...for the children of the earth

Tuesday 16 January 2018


Hi everyone!
So here we are on our way under the light of the Capricorn Sun. How do you foresee your road this year?  Are you starting to see the bigger picture?
With Capricorn energy playing such a powerful role in the next year or two, we’ll be creating and building foundations which may have started in the ether of our imaginative being but which are our blueprints for the coming year.  
Tuning in to our divine ‘blueprint’ for this lifetime:
This energy calls on us to get in touch with our own divine ‘blueprint’ for this lifetime.  We don’t have to know the whole picture as we’re working with ‘potential’, that which is as yet unseen and undeveloped in physical form. If ever there was a time to start accessing that blueprint, it’s this year!
What new ‘structures’ will you be building this year?
Capricorn inspires us to build structures on the earth. Historically, these structures have translated into physical form as buildings, large buildings in large cities. Human beings have become a dominating force imprinting their visions for bigger and ‘better’ on the landscape.  It’s been quite a ride for a very long time.
Starting with ideas, hopes, dreams,  accessing your particular gifts, values and desires:  The New Moon coming in is the door opener to possibilities!

What structures are you inspired to build in your personal and creative life in the coming year.  The universe is always supporting us and if we’ve done enough clearing of karmic contracts, imprints, and mindsets while Saturn was in Sagittarius we’re in a good position to now trust we can really start some new ventures and possibilities. The ‘structures’ may be merely ideas, concepts, dreams which do not yet have full physical form in our mind’s eye.  We are starting to work on that creative process of getting the building blocks in place.

Old Father Time working with the Priestess in accessing the ‘time ready’ energies
Timing is everything in life as nothing changes until there is ‘readiness’ to change.  Any school teacher can tell you that a child learns to read when ready.  This understanding has been around for a very long time. Whether we’re talking about personal or collective change, the same principle applies.  We know this as the ‘tipping point’, the ‘100th monkey’ concept when consciousness shifts for the collective.  

On the personal level, we are working with the same understanding in learning to tune in to when we’re ready to act, when to wait, when to rest, when to busy.
‘A time to be born, a time to die’!

Honouring our faith and belief in who we are and our ‘work’ in the world:   Walking boots on!
Art:  Lydia Wylangowska
With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn for the next 2 to 3 years it’s important to honour the way this energy works which is about persistence, dedication, commitment, focus and the honouring of our particular skills and talents in contributing to the world. 
‘Miraculous’ breakthroughs are available: 
Keep the showboots handy and be patient in the knowingness!
With Saturn, we may continue diligently for many years when it seems a miraculous breakthrough occurs.  I’ve had this happen during my lifetime so am well aware of the way it works.  As long as you’re tuned in and valuing the path you’re on then the persistence, focus and commitment is easy.   If you want overnight ‘miracles’ they can occur when we have honed our energies and are demonstrating a regular mastery of our life.
Capricorn: Earth energy and feminine with a masculine authority of Saturn as ruler
Saturn rules the patriarchy and is associated with masculine authority in the world so it may seem confusing that Saturn is ruler of the ‘feminine’, receptive earth energy.  Actually it’s a perfect mix for accessing that inner masculine magical energy of the wizard working with the understanding of the feminine energies manifesting with receptivity, focus and timing action and stillness.

