...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 11 January 2017

12th January 2017 Full Moon in Cancer

Hi everyone!
We’re coming home to ourselves, to our place of belonging!
What about me:
Just a matter of days into the new year of 2017 we’re being called to better times, healthier and happier days with the promise of fresh starts, at least on the personal level.  World affairs are continuing to shift and turn and will for some time but this is the year when we bring our focus into ourselves, into our ‘I am’ presence as we find our ‘place of belonging’ within and thus find our soul tribe for the beginning of a whole new stage of our journey. 
Completing 2016 energies...tying off loose ends:  Until New Moon in Aquarius!
The earthy energies of the Capricorn Sun have carried us through the end of 2016 and into 2017.  The Capricorn Sun will be with us until 19th January when it moves into Aquarius. 
Our window of opportunity, working with the earth’s planetary energies at a deep karmic level has been assisted by the light of the New Moon in Capricorn on 29th December which is continuing to bring the lunar energies of 2016 to closure. The New Moon in Aquarius on 29th January signifies the first New Moon of 2017 and for that reason can be viewed as the beginning of the lunar New Year.  Of course, the Chinese New Year always starts with this New Moon.  
What’s been happening:
6th to 9th January:  
Insights, karmic releases clearing the spiritual decks...Mercury stationed direct and Sun/Pluto meeting!
Mercury has just moved direct on 8th January on 28 degrees Sagittarius, the galactic centre. The stillness of Mercury’s ‘station, a day either side as well, always offers insights and message from the higher consciousness.  Sitting on the galactic centre, the consciousness downloads were immense.  You may not have felt the full import of these downloads last weekend as many of us were in the throes of experiencing the Sun/Pluto connection in Capricorn. 
This meeting of our greatest planetary body, the Sun with Pluto, God of the Underworld, ruler of life, death, birth and resurrection, took place in the sign of Capricorn, a sign that carries the energies of karma, earthly karma for us all.  You may have felt the dark forces arising from within you as the earth released demanding absolute focus on ourselves releasing old karmic wounds, ties and ancestors. 
This past weekend has set us up for the full moon in Cancer this week, clearing the decks of so much old energy so we can access the full potential of the Cancer Full Moon and appreciate the positive forces of this ‘homecoming’!
All the planets moving direct until 7th February:  
Looking to move forward in the physical world...just a few more pieces of the jigsaw to come in!
There’s been much talk of this on the internet and facebook indicating that it will be all systems go from 8th January when Mercury stationed direct.  Whilst it is true that the planets are all moving in direct motion, we need to remember that Mercury is still in shadow retrograde, retracing steps we took last year and Jupiter is slowing preparing to station retrograde on 7th February.  It’s not quite as straightforward as it may seem.  Sometimes, when we get these messages touted by many as ‘amazing’ energy, it can sometimes disappoint if you’re not feeling rapid movement forward.
A time to act and a time to be still:  Direct and Retrograde planets
When planets move forward it signifies physical action in the world.
When planets move retrograde it signifies an inner journey a time to be still and listen, gather information and clarify
One is not ‘better than’ the other.  They just call for a different focus.  So, keeping that in mind, we are looking to activate more on the physical level in the physical world but remaining mindful that the Full Moon in Cancer this week will be dropping in more information and could well change our direction, possibly suddenly and dramatically.
We need Mercury and Mars to get things moving physically:  
28th January New Moon in Aquarius is a good starting time!
Mercury and Mars are our two ‘movers and shakers’ and Mercury moving into Capricorn on 13th, the day after the full moon, will certainly urge us to ground some of the mental energy into the physical dimension.  However, we might be waiting on Mars, our fire and drive who’s on hols at the beach!
Mars on holiday at the beach until 28th January: Artistic and spiritual inspiration!
Meanwhile Mars is off surfing in Pisces, releasing some of the fire and drive at the beach.  He’s receiving some great visions and getting in touch with his dreams and the higher consciousness of Pisces...artistic and spiritual energies are surfacing.
He moves into his own sign of Aries on 28th January the same day as the New Moon in Aquarius.  That New Moon promises a powerful movement forward if we’re ready to move with the Mars and Mercury energies, harnessing the new moon energies for the month following 28th January.

