...for the children of the earth

Thursday 5 January 2017

8th January: Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius

Hi everyone!
Here we are travelling over the mountainous landscape of mother earth, a pack of goats comfortable with our ability to climb the heights.  Well, maybe not entirely comfortable but we don’t want to end up like couch potatoes.  We still need the challenges that bring the rush of adrenalin to the system, that fire us up to climb even higher, to leap across cavernous black holes and to feel the flush of success as we send old embedded fears and insecurities on their way. 
We are winners in every sense of the word and we need to keep those words in our minds as we move towards the first full moon for 2017, a lunar eclipse in Cancer. It’s guaranteed to flush out any resistance and inner ‘wobblies’.  We are the bravest ‘warriors’ on the planet as we move forward through any energies of darkness which are engulfing and embedded in humanity and the planet.
We’ve completed sufficient training now to back ourselves to the hilt with a confidence and knowing in our hearts that will see us through these coming years.  As the wider world plunges further into political, economic and societal change, challenge and possibly chaos, we take our light swords and bring light wherever and whenever we can.
We are now adjusting to the new paradigm we’re bringing into this planet. the paradigm of ease and grace.  We’re putting paid to hard work and struggle and this is the month we are laying down the seeds in our lives for our future role.
Goodbye 2016!
Post 2016:  Knocked out...out for the count!
The mundane world is looking battered and bruised after 2016 and for that matter for the past years of change as systems and governments continue to be challenged by radical change agents.
The Long haul:  Ongoing change for the world!
Pluto in Capricorn 2008 to 20024:  Darkness released, ongoing change!
Whilst we’ve come to the end of a 9 year cycle let’s not forget that Pluto in Capricorn one of the major change agents is still moving through Capricorn shifting the old status quo politically, economically and socially. 
Uranus in Aries 2011 to 2018:  Radical breakout and solutions emerge!
The other big game changer since 2011 has been Uranus, the lightning strike ruler of Aquarius moving through the Aries masculine warrior sign awakening people to their spiritual power, their ‘I am’ presence and rousing them to action.
Uranus and Pluto have been working together to assist us to release those mindsets, traditions that have kept us stuck in the status quo, lulled by a false sense of security. We are being forced to find our own sense of security within our own spiritual power and focussed choices. 
Journey to the centre of darkness:  
Choosing to move on
Accessing our personal spiritual power and cohesive soul connections!
We may have felt like we’ve been to Mordor (Lord of the Rings) especially this last year but for those of us at the leading edge of the change process, we’re pushing on with love and divine faith in ourselves and belief that one person can make a difference and a united band of light and hope can change the world. 
Setting the energies for 2017:
Changing the world through spiritual practice and holding a more evolved vision:  
Vibrations of love, peace, forgiveness, harmony and karmic justice!
Systems have been changed in the past, more as a result of war, killing and overpowering others. However, we have examples of positive spiritual growth from Ghandi’s peaceful stance and protest to Rosa Parks awakening the people to racial segregation in USA to South Africa and Mandela. We can go back to Charles Dickens stories of child poverty and slavery in London which awakened actions by the lawmakers.
Living the dream:  Working at the personal level...being the example! 
We all need to find how we can be the example of what we desire.  We have to live it from the centre of our being.  We are human and our human foibles and perceived weaknesses and shortfalls are our blessings to remind us to walk the path of humility whilst being confident of our gifts and presence in the world. 
‘One man’s meat is another man’s poison’: 
An old proverb that conveys the message...what works for one may not work for another!
We can share our knowledge without shouting from the rooftops that we have the ‘right’ answers for everyone.  It just isn’t so.  We have no idea what the soul is learning within each life and it is not our place to interfere with others’ choices and decisions.  We can be a sounding board if they ask us our opinion but when we interfere we take away the learning experience of the soul.  All we have to do is hold the power of love and compassion within us and keep loving without casting our judgement on others. 
We’re all still learning:  We are one organic being...everything on this earth!
We cannot control planetary healing by laying down our ‘law of living’ to others.  It might sound like I’m doing just that but I’m making a plea for us all, including myself to let people be.  On the mundane level we cast our vote politically and some take action on the streets.  Higher consciousness works with the power of love and the light of love.  That’s my learning and I’m sure it is for many reading this epistle...that’s if you got this far!  lol
The shadow keeps emerging from within us all, from the earth:  
 We’re called into the light of love again and again!

