...for the children of the earth

Saturday 8 July 2017

9th July 2017 Full Moon in Capricorn

Hi everyone! 

We’re travelling under the Sun of Cancer, sign of the divine mother, the home, family and ancestors and some of us are feeling out in the cold.  Some of us are separated from home, family, homeland or feeling that we are in some way an island unto ourselves.
The Cancer Sun is keeping our energy focussed on emotional security, home and family supporting us in doing whatever it takes to feel secure within ourselves as aspects of our physical existence and world seem to be crumbling. 
Endings and completion with the Full Moon:
This collapsing of the ‘old order’ has been ongoing but comes to a head with the Full Moon this weekend as we experience endings and completions and  realisations that old contracts and agreements are coming to an end.
Big breakthroughs on offer:  Are you ready and willing to blow apart the foundations of what you thought was your life or are you already in the throes of it all with the Full Moon offering an almighty breakthrough!
If we keep working with our hearts and minds in alignment with the higher consciousness, we’ll negotiate this huge energy with ease and grace.
We cannot anticipate what emotions will arise in us as we are confronted by old demons surfacing from the collective energies along with societal and economic challenges across the globe.
Looking to the bigger picture and our immense creativity energy within:  
Focus on upliftment emotionally to the bigger picture!
This image of Aurora Borealis from Canada seems to capture the feeling of being out in the cold, living in tents alongside the immensity of the earth’s energy and the bigger picture of its place in the cosmos.  I am reminded when viewing this to look to the bigger picture of our lives on earth, to be in gratitude for our blessings, our inner resources gifted to us and the opportunity to negotiate any feelings of insecurity about ourselves, our world with the vision of the bigger picture.  We are creating new realities as we let go of the old lesser realities which have dominated earth’s existence.

9th July:  
Full Moon in Capricorn at 17 degrees 09 Capricorn at 2.06 pm AEST
Breaking point!
Structures and systems of ‘the old order’ are highlighted:
The castle represents the structure of our world of tradition and the status quo,  those areas of life ruled by Capricorn and its ruler Saturn who is the builder. We are called to ask ourselves ‘are they working’, ‘are they true’?
False illusions are brought to light and released:
The full moon brings to light those false illusions held within the systems globally and in the personal level which need to be released if we are to move forward in divine truth, divine will and divine fulfilment.
Potential for karmic resolution of old contracts and commitments:
Saturn is Lord of Karma so anything we’re dealing with at this Full Moon is related to karmic commitments we’ve made for this lifetime.  This is about learning and growth spiritually to more evolved consciousness rather than about some payback/punishment system that has been perpetrated in societal consciousness in past times. 
Accessing the divine wizard within:

One of Saturn’s prime directives is to help us with commitment, perseverance and focus on building the lives we choose. Capricorn is the energy which calls us to empowering ourselves in the physical world through accessing the qualities of character which support spiritual growth through accepting our divine authority and power.  We are divine beings!
Breaking down the old to build anew:  
Taking the most evolved consciousness from the past to bring into the present!
Capricorn is an energy which, like Cancer, values the past, traditions built upon time proven structures and belief systems. However, as we know, to grow and expand we destroy the old structures and systems in our lives.  We cannot exist on this earth without growth and change as it is the wellspring of planet earth. It’s not about destroying all old traditions but taking the best/most evolved consciousness from the past and bringing it into the present.
We are building new structures of thinking, feeling and being and without doubt there’s some recycling and renewal of old forms happening.
Releasing the ancestral memories held in the emotional body:  
Giving up ‘hard work and struggle’, the path of commercial ‘slavery’!
Art:  Andrius Kovelinas
Ancestral memories of homelessness, belongingness, emotional and physical security arising:
So many of these structures and systems are held within our bodies and with the Cancerian Sun and Mars teamed up at this Full Moon, there is every likelihood that the release of the old is coming from within our ancestral DNA, within the cell memories held within our bodies.  Let’s not forget Cancer’s rulership of the past, ancestors, family and childhood. Science has shown we carry memories of ancestral trauma in our bodies, another validation of what so many of us know and have experienced.
Finding refuge within our own divine authority and faith in ourselves and higher consciousness:
Cancer is ruled by the moon so any full moon is big emotional energy.  When we get a Full Moon in this sign with the Sun opposite in Cancer we can be challenged to break with the systems and structures we’ve built up within us, to let go of the patterns of reliance on what feels secure. We seek our spiritual security within and build our resilience in that faith in our creative spirit of our essential selves.
Turning point, tipping point:  
Maybe a breaking point!
If ever there was a time to make our choices, to take our chances on committing to our pathway of manifesting our divine spirit in the world, this full moon offers an absolute corker of a turning point, tipping point, breaking point. 
Planetary energies of significance with this New Moon:  

