...for the children of the earth

Sunday 20 November 2016

22nd November 2016 Sun moves into Sagittarius

Hi everyone!
So we survived the Supermoon, the Taurus Full Moon on 15th November and now we’re being delivered to the final rays of the Scorpio Sun, beached but not beaten.  The opposite in fact as we rise up from our deep sojourn into the Scorpio depths of emotion and find ourselves reborn...hopefully! 
The ground is shifting and the foundations of our world are being disrupted in more ways than one.  The New Zealand earthquake is an immediate reminder of the ways the earth shifts and changes all the time.  Just sometimes it is more dramatic than at other times. 
Final intense changes as the Scorpio Sun finishes us up!
The Scorpio solar month has been another intense period of change this year but then Scorpio time is always deep and intense digging up what needs releasing and taking us through ‘the death throes’ in more ways than one.
Get ready:  Our off road jeep is preparing for the Sagittarian Sun!
Our Sagittarius off road 4 wheel drive is warming up the engine awaiting our readiness to take to the open road of new discoveries under the Sagittarian Sun.
It might not feel like a huge surge forward at this stage but we are likely to feel that the Sun is shining a light and we’re emerging from the death throes.

What’s been happening/is happening:

18th November:  Mercury moved out of bounds at 8 degrees Sagittarius...opening the mind to new fields of consciousness! 
Journey to the unknown!
Until 17th December
All we have to be is OPEN and receptive to what’s coming in:  
New consciousness coming to us!

Mercury, follows Venus, our heart and Mars, ruler of our physical body who were travelling out of bounds in the past few months.  Mercury’s sojourn to the ‘outer limits’ is a relatively short journey, shifting our mental body and thoughts into new avenues of understanding and learning.
Possible feeling of mental confusion...how unusual!  
Allow truth to emerge from chaos!
Travelling out of bounds from 8 degrees Sagittarius to 14 degrees Capricorn, the mind focus is realigning with the higher consciousness of Sagittarius in truth and wisdom and when it moves into Capricorn on 3rd December it is realigning with our earthly authority as a divine being.
Mercury returns with new knowledge just before his 3 week retrograde journey:  Stay tuned to the new!
Interesting to know that Mercury returns from his journey to new consciousness a day before he turns retrograde on 19th December at 15 degrees 08 Capricorn.  He’ll be retrograde until 8th January 2016 at 28 degrees Sagittarius.  Most of the retrograde journey will be in Capricorn with a focus on our earthly realm with reflection and review time devoted to our thoughts, ideas and beliefs about our place in the world.  Excellent for the New Year!
5th to 29th November:  Neptune sitting on South Node of the Moon opposite the North Node
Cleansing and upgrade of the collective unconscious!
Art:  Anil Saxema

South Node of the Moon at 9 degrees Pisces:  Clearing the collective emotions in an upgrade!
The South Node of the moon is in Pisces, ruler of the collective unconscious and in particular of the emotional energies emanating from the collective.  It is also offering spiritual evolution of the emotions exuding from us all on this planet.  The South Node is associated with past energies and is connected to our Earth Star Chakra. 
North Node of the Moon at 9 degrees Virgo:  
It’s a healing and renewal in the physical body!
Such a cleansing happening.  It’s been happening for some time but the intensity notches up as we release the old energies of the collective unconscious and reach for a profound healing.  Our planetary focus for evolution at this time, earthly physical healing, connected to the Soul Star Chakra. 
Much of the emotional turmoil of these past weeks we can put down to this evolution of consciousness at the collective level.  It’s not just about you!  And it’s ongoing as you can see by the dates above. 
The nodes will form another T-square with the New Moon in Sagittarius on 29th November.
18th to 19th November:  Clearing the mental turmoil!
Mercury, our mind manager squared off to the Moon's nodes in Virgo and Pisces. Mercury's in Sagittarius connecting us to higher consciousness and Neptune, our evolved spiritual consciousness is sitting on the South Node of the Moon in Pisces releasing memories from the collective consciousness. Maybe why we've been feeling 'heavy' or weighed down.

