...for the children of the earth

Saturday 15 October 2016

16th October 2016 Full Moon in Aries

Hi everyone!
Are you keeping your eye on that reflection of your beautiful self that’s beaming back to you from the cosmos?  That’s the call this month as we embrace all that is beautiful, loving, peaceful and harmonious within us. Of course, when we do, all the naysayers in the unconscious, the voices from the past, rise up with criticisms and judgements taken on from all those societal benchmarks in which we’re embedded.  
We need to get a really good eyeful of our true selves so we can claim our true worth and call in our rightful inheritance, our birthright as the Full Moon in Aries explodes like a fiery volcano within us.
What’s been happening:
The eclipses of September manifesting huge cleansing and purification of the earth:
Floods, winds, rains, storm surges...what more could have been hammering the earth during the last weeks. It’s been a worldwide purification by air, earth and water.  The fire is coming this weekend with the Full Moon in Aries.
Earth and air cleansing: New Moon in Virgo solar eclipse stirred the mental and physical!
The New Moon in Virgo Solar Eclipse of 1st September was accompanied by Mercury her ruler, the breath, the air energy which brought the winds of change blowing across the earth.  A physical and mental purification!
Earth, water and air cleansing:  Pisces Full Moon lunar eclipse stirred the collective emotions!
The follow up Full Moon Pisces Lunar Eclipse 2 weeks later stirred the waters, the oceans of the world whilst re-invigorating the solar earth energies of Virgo.  Mercury’s travels through Virgo in retrograde energy until 22nd September was a significant factor in stirring the winds of the earth in tandem with the Pisces ruled oceans and water energies. 
It’s been a big collective cleansing of the emotional, mental and physical energies of Planet Earth and her citizens.  Virgo is the sign of the healer and Pisces is the collective unconscious. Everyone of us is in the purification pot of change!

The past week:  Mercury, the big player!
Mercury, ruler of our mental body, has been all over the past week’s planetary activities so if you’ve been feeling a little like a cat on a hot tin roof, startled and jumpy, then you know the mental, nervous and respiratory systems are getting a workover and a realignment and rebalancing of energies as Mercury travels through Libra, the sign of balance, harmony and justice.  Mentally, you may have felt lacking in clarity, in two minds about right action or just accepting that it’s a time of waiting and allowing the feeling of being in the ambivalence. This has been a real weighing up of pros and cons, this or that, as we allow the answers to emerge. 

If you’ve had respiratory clearances or challenges with the nervous system this past week I can sympathise as Mercury is clearing out imbalances in our constitution which could well have impacted the physical body.  Mars, ruler of our physical body, has been a player in this process. Nervous tension, anxiety, polarised thinking could well be manifestations of the past week when we’re learning to let go of the control from the small mind. 

Uranus and Eris, the electrical lightning energies, have also been in there putting some charges through the system. More to come as we go into the Full Moon energies.

The Libran energies bringing imbalances and inequities to light:
No surprise that the issues arising with the American election and Trump’s remarks on women have brought much consciousness forward from men as well as women with respect to the imbalances perpetrated by the old order of patriarchal energies. If we view politics from the higher perspective, we can see the spiritual role played out by politicians, political parties and the nations of the world.  It can manifest in positive or negative reactions within us but essentially, it often brings to light that which has been buried in the human consciousness.  Of course, any public figures have a powerful role to play in this spiritual process.

With the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury all travelling through Libra, the focus on rectification of imbalances and inequities is somewhat intense as Saturn in Sagittarius causes us to re-examine old paradigms in the light of higher consciousness as he continues to square off to Neptune in Pisces. The path of spiritual evolution calls us all on to shift our old patterns and keep releasing the karmic imprints held within each one of us. 
What’s coming in:
16th October:  
Full Moon in Aries at 3.23 pm AEDT at 23 degrees 14 Aries
I am that I am!
Shocks to the system:  Uranus/Eris/Moon firing the emotions!

Here’s a glorious full moon which is guaranteed to wake us up to our own pure potential.  With Uranus and Eris/feminine energy of Uranus, both in close proximity to the Full Moon in Aries, there’s a huge wake up call with the electrical charges of Uranus joining with Eris his feminine counterpart releasing the suppressed energies from within.