12th January:  
Full Moon in Cancer at 22 degrees 27 Cancer at 10.33 pm AEDT
Insecurities and imbalances are flushed out and laid to rest!  Coming home to ourselves!
Everything must go:  Easy when we go with the flow!
The planetary line up at this full moon is so powerful it is guaranteed to release our grip on holding on to the past.  What does that mean for us?
It’s not just about this lifetime...it’s all time, all people, all memories which are keeping us in the energies of the status quo, repeating mindlessly the patterns of our lives. 
Cancer rules:
The past, memories, childhood, family, home and the ancestors!
The planetary line up at this full moon is big and potent guaranteeing the dropping off all that doesn’t serve our growth and expansion. There’s nothing wrong with the past until it interferes and controls us in making decisions and being our true selves.  That means the embedded memories as well as conditioning must be released so we can be more expansive, so we can create the new paradigm of life on earth. 
The filters of memories falling away:  Masks off!
How many years have so many of us been working on this release process, layer after layer of cell memories and ancestral karmic burdens. 
Well this full moon’s a beauty which is helping us cut through so much residue to come home to who we are this lifetime, without the filters of memories from other times, places and people.

Theme for this Full Moon: Securing an emotional and physical sense of security 
Breaking out, breaking free, clearing karma and finding our ‘I am’!
‘Home is where the heart is’...feel safe!
Coming home an ongoing theme for us all throughout time:
The theme of coming home is throughout literature and the stories of this planet.  Symbolically it represents coming home to ourselves as the heroes of our own lives. We see Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz wanting to go home from Oz, Alice in Wonderland trying to find her way home and of course ‘Lord of the Rings’ with Frodo and his friends returning home to the Shire, Hobbit town as we can see left.  Joseph Campbell is one amongst many who has talked of this theme in ‘The Hero’s Journey’, reminiscent of ‘The Prodigal Son’ in the bible.
The journey of the spiritual warrior:  Harnessing our energies through faith in our spiritual selves!
When we come home in these stories we have been to places of mystery and magic, facing dangers and challenges, travelling the way of the spiritual warrior working with our mind, emotions and often physical challenges which call us to harness all our spiritual power, to come through as wiser, more loving and compassionate than before.  We are uplifted as humans living in higher consciousness.
Feel secure in yourself:  Reassure your inner child/children and drop fears and doubts!
Security is the key word for both of these signs.  
Emotional security for Cancer and physical/material security for Capricorn.
The moon is Cancer’s ruling planet so it’s always a big one emotionally bringing to light any emotional insecurities which will be stimulating us to find the emotional security within.  With the Sun in Capricorn opposite the Full Moon we’re looking at ‘physical’ insecurities which could include financial affairs as well as our working lives. 
Grand Cross, grand challenge and opportunity:  Crossroads of change and opportunity
Drop the ‘burdens’ and choose the ‘I am’ path!
Packing a punch:  We are changing for the better!
This one’s going to pack a punch and shift us through a Grand Cross in the cardinal signs...Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra.  The cardinal signs are related to  initiating, getting things going so this will be an interesting full moon planetary line up as we come to understandings and insights through the squares and oppositions evident at this time.

The planets are in oppositions and squares to each other, just like a crossroads.   Crossroads call for choices. Take notice of the Cheshire cat’s message to Alice in Wonderland in the picture above.  
We are travelling all roads at once!

Crossroads of change:  Freedom calls!
Art:  Paakantji
The four directions and energies:  Keywords...

Full Moon in Cancer:  Memories, emotional, release, ancestors 
Sun in Capricorn:       Planetary, physical, karmic
Uranus in Aries:         Freedom, breakthrough, ‘I am’
Jupiter in Libra:         Equity, Justice, Balance, Love
Challenges if we resist, opportunities if we allow and go with it all:  
As we let go, feel the emotions and invoke freedom we are freed from the past!
Squares and oppositions represent challenges and also opportunities!  This is our chance to shift whatever remains of those energies clinging to the past, to tradition, to memories resonating with any emotional or physical insecurities.
Something is coming into balance:  
Our ‘I am’ breaks through and calls for karmic justice as Uranus our freedom fighter challenges Jupiter in Libra!
Uranus in Aries is still firing the rockets of freedom through our beings as we reach for some justice, equity and expansion coming through Jupiter in Libra.  It could be a battle royal if we let it take us down the path of struggle and resistance.  We have our light sword of truth in hand ready to cut free of those restrictions arising from the past, the conditioning, the memories. 
This is about feeling the fire within whilst calmly reaching for the calm place within.  Let the lightning striker of Uranus in Aries open the door of our self-imposed jail and demand karmic justice and release as we cut the karmic threads of the past and the karmic burdens we’ve been carrying.  There’s never been a better time to stop the struggle and choose the path of peace and love for ourselves.
Something comes to a head!   
A tipping point as emotions erupt and spill out with the Full Moon!  Planet earth is releasing!

The nurturing energies of the Cancer full moon, sign of the divine mother, the home, childhood home and family as well as ancestors are calling us home to ourselves to that emotional security we hold within us.  We are taken back to the past to free fragments and pieces left behind in times of trauma...whether from childhood, cell memories of other times and places, our planetary family. We reclaim and release with love, feeling any pain and suffering, grief, anger, resentment, bitterness, fear...any emotion that is holding us back from joy, fulfilment and divine love. 

