...for the children of the earth

Monday 14 November 2016

9th to 13th November 2016 Mars, Venus, Mercury changed signs, 15th November Full Moon in Taurus

Hi everyone! 
What’s been happening:
This is the beginning of my update, about a week overdue. I wasn't intending to write so much about the political changes but I got the words and just had to say my bit.
The rays of the Scorpio Sun are shining a light into our souls and calling us to lift our spirits to the heights of the eagle, to be reborn like the golden phoenix.  Since I wrote this sentence more than a week ago it’s been more than apparent that the world as we know it is undergoing enormous change. 
USA shifts the energies:  Conflict, chaos and disintegration...deconstructing the status quo!
330 million people in USA have manifested a massive political change that appears to be ushering in a time of reassessment of values, ideals and systems operating within that world.  One nation of 330 million people holding a dominant place on the world’s stage both economically and politically has repercussions across the globe.  Memories of the fracturing and disintegration of Russia are front and centre.
The domino effect has been happening politically for some time: 

We’ve already seen this happening throughout the world in a series of rolling changes from the Middle East with the Arab Spring, to Europe and the fracturing of economic systems and political alliances and then the UK with the Brexit vote.

‘The Empires strike back’:  Reclaiming the power base of past success!
The old empires are being challenging and some of them are acting out ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ with investment in political ideologies which promise a return to the past, to the reclamation of the ideals that created those empires. The pressure to ‘return to country’ whether driven by ideals or fear of ‘invasion’ has led to the trend to deconstruct political and economic globalisation and to erect walls and borders to keep out ‘the aliens’.  I wonder which nation will be next to enact such changes.  Germany is certainly putting pressure on Angela Merkel to do just that.  That is the nation that springs most readily to mind.  
2008 to 2024:  Pluto in Capricorn...deep transformation of the traditions, values, governments, global economy, management systems!
This long term transit of Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, of life, death, rebirth and transformation through the sign of tradition, big systems of management both economically and politically is guaranteeing the change process continues. Our call at an individual level is to act in accord with our hearts and our truth.  We are all playing a part in this world transformation driven by our desires for a better world...whatever that means to us. 
What can we do:  Empowering ourselves to strengthen our faith in being a part of magnificent change!
The political world is a reflection of all of us operating as it does at the 3D level of consciousness.  I don’t think any political system is without the wheeling and dealing that underpins the corruption and subversion of acting in truth and freedom.  That is not to say there are politicians who hold within the idealism of bringing their ideals into manifestation through the political process.
The political is personal: Unity through diversity

However, it is not my belief that real and deep change is possible through political power at the national level but through the power of the people at grassroots level. That, to me, is attending to our individual lives and spirits in lifting our vision and dreaming in the hope and optimism that ‘the best is yet to come’.  I am firmly of the conviction that every one of us is important in making a difference in the world whether experiencing the emotions, acting on those emotions with love for ourselves and others or in holding the vision of the best outcome for our personal lives and for humanity.

The Dark Lord tapping into the darkness and shadow of humanity and the earth’s history: 
Acknowledging the dark past and choosing the light! 
Yes, there are many across the earth who stay on the dark side acting out their fears and anger with violence, war and cruelty.  We cannot afford to let ourselves sink into these old energies that are arising from within the planet and from within the memory banks within our cells and DNA.  For our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of our family, friends and loved ones we are holding the light of hope and upliftment. In keeping our spirits high and in a state of love, compassion and forgiveness we are making a huge contribution to the whole process.  ‘All for one, one for all.’
What’s been happening astrologically since the New Moon in Scorpio on 29th October:
The New Moon in Scorpio on 29th October was closely linked with Mercury, our mind manager, bringing up all manner of new connections in our mental processes.  The New Moon and Sun being on the same degree and being in such close proximity to Mercury has led us into a rebalancing of our ‘split minds’, bringing the masculine and feminine energies into balance within our mental processes.
Mercury in Scorpio:  25th October to 13th November...mental makeover!
Art: Nevess
Examining beliefs:  Yours or mine?
With Mercury, our mind manager in Scorpio this week I've been fully occupied in examining beliefs which have taken hold in my psyche, clouding my judgements, vision and clarity.

The collective mindsets have a powerful pull for all of us unless we make a conscious effort to discover what we really believe and to shed the collective beliefs which have the capacity to suck is into the great vortex of poverty consciousness and separation from our true selves.

