...for the children of the earth

Wednesday 5 July 2017

5th July 2017 Venus enters Gemini. 6th July 2017 Mercury enters Leo

Art:  Anil Saxerma

Hi everyone!
Homeward bound!  Really?
Downhill and out of control?  Divine GPS to guide us all the way!
But first, a few knotty problems to resolve and dissolve!
What a time it is with all of us being shifted and turned every which way. Yes, we’re still on the downhill run with the sudden hairpin bends rising up before us and we’re learning to negotiate such challenges by letting our divine self take the wheel.
Old false paradigms must go:  Towers of illusion collapsing!
Just remember that some of us are doing some hard yards more than others at this time as we move mountains of collective insecurity, doubt and fear from the unconscious of ourselves and humanity. 
We’re feeling the rising tide of challenge surfacing from deep within our memory banks as individuals and as an aspect of history and its peoples ancient suffering. We’re dropping off the old mindsets around safety and security.  We are coming into truth!
Finding, uncovering and healing the wounds with divine love: 
We’re deep in the watery, emotional labyrinths of Pisces!
The Quantum field is wide open with Chiron/the wound we carry and Neptune/the spiritual vision both doing the retrograde labyrinth, taking us deep into the emotional energies of Pisces to uncover the spiritual ‘wounds’ which are holding us back from growing into higher consciousness.
Getting our ducks in a row and/or feeling like ‘a sitting duck’!
In the process of our alignment, getting our ducks in a row so to speak, many of us have felt like a ‘sitting duck’ waiting for the bullet to strike us down! 
In feeling the insecurity of the times, many of us are waiting to take action from a place of solid faith in ourselves whilst feeling a desperate desire to step out of the collective quagmire.  Small steps are okay and will help. When we feel safe and secure within ourselves, free of the collective complexes, neuroses and traumas, we are in a good place to step out...just little steps for now.
Keeping focus on the divine nurturing energy of the mother within:
This energy continues to build as we move towards the Full Moon on Sunday 9th July so shifting the focus from feeling like a ‘sitting duck’ waiting to be destroyed, we need to maintain focus on issues of safety and security knowing we live in a safe world and that we trust ourselves in the universal forces of light and love.  Being open to miraculous solutions during these next few days will work for us as Venus moves into Gemini where we can access the love and acceptance of our divine selves and divine birthright.
What’s coming in:
Planetary gear shift for our hearts and minds: 
I’m writing this as we sit on the edge of old energies preparing the way for some new energies which are coming in to support us as we move towards what promises to be a humungous Full Moon planetary line up!  Venus, our heart energy moves out of Taurus into Gemini and then a day later Mercury, our mind manager shifts from Cancer into Leo.
The more we work with these positive energies in the coming days, the greater the ease of moving through this Full Moon which looks like a major crumbling of false illusions, structures, truths and systems.  This will activate at both the personal and global level.
5th July:  Venus enters Gemini at 10.11 am AEST
Divine reunion with ourselves!
Until 1st August 12.53 am AEST
Art:  Mariana Kalacheva ‘Wedding Guests Dancing in the Air’

Venus brings love to our minds:   Divine marriage! 
Venus, our heart energy, moves into the sign of communication, the mental body and the one epitomized by bringing the inner feminine energies and outer masculine energies into divine marriage.  Heart and mind become aligned!  Divine love!
Let’s get this mental duality sorted! ‘Monkey mind’ be gone!
Only a few weeks where we can find ourselves coming into harmony, peace and balance mentally with ourselves as Venus infuses our thinking with a dissolving light energy. Under this influence we have the opportunity to bring our minds to peace and give over to the power of love...the power of unconditional love for ourselves!
Handing over ‘problems’ to the heart releases the old mindsets:  
Let the heart fill our minds with the power of love...unconditional love!
A little bit of awareness to bring our mindsets and thought patterns into the love light will bring a huge step forward. We don’t have to know everything that’s happening or to know what’s ahead as we allow ourselves to let go of the mind control trying to work everything out at the lower consciousness of unevolved and resistant ego.
Breaking out of the duality patterns of the old paradigm:  
Living black/white and loving it!
The planet and humanity is too deep in the mire of old patterns of living, the duality consciousness to get out of it without higher consciousness bringing solutions and helping us break the ties of limitation which are embedded in our beings. We are doing this, little by little as each one of us takes responsibility for our energy.
Dropping the benchmarks of conditioning:
Working with the duality of planet earth...acceptance!
Letting go of the criticisms and judgements is without doubt our greatest challenge as humans living in a world ruled by benchmarks, competition and a belief that ‘power’ means ‘power over’ rather than emanating the spiritual power of our divine truth and love.
Just get out of our own way and call in the love of our human selves!
Allowing divine love for ourselves to fill every aspect of our being:  Courage, strength, faith and confidence!