Dropping false illusions and accessing our divine truth and spirit!
The planetary energies give a very powerful message for our focus at this Full Moon.
Challenging energies which offer growth and opportunity for change:
War or peace:   Reconciling the opposition!
Full Moons are always about the Sun in opposition to the Moon and could be seen as a challenge to ‘win’ or as an opportunity to reconcile both energies as we take the middle path, crossing the bridge of reconciliation.
Adding to the Sun/Moon opposition:
Sun in close conjunction with Mars  17/22 degrees Cancer
in opposition to
Full Moon in close conjunction with Pluto  17/18 degrees Capricorn
The Sun in Cancer, close to Mars our fire and drive masculine warrior energy is forming an opposition to the Full Moon in Capricorn up close and personal to Pluto, Lord of life, death, rebirth and transformation. 
A new kind of courage:  Mars with the Sun in Cancer...spiritual warrior called home! 
Mars is our fire and drive, our masculine warrior energy, named after the Roman God of War so he is adding his energies to the light of the Cancer Sun, sign of the divine mother. Is he ready to put down his sword, his fighting spirit which uses war to find his power or is he ready to find an alternative solution where his courage and faith in himself is derived from his willingness to come from a place of nurturing and nourishment and love. Our spiritual warrior ‘braveheart’ is called into flexing his inner strength and inner muscles of faith.
Explosive release of buried tensions:  
Pluto with the Full Moon in Capricorn...from surviving to thriving!  
Sometimes we need a ‘blow up’!
The Moon is all emotional and esoteric energy offering us the intuitive guidance that is attuned to our hidden neuroses, complexes, memories along with our inner buried treasure of undiscovered knowledge about who we are along with our gifts and talents.
Death to the ‘ghosts’ and ‘demons’ of the past:
Pluto is the Lord of Death, taking us into a deep ‘dying’ process within so that we can uncover the deep gold within, the treasure house of our abilities as yet undiscovered.
Capricorn calls us to climb our mountain, like mountain goats:  Aim high!
Capricorn rules ambition, success, reputation and respect in the material world and is usually translated as monetary success and esteem gained by those established benchmarks in the world of commercialism and capitalism. 
However....as we are rewriting those benchmarks within our psyche as ‘new paradigms’ for success and esteem, we would be well served by releasing those memories of past ‘failures’ or perceived failures and all the emotions attached to those memories. Goats can be playful!
By establishing our own personal mandala for success from our spiritual energies, we are beginning to create new ways of living on this planet which are not based on greed or ‘power over’ and elitism.  Is there a fortress with embattlements at the top of our mountain or a cave of contemplation and contentment.
Equity and justice come to the fore!
Jupiter in Libra in square/challenge to the Sun/Full Moon energies:  Both earthly and karmic!
Contracts are coming into completion with this one.  I know many people are completing something in their lives at this time from work contracts, relationships, partnerships, house relocations, businesses and all manner of new beginnings in the air if not already beginning to manifest as we close the doors on a chapter in our lives. 
Saturn in Sag 22 inconjunct Mars 22/Sun 17 in Capricorn:  
The wrecking ball of old outdated belief systems!
Full Moons always bring endings but this one really forces our hand in the best possible way.  If you’re waiting on new directions to surface, wait till these energies move on this week as we have Mars then the Sun, New Moon all moving into Leo from 20th onwards for that week.  We just need to absolutely close the door on what has been.  I’m talking energetically here as our acceptance of this watermark moment will set in motion new directions.  We’re doing endings and our intent is everything!
Positive flowing energies supporting us through the change processes:
1.  Mercury in Leo Venus in  Gemini at 5/4 degrees in a supportive sextile:  
Mind and heart aligned in the rainbow light of unification!  Trust!
Fun and games, frivolity and the divine child calling us to lighten up and find the balance in heart and mind which will take us through the tumultuous energies surfacing from within and without.
Mind and heart are on the same page calling us to have some fun and joy in our lives.  Once we trust mind and heart are aligned we can take ourselves out to ‘the playground’ or take to the road on a tandem vespa ride!
2. Grand Fire Trine:  
 Supportive fire energies uplifting and supporting our commitment to spiritual expansion and growth!
Saturn 22 degrees Sagittarius:
Karmic resolution and growth through releasing old outworn belief systems and ideologies and choosing higher consciousness.
Planetary North Node 24 degrees Leo with Vesta 26 degrees Leo:
Planetary growth and evolution in consciousness working with Vesta, the spiritual flame within, Goddess of home and hearth. This one’s calling us into the light of our divine spirit and our divine home within.
Uranus 28 degrees Aries;
Radical spiritual trust and breaking through with the fire of the spiritual warrior
Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon in Capricorn: From Lynda Hill
‘Boundaries, Borders And Breakthroughs In Understanding: July's Capricorn Full Moon’
From Lynda Hill:  www.sabiansymbols.com
Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon:  Capricorn 18
This Symbol talks about supervision, border protection and control. There can be a feeling of having to oversee a large ‘empire’ where reliability and leadership are vital. This can be a tiring responsibility, but there can be an awareness of the protection of 'all who went before'. However, political and social restraints from the past could be causing you to feel that you’ve somehow got to ‘wage war’. Issues to do with the government can come up, whether you agree with what they do or not. You may be confronted with having to make your presence felt and guard your territory. Effective supervision will help you to relax. Colonialism. Protectionism. Nationalism. Border patrols and border protection. The ruling elite. Empires. The mother country. War games. Pitting people against each other. 