Humanity and the planet is experiencing enormous instability and a fragile existence for many.  Our personal brief is to maintain stability, calm and hope for a positive outcome. 

Getting off the karmic wheel:  Choosing a new paradigm!  
Practising and implementing a new paradigm of living!
If we keep looking back on how things have been up to now, we'll be drawn back to reliving these experiences. Maybe many have happy personal memories but are clinging to the beliefs that past history on this planet will continue on ad infinitum. Well it will if we believe that to be so. It is our choice to embrace our own creative power in making our lives fulfilling and joyful. With every person working on their own attitudes, values and awareness, humanity takes one step closer to creating a more equitable and abundant world.

Are we looking to the past or looking to the future? Are we walking the talk?
So many have been given the gift of knowledge about the nature of reality, say they believe in energy and are yet still failing to harness the power of that energy in their own personal journey.  I too have fallen back at times but have a deep faith that my renewed commitment to energy and its power will bring me my own divine healing of spirit within my physical vessel.

Energy is our powerful personal resource which needs harnessing by mind, body, heart and spirit if we are to make changes. Changing and shifting our mind power is supported at this time until Mercury moves out of Scorpio into Sagittarius on 13th November.

Physically:  Mental makeover...headaches, sinus problems, migraines, nervous tension, anxiety? 

Mercury is our mind manager and ruler of our mental, respiratory and nervous system.  With Mars just returned from out of bounds and connecting with Mercury in a dance on the same degrees at different times, we’re getting a mental makeover and possibly experiencing nervous tension, stress, headaches, migraines, dizziness and ‘eye’ problems such as tired and/or heavy eyes, blurriness of vision.  

We’re being recalibrated mentally, calling us to close the eyes at times so we can release the old mindsets, memories.  At the same time, our third eye is being stimulated.  This has the capacity to bring headaches and eye problems.  As one eye closes, another opens.
9th to 13th November:  A gear shift!
Wow!  Body, heart and mind managers are on the move, shifting gears into new signs all within a few days of each other.  What does it mean for us?  We make the readjustments whether or not we know about the planets and their significance in Astrology.  We sense the changes and actually pick up very quickly on new ways of operating.  That’s what this is, changes in the way we think, feel and respond/act. 
9th November:  Mars moved into Aquarius at 4.51 pm AEDT...freedom calls!
Until 17th December
What’s been happening since 27th September:  Slow release in the physical body!
Mars, manager of our physical body, fire and drive has been in earthy Capricorn since 27th September. When any planet moves through the dense energy of an earth sign, there is a slow down for that planet.  Mars, who is all fire and wants to speed through life, has been really feeling the impact of his travels through Saturn ruled Capricorn. 
Karmic challenges and release of the old warrior energies:
Let’s not forget that Saturn rules karma and in Capricorn, the lessons for Mars have been the recalibration of our competitive desire to achieve success through the old channels of the masculine warrior energies which have dominated our planet.  It’s interesting to note that Mars was in his last day of traditional Capricorn in the election voting day for USA.  It moved into Aquarius as the polls closed.
So now..what: 
Liberation and upliftment of the masculine warrior into the galactic picture!
We’re likely to feel a lightening of the heaviness that has been with us physically whilst Mars was in Capricorn.  it probably didn’t kick in on this day as so much was happening on the planet which was impacting on our energies.  We still had to move through the 11.11 stargate energies which brought upliftment even if you didn’t feel its impact. 
The lightening and upliftment will increase and continue:
The lightening of the energies will gradually move into us physically as well as into our fire, drive and divine passion as we move towards the Full Moon on 15th November.  Aquarius is an air sign and is connected with our mental energies so Mars is likely to lift up whilst travelling through Aquarius.  New ideas, innovative solutions will present!
Hands across the world:  Our fire and passion is ignited by humanitarian unification!
Aquarius is the energy which draws us into the unification of humanity.  With our fire and drive channelled into the evolution of the consciousness of humanity, our idealism can lead us into great actions or take us into the old masculine warrior energy of pushing our beliefs through overpowering others.  It’s our choice.
Channelling our emotions and energies into growth and expansion:
The best that can come from this energy until 17th December is channelling our emotional energies into the ideals of the Aquarian age...unification of ourselves at the personal level and through such unification coming into the emanation of peace, oneness and the love, forgiveness and compassion for all humanity.  It’s a big ask given the state of world affairs but I feel as many others that it is the only way for us to bring peace and prosperity to ourselves and in so doing contribute to the worldwide upliftment of consciousness.
Portal Stargate download of light
With so much energy being released on the world political stage and from within humanity, you may have felt you weren’t able to entirely feel the benefits of this significant day of shift, change and spiritual upliftment.  I like to think that we were all benefiting from these energies as we let go of the past, remembered those who had given their lives and spirits in past wars and grieved the loss of the great poet Leonard Cohen. 
What a time of significance it seemed as one ending piled in on top of another.  The grief was palpable and important in the acknowledgement of endings.  Acknowledging emotions is so important for us all when we come to the end of a cycle.  When we do, complete the emotional experience of grief, we are then in a place to greet the future and prepare to work with new energies and beginnings.
12th November:  Venus moved into Capricorn at 3.54 pm AEDT
Until 7th December
Mars moves out of Capricorn on 10th and Venus moved in on 12th November!
Mars, ruler of our physical body and our masculine energy moves out of Capricorn the sign that calls us to the mountaintop of our desires success in the world and two days later Venus, our heart manager, stepped into Capricorn calling our hearts to uplift to the highest place in our spiritual desires.
Call to our higher authority in the heart:
Capricorn is an earth sign and Venus is the ruler of our heart.  Saturn ruled Capricorn is calling us to the higher authority of our heart energy, the wise teacher and guru within our sacred heart centre.  Interesting that we’ll be plugged in emotionally to the earth energies of Capricorn and the Earth as we move into the Full Moon energies of Taurus.  Venus in Capricorn sets us up to receive the abundant fullness of the Full Moon in earthy Taurus...are we ready to receive fulfilment? 
Owning our connection to the earth as masters of earthly existence:  Aligning hearts to our earth!
We are earthlings and whatever we feel in relation to our planetary and stellar connections, this lifetime is a life on earth and connecting in deep ways to many other physical existences on the earthly plane.
Loving our earthly lives:  All of it!
Venus in Capricorn calls us into loving the earth and all earthly life, appreciating the gifts of living on this planet with all it has to offer in the best possible way.  Yes, we are facing all manner of challenges from within our human collective who do not recognise the oneness of the earth and all within it.  