17th January: 
New Moon in Capricorn at 26 degrees 54 Capricorn at 1.17 pm AEDT...Merlin!
Art:  Ann Sudworth
Magic happens when we hear the heart call and act on it’s message!
What a line-up for this first New Moon for 2018!  So much Capricorn emphasis with Venus, our heart energy out ahead of Team Capricorn asking us to let our heart lead the way!
The planetary ‘stellium’ in Capricorn:  
Wow!  Power packed!
Venus                28 degrees   ruler of the heart
New Moon/Sun    26 degrees   feminine/masculine energies
Pluto                 19 degrees   power
Mercury               8 degrees    ruler of the mind
Black Moon Lilith  7 degrees    shadow feminine
Saturn                3 degrees    authority
The big message of this New Moon: Team Capricorn kicks off 2018!
The New Moon is always about planting new seeds which capitalise on the available planetary energies and the Capricorn energy is about planting seeds which offer the promise of activating our personal and spiritual ambitions to be expressed in our physical lives.  
Tune in to your personal ambitions:  What is waiting for you?
The Capricorn seeds are the energies which hold our inner authority as the creator of our own lives. They are the seeds of wonderful desires, ambitions within us which come from our spiritual source. They have been awaiting this exact time to come forth for us to see, to own and to plant!  Make a wish at the wishing well and then little steps forward toward the next full moon lunar eclipse.
Uranus in Aries activating the New Moon:  Seekers awake!  
We’re in this together finding our unique ‘mountain’ of destiny!
Our mountain goats come together on the mountain top as the lightning strikes and the thunder rumbles. Safety together as they support each other with their closeness.  That’s us as the New Moon awakens us with a lightning flash!
New consciousness awakening our higher minds and hearts!
If you’re in a state of wonderment about your deepest desires and the way forward, Uranus is promising a big wake up call at this New Moon.  Uranus is the lightning strike of illumination of higher consciousness and his focus is in Aries which is all about our essential selves, our divine ‘I am’  presence.  
Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio:  Playing support to all the Capricorn energies!  Transformational healing!
Mars at 24 makes strong and supportive connections to the New Moon/Sun, Venus and Pluto adding substance and strength to our physical bodies, fire and drive.  Let’s not forget that Saturn rules the skeletal framework, joints, bones and teeth so a physical healing power is being birthed in this energy.  Looking forward to its potency play our in the coming lunar month.
Jupiter at 19 degrees Scorpio is expanding our Plutonic power in Capricorn and urging us to be positive and optimistic about our transformation.
The ‘new’ paradigm is the oldest paradigm for living in mastery on earth:  
Wisdom, power and authority in alignment with natural ‘law’!  Focus!
With Uranus squaring off to this New Moon energy we are being offered an activation of higher consciousness, helping us to break out of the dominant ideological basis of the current paradigm of ‘success, achievement and materialism’.  This is an activation of a ‘new’ paradigm which is in fact the oldest paradigm of the nature of reality. The magical road of divine wisdom, ancient knowledge and mastery of the physical world utilising our higher consciousness and spiritual ideals and goals is our way forward. The ‘magical’ reality already exists here on earth but how many are consciously tuned in to the natural laws and the nature of reality.  We’re about to find out!
At this New Moon: Breaking through the walls of resistance within and without! 
Easy when we own our innate spiritual source of strength!
Art:  Guy Billout
What does success mean to you?
At this new moon, we just have to open to new perceptions of the way of the world ‘out there’ and how we’re enacting this paradigm in our own lives. How much are we locked into the benchmarks set by society?  How much are we ‘driven’ to achieve in terms of the current paradigm for measuring success in the world?  What does success in the world mean to us as individuals? 
Choosing the divine path:  
Joy, creative fulfilment and unique creative gifts!  Off the treadmill!
It’s time to find that inner ‘mountain’ which is waiting for us to ‘access’.  Let’s leave behind the paradigms and cliches of ‘hard work and struggle’ and choose the path of divine dedication and devotion to bringing forth our particular talents and strengths in the creation of a new world.
We’ve got this! We can straddle the worlds of 3D and 5D...muggles and magicals!
We’re still very much in the world and have every entitlement to success in the world but this new moon is suggesting we dictate our own terms of ‘success’ in our lives.  We don’t need to live in the walled environment of the status quo which restricts our expansion.  How we move beyond it is an ‘undercover’ operation which works with energetic power...what many see as miraculous magic!
Practical steps to the magical path!  
Be open, ready to tune in to ‘you’ and clear the voices of conditioning!

