...for the children of the earth

Monday 7 August 2017

8th August 2017 Full Moon in Aquarius Lunar Eclipse

Hi everyone!
Focus on our divine light is carrying us forward:
We’re in the light of the Leo Sun which is offering us the purifying rays of pure joy, love and the solar energy of our own essential selves.  As we reach for and call in pure happiness and the pure joy of divine fulfilment we choose our new pathway and the old path of karmic burdens, pain, suffering and struggle falls away.  It is our own divine faith in the light within that is building our new direction of creative expression and fulfilment.
8th August:  The ‘peaking’ of the Lion Stargate energies and downloads!
Welcome to the culminating point of the Lion’s Stargate, that ancient connection which taps us into the galactic energies and to the fixed star Sirius, brightest star in our skies with its ancient connection to the ascended masters.  Look to the Star Sirius...blue light!
Light downloads which flush the system: 
It’s all a spiritual release!
Each year these energies offer light downloads from 26th July through the month of Leo bringing in divine consciousness from the cosmos.  It can be challenging as the intensity of the light flushes out any energies not aligned with our essence,  our essential selves.  This experience can manifest as all manner of emotional, mental. physical releases from the body as our authentic spirit is ignited.

More on the Lions Stargate:
The energy of this Stargate contains light codes for the upcoming year!
8th August:  Full Moon in Aquarius at 15 degrees 25 Aquarius at 4.10 am AEST, Lunar Eclipse
Art:  Rassouli Cosmic Attraction

Here’s our ‘get out of jail card:  The Aquarian Full Moon and eclipse!

Aquarius offers us a determination to break through, break out and take off into new dimensions at this time.  Ruled by the radical planet Uranus, there’s a wild intensity that comes through at this Full Moon in Aquarius as the Full Moon is accompanied by a partial Lunar Eclipse which sets up the change process for the next 2 weeks.

The Lunar Eclipse:  A huge inner shift...it’s an undercover operation!
Eclipses bring change and a lunar eclipse offers a huge inner shift which does not make an immediate appearance in our physical reality.  More often than not, the Lunar Eclipse will clear the way, open us up to the changes which are ushered in with the succeeding New Moon Solar Eclipse...in Leo 2 weeks time!
The Full Moon in Aquarius sits opposite the Leo Sun:
Opposing ‘planets’ call for a balancing act rather than boxing match.  We’re being called to give both energies the attention and acknowledgement so they can work together. 
Sun with Mars opposite Full Moon:  Potentially explosive! 
The Sun is still sitting close to Mars, our fiery masculine fire and drive so its intensity seems increased as the Full Moon may well trigger emotional releases of those times when our fire and drive was blocked.  We have to get the fire out and released so we can acknowledge its value and importance. 
Light a candle!
Under the Full Moon energies, Mars could bring up suppressed anger, frustration or irritation which have been held in the memory banks. If you’re feeling like this, maybe light a candle to acknowledge your essential Leo light and feel okay about your feelings.
Jupiter in Libra in square/challenge to Pluto in Capricorn:  Divine justice and karmic release of old patterning!
Adding to the Mars fiery energy and assisting us with release is the ongoing connection between Jupiter and Pluto.  If ever there  was a time to cut the karmic ties with people, places or pathways...this is it!  These two squared off a couple of days ago but are the most distinctive planetary aspect happening at this Full Moon.   Pluto, Lord of Death and transformation, is dredging up old traditions, pathways and patterns of entrenched energy which has been holding us back.   Time to choose the new pathway forward, released of the old karmic burden which we have been carrying for others and in our commitment to clear past issues.
Blocked and buried emotions are uncovered, felt and released:
Full Moons offer a clearance which come with a culminating force of emotional energy which has been building up to this point in time.  All those emotions which have been buried within, words, feelings or thoughts which have been kept in, ignored or recognised are now coming to the surface at the Full Moon.
Past and present memories:  We release past emotions...for present clarity!
These emotions surfacing tend to put our focus on exactly what is happening in our lives in present time but usually have a resonance to a time when we ‘swallowed’ our emotions or buried them in the physical body for any number of reasons. So, if you’re feeling emotions around home, security, work, money or health etc.  it may well relate to ancestral DNA, memories from childhood, during this life or even from other times, places, realities. 
Radical revelations and amazing insights become available:  ‘I am open, receptive and listening’

Aquarian energy takes us to the outer limits of the solar system and uplifts our mind into higher consciousness.  At the Aquarian Full Moon eclipse we’re likely to get revelations beyond our current knowledge or knowing which offer radical release and radical solutions to old ‘issues’ or ‘dilemmas’.  It is so important to be very open during this period of time to whatever ‘messages’ come in from the cosmos. 
Partial Lunar Eclipse:  In the vortex of the change process!
Lunar eclipses bring changes and shifts within our unconscious and in the light of the Full Moon enhance the likelihood of bringing information and understanding into our consciousness.
They are powerful energies which are not immediately manifest in physical reality at the time of the event but are likely to provide the flow of energies and changes taking us to the New Moon in Leo Solar Eclipse which will be an initiating time for bringing those changes into our physical realities.
We just have to let go of the old memories and energies which have been keeping us prisoners and allow the new higher consciousness flow in.  Staying focussed on the light of our Leo essential self will assist us to keep going as we cut with past limiting beliefs and emotions.
‘The partial lunar eclipse will be visible from most parts of South and East Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia.’

The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius from Lynda Hill
The Full Moon Aquarius 16
This shows organizing things, running a business, attending to paperwork or generally being very much in charge. A “Big-Businessman” is someone who isn’t afraid to make decisions, take calculated risks, or work often and long for the rewards it brings. It is a fairly big job to organize a business or group and keeping tabs on all that’s going. Being professional and organized brings rewards. However, it can mean putting limits on your personal life. This can result in alienation - particularly if you have to stay behind or say no to outings. Are you living the way that is best for your future, your relationships and physical well being? Decision making. Management. Being in charge and in control. Calling the shots. Being responsible. Delegating. Economic rationalism. Sorting paperwork. Desks, computers.

The Sun Leo 16
This Symbol implies situations where storms come through one’s life on a periodic basis; sweeping away elements of life that have been clogging up situations, clearing the air and resolving issues. It also shows the ability to be able to pick one’s self up after some difficulty or crisis. The trick is to notice the gift of the brilliant sunshine as the clouds part and life takes on a calmer, happier tone. The worst is probably over and situations can resolve themselves; things dry out and recovery begins. There is probably always more cleaning up and work to be done, but one should enjoy the release and pleasure of the relief that follows a storm. The warmth of renewal. Recovery. Religious experiences. Good news after bad. Relief and joy. The sun breaking through. Contrasting moods; up one minute down the next.

Golden Oldies:
‘Good Morning Starshine’ Oliver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hw3oxJvSRj0
‘Aquarius - Let the Sunshine In’ The Fifth Dimension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPK7ZF6jfJE

Upcoming Dates:
13th August:  Mercury turns retrograde
22nd August:  New Moon in Leo Solar Eclipse
23rd August:  Sun moves into Virgo

Hugs all around!
We’re all aboard the Dr Who Tardis, time travelling through the cosmos!  The absolute surrender of our ‘small will’ is being called forth once again as we drop the old baggage and open minds, hearts, bodies and spirits to move out of the set patterns and mindsets which have kept locked into a way of life that doesn’t match up to our greatest desires and our free spirit. 
The more we allow and trust ourselves and the universe, the more we grow and expand.
Love and blessings to us all as we keep letting go, trusting, accepting and surrendering as we travel spiritually at warp speed.
from the chair...freefalling with humanity
It’s all about love


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