Yes, we are cosmic beings.  Our planet sits within a solar system spinning through space and time just as all other planetary bodies.  Of course we are sourced from cosmic energies just as our planet has and we have birthed onto this planet at this time answering the call of the soul for us to be here now. 
From Jane Roberts and Seth:
You are in physical existence to learn and understand that your energy, translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions, causes all experience. There are no exceptions.
Once you understand this you have only to learn to examine the nature of your beliefs, for these will automatically cause you to feel and think in certain fashions. Your emotions follow your beliefs. It is not the other way around.
I would like you to recognize your own beliefs in several areas. You must realize that any idea you accept as truth is a belief that you hold. You must, then, take the next step and say, “It is not necessarily true, even though I believe it.” You will, I hope, learn to disregard all beliefs that imply basic limitations.
Session 614.
13th November:  Mercury moved into Sagittarius at 1.39 am AEDT...higher consciousness calls!
Until 2nd December
New uplifted thinking emerges as Mercury moves into Sagittarius: 
Mercury, our mind manager follows Mars and Venus in a gear change from Scorpio into Sagittarius.
After the huge mind bending time we’ve been through this past month or so, we’re likely to discover all kinds of thinking is shifting as Mercury moves through the sign of higher consciousness.
Make every thought a winning thought:  Keep awareness on a positive outcome!
Make the most of this next stretch of mind shifts which promise to be positive if we but allow the ‘deaths’ of the old to just move off.  Sagittarius is a positive, uplifting, expansive, optimistic energy which is bringing hope and promise to our addled thinking.
Call in divine truth, divine truth, divine wisdom:  The Labyrinth of change calls us!
Keep moving through the cleansing lavender labyrinth of the mind to the centre of your truth and wisdom.  That’s Sagittarian energy...truth and wisdom!
Riding our brumbies on the open range of independent thinking:
We can make tremendous strides through this time if we maintain awareness to keep shifting any negative or despondent thinking.  We’re heading to the open fields with our brumbies of freedom of thinking and release of those old fixed belief systems.  We can do it! 
Mercury retrograde times:  Shadow and then the retrograde regroup and review!
Mercury doesn’t move into shadow until the beginning of December and then moves fully into retrograde journey on 19th December.  By then, he’ll be 8 degrees into Capricorn.
15th November:  Full Moon in Taurus at 12.52 am AEDT at 22 degrees 38 Taurus...divine will!
Art: ‘Mother Earth in her Struggle to Save the Night’ Solveig Swenson
Letting go, letting go, letting go:  Emotional and physical release!
What a culminating moon!  In case you didn’t know, which is most unlikely, this moon is what’s become known as a ‘Supermoon’ referring to its  closeness to the earth, the closest it’s been since 1948.  What does that mean for us?  Well we all know that the moon has a huge power which pulls on the ocean tides and on the emotional energies within us.  We are very much beings of water enshrined in our physical bodies!
Embracing our worthiness and entitlement to abundance on all levels!
Taurus is Mother Earth ruled by Venus pulling us into her with love and the promise of earthly abundance as we let go of the barriers of past memories.  
Taurus rules values, self-worth, gifts and talents often as yet undiscovered which have the capacity to bring us a monetary return. an income.
This Full Moon is smiling on us offering the blessings of a life on earth which offers our heart’s desires, our hopes and dreams. 
Divine Will:  ‘I will to will thy will’...our greatest ‘protection’!
All we have to do is let go of the fighting, conflict and resistance.  If ever there was a time to practise what Abraham/Esther Hicks call ‘conscious allowing’, this is it! 
The Scorpio sun shines into our beings:  Be the phoenix!