Magic happens when we make the decision, commit to the path forward and take the practical steps to enact that decision in our lives. Firstly, let the energies come in to awaken the deepest self and allow yourself to explore the possibilities.  There’s nothing wrong with ‘limitations’ which are keeping us aligned with our pathway forward. Allow the self to experience any ‘limitations’ which arise in our minds and mindsets and see if they’re working for or against us. It’s all in the perception!
The Eclipse Portal opens:  
2 weeks of grounding ourselves in the Capricorn energy!  
Keep opening the heart to divine guidance!
Related imageThis New Moon energy is taking us into the preparatory lunar eclipse energy for the Full Moon lunar eclipse in 2 weeks time.
With so much earth energy supporting us the message is clear that the Leo Lunar eclipse on 31st/1st February will be an inner illumination of much that we are seeking from the New Moon onwards. At this time we just need to decide, take a few small steps and practice the art of trust of ourselves and the universal laws of nature.  Once we commit and it’s aligned with our hearts, we’re carried forward on our pathway with relative ease and grace.
The upcoming total Lunar Eclipse in Leo promises to activate our divine heart energy!
18th January: Venus enters Aquarius  at 12.43 pm AEDT
Heart open to the cosmos!
Until 11th February AEDT
Time to let the heart soar:  Our hearts are delivering the cosmic picture...beyond words!
How perfect is this with Venus tipping into Aquarius the day after the New Moon.  Talk about ‘as above, so below’!
The planetary energies are guiding us to join the dots, to honour the earth as an intrinsic part of the cosmos.  We are a planet within a huge energetic creative force.  Our planet is stardust!  It’s not just ‘out there’.  It’s here on earth and we are made of this energetic creation in every cell of our being.  What have we created!  Something that is always exciting, interesting, growing and changing. We are the life force and we need to own it!
It’s time to seek the truth of our heart. Be open, be willing, believe!
The divine feminine, ruler of our heart, is looking to the skies with her feet firmly planted on the earth.  What new and exciting energies is she bringing into our hearts?  Aquarius brings idealism and aspirations of spiritual upliftment, dreams of humanity and joining with humanity in the large melting on unification. 
The Age of Aquarius:  Creating a new age with innovation and idealism!
We keep looking for the signs of ‘The Age of Aquarius’ and each time we seek that ideal we come a step closer to manifesting it here on earth.  Aquarius is an air sign, ruled by Uranus which brings innovative, leading edge thinking which can offer creative solutions to current problems and issues on the earth.
However, we need practical solutions on the earth plane so it is the marrying of this innovative energy stimulating our hearts with the practical grounding energies of the Capricorn planetary line up. This energy is all about bringing our heart dreams into earthly focus.  The Sun moves into Aquarius on 20th January so more cosmic help on the way.
The Sabian Symbols for the New Moon:  From Lynda Hill www.sabiansymbols.com
The New Moon/Sun:
Capricorn 27
This Symbol shows being able to climb high, to rise to occasions, perform well, have a mission and, probably most importantly, to embark on spiritual journeys. Many people travel, but more often than not it implies a spiritual striving; an ascent in consciousness and the ability to transcend earthier, more immediate matters. There is always the desire, or the need, to strive further, to learn more on the path to understanding and transcendence. You may want to follow those that have gone before to achieve a true sense of inner fulfillment. Work towards your own 'mountain top'. The effort may be great, but so are the rewards. Ascent in consciousness. Setting off on a mission. Spiritual, material, corporate or political striving. Rarefied atmospheres. Spiritual journeys. Striving for the highest office.

Lynda Hill’s Sabian Symbols for the New Moon
Golden Oldies:
‘Turn, Turn, Turn’  The Byrds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T51nmyCODHQ with lyrics
‘Turn, Turn, Turn’ The Byrds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHvf20Y6eoM with images for lyrics
‘Everything Old is New Again’ Anne Murray https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w36J7HDszcI for the new/old paradigm in Capricorn
‘Rocky Mountain High’ John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWooDCkkkVQ for New Moon in Capricorn – with lyrics
‘Climb Every Mountain’ Mormon Tabernacle Choir https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtAyZ6YIHaI lyrics, images of Norway
Upcoming Dates:
20th January: Sun enters Aquarius
26th January:  Mars enters Sagittarius
1st February:  Full Moon total Lunar Eclipse in Leo
1st February:  Mercury enters Aquarius
Hugs all around!
Capricorn’s ruler the mountain goat is sure footed and cautious.  Their confidence comes from moving on terrain with the absolute surety that the next step is the right step to gain a foothold. 
Just like Saturn, ruler of Capricorn who supports our growth in confidence, power and authority as we demonstrate our mastery of timing, terrain and right action at right time.
How many goats can fit on one rock?  They’re ambitious as they seem to pile in, one on top of another!  We can do this esoterically as we all hang out, hang in with the focus, determination and faith in the magical reality.
This is the time to find our footing, dispelling the demons of doubt and fear about our worthiness as masters of our domain. Capricorn brings insecurities, fears and doubts into the light as this energy seeks physical and financial security. We’re creating new ways of bringing ourselves into feeling safe in the world.
Love and blessings to us all as we support each other energetically moving towards the eclipse portals of the change process. 
from the chair...finding a safe foothold out of the storm
It’s all about love
Divine reunion

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