...for the children of the earth

Saturday 29 October 2016

31st October 2016 New Moon in Scorpio

Hi everyone!
You may feel you’re in the death throes as we travel through Scorpio time.  We’re in the dark of the moon for approximately 3 days before the New Moon arrives.  This is an absolute time of release and letting go every month at this time. 
Scorpio’s double whammy:
Let go, let go, surrender...and do it again, again and again!
But in Scorpio energy it’s a double whammy, letting go to the point of ‘dying’ to old pain, suffering, heartache, memories, beliefs...everything that needs to be released, the old injustices, resentments, anger! 
In fact, it’s the most powerful time for offloading the limitations that have kept you restricted in your life.  Letting go and surrender to the higher path is never more powerful than during Scorpio time!
Hocus, pocus, focus on the best outcome:
Scorpio is taking us into deep emotions and into the waters of change in every aspect of our lives as we move towards the ending of 2016, a 9 year and completion of a cycle of change.  Of course it’s never ending and there’s more disruption to come. 
What we can do is bring peace and harmony to our own personal lives.  The more of us who do this and hold the energy of hope and optimism and positive outcomes, the more progress will be made on the energetic level...the first and foremost change agent!
The past week:
We’ve been getting some power solar activity this past week with a number of consecutive days producing geomagnetic storms and some amazing auroras north and south. For many the solar activity can impact on the physical experience and that can manifest as pain or uplift.  But if we recognise that these solar winds and magnetic activity bring energy into our bodies, we can acknowledge the huge clearance and purification of the earth that is ongoing.
Thankfully, I have felt some ongoing release of so much that’s been happening for me.  It feels like the tipping point for me.  The Scorpio energies are really doing their work as I remain focussed on where I’m going rather than where I’ve been.  The lessening of the Uranus/Mercury energies on me at the personal level have certainly made a difference to the deep insecurities, fears, traumas and doubts I’ve been releasing from my cell memories, DNA and nervous system.
Scorpio holding us in the hot springs of Mother Earth:  Forgiveness of self and others...a key component as we bring in the violet flame!
Scorpio can act like a slow release mechanism, a slow dying off of the past as we release and finally let go those old belief systems about the world being a dangerous place full of dangerous people. In the depth of the Scorpio water energies, immersed in the hot springs of our inner sanctuary we can face and recognise our deepest fears. The Scorpio cave of Mother Earth is holding us as we allow our consciousness to be taken into the upward spiral.  This is a gentler energy as we move through the death throes of old consciousness.
Strip away the layers of denial, self-deception which have kept you cloaked in ignorance and despair:
Be open to stripping away all the social conditioning and embedded memories which have been driving you through life from a state of unconsciousness.  It’s time to drop off the projections from others you’ve taken on.  You know what I mean...listening to others opinions, ideas about you and your life instead of tuning in to your inner voice.
What’s coming in:
From 26th to 31st:  A series of changes
26th October:  Venus moved out of bounds...heart energy expanding into new consciousness
Until 3rd December
We’ve been experiencing Mars, ruler of our physical bodies travelling out of bounds and shifting us into new consciousness for some months.  Just before the New Moon on 30th October he returns.  More below.
26th October:  Venus moved out of bounds in Sagittarius
Now, Venus takes our hearts on a journey to new dimensions of expansion.  During this time she’ll be travelling through Sagittarius and into Capricorn.  This indicates the heart will be shifting into higher consciousness through the Sagittarian energies of spirituality, religion, philosophy, higher education and ‘foreign’/world connections.  A change of heart with respect to these areas, our ideas, ideologies, belief systems.  Just let our hearts take flight and remain open to new ideas and emotions.
12th November:  Venus moves into Capricorn
She shifts into Capricorn on 12th November, just after the American election.  In Capricorn she’ll be shifting consciousness in relation to seeking the respect and success in our worldly material lives, in where we find our gifts and talents are recognised in the world of work.
Capricorn rules tradition and is focussed on maintaining the status quo.  This can apply personally as well as on the world stage.
On the global level, Capricorn rules governments, global institutions, big business, big money institutions like banks, stockmarkets which will be interesting to observe in regard to changes of heart in these areas.  We are in change processes for the long term but meanwhile these minor shifts are moving all of us one way or another.
29th October:  Mars in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries at 21 degrees at 3.06 pm AEDT
Effective from 28th to 30th October
Mars gets a wakup call from Uranus:  Could impact nervous system in the body as well as our fire and drive!
Mars is ruler of our physical body as well as our masculine energy. It’s interesting that he gets a big kickstart with Uranus in Aries just the day before he returns from his journey out of bounds where he’s been accessing new consciousness and expansion.
We’ve been kept ‘on hold’ with our physical energies and our fire and drive...prepare to shift into a new gear..soon!
He’s been travelling through earthy Capricorn shifting us in more ways than one travelling out of bounds, activating new consciousness in our physical bodies and in our masculine energies in the sign of worldly affairs and human structures, systems and traditional belief systems.  How that will play out as he emerges from his journey is yet to manifest.  Watch this space...
Many of us have felt as though any attempts to step more fully into a worldly activation of our physicality have been kept at a low ebb as our bodies have been recalibrating, often bringing on all manner of illnesses and strange exhaustion.  The fire and drive has been inconsistent and difficult to maintain.
30th October:  Mars returns from his out of bounds journey at 22 degrees 49 Capricorn...our Astroboy comes into land!
Until 14th May 2017
Mars has been in uncharted territory since 8th August.  He now completes his out of bounds journey which has been taking us into new consciousness of our physical bodies,  our fire and drive masculine energies.
Now as he returns, we’re likely to find a new level of discovery about our physical being which has been recalibrating and getting an upgrade with respect to cell memories, DNA and every aspect of our physical existence.  For many of us it has been a year of it and what has kept us going has been remaining focussed on the shift in consciousness within and on a planetary level.
He doesn’t go out of bounds again until may 2017 so we now have time to stretch and assimilate our new found freedom.  This may not happen overnight but then again I believe we can have instant change, in the blink of an eye, if we so believe and maintain that belief.
We are still finishing off this 9 year cycle and we are in the throes of the Scorpio transformational energies of death and rebirth.
30th  October:  Saturn meets Venus on Great Attractor at 14 degrees 10 Sagittarius
Effective from 29th to 31st October
The Great Attractor is the most powerful force in the cosmos drawing to it masses of planetary bodies in a never ceasing flow of gravitational ‘pull’.  Scientists call it ‘an anomaly’ as it doesn’t have the qualities of a black hole. 