As we allow ourselves to feel love, unconditional love for ourselves and our journey we come into a new way of living and being.  We start to experience the confidence and joy of knowing our divine self which rises above all earthly problems has everything working for us and for our highest good. 

The new paradigm for success: LOVE!
The dominant paradigm for success in life is currently based on economic success with power and status built on that principle.  It’s been this way for a long time.  We’re breaking out of this paradigm as we start thinking and living ‘outside the box’ of this paradigm.
So, how do we break out of the box of that limited thinking?  We can only practise the incorporation of divine love and acceptance into every cell of our being, coming to a love that is beyond the dominant practices of ‘love’ in our world.  Use whatever processes work for you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  But remember that our thoughts, words and communication channels are in the power seat for driving our ‘Love bus’ during these next few weeks.
Tuning our minds to ‘the love channel’:  Raise awareness of thoughts and words!
What thoughts and words will be coming forth in these next few weeks as our communication channels tap into the ‘love’ channel?  Divine messages, insights and finding our voice of love!
The power of the word: Divine communication becomes the norm
...if we let it be so!
Raise awareness of the thoughts and words you use when thinking about or talking about yourself. We really need to use these weeks to lift our game with self talk and motivating our spirit through our own inspirational dialogue.  

The more we talk ourselves into our divinity, the greater opportunity to access our own divine power, truth and authority as a human being.  When we allow victim consciousness to take over we are digging ourselves back into the hole of 3D reality.  Start with the words and make the most of this auspicious energy to lift the mind and heart consciousness.

‘The Four Agreements’
Image result for the four agreementsIf you haven’t read ‘The Four Agreements:  A practical Guide to Personal Freedom’ by Don Miguel Ruiz then it might be worth a read during this time period. 
I’ve included this summary which is good for a ready reminder but the book is worth reading.  It’s short, succinct and packed with meaning in every word. 


6th July:  The Sun on 14 degrees Cancer joining with the star Sirius
Highlighted as Mercury enters Leo.
Mercury enters Leo on the day when the Sun arrives at ‘the Sirius degree’! 
Auspicious enlightenment as the Sun of the divine mother. the Cancer energy,  lights up our hearts and lives with the opportunity to elevate hearts and minds to consciousness in the higher dimensions, to access our mastery through the Sirius light!
Sirius is the brightest fixed star in our skies, said to be esoteric home to the ascended masters, to be the Sun behind our Sun.  That is, the esoteric Sun which offers us transcendence into more evolved consciousness and the ascension into more evolved consciousness.
Interesting that the heart and mind energies make their planetary moves connecting in with this much revered Star, symbolic of good fortune and optimistic outcomes. 
Make a wish as you look to the sky.  Venus is the brightest planet and Sirius the brightest star!  The light is with us as we lift the veil!
6th July:  Mercury enters Leo at 10.19 am AEST
A downhill ride with the rainbow GPS!
Until 26th July 9.41 am AEST
Art:  Alessandra Placucci

Magnificent mind energy!  Divine light touches our mental operating system with creative urges!
Mercury our mind manager moves from earthy Taurus into the sign of Leo ruled by the Sun, setting us up for the next few weeks as we head towards the first New Moon in Leo on 23rd July.  Mercury will be in on that act big time along with Venus.
A whoosh of creative force infusing minds and hearts!
We can’t prepare ourselves for the whoosh of energy that accompanies Mercury’s move into Leo, hot on the heels of Venus moving into Mercury’s sign of Gemini.  Can you get the drift here?  Communication and creativity pouring into our psyches and imagination.
Letting in the light of multiple possibilities and inspired ideas:  Mercury and Venus tandem style!