Sleepless in...activating the nervous system and our mind energies!
Mercury, ruler of our mental body is assisting with this releasing clarification as he brings these unresolved energies to consciousness. This 'missing leg' of this T-square is in Gemini so breath work will help the clearance as well as singing/toning. 

Mercury is ruler of our respiratory system as well as nervous system. We've been releasing for a few weeks with the Neptune/node connection but Mercury is bringing it into resolution today and tomorrow.

20th November:  Neptune stations direct at 3.38 pm AEDT at 9 degrees 14 Pisces...sail on!
Until June 2017
Art:  William Edward Norton 'Sailing Boats in the Mist'
Coming out of the mists of time:  We emerge from Neptune’s retrograde journey!
Neptune has been retrograde for about 5 months giving us plenty of time to grow spiritually. Any retrograde period is a call for inner growth and can feel frustrating as for so long we have measured growth by outward physical manifestation.  However, without the retrograde journey we are unable to expand consciousness, to be opened up to new possibilities which offer new directions. It’s very much intrinsic to the creative process allowing the emptying out of the ‘old’ and the ‘dreamtime’ to bring the new.
Setting sail in new directions:  Imagination and artistry emerge from the mists!
As we slowly emerge from these past months of feeling lost in the mist, becalmed and unable to gain clarity and move on physically, we are likely to feel the gradual return to life with a new bag of tricks at our disposal.
Neptune is a slow mover.  It’s been sitting on 9 degrees since the end of September and will remain on that degree until mid January.  We just need to know that new insights, visions are emerging as Neptune moves into direct motion.  Imagination is always heightened with Neptune in Pisces so stay tuned and open.
Neptune in Pisces:  From February 2012 to 2025...the long journey home!  
The sign of the dreamer calls us on!
Pisces is the ocean of the collective unconscious, ruled by Neptune.  It’s a long journey for our little sailboats out there in that ocean of all that is humanity’s collective limitations and self-undoing along with the potential for transcendence, rising above the emotional whirlpool of the 3D energies operational on this planet.  As more of us reach for that peace and joyful potential of life on earth on an everyday basis, we are creating a new vision and bringing it into physical reality for all.  Imagination, vision and artistry on all levels are our tools of mastery during this time period.  If we can see it and believe it, so it is!  We’re all in the same boat.
Elevation of our visions and higher potential: 
Neptune turns direct at 9 degrees, sitting on the South Node of the Moon.  Be assured that higher spiritual consciousness is coming in for us all and we can expect to be elevated in our energies in these coming weeks.
22nd November:  Sun moves into Sagittarius at 8.22 am AEDT...firing up the engines!
Until 21st December/Solstice
Expansion, growth, freedom and optimism calls us into the Sagittarian light!
Freedom loving, expansive Sagittarian solar energy calls us to open all the windows of our being an take in that solar energy, the light of the Sagittarian sun offering expansion and growth!
Expansion into higher consciousness:  It’s an inside job until 29th November!
Sagittarius is a fire sign, an energy which fires our desire for freedom, truth, wisdom and growth.  One of the energies directed at ‘education’, Sagittarian rules higher education, foreign connections and travel, the search for wisdom and truth through fields of study such as philosophy, religion, spirituality along with foreign connections and travel.
Getting fired up:  The first and most important step at this time!
Being a fire energy, Sagittarius shares that quickfire action and spontaneity of the other fire energies, calling us to act on our own spiritual fire within to impulses that excite and stimulate our desire for change and movement.  Sagittarius is very much about movement and is likely to get a whole lot of us opening up to moving in new directions which excite our interest and passion. 

