine took charge of our journey to wholeness.  It’s been about purification and clarification with major releases of energies held in the DNA, ancestral memories and the unresolved memories of our lifetime here and now. Nothing is purely physical as we hold energies within us which impact on our physical bodies.
Clearings of the past to reclamations of the truth!
As we’ve cleared, we’ve come closer to the reclamations of our true selves, ourselves this lifetime without the overlays of social conditioning and unconscious memories driving our responses, reactions and behaviours.
From 5th to 9th September:   Jupiter was sitting on 29 degrees Virgo!  Intensification of healing energies!
This past week leading up to Jupiter’s shift in gears from Virgo, we experienced 4 days of intensified energies with Jupiter sitting on the last degree of Virgo.  That last degree always packs a punch.  It’s as though the energies go through a ‘make or break’ mode making a last ditch effort to complete!  Complete is the key word!
What’s coming in:  Jupiter in Libra for the next year!  Higher love rules!
9th September:  Jupiter moved into Libra at 9.18 pm AEST
Balance, harmony, love and justice!
Until 11th October 2017

Balance and justice:  Through love, harmony and peace!
Jupiter, one of our big guns in the planetary line up makes his move from Virgo where he’s been for the past year into Libra, sign of balance, equity, harmony, peace, love and justice.  That includes divine justice!
Peace at any cost:
We need to remember that Libra seeks peace at any cost and can therefore cause disruption in that rectification of balance and harmony.  However, with Jupiter’s positive, optimistic energies acting as an umbrella of good cheer, chances are Libra’s potential  to ‘fight’ for peace will be defused and good outcomes are entirely possible. 
Potential for war in the name of peace is ongoing:
Of course in the 3D reality of politics, economics and power building of people and nations, the propensity for ‘war’ and conflict in the name of peace is an ongoing manifestation across the world. Pluto in Capricorn is still on his mission of transformation of systems, governments and power bases until 2024.
Libra rules one on one relationships:  
We look at reflections in the eyes of others!
Relationships of significance come under Libra’s rulership.  It can relate to lovers, partners, family members, friends or colleagues.  Libra is interested in committed, ongoing connections.  It could even relate to a connection with a boss at work.
When Libra is in play we come face to face with ourselves in the eyes of others.  Maybe we don’t like the reflection we see.  Maybe we fall in love with that reflection.

Sorting ourselves through the eyes of others:  Illusions, projections and
This is a year of sorting out who we are and what we desire by looking at the people in our lives, the significant people and our reaction, response to them.  We could get some wake up calls if there is dissonance in these relationships.  Where there is inequity, injustice or power games in relationships will be revealed and will be a call for us to take action whatever our role may be.
Are you respected by, do you respect others:  Waking to ‘true’ love!
The ‘subtle’ put downs that come through from others or from ourselves, often disguised as humour, will be revealed.  If there is a lack of the love that comes from the wellspring of respect, it will show its face to us. 
Art: Jose de la Barra

Committed relationships:  Like swans we desire a lifelong commitment of love!  Fantasy or reality?
The ‘dream’ painted by Hollywood and the legacy of romantic love is that one true love lasts forever.  Yet, the world shows a very different picture in relation to ‘marriage’ and serious partnerships.  Statistics show that they are more likely to fall apart than last a lifetime. 
Are we surprised when we consider that life is about growth and change and that as this occurs we often find individuals choosing new and different pathways forward to that of their partner.  It doesn’t mean that some relationships can shift and change to accommodate both individuals as they take new pathways. 
The ties that bind or the love that frees:  Partnerships under review...renewal, release and expansion!
New pathways, together or apart:  The vision is love!
However, sometimes we need to accept that we’ve completed the karmic ‘contract’ with another and take the joy of that time together as a blessing, or the pain of that partnership as a gift for our soul learning.  This year, we’re likely to find partnerships being reviewed, revamped, renewing or even ending in the best interests of all.  If the vision of love has been lost or has reached the end of its expression in a relationship, we’ll be discovering this year. 
It’s all about love! 
With Jupiter in Libra, truth will out and the higher consciousness and experience of love calls us!
Art:  Gurbuz Dogan Eksioglu
New relationships and partnerships:  Yes...the heart is calling us to seek common bonds of love!
The pull this year will be to find those who resonate with us on a soul basis.  I’m not just talking about soul mates although that’s entirely possible.  However, as many of us know, soul mates can be often wonderful but disruptive forces brought in to put us on track spiritually for growth.  If we’re feeling ‘stuck’ then often a soul mate appears.  Sometimes, we don’t even know we’re ‘stuck’ but the soul mate brings that to light.
Twin flames are often a more harmonious and equitable energy which reflects the Libran dream offering a more long term commitment built on common spiritual ground. This year, these energies are likely to appear in our lives to open our hearts to greater love, beauty, harmony and joy. 

Beauty, love and harmony:  Libra wants, craves beauty in all dimensions!  
Jupiter calls us to the most evolved expression of these energies!
Let’s keep this in mind as we enter the new year of Jupiter in Libra. Jupiter is one of the ‘social’ signs, a guiding light for humanity to reach for higher learning, evolving consciousness and a togetherness which is built on the foundations of truth and wisdom.
Artistic stimulation:  Libra is an air sign which seeks expression of these energies of love, beauty and harmony in the world, whether it be in the way we present to the world in our clothes or in the home environment with harmonising of colour, form and arrangement. 
Be open to new or revived artistic gifts:
Libra can motivate us to express our artistic talents and/or appreciate the artistry of others whether in physical form such as this glass sculpture or a painting as well as through music and/or words.  Harmony and beauty of form is the key element. 
Is this beauty?  Socially, we’re looking for this harmonising element in groups and/or networks of people as well as in public spaces. I imagine there may be some ignition in relation to greater public interest in public spaces reflecting the truth and beauty of the people and the environment whether a city, town or wilderness.
Art:  Janet Kelman
Golden Oldies:
‘In the Light of Love’ Deva Premal and Miten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcXIq2yj008 
‘I want to know what Love is’ Foreigner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNOPyUdLZPk 
‘What a wonderful World’ Louis Armstrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cAaB-JBSzQ This IS Jupiter in Libra!

Upcoming Dates:
17th September:  Full Moon in Pisces Lunar Eclipse
22nd September:  Mercury stations/turns direct
23rd September:  Sun moves into Libra
24th September:  Venus moves into Scorpio
That’s it folks!
We’re on our way to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on 17th September. 
Whatever needs clearing up is sure to be illuminated at that time.
We just need to remember Jupiter in Libra’s mantra for the next year ‘Love, beauty, harmony, peace and justice...or bust!’ 
As always love and blessings to us all as walk the talk and hurtle through time and space!
Hugs all round
from the chair...lost in space

It’s all about love

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