Death of the old and a resurrection into the light:
The Capricorn Sun, in such close proximity to Pluto the Lord of the Underworld, life, death, rebirth and resurrection is flushing out the memory banks from within our earthly bodies, the earthly dimension on all levels.  It’s a mass exodus from the earth and its peoples as emotions and memories are brought to the surface.  Allowing ourselves to feel these emotions deeply can release them from our bodies
Chiron is a significant player at this full moon:  Releasing spiritual wounds!  
Sitting on 21 degrees Pisces!
Chiron in Pisces releasing the collective consciousness of emotional and spiritual wounds is in harmonious conversation with both the Full Moon and the Sun as well as making significant connections with Uranus and Jupiter.
The biggest message from Chiron at this time is a square to Saturn:  Karmic clearing is being activated!
A great opportunity to let go of those old beliefs which are undermining us as Saturn in Sagittarius is clearing so much of our mindsets which have kept us stuck in the status quo.  Also, Saturn rewards any small steps we take to move forward, to build a new foundation in our life which will better support us in the world.  The new foundation may well be a new belief about the nature of reality, truth, the cosmos, religion, spirituality, philosophy. 
The Capricorn Sun working with the Full Moon and the planetary line up is calling us on to access our deepest ambitions:  First clear the decks!
Let’s take back and reclaim that word ‘ambition’ as an expression of the driving force within us. the motivation to excel and to fulfil our greatest potential.  For too long it’s been seen as a ‘dirty’ word implying a ruthless desire to walk over everyone.  In fact, without ambition we’d never get anywhere.  We may not be able to specify the ambition in worldly terms but our heart knows that it desires joy, happiness and love and is motivating us with the flame of desire and ambition. We need clarity that our ambition is aligned with our spirit.  Without that we cannot move forward and grow. 
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Full Moon:
Cancer 23
This Symbol shows the necessity of gathering together with those of like mind in order to exchange or share ideas and information. In society, the search for meaning should always be made in order to enrich not only yourself but those around you. Finding the best way to describe something creates the opportunity for greater access by the collective. This can show websites, magazines, newspapers, books; any place that people gather together in order to give an objective view of what’s happening in the culture in order to gain a better understanding of what makes society tick. Shared knowledge. Print media, newspapers, libraries, written word. Critics. Diaries, records and minutes of meetings. Talk back radio. Discussions. Letters to the editor. 

The Caution: Falsifying of ideas. Propaganda spread by media. Intellectual smugness which excludes non-establishment thought. Chatting instead of doing. Being critical.

Capricorn 23
This Symbol shows being able to receive praise, awards or rewards when they are due. We often need to be acknowledged for the issues or causes we’ve fought for and the battles we’ve endured. True deeds of valor and bravery should be rewarded. Whether you are rewarded, respected or recognized, for the good things you’ve done or not, you’ll know that you’ve done them. You will find that your efforts will, at some time, be recognized and some appreciation, payment or compensation will be offered. You may also be the one who needs to recognize others’ achievements. Subsequent awards are often greater than the first because the dangers are well understood. Repeated bravery. Medals, tributes or honors given. Insurance or legal claims. Giving thanks. Recognition for persistence. Award ceremonies. Posthumous awards. 

The Caution: 'Awards' as band-aids for the purposes of assuaging the guilt of the populace so often produced in war. Desperate for recognition. Rejection lines. Bribery

As I sent this out, she has not yet posted for this Full Moon in Cancer, so just check back if it doesn’t immediately show.

A good time for ‘cutting the ties that bind’:  Cutting the ‘karmic’ ties...see attached Word document
I have included a very summarised version of a process I’ve used for years.  This process was introduced by Phyllis Krystal in her book ‘Cutting the Ties that Bind’ and further elaborated in another book by her ‘Cutting more Ties that Bind’.  I’m sure many of you are familiar with this process and with Phyllis Krystal.

It’s about ‘karmic’ ties, the karmic connections which we keep revisiting each life looking for resolution, reconnection and healing.  If we choose to live this lifetime in the truth of this lifetime, then we need to release these karmic filters which more often than not re-enact relationships and situations from other times and places.  This is not about cutting the ties with this lifetime or the people in our lives this lifetime.  However, I’m of the view that we need to cut the karmic ties with everyone we know so equity and harmony can be restored. This is all about freedom...for you and for others.  As we free ourselves, we free others and the whole dynamics of relationships can change in an instant. 

You need to be in a state of readiness for this to work.  The planetary energies are very conducive to successful release of karmic ties at this time. However, you will have to be in a place of trust and willingness to act on it.  It won’t work if you’re looking back with longing and regret. The commitment must be there.