Radical fiery energies are busting us out of the old order:  Culminations, endings!
This is an explosive Full Moon full of fire and the powerful Aries warrior energy which is all fire, calling us to radical independence.  If you’ve felt locked into some kind of imprisoning situation, whether mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually, the spiritual fire of this Aries Full Moon will break through the impasse with a sudden inspiration, insight and a decisive courage to go forward which has been the missing ingredient.
It’s an Astro Boy experience!  Put on those magic boots of fire and be an Aries rocket!
The Aries torch of freedom is here:  Are you ready to take it?
This Full Moon promises us the confidence and faith in ourselves and our pathway forward if we are ready to believe in the great opportunity being offered at this time. With all this year’s purification process, many of us are feeling a little wobbly, unsure as to a secure footing on the new path. We’ve become so used to the rug being pulled from under us to attend to a healing crisis which has taken all our energy and focus.  It’s been necessary to come to this point in time.
This is a Full Moon guaranteed to fill us with the courage and strength to break through the bonds, chains and limitations of karmic and ancestral threads.  This is a Full Moon which will face the fears, love the fears and release them into the light.  Make the most of all this power...just decide!
Memories uncovered, acknowledged, released and/or reclaimed:  The ‘ghosts’ of past times are released...new knowledge and clarity about the self!
The moon rules memories and the past including ancestors and family so when we get the Full Moon, the time of the month when the moon is most powerful and light filled, we are likely to experience illuminations and revelations which have previously been hidden, secreted in our memory banks within. 
The Full Moon brings energies to light so we can bring closure to unresolved issues which have been sitting within us, often unknown to our conscious minds.  Maybe we’ve had a whisper but didn’t get to the core ‘wound’ blocking our growth into full truth of ourselves.
This Full Moon:  The masculine aligns with the feminine...a balanced partnership!
The moon is regarded as our ‘feminine’ energy, our divine mother.  However, this Full Moon is in the sign of Aries which is the fiery masculine warrior energy, and desire, drive and motivation which takes us out into the world..Mars is ruler of Aries and he’s all masculine but in the light of this full moon energy with the Sun in Libra, the loving partnership energy, the masculine energy takes on a whole new perspective through the feminine inner discovery journey.