The Caution: Artificial shows of strength. Being armed. Strong-arm tactics. Flags. Paranoia. Republics. Issues of statehood. Getting out the big guns. Rebellion. Social disintegration.

Battering rams are employed against the wall, and are countered by sacks lowered from the top of the wall intended to soften the blows. 

Sabian Symbol for the Sun: Cancer 18
This Symbol shows the essential need for nourishment that must be satisfied in order to proceed in life. The ‘Hen’ needs to be there for ‘Her Chicks’ in order for them to grow and mature in safety. There are those around you who also depend on your ability to provide nourishment, both the literal food, and the symbolic, spiritual caring. Getting down to business and finding what nourishes will bring improvement and growth with small beginnings growing into fabulous and successful outcomes. This degree points to the mother hen in us all but we must be careful not to overprotect or fuss about our brood. Searching for sustenance. Being devoted to the nurturing of small beginnings. Concern for the essential, small details. Repetitive cycles of things that have to be done. 

The Caution: Pointless searching where there is no nourishment left. Fussing around. Not letting people grow up and take responsibility for them selves. Being looked after.

Golden Oldies:
‘Up to the Mountain’ Patty Griffin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3_UaW7TFZQ with lyrics Capricorn focus!
‘A Mother’s Prayer’ Susan Boyle  and Jackie Evancho  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_Jx8DW-oNA Cancer Sun/mother
‘No More Tears (‘Enough is Enough’) Donna Summer and Westlife https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4By5LOrRI9M 
For a full moon breaking point!  It’s a tipping point and all we need to remember is the words ‘enough is enough’!
Upcoming Dates:
20th July:  Mars enters Leo
22nd July:  Sun enters Leo
23rd July:  New Moon in Leo
26th Leo:  Mercury enters Virgo
Art:  Alessandro Placucci
Hugs all around!
We are family and we are being called to uplift into higher consciousness together in the energies of radical trust and faith in our own innate divine potential for growth and creativity.  We are reaching for the manifestation of our spiritual ideals on the planet.
The energies of this Full Moon are ripping us away from those false premises of our existence on which we have based our lives.  People are increasingly beginning to wake up across the planet and reaching for understanding of how they can change their lives for the better...for more joy, happiness and fulfilment at the deepest level of their being.  They are realising that the pure joy of existence comes from deep within.
So many of us know and embrace the understanding that pleasure and the joys of earthly existence derive from a heart centred experience in our lives...why we are seekers of new ways of living and expressing ourselves creatively in the building of new paradigms economically, socially on the base paradigm of divine love which incorporates equity, justice for all. 
We are all entitled to love, loving relationships and a place of belonging and safety on this planet.  As we strengthen and build within ourselves the foundation stones of the new paradigms, we build them for everyone.  We’re preparing to launch these new understandings in the coming months. 
As always, love and blessings to us all as intrepid explorers of the esoteric worlds creating energetically and preparing the groundwork for the future!
A little late with this update as dealing with my own personal wrecking ball! 
from the chair...owning my wizard

It’s all about love
Divine reunion
We’re all in this together

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