13th January:  
Mercury enters Capricorn at 3.03  am AEDT moving direct...easy does it!
Until 7th February
Getting ready to take to the heights:  
 Have no fear...Capricorn is a cautious sign and gives safety checks!
Mercury’s still in shadow but now feeling like he wants to get things moving in a more physical manifestation as he moves into Capricorn.  It’s okay to get a few things in place from now through to 27th January and prepare the way for setting up some new possibilities.
Setting up some options and continued clearing of old ‘stuff’:  Mercury still in shadow until 27th!

Mercury moves out of Sagittarius just after the moon comes to fullness so the message is pretty clear that we’re shifting some of mental energy by setting the stage physically.  This may include clearing our living and work spaces or possibly exploring some options with regard to work.  Just remember that the Full Moon clearance is continuing for about 3 days after the Full Moon so we may not have full clarity. Having a clearance physically may unearth some old ideas which had been put aside. 
In charge of our mental faculties:  Seeking the fresh ground for our new ideas!
Now we have our mind power taking to the Capricorn heights, expanding our ambition to a state of joy in the excellence of our mental discipline and commitment.  We are climbing our own personal mountain in choosing to take charge of our thoughts and beliefs, letting go of the scattered thinking and paying attention to our own awareness.  A good mantra for this time is ‘I choose what thoughts I allow to come into my mind’!
Being fully prepared mentally we set the ground rules for the launching of new projects, employment:
Mercury is our mind manager, our networker and ruler of commerce and business.  In Capricorn, he wants to get things moving but the Capricorn energy will encourage small steps at this stage, getting everything in place so the initiation of new ventures in the physical world will flow easily and effortlessly.  This is the time to do that groundwork, legwork, networking and setting up the management system for the governance of such ventures.
Choosing the joy of ‘work’ should be uppermost in our minds:  
Be aware of the financially driven workaholic! 
Capricorn urges us to seek financial and physical security and success in the environment where we can excel. Attending to the practical details and honouring the system whilst being open to opportunities is the way to go. Capricorn is a sign of initiative and although it likes tradition, the tried and true method, Mercury will temper that with his mental agility and opportunistic streak.  This could all work very well if we stay tuned to our heart’s desires. The shadow side of Capricorn is chasing the money at the expense of the joy of life.

Good video clip reminder for the full moon energies:  From Abraham Hicks
‘Let go and let things be better – do this’
Cosmic consciousness weekly from Christine Clemmer:  Week beginning 9th January
A good outline of how we need to clear the emotions if we are to heal the physical.
Golden Oldies:
‘Where do You Go to my Lovely’ Peter Sarstedt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_J2Obkev9o Capricorn issues: wealth/poverty/status
‘Those were the Days my Friend’ Mary Hopkins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3KEhWTnWvE&list=RDv_J2Obkev9o Memories
‘Thanks for the Memory’ Bob Hope and Shirley Ross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIRyvgfRkr8 
from the movie ‘The Big Broadcast’ of 1938
Songs to sing for reassurance for ourselves from our own divinity:
‘Stand by Me’  Ben E King https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwZNL7QVJjE&list=RDv_J2Obkev9o&index=21 our divine self is always with us no matter what happens.  Song for feeling emotionally secure.
‘Lean on Me’ Bill Withers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEyj5f5Sn0s Songs of support to sing to ourselves
Upcoming Dates:
20th January:  Sun moves into Aquarius
27th January:  Mercury moves out of shadow retrograde
28th January:  New Moon in Aquarius
28th January:  Chinese New Year, Year of the Red Fire Rooster 
28th January:  Mars moves into Aquarius
11th February:  Full Moon in Leo Lunar eclipse

That’s it folks! 
There’s no place like home!  We’re sailing above it all, seemingly adrift in an ocean of uncertainty.  Let our home be with kindred spirits everywhere!
Art: Barbara issa Wagnerova
Hugs all around!
Love and blessings to us all as we take the steps to release past burdens and come home to the truth of who we are, to the feeling of emotional and physical security. 
Without doubt we need to really have these feelings of inner security as we observe the outer world crumbling, truths being exposed and the power brokers who have been running this planet gradually being exposed for who they are. 

We need to remain focussed on our personal goals of love and truth and expressing those in the world in whatever way we can.  It’s hard to get to the truth in the outer world with so many voices arguing with and discounting each other. 
However, this year as we emanate our truth and love we will draw to each other magnetically with little effort.  Our soul connections will be attracted by the light of who we are and we will be strengthened in our unity.
from the chair...’You’ve/I’ve always had the power’
It’s all about love
We are family


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