Give up the hard work and struggle:  From 3D to 4D reality!
Here’s Minnie with her vacuum cleaner.  it doesn’t have to be this hard!  Remember, we’re giving up the hard work, struggle and need to control! We’re learning to ‘allow’!   Let Venus and Saturn do the work for us...just let go!

Heart release of burdens and karmic commitments which have passed their ‘use by’ date!
This energy offers a heart release of those karmic contracts and burdens that have been weighing us down.  Saturn can have us working like a demon and getting nowhere as long as we hold the belief that life is about working HARD! 

Transforming and releasing the old limited paradigms holding the planet to ransom:
Saturn Lord of Karma rules tradition and the status quo.  If we choose to create  new paradigms of living on this planet which come from love, beauty, truth, equity and divine justice, we have to let the old paradigms, systems of thinking and ideologies be released and/or transformed.   We’re dying to the old identities, shedding skins of old mindsets, behaviours, attachments, feelings, values. traditions. We’re on the edge of change!
More on The Great Attractor:

31st October:  New Moon in Scorpio

at 4.38 am AEDT at 7 degrees 44

Scorpio The eagle calls! 

Art:  ‘Eternal Feminine’ Rassouli
Into the depths of the cave of the inner soul: ‘Let go into the mystery’!
We’re diving deep and flying high all at the same time.  If you’re
still feeling in the depths of the Scorpio cave, take heart and set the intentions for this powerful Scorpio New Moon. We’ve still got some time to go before we fully emerge from the Scorpio journey for this year. 

The secrets of our untapped treasures within:
Deeply emotional, the Scorpio New Moon calls us to embrace the ‘secrets’ held within the centre of our being, possibly even secrets held in the unconscious that are now ready to surface and lift us to greater heights!  The penetrating gaze of the eagle eye of Scorpio’s investigative power and search for truth is on our side, the side of growth and expansion. 

No stone unturned, no shadow dismissed:  Owning, loving them all!
‘All of me’ needs acceptance and love whether they be memories of guilt, fear, disempowerment, trauma, doubt, failure, anger, bitterness or insecurity.  Scorpio is relentless in uncovering those ‘shadows’ which have kept us confined, limited in our thinking and living.  Just remember, it’s not just about you and that we are resolving the unconscious memories of history...ours, family, the planet!  Get in touch with your inner ‘spy’!  I spy!

Mercury conjoins New Moon/Sun at 9 degrees Scorpio...a reboot and rebirth for our mind energy and consciousness!

Mercury trines Neptune in Pisces at 9 degrees...accessing the divine mind!
Art:  Jeremiah Morelli

Here’s the ferrymaster of Hades , Charon carrying us across the River Styx to the after life! In mythology he carries the souls of the newly deceased to the after life.  In some ways, this is what’s happening to us at this time as we experience a reboot in our consciousness in the heart, mind, body and spirit.
We’re releasing those energies from other times, places, people and experiences which we’ve been carrying within us, often times burdened by the weight of old consciousness, memories from planet earth and humanity as it’s been for so long.
Venus, our heart consciousness is taking us to new territories opening our
emotions to great love, compassion, forgiveness and hope of a more beautiful emotional energy growing within us and therefore on the planet.
Mars, our body manager, has just returned from his out of bound journey with new consciousness and potential flooding our physical being.  We may find some stretching and adjustments going on with respect to that.
Now: A reboot and upgrade of our mind consciousness!
Mercury, our mind manager is linking with the New Moon and Sun in a reboot of our mind with the transformational energies of Scorpio. Meetings of planetary energies indicate a fresh start and a new chapter.