Our hearts will be fired with the truth of who we really are...if we are prepared to listen, to notice emotions, thoughts and behaviours coming to the fore which have been unfamiliar.  If you’re triggered by something it’s a good indication that something is coming up for clearing.
Sun in Libra opposite the Aries Full Moon:  
Bringing in the new paradigm of divine partnerships as we choose to align with our truth!
The Sun in Libra has the support of the beautiful energy of the fixed star Arcturus which brings higher consciousness to the Libran Sun.
The potential of this whole full moon time comes through our clearance of extraneous and hampering energies we’re carrying whether emotional, mental, physical or spiritual.  With the breaking down of all barriers blocking our ownership and acknowledgement of our ‘I am’ self, we come into a purity which attracts to us all those who resonate with us and repel and/or release those who no longer resonate and align with us. 
The flow on will be in all manner of ‘partnerships’.  Any close partnership will be called upon to shift in some way as all the barriers fall away.  It doesn’t mean the end of partnerships but it will call us to transform existing partnerships and move into a higher gear of consciousness based on divine love.
Here’s Astro Boy with his little sister, a one on one partnership of siblings just as we have one on one partnerships with all members of our families, our business associates and colleagues, friendships and  intimate romantic partners, lovers and spouses.
Just to add to the volatile mix of this Full Moon:
Mercury, our mind manager is in Libra squaring off to Pluto in Capricorn just 3 degrees from fiery Mars, ruler of Aries. 
This is mind blowing energy as Mercury our mental energy, ruler of our respiratory and nervous system could well trigger a physical release as Mars, ruler of our physical body is working with Pluto, ruler of the underworld, the dark lord of transformation, life, death and rebirth.  Full Moons bring big emotions so the release is likely to be on levels of our being...emotional, mental, physical and of course spiritual as we reclaim our birthright of our true selves.
Pluto’s very much engaged in the long term process of bringing the old order, traditions, dogmas and paradigms to the surface of our consciousness.  It’s a transpersonal process which is impacting every one of us as we review the status quo when issues come to the surface in the public arena.  However, it’s a very personal process too as each one of us carries the memories of past
This aspect is embodied in ‘The Tower’ card from the Tarot, symbolising the release of those inner attachments, subconscious elements such as mental and emotional constructs held within our being which can trigger us to act in unexpected ways, popping up seemingly out of nowhere. 
This Full Moon energy along with the Mercury, Pluto and Mars is opening the doors of the subconscious in such a powerful way as to blow our minds, free us up in a dramatic way. 
19th October:  Mars meets Pluto at 15 degrees Capricorn...a culminating release and a fresh start!
From 16th to 19th October:   Ongoing intensification as Mars and Pluto come towards their meeting on 19th.
This energy is not just at the Full Moon as Mars is moving towards an exact connection with Pluto on 19th, just 3 days after the Full Moon.  The Full Moon energies sets off the eruptions from within which will be intensifying between 16th and 19th.  Much of these energies will be shifting before the 19th unless we have resistance within.  The 19th is the culminating date!
Potential shifts in desires and in our physical bodies:
Mars is our fire and drive and ruler of our physical body and Pluto is Lord of the Underworld, holding within our greatest potential if we’re ready to be ‘mined’ and open to these powerful forces. I would imagine there’s huge shifts which will be happening within our physical bodies and with our deepest desires.  It’s all happening in Capricorn, sign of tradition, the patriarchy, the old order as well as desire for success and respect in the world.  Any or all of these issues could come forth.
When planets meet in a conjunction such as this it signifies a door closing and a new beginning! 
This Aries Full Moon is what has become known as a Super Moon based on its proximity to the earth. 
Read on in the following link:
Quotes from the above article:
‘October's full moon will be a supermoon, but won't be the closest of 2016.
That comes next month, which will have a supermoon of its own.
October's full moon will come within several hours of with its closest approach to Earth in its monthly orbit and will be one of six supermoons this year.
"Supermoon" is a term that has really caught on in the past few years, but astronomers have been calling it an "perigee full moon" for much longer, or "perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system" if you really want to get technical.’

'According to Nolle a supermoon is a new or full moon that has to come within 224,641 miles of Earth, as measured from the centers of the Earth and moon.
Using that definition there will be six supermoons in 2016: the new moons of March, April and May and the full moons of October, November and December.'

Sabian Symbols from Lynda Hill:  www.sabiansymbols.com
The Aries Full Moon: A Time Of Awakenings, Arousal, Ambition and Anger Starring Uranus And Eris: http://www.sabiansymbols.typepad.com/

Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon in Aries:
Aries 24
This Symbol shows that your mind is, or should be, open to possibilities that are being 'blown' in from the realm of spirit. There is an abundance coming, shown by the Cornucopia, which will be self-sustaining. This degree suggests that with the slightest change in direction your fortunes could change as well. Look for out-of-the-ordinary opportunities and possibilities. Realizing that in one's everyday life, one has it all. Open your windows and blinds and let air and sunshine in and watch good things follow. Imagination. Keeping your options open. The promise of fruition. The breath of life filling you with inspiration. Open windows and doors. Fertility. Gain. Abundance. 

The Caution: Relying on spiritual ideas to provide material sustenance. Thinking that good luck will just 'blow in'. Shutting windows and doors – keeping light and life out.
Sabian Symbol for the Sun opposite the Full Moon in Aries:
Libra 24
This Symbol can show imbalances of many kinds; physical, mental, spiritual or emotional. Understanding and accepting fragility and differences in our self and others can give greater empathy for those who have difficulty operating efficiently in the world. When the transformation into full potential occurs, it is wonderful, however, you may feel that you are unnaturally developed or somehow lopsided in the emotive, intuitive realms. Instinct may swamp logic or logic may take from instinct or intuition. Physically, one side of your body could work more efficiently or smoothly than the other. It helps to try to regain balance and equilibrium – try finding that still space in the middle. Creative overbalance. Oddities. Beautiful imperfections. One side being more perfect than the other. Being light and flippant. Savants. Bodily impairments and handicaps. 