Now we’re starting to see more people choosing to live in the energy of love, forgiveness, compassion and peace and choosing not to take warlike action.  It may not seem like that as we have so much news of war and conflict across the world.  Yes, the shadow of humanity is continually emerging from deep within the cells of mother earth and her inhabitants. We cannot ignore the world’s affairs and our own role in these affairs.  However, in acknowledging and loving our own humanity, we contribute in more ways than we can ever really know. 
We are proving that we can create a reality very different to what has been earth’s history.  It starts with us.  
Once we commit to taking practical steps to address the controlling forces of history and society held within us, we are making our break for freedom on the personal level.  We cannot change the world and address the controlling forces of the establishment unless we are prepared to do whatever it takes to release ourselves from the mindsets and beliefs of the status quo. 
5th January:  
Mercury moves retrograde into Sagittarius at 1.17 am AEDT
Wisdom insights!
In Sagittarius until 13th January
What’s been happening:  Clearing the mindsets of the memories that have been driving us from the subconscious depths!
During Mercury retrograde we’ve been connecting with the past, with memories, with people. places and events.  Plenty of old memories may have been surfacing physically, in your dreams and in your mind.  Mercury retrograde gives a mental clearance served by revisiting these memories.  For many with Mercury in Capricorn these past couple of weeks we may have been re-experiencing memories related to success/failure, physical/financial security, earth shattering traumas related to the earth as well as ‘authorities’ such as governments and systems.
From 5th to 8th January:  Truth and wisdom will out!   Reviewing our situation!  Releasing mindsets, beliefs holding us back!
Now Mercury is moving into Sagittarius we have 3 days of memories surfacing related to Sagittarian affairs, an opportunity to review your situation in terms of alignment of beliefs, ideologies which may be preventing growth and expansion, accessing hopes and dreams. If our mindsets and beliefs do not align with our desires, then we’re fighting a losing battle.  It’s like people I’ve heard buying a lottery ticket saying ‘I never win’.  We have to reframe our thoughts and our self talk to believe in the fulfilment of our hopes and dreams through magician self-talk.  We need to be our own spin doctor!
Be open to the messages coming from higher consciousness:  Believe in
your worthiness and entitlement to a happy, healthy fulfilling life!
Sagittarius offers higher wisdom and truth if we are open to receive that knowledge.  False beliefs may surface as we move into the Sagittarian energy.  3 days of insights from the inner spiritual journey and then on 8th we can look out at the world with this knowledge.
 8th January:  
Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius at 28 degrees 51 Sagittarius
Mental bodies now completed we’re back on the road:

Once again, the open road calls our Mercury energy to take to the steering wheel and get our jalopies into action.  We’re only driving jalopies as Mercury whilst going direct is still in the shadow energy until 27th January.  Easy does it!
Where’s this new vehicle taking me:  Using our inner GPS
But hey...what’s this vehicle we’re driving?  Do we know where we’re going?  Probably not but we’re driving with our inner GPS.  We don’t need a disembodied voice telling us what to do...do we?  We’ve installed a new inner tracking device which we haven’t roadtested yet. We’re about to find out how well we’re receiving from that higher self, the divinity that is always there waiting for us to just listen.
Roadtesting new mindsets:  Are you ready?
It’s been a hard road of surrender for many of us as we have been still dibble/dabbling in trying to control from the old mindsets.  Now we’re going to find out just how much mental letting go has occurred. Any tensions surfacing are an indicator that there is a conflict between desire and belief. 
Mercury is all about communication, networking, connecting and commerce:  
With Mercury, timing is everything!  Get your ducks lined up!
All learning and growth is based on ‘readiness’ and that readiness comes through the building of the energies within us, aligning mind, heart, body and spirit as well as aligning with the current cosmic and planetary energies.
Divine timing, divine order:   Practise patience, bide your time and then decide to take action!
This is all about ‘ripeness’ and tuning into the auspicious energies which can carry us forward.  Keep in min that until 27th we’ll be covering old territory where we may have to tweak and adjust our thinking and any projects or ventures which are in the pipeline.
8th to 27th January:  Slowly moving forward, retracing out steps covering the ‘shadow’ energy!  ‘Biding my time’
Mercury comes out of shadow retrograde on 27th January so from 8th we’re just finding our feet...or maybe the gear shift, getting ready to take some action after the New Moon in Aquarius on 28th.  We’re still moving in low gear, finding our feet and our heads in sorting and sifting the range of information coming in.  We’re gathering data. sorting data and making sense of it all.  We’re organising all that information into some semblance of understanding and cohesion, still playing with ideas.
The Full Moon in Cancer on 12th is likely to throw up a few new possibilities whilst taking a few out of the game plan so best not to set plans in concrete until we move through this potential disruptive full moon planetary line up, a Grand Cross in the cardinal signs of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra.
Sabian Symbol for Mercury stationing direct:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
Sagittarius 29
This Symbol speaks about keeping things neat, clean and tidy and looking nice. The “Fat Boy” has all he needs; he’s well fed, supposedly has lots of toys (tools, machines, hobbies) and he’s out in the yard helping out. However, sometimes we are paying more attention to appearances than to the finer details or life or those things that others can't see. Many people are fooled by appearances, but there is usually an unsettling feeling that everything is not quite right. Have people been asking and asking for chores to be done? Enlist the help of those around you to get through everything, even those who normally just sit around and do nothing! Superficial shows of work. Maintenance. Spare parts. Doing odd jobs. Coming to grips with mechanical tools. Training youngsters how to do chores. Spark plugs. Petrol. Cleaning up. 

The Caution: Pushing social respectability while avoiding something. The ‘lounge lizard’. Having too many jobs. Ignoring the nagging of others. Incompetent help.
Latest message from Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn:  ‘2017 : New Beginnings and the Year of Sacred Earth’

Golden Oldies:
‘Happiness is’ Ray Conniff and the Singers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Cw7qZUUww for 2017
‘Happy Talk’ from the movie ‘South Pacific’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXgmQDFhPjo Mercury in Sagittarius and 2017
‘Bidin’ my Time’ Nat King Cole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvKd1PaYRjo for Mercury in shadow retrograde
‘Reviewing the Situation’ from the movie ‘Oliver’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96rC4X_KWl4 Mercury retro and in shadow
Upcoming Dates:
12th January: Full Moon in Cancer
27th January: Mercury moves out of shadow retrograde
28th January:  New Moon in Aquarius
28th January:  Chinese New Year, Year of the Red Fire Rooster
11th February:  Full Moon in Leo Lunar eclipse
That’s it folks! 
We’re coming into the light of the full moon in Cancer from 9th January.  The moon is Cancer’s ruling ‘planet’ so it’s always a big one emotionally bringing to light any emotional insecurities which will be stimulating us to find the emotional security within. 
Hugs all around
‘Birds of a feather flock together’
As we join with others whether physically and/or etherically across the world united in a common vision of divine abundance on all levels and holding the commitment to divine unconditional, we create a protective field for ourselves and others.
The mantra for this month and the upcoming full moon, setting the tone for the year ahead:
‘The earth is a safe place, I am held in the arms and protection of Mother Earth and the cosmos.  I am safe’
Issues of feeling safe will continue to arise this month of Capricorn and through the Full Moon in Cancer energy so it’s worthwhile re-dedicating and focussing our attention on the reassurance coming from within.  We are our own nurturing mother and father.
Love and blessings to us all as we tentatively take steps into the New Year which promises much providing we keep our whole being focussed on the vision, dedicating ourselves to creating a personal world of harmony, joy and love.  As we do, we spread the joy.
from the chair...biding my time
It’s all about love

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