Mercury opens to the divine mind:  Connecting with Neptune...focus on expanded visions of your life!
Helping with the upgrade is Mercury in beautiful flowing connection with Neptune offering a more evolved spiritual perspective.  We have an opportunity to release the polarity consciousness, the black/white thinking that has dominated humanity for so long.  As we resolve our inner conflicted mind, we come to a peace that can be energetically powerful in its emissions in our lives and across the planet. If we focus our minds on this at this time, we are especially supported by the planetary forces!  Just do it!

Sabian Symbols for the New Moon in Scorpio:  From Lynda Hill
New Moon and Sun:
Scorpio 8
This Symbol implies seeing things reflected in the world around. It can also show someone who loses the plot through not being able to differentiate reality from fiction, intuition from dreaming or what’s theirs from someone else’s emotions, thoughts or reality. Certainly, this speaks of depth in intellect, intuition and emotions. Whether there are hidden depths of not, there may be a strong sense of things being ‘reflected’, as the “Moon” reflects on the “Lake” much like a mirror. What needs reflection? Or less projection? Are things evaluated merely on a superficial level? Are you able to see things for how they really are? Look for signs you need to observe, and watch how life can be reflected around you. Reflections. Reactions. Photographs. Picture postcard images. Mirrors. Stillness. Quiet. Projection – especially based on appearances. Psychic abilities. Placid emotions. 

The Caution: Acting out. Moodiness. Losing the plot. Relating to others as if in a mirror. Co-dependant relationships. Superficial responses. Narcissism. Afraid of depth.
Scorpio 10
This Symbol shows getting together with people with shared visions and histories which can be very rewarding and renewing. A “Fellowship Supper” can help connect with old friends, or provide a place for meeting new ones. Often with this degree, issues around food come up, whether it’s providing food and drink or sharing it with others. It’s important to find time to socialize with like-minded people as true friendships can come from simple gatherings. Also, there can often be the sense that one’s known people before, on a karmic level, or, stretching back into a past life. True fellowship and fraternity can bring a sweet sense of nostalgia and uplift to each individual's life. Renewed bonds. Feeling like you've known each other before. Reunions and memories. Past life connections. Fated meetings. The Last Supper. Reaching out to others. 

The Caution: Only feeling comfortable with your past. Not changing with the cycles. Not joining in. Feeling excluded. Feeling uneasy about having to face people from the past.
Golden Oldies:
‘Me and my Shadow’ Frank Sinatra & Sammy Davis Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-4uKgXRnpI  Finding the shadow
‘All of me’ Billie Holliday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P0hG3sD0-E  Loving all the shadow
‘Moon Shadow’ Cat Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr0rDW5j1KU  The shadows emerge
‘The Mystery’ Van Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHbFg1jUlaI  Letting go, letting go and letting the divine self lead
‘Wind Beneath My Wings’ Bette Midler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jorJh8DTMVM Embracing ALL the shadow self.        Sing this one to your shadow and watch the treasures and untapped talents emerge!
‘Bright Eyes’ Art Garfunkel from ‘Watership Down’, the movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGyQmH9NZcw  Life/death
The Mystery
Let go into the mystery
Let yourself go
You've got to open up your heart
That's all I know
Trust what I say and do what you're told
Baby, and all your dirt will turn
Into gold
Let go into the mystery
Let yourself go
And when you open up your heart
You get everything you need
Baby there's a way and a mystic road
You've got to have some faith
To carry on
You've got to open up your heart
To the sun
You know he's looking out for you
Cause he's the one
Let go into the mystery
Let yourself go
There is no other place to be
Baby this I know
You've got to dance and sing
And be alive in the mystery
And be joyous and give thanks
And let yourself go
I saw the light of ancient Greece
Towards the One
I saw
Upcoming Dates:
9th November:  Mars moves into Aquarius
12th November:  Venus moves into Capricorn
13th November:  Mercury moves into Sagittarius 
15th November:  Full Moon in Taurus
That’s it folks! 
As always, love and blessings to us all as release mammoth burdens and come to karmic resolution in so many ways.
We just have to keep letting go, letting go and to stop meddling with our ‘little’ minds of 3D consciousness in trying to control ‘outcomes’!  Can we do it?  I believe so.  Trusting that the universe is a safe place and trusting that the essential ‘goodness’ of humanity is available despite what we see happening in the world is our big step into creating a better world.
If we really believe that we are energetic creative beings then we will keep our focus entirely on what we do desire instead of discounting it with limited words, thoughts and behaviours.  It’s time for the 3D saboteur of the old paradigm to leave the planet, starting now!

With Scorpio working for us, our intent and focus is second to none and anything does become possible.
Happy Halloween to all who celebrate this event!  May all the ‘spooks’ be released and carried to the light!
Hugs all around!
from the chair...letting go!

It’s all about love

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