Inspired creativity is on offer now for the next few weeks carrying us through the upcoming Full Moon and on to the New Moon in Leo on 23rd July.  Mercury and Venus are travelling in delightfully tandem style, positively positioned for us to make the most of this pure creative force guiding our hearts and minds in the creation of new possibilities and putting down the foundations for launching all manner of delectable, fun and new directions with that first New Moon in Leo. 
Where have we been and where are we now:  Coming out of the burden of the ancestral memories!
Mercury’s been travelling in Cancer and that’s been part of our process of dealing with the ancestral memories and embedded patterns of thinking as Cancer rules the past, family, childhood home and emotional securities.
Insecurities, fears and doubts continue releasing:  Call on Mercury to uplift into the light of Leo joy!
We’ve had a period which has been bringing forth any entrenched emotional insecurities in our minds and bodies.  Mars, ruler of our physical body, fire and drive is still travelling through Cancer so the release from the physical being is ongoing for a little while as we shift our mental energy onto the rainbow light of the Sun, the Leo energy.  Venus is in there too helping us accept our mental duality and bringing us into peaceful coexistence within. 
Best utilisation of energies from now for the next couple of weeks:  
Clearing minds, hearts and maintaining focus on the spiritual goal! Surrender!
From now through the Full Moon in Capricorn we are coming into a flow of energy which promises an uplift of hearts and minds into a higher consciousness and reality.  Getting ideas, plans and blueprints underway is a good idea as we start to come into clearer waters after the upcoming Full Moon on 9th July.
Huge clearance with the Full Moon energies:  
Look to the light of the Sun and bring it into every aspect of your being!
The Full Moon energies are huge and promise a major dropping off of blocks, physical and emotional insecurities and a huge release on unresolved emotions.  We can never really predict what will come up at the Full Moon as it brings the unconscious into consciousness but we do know this one will highlight emotional, physical and financial securities and/or insecurities personally and in the world systems.  Stay safe with yourselves and take refuge in the light of your divinity. Whatever it takes!
Reaffirming spiritual goals and creating new directions on the earthly plane:  
Look to the light of the sun!
As we let go of old limited patterns and reaffirm our worthiness and divine gifts we come into greater clarity as we are targetting 23rd July New Moon in Leo as a launch pad for new creative directions, ventures, projects.  We’ll get a lift on 20th when Mars moves into Leo followed by the Sun’s entry into Leo on 22nd, followed by the New Moon in Leo on 23rd.  So much Leo energy coming in with a second New Moon at the end of August accompanied by an eclipse.
Leo rules creativity, love, romance, children and calls us to be all that we are.  It is ruled by the Sun, the most powerful planetary body in our skies.
Lauren Gorgo’s latest message:  ‘Love prevails:  enter the world of heart’
Golden Oldies:
‘There’s a Rainbow Round My Shoulder’ Al Jolson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRB2AOopF0c Venus and Mercury
‘Green, Green Grass of Home’ Tom Jones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2CJzKBJY74 
For the ending we’ve just come through and the new energy manifesting with our dreams!
‘Homeward Bound’ Simon and Garfunkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGG_GrUlNlg Returning home
Upcoming Dates: 
9th July:  Full Moon in Capricorn at 2.06 pm AEST
20th July:  Mars enters Leo
22nd July:  Sun enters Leo
23rd July:  New Moon in Leo
26th July:  Mercury enters Virgo
Art:  Alessandra Placucci
Hugs all around!
As we come together esoterically across the planet we feel the closeness of our soul families, ancestral and star families and take heart from knowing that we’re all in this together and that nothing can break our resolve and dedication to creating a new earth life which is filled with the power of love, truth, equity, justice.  We are creating a level playing field where the children of the earth are living and loving in joy and the passion of creative fulfilment of accessing innate and unique abilities, gifts and talents.
We are one body even if so many still do not accept or recognise quantum perception. I love you all as I am learning to love myself in all its perceived shortfalls as a human learning to accept my own humanity with its dark and light side.
Full Moon report will be with you before the Full Moon.
Love and blessings to us all we create our new reality on this earth of ours.

from the chair...being carried home
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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