Whilst Taurus is a fixed Earth sign and is opposite to the Scorpio Sun, a fixed earth sign, we are challenged to release those ‘fixed’ energies which are working to our detriment. Let’s not forget that Scorpio is focussed on transformation through the alchemical processes of change!
Stubbornness and resistance can be released:  Emotionally and physically!
And Taurus is very much about our physical bodies being plugged into the earth. 
With a Taurus moon I know full well the power of the Taurus energies lending determination and absolute strength in maintaining the pathway forward.  It’s one of the mainstays that keeps us on track.  However, with this energy there is also the propensity to stubbornness, resistance and ‘tunnel vision’.
Chiron is in Pisces at 18 degrees:  A harmonious alignment with the Full Moon/Sun energies for release of collective ‘wounds’!
If you’re feeling it, it’s not just about you! Emotionally, physically it’s all happening.  Feel the pain, the release, acknowledge it and allow the Taurus full moon energies to bring the blessings that come about when we stop trying to control from the ‘small mind’!
Harmonious alignment of heart, mind and body energies:  Venus, Mars and Mercury the personal planets are aligned for change!  
The personal planets of Venus, Mars and Mercury are supporting us as we work with heart, body and mind in alignment with our highest spiritual expression!
This Full Moon promises a major release of residue if we are ready to allow that to happen.
Astronomical information for the Full Moon:
This is Northern hemisphere information
THE BIGGEST FULL MOON IN ALMOST 70 YEARS: On Monday, Nov. 14th, there's going to be a full Moon--the biggest and brightest in almost 70 years. The best time to look in North America is before sunrise on Monday morning, while in Europe the best time is after sunset on the same day.
"The last time we had such a close full Moon was January 26, 1948," says Geoff Chester of the US Naval Observatory, "and it won't happen again until November 25, 2034."
To get the most out of Monday's apparition, try to catch the Moon just as it is rising or setting. This will activate the Moon Illusion and make the perigee Moon of Nov. 14th look super, indeed.

Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Taurus:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Lynda Hill’s Full Moon Report: ‘The Light In The Darkness; Messages Of Hope And Valuable Gems: November's Taurus Super Moon’
Full Moon in Taurus
Taurus 23
This Symbol points to an abundance of beauty, talent, riches or potentiality. This degree brings the message of admiring the achievements of others whilst also allowing yours to be recognized and admired as well. Realize that what you need is either at hand or soon will be. Also, something you create can last way beyond your own years. Believing in yourself and those around you can bring a wonderful sense of reward and fulfillment. Try wearing special jewelry to remind you of your self-worth, talent, ability and beauty. Great talent, wealth, rewards and gifts within. Materialization of perfection or superficial looks. Jewelry, stones, gold, silver. Shops, especially those that have beautiful displays. 

The Caution: Wanting more than one's share of rewards, even if there is plenty to share. Things for looking at, not touching. Being jealous of other's success. Pilfering.