Getting the engine started and fired up...but wait, wait!  More movement after 29th November!
We won’t be ripping along just yet.  After the New Moon in Sagittarius on 29th when Neptune moves off the South Node, we’ll start to pick up a little speed. 
Still releasing old emotional/spiritual energies until 29th November:
Neptune sitting on the South node is keeping us that releasing of collective memories which is often heavy emotional energy related to other lives/other realities as well as our life here and now.
After 29th November:  Fired with passion, slow motion with Mercury slowing things down

Our movement may be fired with passion but the universe isn’t exactly letting our horses have their head as Mercury comes into play moving into shadow retrograde on 1st December, gradually slowing down as he comes into actual retrograde on 19th December.

Rest, recovery, feeling fired:  Risk management period...taking off after 8th January when Mercury stations direct!

This slowing of the energies is like a form of risk management which happens every year about this time. We’re likely to be grateful for this slower energy as we’re moving out of an intensely challenging year of change both personally and globally.  

We’re being given time to catch our breath, regroup, complete the healing and rebuilding of our physical bodies and ignite our spirit once again.

19th November to 2nd December:  Jupiter square/challenge Pluto 15 degrees Libra/Capricorn...and the walls come down!
Exact on 25th November
Art:  Guy Billout
Breaking out of the old mindsets and paradigms: 
We just have to choose equity and karmic justice to release these old memories from within!
This connection is the first of 3 such meetings between expansive Jupiter and the dark lord of transformation.  They have a ‘brief’ to work on bringing divine truth, wisdom and justice (Sagittarius in Libra) into our consciousness.  Pluto in Capricorn is bringing forth the ‘buried’ energies of the old patriarchal order of ‘power over’ as a benchmark of success and a means of attaining respect. It is our choice to break out of the walls of this limitation set down by the old Capricorn energies. 
Truth and Wisdom expanding and growing as we let go of and/or reclaim the buried energies of power and authority:
We are learning that respect is experienced as we own our truth and wisdom and as we celebrate and acknowledge that divine truth in others. Much is happening in the collective consciousness with the Sagittarian and Capricorn energies in full play as we work with the social underpinnings of Sagittarius and the political, bureaucratic and business underpinnings of Capricorn.  
The next 2 meetings will be in 2017 in March and April which will bring us to a new place in terms of strengthening ourselves and our world in the new paradigm for success and fulfilment.  
25th November:  Venus meets with Pluto at 15 degrees Capricorn
Hearts opened and freed! 

This meeting of our heart energy with the dark lord of transformation on the same day he meets with a challenge with Jupiter is a promising indication that hearts will be opened and released of much of the oppressive, repressive and submissive memories of past times on earth. 

Golden Oldies:
‘If we Hold On Together’ Diana Ross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3oZ69aKMR8 Sun in Sagittarius and Neptune moving forward in Pisces
‘Orinoco Flow’ (Sail Away) Enya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zkjQVh5KmQ  for Neptune moving direct
‘If you could read My Mind’ Gordon Lightfoot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUXZThUx3Tc Liberating the mind with Mercury out of bounds
Upcoming Dates:
29th November:  New Moon in Sagittarius
That’s it folks!
Apologies for the last lengthy update. I had to double barrel 2 weeks of update due to my ‘stunned mullet’ reaction to the outcome of the American election.  It is important and relevant like everything in our world but the whole thing just came out of the blue, waking us all up in a multitude of ways but essentially to the change process operating on this planet.  Yes, ‘the old world is rapidly changing’ even if it seems we’re returning to the past, trying to reclaim some of those old values which gave us a sense of stability.
We’re gathering our firepower through alignment with divine will, divine truth and divine wisdom whilst divesting ourselves of collective ‘wounds’ and gaining a new clarity mentally as we head to the final weeks of 2016. 

As always, love and blessings to us all as we experience the collective shift of the earth beneath our feet and head towards the New Moon in Sagittarius on 29th November, Full Moon in Gemini on 14th December and then the Sun into Capricorn/December solstice on 21st December. The lunar calendar of 2016 culminates on 29th December with the New Moon in Capricorn. 
Hugs all around!  
In honour of Winnie the Pooh’s birthday last week!
from the chair...pacing myself
It’s all about love

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