The Caution: Unrealistic reliance on being different. Obsession with strange things. Flapping around and not getting anywhere. Restlessness, nervousness. Lopsidedness.

18th October:  Venus moves into Sagittarius at 6.00 pm AEDT...our hearts expand with joy!
Until 12th November
Optimism, hope and expansion for our hearts:  The perfect ‘medicine’ at the Full Moon recovery party!
Two days after the moon comes to fullness, Venus ruler of our heart energy, moves into Sagittarius the sign of higher consciousness, truth and wisdom!
From 16th to 18th: Cleansing purification of the heart energies as Venus completes her journey through Scorpio!
Venus will be in the closing degrees of Scorpio and as it comes to the completion of its journey through Scorpio, the energy intensifies as it cleans up all that can and need be cleared and transmuted in the heart energy.  It will be working in tandem with the Mars/Pluto energies in Capricorn which would indicate that physical heart healing and transmutation of energies is likely. 
From 18th October to 12th November:  Venus in Sagittarius...heart opening expansion!
The open road calls us to open our hearts to the joy and freedom which is available to all of us.  This calls us to embrace the rainbow energy of unification, of our hopes and dreams and to believe in ourselves as magical beings who create our own reality...from our heart centre.
Our hearts know what we want even if we are wavering in indecision.  This energy is likely to break down the walls of resistance or denial of what we truly desire in our heart of hearts.
Bigger is better:  That’s a Sagittarian catchcry leading our hearts to open in a whole new way!
Sagittarius calls us to the higher consciousness of divine truth and wisdom, the knowledge of our own divinity.  With Venus immersing herself in this energy until 12th November, there’ll be a ‘no holds barred’ kind of energy kicking in which will be a welcome relief following on from the immensity of transformation we’ve been experiencing through the Full Moon and after September’s eclipses. If we’ve been dropping all the baggage over the Full Moon period, we’ll be ready to open to a whole new experience of love in our hearts and in our lives.
From Cathy Pagano:  Full Moon in Aries http://wisdom-of-astrology.blogspot.com.au/
From Lauren Gorgo: 8th October 2016  ‘Mastering the Merger:  the
dissolution of identity’
‘You are not only dying to your old identity but you are releasing an entire lineage of human miscreation, an entire matrix of falsity from your very cells’
Golden Oldies:
‘Shine on Harvest Moon’ Ruth Etting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7Mu9fh23dY&list=PL4BT-rLLhLmYXV9FTnJk9Qc8ovwcGoVFZ&index=56  for the Northern Hemisphere, for the Libran Sun and love
Your love is lifting me higher’ Rita Coolidge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huK1bLMcb0c for Libran love and partnership
‘We’ve Gotta Get out of this Place’ The Animals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUpBSvN1a50 From 3D to 5D
‘Ring of Fire’ Johnny Cash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIBTg7q9oNc for the Aries full moon fire power and Libran Sun love
Upcoming Dates:
23rd October:   Sun moves into Scorpio
25th October:  Mercury moves into Scorpio
31st October:  New Moon in Scorpio
That’s it folks! 
As always, love and blessings to us all as we experience the passionate fire of Aries and embrace our ‘I am’ energy!  Safe journey to us all as we embrace the wake up calls and bolts of lightning clearing away the past which have been hampering our growth and expansion into the fullness of our spiritual selves and the fulfilment of our divine joy on earth.
Now we’re heading towards Scorpio energies with the Sun’s move into the sign of death and transformation on 23rd October, then Mercury followed by a  New Moon in Scorpio on 31st October.  Now we’re over the eclipse energies and the Full Moon in Aries, I’m trusting that the Scorpio will not feel quite so intense as usual.  However, knowing Scorpio, it’s always deep and intense.  It’s all good. We’re finishing up a 9 year!  The New Year begins a new 9 year cycle! 
Hugs all around


from the chair...I am that I am...firing up

It’s all about love
The Swan's transformation from ordinary to extraordinary have made it an emblem of discovering the beauty and power of your true self.

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