Sun opposite Full Moon
Scorpio 23
This Symbol shows ascension or evolution to higher states of being. You may find your self having a transformative realization that will take your focus away from the baser, animal instincts, to a more evolved, higher spiritual perception. This can lead to having higher codes of living; operating on elevated planes of being. Coming to terms with one's vital energies can free you up to find a higher state of being. This can feel like a “Metamorphosis” – like you’re morphing into someone different, perhaps someone quite unique from others. Ascension in consciousness is likely to be happening - enjoy the ride! Revelation of hidden talents. Moving into a whole new level of existence and being. Vegetarianism. Elementals. Nature spirits and fairies. Evolution. Complete changes. 

The Caution: Being dissatisfied with one’s transformation. Feeling ineffective or impotent. One's sexual power taken away. Feeling 'neutered'. Neglecting body
Lauren Gorgo latest 5D message 8th November:
Dear ensouling people of earth…I seriously don’t know how we made it, but it’s November. Ten down, two to go, and we. are. outta. here.  As it turns out, this 9-vibe is for straight up masochists. 

As such, we have all just come through quite an extraordinary couple of months of compression (accelerated awakening/mutation/light-body upgrades) as the contractions needed to complete the birth of the new reality intensify, quicken and squeeze us out of duality for good.
This month we continue to deepen, integrating the recent slurry of light codes and the transformations progress as we prepare for: 1) the outcome to the U.S. election, 2) the 11:11 gateway, shortly followed up by 3) the biggest supermoon since 1948 (on 11/14).

As we make our way to the final gateways of this 9-year universal cycle, we are also approaching a major turning point as many of us move thru the completion of our mastery level initiations while continuing to resolve all karmic contracts in preparation for the new year/new universal cycle.
The frequency of this new creation cycle opened to us on the 8:8 gateway (when we could FEEL it’s goodness) but has since been grounding into the denser dimensions of earth (kicking up shadows) and while still working it’s way into our everyday life, this incredibly clear, pure, brilliant, resilient, creative, diamond-like energy is beginning to cut thru the smog, making itself known in unavoidable ways. Those tuned in can feel it’s activating power, that it is here to change everything in the physical world…to literally restructure our bodies, lives, society, systems and earth herself.

When we can personally hold this extremely high vibration within our cells…which is the excruciating part and why so many of us have had such a challenging time following the Lion’s Gate this year…we ourselves will become divine transmitters and transducers, radiating the sacred properties of light everywhere we go, converting/changing the properties of energy around us to reflect the more refined Sources of light.  This not only creates opportunities for those around us to open to this energy, it leaves a profound imprint on everyone we meet and is an important part of the Divine Plan that begins in 2017 via the new creation cycle.

This is worth a read if you’re feeling the emotional intensity at present
‘Energy Update: Super-Charged Power Waves & Responses To Light & Shadow’
Opening paragraphs:
‘Current Energy Trends + Sensitivity Symptoms:
WAVES OF EMOTIONAL INTENSITY are showing up across the world in extreme ways right now. These waves are FAST and MULTIDIMENSIONAL, so they can change as fast as they arrive.

This increases transformation energy, creates healing and potency, but also chaos and disillusionment.
On the heavier end of the emotional scale, these waves encourage and reveal CONFLICT ENERGY between people. It is WOUNDED & SUPPRESSED ENERGY that is showing up in these inner and outer conflicts - a way for people to see and hear their own wounds, through inner and outer fight, struggle or resistance.

At the lighter end of the scale (for those who are not as consumed with the inner or outer fight), this energy will be SUPER-CHARGING the way for faster-than-ever magical shifts in and for you. This can cause SUDDEN CHANGES IN DIRECTION, OUTLOOK or PLACEMENT IN THE WORLD, which may feel unnerving at first, but will ultimately be the right moves for you.’

Golden Oldies:
‘From a Distance’ Bette Midler   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC3FW_RU-GI
Upcoming Dates:
20th November:  Neptune stations direct
22nd November:  Sun moves into Sagittarius
That’s it folks! 
As always, love and blessings to us all as we negotiate the final months of this culminating 9 year.  We’re clearing up so much residue and it’s been intense to say the least!  In fact the whole year has been incredibly challenging for so many of us.   For many, we’ve said farewell to loved ones whether parting physically from the earth or as earthly connections.  I know of so many whose pets have passed on this year. 
We are all preparing the way for a new cycle in 2017.  I wonder what new directions are calling us on as we discover more truths about our immense gifts and our capacity to create lives of new found joy, love, excitement and passion. As we divest ourselves of the history in our beings that have held us to the past in limitation, we are reaching for greater expansion and growth, the essence of our creative capacities on all levels of our being.
Hugs all around
from the chair...resting, recovering and dreaming
It’s all about love

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